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Trayvon Martin according to friends taunted Columbian friend

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posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 12:29 PM
A 17 year old kid behaving like a 17 year old kid.

A "wannabe" vigilante with a history - - - behaving like a "wannabe" vigilante with a history.

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by AmericanPitBull

Originally posted by popsmayhem
SHOOTING somone who is attacking you

Treyvon attacked zimmerman first
it is not murder. If treyvon would not have
attacked zimmerman, zimmerman would of never
to have had to of shot him
This is just more proof of how the msm lies and covers things up
goes to show treyvon is not just some little innocent kid..

Dude if some 350lb galloot was following me in my own neighborhood I would not be all warm and fuzzy, that said without the surety you seem to have about the situation. So a guy who is the captain of a neighborhood watch ignores dispatch and actively pursues the kid (yeah kid until 18) and it ends up with the kid dead. Innocent little kid or not the guy was playing cop and it is biting his ass.

you realize this happened Feb.26th and there has been no charges to George

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by Annee
A 17 year old kid behaving like a 17 year old kid.

A "wannabe" vigilante with a history - - - behaving like a "wannabe" vigilante with a history.

Ya, because most thugs call 911 right before they execute someone!

The truth will come out. It’s funny how everyone is so quick to come to the kid’s defense! MSM brainwashing takes affect quickly these days. We’ve been programmed to automatically assume the black guy did no wrong (like the Panthers at the polling place in 08’). This is white guilt on full display! I will wait until the evidence is available before I convict anyone.

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by Annee

The collumbine shooting and other shootings have ultimately been motivated by teasing. Are you denying that simple teasing can be an indication of a larger problem?

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by seabag

The truth will come out.

Yes it will.

Defending the kid? By saying he is a 17 year old kid behaving like a 17 year old kid? That is not necessarily a glowing compliment of angelic behavior.

Zimmerman's history does point to a "wannabe" vigilante behavior.

Behavior that tends to escalate by each pseudo conquest until something bad happens. Like this time.

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by Evolutionsend

"Brrrrian!" he would call out, rolling his r's as is done in Spanish, whenever 16-year-old Brian Paz got a phone call from his Colombian mother, the friend recalled.


I find this oh so interesting after reading some of the other threads floating around about Trayvon. Was he the racial aggressor? Was he a typical young athlete that lacked respect for authority figures, and hispanic Americans? I think so. I think this kid is being built up by the media into something he isn't, which is innocent. Was the "coon" remark in retaliation to a racial slur muttered by Trayvon? What I wouldn't give to hear the testimony of George Zimmerman.

It is humorous that the very statements given by friends to make him look innocent, are giving me pause when labeling this kid a martyr. This isn't some facebook comment or other crappy source, it's what his friends told the media.

An unarmed kid was shot and killed..

The justifiication going on is disgusting.

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by Evolutionsend
reply to post by Annee

The collumbine shooting and other shootings have ultimately been motivated by teasing. Are you denying that simple teasing can be an indication of a larger problem?

what?, prove this kid teased someone first, are you saying that him saying "brrian" is teasing enough to pull a columbine? I've been teased growing up to the point of running out in tears, I still never had the urge to do something like columbine. man rolling r's, reach much?

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by Annee

If the statement of the young man attacking Zimmerman is true, then the kid could have walked away. It points to the idea that the young man was just as much a vigilante as Zimmerman. Eye witness accounts report Zimmerman was bloody and soiled. Pretty much beaten by a larger and stronger MAN. Whether or not he was a vigilante isn't important. What is important, is that the young man obviously did attack him, and according to EYE WITNESSES, was winning. Did he go for the gun? What options did Zimmerman have? How many times could Trayvon have walked away, but chose not to?

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by Evolutionsend
reply to post by Annee

The collumbine shooting and other shootings have ultimately been motivated by teasing. Are you denying that simple teasing can be an indication of a larger problem?

Are you saying Tayvon imitating his friend's mom's accent - - is equivalent to the troubled and medicated history of Eric David Harris and Dylan Bennet Klebold?

At least one of them had a severe history and was on legal meds for behavior problems.

Guess you need to provide Tayvon's medical history.

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by Evolutionsend

"Brrrrian!" he would call out, rolling his r's as is done in Spanish, whenever 16-year-old Brian Paz got a phone call from his Colombian mother, the friend recalled.


I find this oh so interesting after reading some of the other threads floating around about Trayvon. Was he the racial aggressor? Was he a typical young athlete that lacked respect for authority figures, and hispanic Americans? I think so. I think this kid is being built up by the media into something he isn't, which is innocent. Was the "coon" remark in retaliation to a racial slur muttered by Trayvon? What I wouldn't give to hear the testimony of George Zimmerman.

