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Military Possibly Mobilizing for Martial Law starting TODAY?

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posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by ajay59

Without assuming too much, I bet if you asked your random joe in the military "would you take part in a nation wide martial law against the citizens of the U.S for a reason you couldnt understand" your answer would most likely be "Uh, no"

Try it... ask around... anyone you know in the military.. I have actually. And they all laugh at the notion at first, and then when the talk gets serious they become adament how they would tell their c.o to shove it in this one example. Any other example, and they follow the chain of command. This instance, however, its a different story...

And that is why martial law will NEVER EVEREVEREVEREVER EVER happen inside the United States unless we were under attack on our own soil.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 03:50 PM
Not gonna happen. Even if you look at this through a NWO will be here soon lens, they're risking way too much by winding up the population of the US at this stage. Maybe soon, but they're crossing the rubicon way too early at this stage if they try, and it's our job to make sure they realise that.

If they do it they'd better have a good reason. They think we're like cattle to be herded, but if they try herding up the world instead of one country they'll soon see what they really have on their hands and they should know that.

We might be controlled at some point but only for the greater good. These people are not the greater good and will have massive resistance, hence, they'll play things out for a while yet.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by bknapple32
reply to post by ajay59

Without assuming too much, I bet if you asked your random joe in the military "would you take part in a nation wide martial law against the citizens of the U.S for a reason you couldnt understand" your answer would most likely be "Uh, no"

Try it... ask around... anyone you know in the military.. I have actually. And they all laugh at the notion at first, and then when the talk gets serious they become adament how they would tell their c.o to shove it in this one example. Any other example, and they follow the chain of command. This instance, however, its a different story...

And that is why martial law will NEVER EVEREVEREVEREVER EVER happen inside the United States unless we were under attack on our own soil.

Outside of a few officers I agree.

No way in hell American troops will fire on American citizens.

Today's Army relies heavily on reserve and national guard troops to fill out the numbers. And this reason is why there is never any ammunition stored in armories.
edit on 23-3-2012 by AGWskeptic because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by ajay59

No, a modern military could easily kill off it's citizenry, that's all the military is good at, killing things. That's why we suck at nation building, we are designed to be killing nations, not building them. But the idea of a force large enough to actually control thte flow of humanity and goods in the entire USA, without just killing everybody, is somewhat laughable. Sherriff and Police departments would pitch in and play a role but anyway, why the hell would anyone declare martial law? Talk about low approval ratings, talk about an economy killer, talk about givin a bunch of redneck gun nuts the reason they've been waitin for. No way. When we have full scale armed insurrection in the streets then we will have martial law and everyone will welcome it.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 04:18 PM
Wonder if this means the coup attempt rumors in China are true?
edit on 23-3-2012 by nightbringr because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by hammanderr
reply to post by ajay59

No, a modern military could easily kill off it's citizenry, that's all the military is good at, killing things. That's why we suck at nation building, we are designed to be killing nations, not building them. But the idea of a force large enough to actually control thte flow of humanity and goods in the entire USA, without just killing everybody, is somewhat laughable. Sherriff and Police departments would pitch in and play a role but anyway, why the hell would anyone declare martial law? Talk about low approval ratings, talk about an economy killer, talk about givin a bunch of redneck gun nuts the reason they've been waitin for. No way. When we have full scale armed insurrection in the streets then we will have martial law and everyone will welcome it.

I guess the fact that the US military only makes up about 1% of our population has nothing to do with this huh.

There is no way that our military could kill off its citizens. And after being in the Air Force for 3 years, I know first hand that not very many would agree to attack citizens anyways.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 04:21 PM
Well they made their way across Europe and stayed with us in the UK for a while before they'd took so much of what we had, then moved to the USA. If they try it on there I'd like to think that's when they'll finally get what they deserve.

The USA is the final pin in their NWO plans according to many, and if they want it they've got a war on their hands while every other country causes mayhem at the same time. We'll back you up USA, don't worry. They're just doing the same thing they've done to most other countries, and those of us that see it have your backs. They hit you and they hit us all.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 04:23 PM
Easy to implement martial law!

1. Send out broadcast of possible terror strike from within country. Claim that it's coming from sympathizers and terror cells. Claim it could be anyone and that they have captured people.
2. show them as Whites, Blacks, Muslims, and Hispanics! Whole families arrested. (have the families screaming "death to America" and "just you wait" (include lots of profanities, devil worship symbols, bestiality) lots of really sick and inhumane stuff. Child torture, bombings, ect
3. Make sure this goes on for weeks. people will believe what they see and become afraid for families and start to look at everyone in fear. (make claims of EMPs being found and leaks of hundreds more all over)
4. Ramp it up with a horrific death that includes a respected and loved person with their family. (then a quick fade to black) not everyone needs to see this, but just enough for rumors to spread quickly.
5. (fade to black) is loss to all communications. EMP time. really a simple trick of shutting down all power and utilities. Turn off anything with a chip and all sats/internet/radio ect. (not a true EMP, but close enough, to many dumb people not in the know)
6. Everyone is primed for internal WAR at that you just let the troops protect you in the FEMA camps!
7. Once in FEMA camps (view "Philip Zimbardo- The Lucifer Effect- Part 1 - 11" on youtube, for what will happen)

Military won't attack you because they are to good of people.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by theclutch
Easy to implement martial law!

