Originally posted by albn
1. Bush seems to not really care what other countries think, and we are losing a lot of allies. It seems to me if more countries hate you, does that
mean more attacks could be on the way?
Absolutely. And also, the less friendly countries we have getting our back, the less we can trust to help us make the threat of terrorism smaller.
2. ...'Okay, they say they are going to do this, but what is most likely going to be delivered?'
No politician can be trusted to deliver on campaign promises. That said, we have Bush's record on keeping HIS campaign promises, and if you look at
it, he's failed miserably. Time to try someone else.
3. The plan outlined by Kerry involving healthcare seems very expensive. How are we going to fight this expensive war on terror and pay for an almost
$1 trillion health plan? That is over the next decade, so the point is probably something I should not really worry about.
Actually, you SHOULD worry about it. No question that health care reform is super expensive. You can't have it both ways, as you say, so Kerry plans
to roll back tax cuts for the rich that Bush has pushed through congress for four years to pay for all sorts of stuff, including paying down the
record deficit that this president has built up with irresponsible tax cuts (during a WAR) pandering to his rich corporate constituents.
If we want certain things in this country, like reformed health care, solvent social security, a stronger military, etc, we need to sacrifice a bit.
Passing tax cuts is the opposite way to go, don't you think?
(BTW, a decade isn't that long to spend that much money. We definitely need to ask these kinds of questions and I'm glad that you are.)
4. Creating jobs. I did not know presidents could create jobs. I thought it was up to us to do that.
It is impossible for "us" to create jobs in an economy such as the one presented to us for four years. A business cannot hire more employees if
there is no money to do so. They don't get the money to hire folks if nobody buys what they are selling. Nobody buys what they are selling because
even though many still have jobs, wages are down. Here's a couple reasons you can blame the president for the current lack of job growth:
1. There are currently around 52 million americans without health insurance. when they get sick, they spend hundreds of dollars just to see a doctor,
and that money cannot be spent buying American-made goods. Bush has made no real progress in helping the uninsured in this country (there were fewer
than 30 million uninsured when he took office) and so the economy has become stagnant.
2. Tax cuts have allowed the wealthy to get wealthier. The conservative belief (disproved by Reagan's economic effectiveness) is that the wealthy
will use their tax break to hire more people. Has this happened yet? No. The main tax burden falls on the middle class, thus leaving them with less
money to buy stuff (see above)
3. Quality of life in this country affects the ability of people to work. Businesses lose billions of dollars a year because of employee illnesses,
lack of productivity, and lack of access to education. Massive deficits such as the one that Bush has told us not to worry about make it impossible to
pay for federal programs that pay for things to improve education, health and morale. Thus, the economy stumbles, and less jobs are created.
Will Kerry do better? Almost certainly. As soon as the rich start getting taxed more they'll have to think of better ways to make money, like
improving their businesses.
What really concerns me is outsourcing. With companies wanting to save a dollar, al lot of good paying jobs are moving overseas. Is this the fault of
government or us due to the lack of a good education? That would require a lot of research on my part.
It is the fault of a government that allows corporations to turn a larger profit by moving overseas. Don't kid yourself into thinking that the Bush
administration doesn't support outsourcing; anything that makes corporations more profitable is good stuff for him. Despite many opportunities with
tax legislation, Bush and the republicans have left huge loopholes in the Tax code that make it more profitable for companies to do business overseas.
You can't fault the corporations for this; they have to stay profitable and compete. No, this one is definitely the president's fault.
FYI, Kerry has promised to close these loopholes, an interesting challenge with this congress...
5. I want less hype and give me the bottom line on what each one of you will do for our country. So I have been looking around seeing each point on
what each candidate plans to do, but again, it is hard to distinguish what they say and what they really plan to do.
The information is out there, but be sure to note where you're getting it from. Both candidates' websites are pretty good about laying out policy,
but that's a pretty bad place to go for non partisan info. I find the most informative stuff comes from people who have nothing to gain or lose,
like university studies and stuff like that. Forums like this are sometimes valuable, but many good points are distorted by folks who don't really
know what they're talking about. (And they will accuse me as such. But you can trust me:@@
The bottom line? It's great that (at least for now) we can still decide that for ourselves.