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Exclusive! First hand Witness: Trayvon Martin attacked Zimmerman Zimmerman Innocent Smoking Gun

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posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by Freenrgy2

Oh I agree 100%....just putting some "facts" out there....

The press has already convicted I will continue to p,ay devil's advocate....

Now there are twitter messages from Martins brother claiming he may have assaulted a bus driver. This goes to his character and the possibility he did indeed jump GZ.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 07:30 PM
link" target='_blank' class='tabOff'/>
Here is a more current photo.

Still cannot get the hang of putting photos up....argh.

edit on 26-3-2012 by timetothink because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 07:38 PM
Not reading 63 pages, just commenting, so apologies if I repeat something already said. S&F for the post.

The worst thing about this case is the facts WERE out, in a VERY few sources, but most of the media ignored the facts, or deliberately misrepresented them. STILL misrepresent them, in fact. That includes, btw, O'Reilly. Yeah, a conservative is stating that he's misrepresenting. He seems to do that a lot.

Right after hearing about this case, I located a few articles stating that it was self defense, and actually listened to the 911 call that Zimmerman made, which is being SO misrepresented. A few points on that call first. One, there was NO RACIAL SLUR in that call. None. I listened, and there isn't such a thing. He stated these guys always get away, meaning, one would guess, criminals, burglars, etc. Point of fact - the neighborhood has had a rash of burglaries thought to be committed by black teens. So, yeah, there is good reason, in this case, to consider a strange teen, that did NOT live in the neighborhood (he was visiting) suspicious. Next on that call, at no point did anyone state Zimmerman was "chasing" Martin. He was following him. NOT the same thing. It is perfectly legal for him to follow someone. One, he lives in that area, and can walk anywhere in it, whether behind another person or not. That isn't justification to attack. Two, he was a neighborhood watch guy, and aware of the recent crimes in the area. Three, I have seen some reports (not verified, but reported) that Martin wasn't even on a route directly from the store to his dad's home. Meaning maybe he was walking around checking out homes. I know when my teen goes to the store on foot, in the rain, he doesn't meander around the neighborhood. In the rain, the dogs don't even get to go around the block. So, again, reason to be suspicious. Finally, the 911 dispatcher, who has NO authority, did not tell Zimmerman not to follow. He stated that "we don't need you to do that". Not the same thing. Most media people intentionally misrepresent the call, claiming "chasing", instead of "following", and claiming an "order" not to follow, instead of a suggestion.

Then there is the evidence. The police report, which you can download, and which has been online for some time now, states clearly that Zimmerman's shirt was covered with grass on the back, and wet, showing he'd been on the ground, face up. It states he had injuries to the back of his head, and his face. Later we learn that his nose was broken, and now we know that the head wounds are because Martin was banging Zimmerman's head repeatedly into the sidewalk. Now, let's be perfectly logical here. Someone banging your head into pavement repeatedly can KILL YOU. Defending against this, with a gun if you happen to have one, is justified. From all reports I have seen, the only wounds to Martin were the gunshot, and abrasions on his knuckles from beating Zimmerman. Plus, we have two witnesses, the anonymous "John" who saw Zimmerman on the ground being beaten, and a teen as well, whose name the irresponsible media ha RELEASED. Yeah, they painted a target on that kid. So, two people confirm that Zimmerman was being attacked, was on the ground being beaten. Seems very clear this was self defense.

Next we have all the spin. First, this teenager is shown as much younger than he actually was. The football picture is apparently from his junior high days, and not recent. The other pictures also look far younger than some we can see in a few other places. Now, why this would be done is the question. I personally feel this was done to support the idea of a "helpless child" (not my term, seen that in news reports) being attacked by a "bigger" adult. The fact is, this teen was 17 years old, almost an adult himself in age, and certainly of adult size. At least six foot, possibly 6'2"-6'3". He was athletic and fit. Zimmerman is about 5'9", much shorter, possibly by half a foot, and overweight, weighing over 200 pounds. All pictures show a fellow far less fit than Martin. So, it's quite reasonable to see that Zimmerman could, in fact, have been easily overpowered as is described by two witnesses and by Zimmerman himself. Then there are the cries for help. The site where I listened to the 911 calls, we were lead to believe that Martin was the one calling for help, but it was Zimmerman, according to witnesses and the police. Plus, this "role model" teenager was suspended for drugs, and had some rather aggressive-looking pictures on his Facebook (which was VERY quickly closed). Yet Zimmerman had a mild encounter with police, over a friend being arrested, and his reputation is dragged through the mud. The fact that he, Zimmerman, has black family members, black friends, and even mentors a couple of black teens, is ignored by most of the media. Of course, this is because evidence that he clearly is NOT racist isn't welcome.

