posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 07:28 PM
You know, the real pisser on threads like this is that OP comes on with a "heartfelt" request for assistance from people who are probably not
licensed therapists or PhD's in psychology, so people reply with various suggestions based on their life experiences and what they've seen in their
own lives. What else can they do? All people know is the little tidbits the OP has thrown out there, hardly a full-fledged analytical profile. Perhaps
he "forgot" to mention he weighs 400 pounds. We just don't know, so we work with what we have been told. It's like playing "20 questions."
So then OP comes back and starts arguing with those people responding. "This won't work."I'm not like that," or the perennial, if not entirely
predictable, "I have to be who I am!"
It doesn't take long to realize that OPs of these threads are not really interested in any critical self-analysis that might lead to a change in
behavior that results, in this case, of him no longer being single. If he wanted to do that he would ignore the answers he did not like, thank the
posters of those he did like, and implement the changes. There's a thread on here right now about step-parenting where the OP is doing exactly that.
What this guy REALLY wants here is some attention and an affirmation that everything he is doing is correct and right and that it is other people who
are not giving him a fair hearing.
Or maybe he is just trolling for dates. In any case, as long as you keep giving him attention, he will keep dropping some tidbits to keep you
reacting, like throwing bait in the water to keep the fishies biting.