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Exclusive! First hand Witness: Trayvon Martin attacked Zimmerman Zimmerman Innocent Smoking Gun

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posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by jrod

No they cannot...each gated community sets up their own rules...many of them do not allow strangers in...I own a condo in one in Florida and no one can enter without the owner or wander around alone....each case is different and no one here knows the rules of that particular community.

And it is private property owned by is not just a public street.

It is the same as a private park, mall etc the owners are the "law" far as who is allowed to be there.

This is America and we have private property rights, not every inch of land is common for anyone to use.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by Gridrebel

He got out of the car to follow and where is there any proof he jumped out gun in his hand confronted the guy.

His story is that he looked for the kid after he ran away, so GW proceeded back to his truck and the kid cool cocked him, knocking him to the ground and continued punching him.

Now it is up to the justice system to prove he is lying...if he is not lying it is self defense, covered under the law.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by popsmayhem

And just out in the news today, his school in Miami confirms he was suspended for possession of pot not tardiness.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by takaris7 guys just keep making # up.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by Freenrgy2
Unless you were there, none of you are qualified to pass judgement on either person. The facts need to be looked at objectively and fairly. This whole incident reeks of opportunism by those who profit from racial division: Jackson, Sharpton, Farrakhan, even Obama.

There is plenty of evidence to indicate that Trayvon was not as innocent as the MSM would have you believe. And I can't speak to what motivated Zimmerman to go after Trayvon. Maybe he was acting on racial beliefs or maybe he was just investigating a suspicious person in a gated community.

However, I am appalled at the media circus and the HATE being spewed by various black leaders. I think Dr. King would roll over in his grave if he knew how some in the black community seize on opportunities like this in order to further their own agendas.

I have finally caught up with this entire thread and so far this is the most logical and honest post yet.

You have the Black Panthers (The black equivalent of the KKK) offering a 10,000 dollar bounty for the shooter which was possible self defense. Judgement passed.

Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton (The black equivalent of David Duke) condemning the act without any evidence. Judgement passed.

Pro sports teams holding Hoodie day to show solidarity with the boy that was killed without knowing the full story. Judgement passed.

I try my best to keep racism out of my life and the life of my family. Why do these schmucks keep it alive!!!!

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 05:21 PM
The fact that people already have made up their minds in this case, just goes to show you how fast we are to jump the gun, especially when we claim not to do it. That goes for either side. We don't know what happened, and probably won't for a while, because we don't have all the facts. We aren't the ones doing the investigation. We can sit here and speculate all day long, but what good does it do? In fact it is probably more likely bad, as it creates biases within people, the very people that might be investigating, or prosecuting this case. If there is no evidence to prosecute, then there is no evidence to prosecute, we can't just change that now, over this case. Whats sad is this was used as a propaganda tool, for whatever reason, I choose not to care anymore. Around the same time, there was a story of two african american boys, who followed a white boy back to his front doorstep, beat him, poured gasoline on him, lit him on fire, then said "this is what you deserve white boy". Now no one's talking about this, which makes sense, because according to another thread on here, no white person can be discriminated against, racist against, or whatever. So again we fall into the the media war meant to distract us from the real issues, further pushing the can down the road until our procrastination, ignorance, and distraction brings about the end of our country and our society.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by popsmayhem

Why does everyone assume GZ is lying and Trayvon's girlfriend is telling the truth...

Did they ever think it is the other way around?

God forbid the kid would look bad.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 05:24 PM

Originally posted by timetothink
reply to post by popsmayhem

Why does everyone assume GZ is lying and Trayvon's girlfriend is telling the truth...

Did they ever think it is the other way around?

God forbid the kid would look bad.

Becasue of "groupthink" and "motivated reasoning" thats why

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 05:27 PM
reply to post by takaris7


Stalking is a pattern of harassing over time.

It was GW' s neighborhood, not the kids...he father is dating a girl who lives there.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by LErickson

As a matter of fact I do.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by popsmayhem

Power to you my friend for highlighting this on ATS

even an across the pond limey like myself can clearly see they are using this to push their divide and conquer race agenda - what with rentagob al sharpton and obummer getting in on the act - someone needs to stand up for justice and reason on this issue and your doing a damn good job of spreading a little of it here so far my friend .

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 06:38 PM
This is a great post to highlight how someone's interpretation of what happened can spread like wildfire in the online community and be repeated as nauseum as fact.