More in next post.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 07:48 PM

It’s becoming more and more evident that 17-teen-year-old Trayvon Martin had fully embraced the anti white black thug culture that is so pervasive here in our country and that is, in fact, largely responsible for rotting the morals of our youth. What could be even more alarming than this? I’ve just learned that the youth’s “no limit nigga” lingo -lingo that was found on his Twitter account – is actually POPULAR slang used by the Florida Black Foot Soldiers when they are talking about what they call “black on white (BOW) reparations protests.’ For those of you who don’t know, Black Foot Soldier BOW reparations protests are actully black on white robberies. They use lingo like this to mask their support of their support of crime and violence against whites for any reason. What’s most important for us to all remember here? It’s most important to remember that the anti white black thug culture that Trayvon embraced emphatically hates white people and has ZERO respect for whites in positions of authority.

edit on 26-3-2012 by timetothink because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-3-2012 by timetothink because: (no reason given)
by Cardinalangel Wolfgang Yric

edit on 26-3-2012 by timetothink because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 07:55 PM

Image from his my space page of his arm with tattoo , this was NO skinny kid.

edit on 26-3-2012 by timetothink because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 07:56 PM
Next we have the gun spin. First, there is this assumption that a person who carries a gun isn't allowed to do anything. Can't walk in your own neighborhood. Can't ask someone a question. Can't actually defend yourself when attacked, if you happened to speak to the person that attacked you first. Sorry, but WRONG.

Carrying a gun does NOT mean you can't speak to a person, and asking this kid (if he even did so) who he was and what he was doing is NOT justification for Martin to attack him. Martin seems to have no injuries other than the gunshot and abrasions from striking Zimmerman. Zimmerman had every right to shoot and defend his life, which was in danger.

The neighborhood watch angle is also brought up, repeatedly, with people claiming this means Zimmerman wasn't "allowed" to carry a gun. This, of course, by the same people that claim he wasn't part of any official group. Can't have it both ways! Besides which, at the time of the incident, Zimmerman was on his OWN time, and carrying as legally allowed. So, toss that argument out. It isn't valid.

Next, we have the "stand your ground" laws. GOOD laws, sound, Constitutional. People have a right to defend themselves any place they have a right to BE. They have a right to defend if attacked because someone didn't like what they said, too. No, following someone does NOT erase those rights. Had Zimmerman physically attacked Martin, that would be a different story, but that is NOT what the witnesses and the evidence show to be the case.

Then there is the girlfriend (who remains anonymous while a teen witness is identified.....), and her claim that she heard something. If Martin was so threatened, why, when her call ended, did she not notify the police, or try and contact his family? Why, if Martin was threatened, did HE not call the police, instead of supposedly remaining on a call with the girlfriend? Her claims do not match the evidence, or simple common sense.

Now, before anyone asked, no, I am NOT racist. Growing up, more kids (other than family) that I played with were black than white. My maid of honor was black, in fact. Her daughter was introduced by my daughter, at a church function for the kids, as her "cousin". I have had friends of other races as well, some Hispanic (including some of my all-time favorite people), one Vietnamese. I don't care what race someone is; I care who they are as a person. I think it's appalling how this case has been spun out of control, to the point that Zimmerman has death threats, and won't be able, IF charged (and he should NOT be charged), of getting anything close to a fair trial. A teen witness name is already released, and jury members would be in fear for their lives. The New Black Panthers have put out wanted "dead or alive" fliers for Zimmerman.

Yes, very tragic that this teen was shot, but also clear that he attacked Zimmerman, and was shot in self defense. It wasn't about race, though. Nor was it about some "wannabe" cop, or out of control "vigilante". It was about a concerned citizen, trying to keep tabs on someone, being attacked and defending himself. Yet I think we all know, if Zimmerman isn't charged, found guilty of murder, and executed, there will be rioting over this. How many other people get to die because this was turned into a race issue?

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 07:58 PM

Originally posted by LErickson

Originally posted by popsmayhem

Not murder at all..
Self defense is not murder.

So you are deciding for the courts what the outcome is going to be?
The kid was murdered. Tell the Martins it was not murder.
Explain to them why their son is dead but he was not murdered.

So are you, you've already determined it was murder.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 08:01 PM

Wrong Trayvon Martin Photo On Facebook
The neo-Nazis over at Stormfront were the first to start passing off this photo of one, “Trayvon Martin,” (Here’s the link to Facebook) in an attempt to show that the now deceased Trayvon Martin was some sort of gangster. Judging from many of the comments, I guess some folks are literally attempting to justify a possible murder – on their way to church!

