I am not a left winger...I am a Republican. But I vote for the man who will do the best job in leading this country, not the party. I do believe it
is callously ludicrous for a man not to vote when there is such a difference.
I voted for many Republicans, and am not a pacifist, for I almost gave my life fighting in Vietnam with the 1st Air Cavalry.
I do concur with John Kerry, who protested the senselessness of the Vietnam war from first hand fact. He had faced bullets with his name on them,
bullets shot at him in anger. He too had shot and killed,. and fought the good fight. He had seen the war at its roots...so his protest was against
a senseless war that had no winning precept, no chance for victory...no exit plan, yet was killing American boys by the hundreds and thousands, taking
this or that hill, then giving it up, then taking it again, in a mad merry-go-round that was not fought to win. I know, I was there, a combat
infantryman with the 1st Air Cavalry...and though we went over gung-ho to fight for our country, mom and apple pie...for the liberty for all, all too
soon war changed us. It changed us when we saw the South Vietnamese government we fought for was more corrupt than the one we were fighting...the
black market and drug running, the power struggles and assassinations rampant among ARVN generals, and even their president...who while in the midst
of a campaign for reelection had all of his opponents rounded up and put into jail until after the election...guess who won? We, the boys on the
ground could see this...see we were going nowhere, but to die! You ask any infantryman...when he became a veteran in-country, he no longer fought for
those high and gung-ho ideals he had when he first got there. He was fighting only for his brothers around him, watching his back...and to survive to
get back to "the world," that's all!
John Kerry saw this first hand. He saw the senslessness, and wanted to do what he could to save lives by ending the war, and bringing the boys back
home. He didn't want one more drop of American Blood spilt in that unforgiving land. If the powers that be had followed his admonition, literally
14,000 American boys whose blood now nourishes some fetid, feral jungle, would be alive today...and the wall in Washington would be much smaller. No,
John Kerry's protest was not the protest of those who called us baby killers, or spat upon us...for John Kerry was one of us. He had been a very
aggressive swiftboat captain in Vietnam...he knew the score...he understood...he was pained by the memory of those left behind...he wanted to bring
our boys home. His was not opportunism! He did not consider his protest "using vets" to further his personal and political gain...he was one of
"us" still over there...he empathized with us...he revered us...and he didn't want to have Americans die in vain. He said as much, that he
"didn't want one more American to be the last American to die a terrible death in vain."
I feel strongly that John Kerry was an honorable veteran whose reputation is being slimed, whose service and all medals has recently been verified and
documented by the Dept of the Navy as earned and deserved. So many are passing on total fabrications, saying John Kerry said that which he never did.
That is why I have posted this web site so that people can see his entire speech, not out of context, and see he did not say some of the evil things
in it that they are attributing to him. Note that this same kind of political mudslinging was directed at John McCain, the ex POW who dared run
against Bush, and Max Cleland, a triple amputee and ex president of the Disabled American Veterans to which I belong, when he ran against Bush. Bush
has a history of mudslinging to detract attention away from his abysmal record on all fronts, from Iraq to the economy to jobs to taxes to health
care...everywhere he is a poor president, and the only way he can win is through this negative campaign of smear tactics. And it is a sad commentary
on the intelligence of our people that it is working.
"Truth about Kerry,"
Bush is making a mess of Iraq, and killing Americans by the handful for a nothing...no WMD's, no culpability or connections at all with the 9/11
tragedy, no connection with Al Qaida at all, no connection with Osama Bin Laden at all (they didn't even like each other, for they were at cross
purposes, Osama being a Religious Fundamentalist, and Saddam being a secularist.). I see haunting similarities between the quagmire of Vietnam, and
the quagmire that is Iraq...and I am saddened that we have learned so little from our mistakes there, and are now repeating them. Paint the Iraqi
sand dunes green and you have Vietnam, with all the corruption, the corporate finagling, the lies that got us into this with Bush's rush to judgment
that angered the whole world against the US and Bush. I am saddened because I see in this Iraqi war the corruption, self-interest, the callous
regard for boys on the ground fighting and dying, and self aggrandizement that doomed any hope of victory in Vietnam even before it started.
The military and tactical mistakes which have been made in Iraq will cause it to last decades, as did Vietnam, or maybe more. I am saddened because
so many do not, or will not, see the problem because Bush keeps telling us lies to incite a kind of false patriotism, a frenzy to war like I was beat
nto that propelled me to Vietnam, proclaiming loudly that righteous victory is at hand with the holy crusades of this regime. Too many lap up the
pottage of information that they are fed, gluttonously proclaiming allegiance at all costs, to whatever course they are told we must follow, and will
not listen to the voice of reason showing the great disparity between what is true and what they are being told. I see increasing horrors with body
counts of lost American boys-next-door, a distortion of freedom's bell sounding a dangerous knell leading our country to a change to either barbarism
or destruction of many of our ideals, because of the unwise stewardship.
Almost to a man, all retitred generals who do not depend on Bush for maintaining their jobs, are flat out against the debacle in Iraq. So many still
believe Bush's lie that Saddam and Iraq are the terrorists responsibele for the attack on this country. The CIA, the FBI, Bush's own anti-terrorist
chief, and the recently concluded 9/11 commission all unanimously and unwquivocally state that Saddam and Iraq had nothing whatsoever to do with the
attack on Amnerica of 9/11. Yet Bush keeps saying it did, but he also has said it didn't...flip flopping depending on what audience is listening to
God bless the American dream...
One shining moment in history rising to the top, like cream
Make her again be the land of the free and brave
I offered my life to save,
Make America a light on a hill that all the world may see,
A healing bastion to those downtrodden from depravity,
Hailing purity in freedom and liberty,
Displaying in deed and action morality
By its might giving light,
By its glory bringing intelligence and right,
The center of truth and justice,
Very integrity personified by word and deed selflessness...
I do not believe in, "America, wrong or right,"
Nay, I want her to be right
Always right...only right...
Always with a strong voice of reason giving hope
Giving the world courage to cope
Showing before the world moral excellence
American virtue's essence
Displaying this nation's Godly birthright
Ever held humble in liberty's fight
Our shield and buckler, star spangled bravery
Our sword keeping America free...
I'm getting very tired and weary of the false misrepresentations...the knowing lies...the gullible acceptance of what someone perverted in lies
maliciously said.
So let's count the differences.
1) Kerry would not take us into senseless wars. H would show more patience to first learn the facts of WMD's, or ties with Osama and his Al Qaida
boys who were terrorists responsible for 9/11...which means we probably would not be at war today!
2) Certainly, Kerry would not mount a preemptive strike without smoking gun type proof.
3) you can bet your bottom dollar that if Kerry did see the need for war, Kerry would have enlisted our friends and alies and the UN to stand with us,
rather than slugging it out toe to toe on our own.
4) Bush is destroying the economy, Kerry has plans and initiative to restore it.
4) Kerry has a tax plan that does not favor the rich, as does Bush's.
5) Kerry has a health plan to aid seniors who are pressed by Bush's stupid prescription drug plan that favors the millionaire pill makers.
6) Kerry would actually strengthen the Army and the VA...Bush claims he is doing this, but is actually weakening them and cutting hospitals and
7) Kerry would not rely on the smear campaign to deflect voters from the real issues with fabrications, half-truths, innuendoes, and downright
bald-faced lies.
If you truly want to be safer, and have a better life, John Kerry offers that.