It is humorous that the very statements given by friends to make him look innocent, are giving me pause when labeling this kid a martyr. This isn't some facebook comment or other crappy source, it's what his friends told the media.

Maybe you should re-read that article, in particular paying attention to the line immediately preceeding that which you quoted. It says:

Schoolmates remember his humorous side.

Good god, the kid is murdered in cold blood, and a tidbit about his personality that people found made him fun and likeable is twisted to paint him as a scumbag and deserving of being murdered. All accounts that I've read said that he was likeable, and his big "crime" was that he was tardy for classes.

Put the political agendas aside and understand that this was a tragedy that could have been avoided had Zimmerman followed the instructions of the 911 operators.

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by seabag

Originally posted by Annee
A 17 year old kid behaving like a 17 year old kid.

A "wannabe" vigilante with a history - - - behaving like a "wannabe" vigilante with a history.

Ya, because most thugs call 911 right before they execute someone!

The truth will come out. It’s funny how everyone is so quick to come to the kid’s defense! MSM brainwashing takes affect quickly these days. We’ve been programmed to automatically assume the black guy did no wrong (like the Panthers at the polling place in 08’). This is white guilt on full display! I will wait until the evidence is available before I convict anyone.

I agree with you here too, the MSM is sitting rubbing their hands together saying, yes yes YES, evil people. I don't understand the race card though, why?, the facts speak for themselves, this guy I believe stereotyped this kid, but he shouldn't of followed him, the first part he did was right, called the police, the second not so much.

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by hapablab

Whether or not it is okay, or reasonable to do something has no baring on the reasoning that a crazy person may have for doing something.

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by Evolutionsend

Wow Evo, this thread's really disappointing. The very next line is...Paz would laugh. Come on.

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by Evolutionsend
What options did Zimmerman have? How many times could Trayvon have walked away, but chose not to?

This is a serious comment?

Were you there? Did you witness the event?

Are you fully aware there are conflicting reports and we DO NOT have verified facts?

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by rebellender

Originally posted by AmericanPitBull

Originally posted by popsmayhem
SHOOTING somone who is attacking you

Treyvon attacked zimmerman first
it is not murder. If treyvon would not have
attacked zimmerman, zimmerman would of never
to have had to of shot him
This is just more proof of how the msm lies and covers things up
goes to show treyvon is not just some little innocent kid..

Dude if some 350lb galloot was following me in my own neighborhood I would not be all warm and fuzzy, that said without the surety you seem to have about the situation. So a guy who is the captain of a neighborhood watch ignores dispatch and actively pursues the kid (yeah kid until 18) and it ends up with the kid dead. Innocent little kid or not the guy was playing cop and it is biting his ass.

you realize this happened Feb.26th and there has been no charges to George

THAT is the PROBLEM! Hello?

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by Evolutionsend
What options did Zimmerman have? How many times could Trayvon have walked away, but chose not to?

This is a serious comment?

Were you there? Did you witness the event?

Are you fully aware there are conflicting reports and we DO NOT have verified facts?

Oh annee, this thread is like..uh um yeah uuh what?, im speechless I just can't get this logic of comparing it to columbine based on rolling r's, and to say this kid didn't walk away?, who was in the car in the first place.

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by rebellender

Perhaps they should show Trayvon looking dead on a slab in the morgue....and show Zimmerman shooting his weapon on the gun range or something...they showed a picture that was available...the kid weighed 140 pounds as opposed to a grown man that was a lot heavier...if he had allowed the cops to do thier job instead of hunting this kid down then noone would be dead and the media wouldn't even be intrested.

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by Kali74

THAT is the PROBLEM! Hello?

A bigger problem will come out of this.

There have been many incidences similar to this - - - that did not get media attention.

Tayvon would be just another nameless dead person - - - if his parents didn't fight for an investigation.

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by hapablab

Originally posted by rebellender
reply to post by Evolutionsend

Look at the way the MSM shows Martin, ( no I wont call him Treyvon) looking 12 and George(not calling him Zimmerman) looking heavy and like a thug

this is wrong, its about agenda and it stinks,

yep I totally agree, I didn't know he was over 6ft and over 200 until I read the threads on here.

And that is the only place you will see it.

Everywhere else reports 6ft 3 and 140 other words...a tall scrawny KID.

posted on Mar, 24 2012 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by Kali74

The truth can be a disappointing thing. Your mentality is always to sympothize. Mine is to figure out what's going on, and then sympathize. I see no innocents in this case. Bottom line, two powder kegs crossed paths, and only one walked away. Whether or not the law will see it that way remains to be seen. The case is probably closed, because they likely got to the truth a long time ago.

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