One small detail I must point out; this photo that is being passed around on Facebook and right-wing blogs, is NOT the same Trayvon Martin who was gunned down by George Zimmerman.

I’m just waiting for someone to tell me that, while the photo may be fake, the story is still true. Ugh… Conservatives have a way of never letting things like facts get in their way.

UPDATE 10:24 am: blogger Dan Riehl has now admitted that “it doesn’t appear to be the same Trayvon Martin.”

So who is going to break the news to all the people drooling over these pics?

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 08:05 PM

Update: Is This The Same Trayvon Martin?
Update: This does not appear to be the same Trayvon Martin.

I came across this Facebook account in the name of Trayvon Martin. I do not know if it is the same Martin who was recently killed in Florida. The banner photo matches, which proves nothing fwiw.

This is one of the few images still posted at that account.

Update: It doesn't appear to be the same Trayvon Martin. But I'm still not sure. It's still linked. h/t a reader.

Also, people are whacked. We asked questions all the time when I covered crime out here. People need to get over it. I've seen several pics alleged to be Trayvon Martin circulating that didn't look worth asking about. Community sourcing works. It's what blogs did well back when they started. If I had something earth shattering, I'd look to publish it via a Breitbart site, if it were solid.

I don't know who did what that night in Florida and neither do you. I'd like to learn the truth. And I stopped trusting a large part of the media to tell it a long time ago. Period.

Seems the source has backed off the photo.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 08:11 PM
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

And don't forget the media spin making Zimmerman out to be a WHITE HISPANIC!! They want sooooo much for this to be racially motivated, and they all know white on black is the WORST type of racial prejudice. It's not as effective to their agenda to say Zimmerman was Latino or Hispanic.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 08:14 PM
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

And if you're black, famous and murder two people you can walk.

If the glove doesn't fit, you must acquit!

Yep, this is just as fair.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 08:20 PM
Did anyone notice how many pro-TM, anti GZ posters kind of disappeared from the thread?


posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by timetothink

Image from his my space page of his arm with tattoo , this was NO skinny kid.

edit on 26-3-2012 by timetothink because: (no reason given)

I'm just wondering, what do tattoos have to do with anything? We can already clearly see his body/weight/muscles in the other photos. This kid is bad for tattooing his mother's name (Sybrina) on his arm, and hands praying?
edit on 3/26/2012 by SpaceJ because: add

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by JBA2848

edit on 26-3-2012 by timetothink because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by SpaceJ

It goes to the point that he was indeed big enough to be a danger to GZ...

The whole defense was he was innocent...he was too skinny...then when we prove that doesn't matter?

How convenient.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 08:54 PM

edit on 26-3-2012 by timetothink because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 08:55 PM

Originally posted by timetothink
reply to post by SpaceJ

It goes to the point that he was indeed big enough to be a danger to GZ...

The whole defense was he was innocent...he was too skinny...then when we prove that doesn't matter?

How convenient.

And a close up photo of his wrist is here to show his weight?

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by JBA2848

Sorry...I thought you were talking about the pic I posted...which appears to be real...they think the finger one is not?

I saw that one on his Facebook page, but they took the whole page down.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by timetothink

Although I kind of agree with your point. I don't agree skinny people aren't capable.

I am about 165, tall skinny fit and fast. One advantage we have is we can move way faster than bigger guys and if you have a good punch that's another up. Don't underestimate the little guys. Especially the quiet ones.

Point being it really doesn't matter how skinny he was, we will see what comes from the story. Skinny or not the event happened one way and weight will most likely not be a factor when considering the actions taken.

edit on 26-3-2012 by godfather420 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by hapablab
well if this kid did attack zimmerman hes half his size and a lot younger, what happened to real men fighting, he used a gun to help himself against a kid that weighed almost 100 pounds less them him. How pathetic and disgusting.

Actually, Martin was about half a foot TALLER than Zimmerman. 6'3" is what's reported, and Zimmerman is 5'9". That's a six inch height difference. Pictures on the web showing Martin to be very muscular, too, while Zimmerman is overweight. Younger? So what? 17 is almost grown. I have a kid a year older, and he's stronger than a lot of older men. very fit. In a fight, he would be easily able to overpower a guy that much shorter and overweight. "Real men" fighting? What does that even mean? Martin had Zimmerman on the ground, and was pounding his head repeatedly into the sidewalk. You can die from that. Sounds like self defense to me! Being a teen doesn't mean not responsible for one's actions, and it isn't the same as being a "child".

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