1. Send out broadcast of possible terror strike from within country. Claim that it's coming from sympathizers and terror cells. Claim it could be anyone and that they have captured people.
2. show them as Whites, Blacks, Muslims, and Hispanics! Whole families arrested. (have the families screaming "death to America" and "just you wait" (include lots of profanities, devil worship symbols, bestiality) lots of really sick and inhumane stuff. Child torture, bombings, ect
3. Make sure this goes on for weeks. people will believe what they see and become afraid for families and start to look at everyone in fear. (make claims of EMPs being found and leaks of hundreds more all over)
4. Ramp it up with a horrific death that includes a respected and loved person with their family. (then a quick fade to black) not everyone needs to see this, but just enough for rumors to spread quickly.
5. (fade to black) is loss to all communications. EMP time. really a simple trick of shutting down all power and utilities. Turn off anything with a chip and all sats/internet/radio ect. (not a true EMP, but close enough, to many dumb people not in the know)
6. Everyone is primed for internal WAR at that you just let the troops protect you in the FEMA camps!
7. Once in FEMA camps (view "Philip Zimbardo- The Lucifer Effect- Part 1 - 11" on youtube, for what will happen)

Military won't attack you because they are to good of people.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by bknapple32
reply to post by ajay59

Without assuming too much, I bet if you asked your random joe in the military "would you take part in a nation wide martial law against the citizens of the U.S for a reason you couldnt understand" your answer would most likely be "Uh, no"

Try it... ask around... anyone you know in the military.. I have actually. And they all laugh at the notion at first, and then when the talk gets serious they become adament how they would tell their c.o to shove it in this one example. Any other example, and they follow the chain of command. This instance, however, its a different story...

And that is why martial law will NEVER EVEREVEREVEREVER EVER happen inside the United States unless we were under attack on our own soil.

If your talking numbers or willingness of the numbers I would hope so. If you consider the lives lost at Hiroshima, with our least powerful "nuke" ever, numbers may not count for much. I am not implying anything, but all things must be considered!

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 04:39 PM
When they realise their plans (old plans) are unworkable, maybe we'll see something closer to the truth emerge. And I've read the Omega Agency stuff, you can't implement something like that right now, it just won't work. For the simple reason that we'll just go all out war and probably hammer them. People are far too angry right now to put up with that.

With no disrespect at all : anyone from the Omega Agency, if that stuff is true : you just try pulling that right now. The world needs time to chill out and a lot better proposals on your part for it to work. You have to give leeway, it's not all about you. You can say you'll pop us in the head if we don't follow your orders, but try saying that if we storm all your buildings and there's none of you left. Because we are capable and you know it. There's far more of us than you and a lot more waking up that you didn't plan for, hence, leeway is needed.
edit on 23-3-2012 by robhines because: added

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 04:57 PM
The question of huge underground bunkers added into the equation does make the odds of possible avenues of attach against the American public extremely diverse. While realizing this would make a box office best seller, what do we really know about a government steeped in such secrecy?

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by TheIlluminatedOne

It could be a terror attack, a natural disaster, or a drill.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 05:10 PM
And if I get popped off by any NWO agent you'd better believe that I'll do every single thing in my being to stick around and haunt the crap out of the lot of you. I won't be stepping into the light if I can troll the crap out of you mob instead, and I'll put every single thing I can into it.

Take your NWO/Omega Agency plans and revise them. If not, get ready for the Illuminated ****torm of the century arriving at your front door, because several factions do not support you and we'll fight you with everything we have, and you will feel it. And that's before others step in. (Do you need reminding of who the others are? Look up and remember.)
edit on 23-3-2012 by robhines because: added

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by hotbread
reply to post by TheIlluminatedOne

It could be a terror attack, a natural disaster, or a drill.

And if you believe in it as some do, It could be TPTB making their final moves against the populace! Trust me, I am by no means fear mongering. As stated before, I will accept any and all possible information that will prevent me from taking it in the back, as I am allergic to violence and break out in blood!

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by ajay59

Originally posted by hotbread
reply to post by TheIlluminatedOne

It could be a terror attack, a natural disaster, or a drill.

And if you believe in it as some do, It could be TPTB making their final moves against the populace! Trust me, I am by no means fear mongering. As stated before, I will accept any and all possible information that will prevent me from taking it in the back, as I am allergic to violence and break out in blood!

I doubt it, it's more likely to be a drill for the upcoming North Korean missile test, and or the president visit to Seoul next week

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by KyleR

Yesterday, here in Lafayette La., my wife and others had to go through a 4hour scenario drill at the hospital she works at. They were setting up command centers, staged people with wounds, burns, and virus types, etc..She had to learn how to stay calm with an influx of people being rushed in. People with security uniforms and guns filled the exit ways. She had to help out in ways she was unexpected for. She described it as "something right out of a movie". People had nuclear fall out suits, masks,gloves and so on. So i believe something is going to be happening. I am preparing for the worst and hoping for the best.Stay Informed- Anyways- Be Safe, God Bless
edit on 23-3-2012 by KyleR because: text code

La Guard's 256th infantry is headquartered in Lafayette. Their Special Troops Battalion trains to deal with Chemical/Biological/Radiation events. Possibly a drill/excercise?

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 05:49 PM
Look, at the end of the day, this like all the others will amount to nothing. Folks, honestly, go enjoy your day. Tell you family members you love them. Take a walk in the park. I hate to say "move along, nothing to see here"... But really guys... Theres nothing to friggen see here.

Believe me, when there is, I'll be the first to hop on board, and youll see the revealing thread EXPLODE with hundereds of flags. You wont miss it. Until then, this is all debate and conjecture over a over inflated hypothetical situation.
edit on 23-3-2012 by bknapple32 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 05:53 PM
I work on a Navy base. Its an Anti Terrorism Force Protection Exercise. They do one every year.

No cause for alarm

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by bknapple32
Look, at the end of the day, this like all the others will amount to nothing. Folks, honestly, go enjoy your day. Tell you family members you love them. Take a walk in the park. I hate to say "move along, nothing to see here"... But really guys... Theres nothing to friggen see here.

Great point. It's beautiful spring day in South Louisiana. I need to be outside right now.


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