Originally posted by hombero
Perhaps the Hispanic man should have listened to the police telling him not to follow him. It is not his job to follow people on his own suspicions. Are you trying to tell me Zimmerman wasn't looking for a confrontation when he decided to follow him on foot?

It was a 911 call. The police did not tell him anything. He is not bound by what the 911 call center asks him to do. Granted, he probably should not have given chase, but that's neither here nor there now.

Self defense should be used in such a way that the defense is equivalent to the offense. If someone beats the crap out of you for following them, when you have absolutely no business to then you may punch them back, you may NOT shoot them/

Unfortunately, in Florida, you DO have the right to shoot someone in self-defense. That's Zimmerman's claim and the courts will have to decide if he was justified or not.

Clearly the Hispanic man was looking for a fight, and he got one. But, instead of fighting like a man he pulls a gun and shoots the kid when it becomes apparent that Zimmerman couldn't fight worth crap. He is nothing more than a filthy coward, and with any luck he will receive the death penalty when all is said and done, just to set an example for the rest of us.

Apparently, we don't know what motivated Zimmerman to go after Trayvon. But, he did. And, according to Zimmerman, Trayvon was going for his gun while Trayvon was on top of him smashing his head into the sidewalk. Don't make this out to be a scenario where Zimmerman shot Trayvon in the back.

Again, I will say that Zimmerman didn't take the right course of action in my opinion. I would have called it in and let the police handle it. What gets me is how the media has tried every which way to make this a white on black crime. I've heard Zimmerman referred to as a white Hispanic man and one station even had the audacity to say that most Hispanics consider themselves to be white. Really? I've never seen white-Hispanic as an option on any form I had to fill out requiring me to select an ethnicity.

How much freaking manipulation by the MSM do you need to see that this is a crime meant to further racial division and someone's agenda. Many of you fueled by your own hate and disgust, even throwing around blatantly racial statements here that should get you post banned.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 06:39 PM
So GZ defense is that he was watching TM because he was neighborhood watch and there has been a rash of breaking at their complex... Both statements verified.

Now the Miami herald has uncovered information that TM was suspended a few times before, once in October
For having women's jewelry and "burglary" tool in his bag.....

SANFORD -- Miami Gardens teenager Trayvon Martin was suspended from school in October in an incident in which he was found in possession of women’s jewelry and a screwdriver that a schools security staffer described as a “burglary tool,” The Miami Herald has learned.

Trayvon, who claimed that an unnamed friend had given him the jewelry, was not disciplined because of the discovery, but was instead suspended for graffiti, according to a Miami-Dade Schools Police report obtained by The Miami Herald.

A lawyer for the dead teen’s family acknowledged Trayvon had been suspended for graffiti, but said the family knew nothing about the jewelry and the screwdriver, calling the information in the report an attempt to “demonize” the youth.

According to the report, on Oct. 21 staffers monitoring a security camera at Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior High School spotted Trayvon and two other students writing “W.T.F.,” an acronym for “What the f---,” on a hallway locker, according to schools police. The security employee, who knew Trayvon, confronted the teen and looked through his bag for the graffiti marker.

Trayvon’s backpack contained 12 pieces of jewelry, in addition to a watch and a large flathead screwdriver, according to the report, which described the screwdriver as a burglary tool.

Trayvon was asked if the jewelry, which was mostly women’s rings and earrings, belonged to his family or a girlfriend.

“Martin replied it’s not mine. A friend gave it to me,” according to the report. Trayvon declined to name the friend.

School police impounded the jewelry and sent photos of the items to detectives at Miami-Dade police for further investigation.

Read more here:

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 06:45 PM

Also Monday, an attorney for Martin's mother confirmed that she filed trademark applications for two slogans containing her son's name: "Justice for Trayvon" and "I Am Trayvon." The applications said the trademarks could be used for such things as DVDs and CDs. The trademark attorney, Kimra Major-Morris, said in an email that Fulton wants to protect intellectual property rights for "projects that will assist other families who experience similar tragedies." Asked if Fulton had any profit motive, the attorney replied: "None." Read more here:

And isn't this interesting.........

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by timetothink

Also Monday, an attorney for Martin's mother confirmed that she filed trademark applications for two slogans containing her son's name: "Justice for Trayvon" and "I Am Trayvon." The applications said the trademarks could be used for such things as DVDs and CDs. The trademark attorney, Kimra Major-Morris, said in an email that Fulton wants to protect intellectual property rights for "projects that will assist other families who experience similar tragedies." Asked if Fulton had any profit motive, the attorney replied: "None." Read more here:

And isn't this interesting.........

Do you believe there isn't a profit motive?

I don't. When you raise the feathers of Sharpton and Jackson, there is ALWAYS a profit motive. These people exist on other people's misery and racial prejudice. Yeah, they're fighting the good fight alright; as long as it puts money in THEIR pockets.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 07:11 PM
And here's a brand new T-Shirt.

lovely imo.

An Unfortunate T-Shirt Hits Florida Streets In Wake Of Trayvon Martin Killing

Expanding the definition of “cracker,” a t-shirt featuring the photo of the man who shot Trayvon Martin is now available for purchase.

As seen at right (click to enlarge), the shirt has a picture of George Zimmerman and the words “Pussy Ass Cracker.” Zimmerman, a 28-year-old Hispanic, killed Martin, 17, last month while acting as a neighborhood watch captain in Sanford, Florida.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by popsmayhem

Not murder at all..
Self defense is not murder.

So you are deciding for the courts what the outcome is going to be?
The kid was murdered. Tell the Martins it was not murder.
Explain to them why their son is dead but he was not murdered.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 07:19 PM
OK here goes, its been a month now of morning. You americans seem to live by the GUN and die by the GUN. Here we have George Zimmerman claiming to have killed Trayvon Martin in self defence! and its claimed that by Trayvon Martin's parents that it was unlawful killing ?. OK heres my 10p worth. On here 'ATS' there are other threads and ones that include Police recordings of the phone calls involved.
Now, taking all in to account if Zimmerman was intentionally out to kill a young man, then calling the police first before killing is calculating. Now what if Zimmerman was actually following Martin because really he did feel that he had to protect his neighbourhood, hell man Ive done the same here where I live in the UK minus a GUN for protection and been attacked by the so called innocent one.
From the other treads it shows a Trayvon Martin as a innocent young teen and some pictures even show him as a toddler but not Zimmerman, the pictures that have been put up as Zimmerman are showing him as a adult ( and a prisoner looking one at that) hows that fair. We need to see what both parties look like as of the day of the shooting not as they were . also the weight mentioned (200lb) I guess is a heavy weight. ? not on the basis of the photo of Martin. it looks like he isnt heavy enough to fight another teenager.

So the out come of this all. I guess martin was killed by mis-adverture by a over-excited Neighbourhood Watch Guy who just happened to come across a mis-guided teenager who happened to have a Drugs bag in his possession, Which I guess is normal in the USA as per ATS forums again.

So lets see some real stuff on here and not racially, Media agism aggrivated speal. Too much sensatiallism. For which the other community can cream off.. sorry for the harsh mis-spelled rant. hey ho

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 07:23 PM

A twitter message, allegedly sent by Trayvon's older brother, suggests Trayvon was suspended for assaulting a bus driver. Trayvon Martin was on a suspension from school when he was tragically shot last February 26th. His school, Dr. Micheal M. Krop Senoir High School, has not given any details. His family has also evaded the issue. According to the Kansas City Star, the length of the suspension was ten days. This suggests a very serious offense. If Trayvon Martin was suspended for a violent act, it would alter the public's perception of the events surrounding his death. Trayvon's older brother, Stephen Martin, appears to have sent Trayvon a twitter message five days before the shooting that may explain the ten day suspension. The website has scrutinized the twitter messages sent by Trayvon's older brother and his friends. Advertisement says that Stephen Martin tweeted a message to Trayvon on February 21st that read "yu ain't tell me yu swung on a bus driver." Based on screen captures provided by, the message appears to be authentic. It was sent five days before the shooting, and raises a lot of speculation. Was Trayvon Martin suspended for ten days for assaulting a bus driver? Stephen has also posted a newer picture of Trayvon both on twitter and on Facebook. It shows an older, more muscular Trayvon than what we have seen in the media. It also shows a large tattoo on Trayvon's left arm. Update: The Florida Sun-Sentinel reported today, March 26th, that Trayvon's ten day suspension was related to marijuana. This, and a cryptic comment by his father that was quoted in the above Kansas City Star article, suggest he was caught smoking marijuana on school property. Continue reading on Trayvon Martin's ten day suspension - Charleston Charleston Conservative |

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 07:24 PM
reply to post by xuenchen

That's some racist # if I've ever seen it. What if we made shirts about the Knoxville horror that said " Pussy ass Niggers"? There would be an uproar!

All this racial stuff is absurd and it definitely shows that there is a hidden agenda at hand, to demonize whites.
edit on 26-3-2012 by kimish because: (no reason given)

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