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ABC Nightline Falsely Reports Zimmerman "a white man" who shot a black man

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posted on Mar, 22 2012 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by dragonridr
Since this was a gated community Trayvon Martin set these events in motion by going into property he shouldnt have been. It does not mean however he deserved to die but it does lead you to ask why was he there in the first place.

Possibly he should not have gone through a gated community, but he is just a kid. When I was a teenager I use to cut through private driveways and the old retirement village with my friends every weekend. We didn't think much about what we were doing wrong and we did nobody any harm. Any person with common sense would not unnecessarily confront 1 kid let alone a number of them with a gun for simply cutting through a private drive way or community. There is no reason.

And what did Zimmerman see that made him confront him in the first place. And last who screamed for help?? neighbors said they heard it before the shot. And how was zimmerman struck? There is alot of unanswered questions i have before trying to decide fault.

Well think of it this way.

This was one 17 year old kid, it was reported that all he had was skettles in his hand. Zimmerman made the decision to persue this kid who was walking through the drive way of his complex. Zimmerman had a loaded gun. Now you have to wonder to yourself what threat would this kid pose to Zimmerman who is from looking at the picture larger and has a gun? What logic would dictate that this kid would attack zimmerman? Why did zimmerman persue him given this fact? Zimmerman is the one that needs to demonstrate exactly how he was justified to pull the trigger and why he needed to persue this kid.

So hes white of Hispanic Origin

The OP seems to take issue with calling Zimmerman white at all, so I'm glad you clarified your position here.

posted on Mar, 22 2012 @ 11:16 PM

Originally posted by thehoneycomb
reply to post by Southern Guardian

I was posting this because it was the media telling the public an open faced lie.

So core reason for your thread is not that you believe zimmerman is not white, it's just that media wrongly reported him as white? I don't see the difference? And still don't see how him being called white changes the circumstances of the case at all.

posted on Mar, 22 2012 @ 11:44 PM
the heart of true culture is based on values. racism is based on skin color. these racist threads lack cultural value in the face of the greater corporate elitist paradigms controlling current culture.

posted on Mar, 22 2012 @ 11:54 PM
reply to post by thehoneycomb

I think they are going by appearances and did not pause to get the guys entire lineage. People tend to see in black and white. I remember my grandmother telling me in the 60's that people with even a little black in them were all black. She was racist like this guy seems to be. Maybe it was a rumor but they have him calling the child a coon. He looked suspicious because he was black. He had his hand in his pants? This guy was following him in a truck - I might pretend to have a gun in that situation just to protect myself. Scary to think I might get shot by accident.

posted on Mar, 22 2012 @ 11:58 PM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher

Originally posted by satron
A lot of Hispanics do identify themselves as Caucasian. Just saying.

They don't "identify" themselves as Caucasian...they are Caucasian.

Hispanic is not a's an ethnicity.

I don't expect most people here to comprehend this.

Actually, some Hispanics are Caucasian, most are not. As Hispanic is a cultural label, not really racial or ethnic.
Most Hispanic nations have large "African Hispanic" populations. We don't here much about them because almost every Hispanic nation without fail, forces African Hispanics to live in "shack city" or "mud hut" slums.

Heck some Hispanic nations engage in outright genocidal culling of African Hispanics if their numbers grow too much. That is the reason why the left, and old Democratic "Conservatives" like the Bush's like Hispanic immigration. Because a Hispanics are far more likely to be racist. Heck look at the genocide that happened in Los Angelos against African American's.

But as per ABC, they are run by radical male hating feminists, what did you expect? Milk, cookies and a wee bit of honesty?

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 12:19 AM

Originally posted by Kali74
Ridiculous, you people act like victims of liberals all the time. Playing victims here like you're the ones mourning your 17 year old son. It will be exactly what you fear because now it's all the right can talk about. Disgusting.

Yeah, it's like the Occupy people who constantly act like victims of police, when they're breaking the law and not complying. Disgusting.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 12:21 AM
reply to post by thehoneycomb


I took a look at this "Zimmerman" and he is definately not white.

He looks like a Mexican, or an islander definatelt not white though.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 12:21 AM
reply to post by navy_vet_stg3

I'm not sure how pointing out when police break laws is whining to talk about it in an Occupy thread?

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 12:26 AM
Can we assume that, 'IF' Zimmerman does not get a jail sentence that there will be a riot? If anything he could use that stand your ground law that Florida has. All they have is audio, no video...

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 12:40 AM

Originally posted by USarmyFL
Guy sure looked spanish to me.. Still whiteys fault though..


edit on 22-3-2012 by USarmyFL because: (no reason given)

Spanish people are white.

This is why we can not use the word "hispanic".

We are grouping so many races and cultures together on the basis of a common language.

Thats whats racist.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 12:47 AM

Originally posted by USarmyFL
Guy sure looked spanish to me.. Still whiteys fault though..


Spaniards are White Europeans. If you are talking about New World Hispanic, someone of mixed blood from Central or South America or the Caribbean. These are people of mixed Spanish and Native American blood, and in some cases (especially in the Caribbean) with a drop of Black African.

To add to the confusion, some people of pure Central Native American blood are identified as "Hispanic" -- even though they have no Spanish or White blood at all. Many Mexicans fall into that category -- they're pure Mexican "Indian."

You need to be more specific.

I only got a glimpse of the shooter, so I can't say if he's a true Spaniard (White) or a New World Hispanic of mixed blood.

If this happened in Florida, the shooter is probably Cuban -- and Cubans can be pure White Spanish or of mixed blood.

I agree with the OP that the Liberal media is quick to use the "race card" to stir up trouble.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 01:09 AM
Hispanics are white when they are shooing people, but Hispanic when claiming special interest funding.

They have a special white/not white status depending on which way the wind blows.

The media shouldn't have reported it as back on white crime, but that would mean that someone else besides whitey could be a racist.

But hey, take it from his own family.

Zimmerman has not been arrested. A police report describes him as white; his family says he is Hispanic and that he has wrongly been described as a racist.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 01:12 AM
reply to post by KonquestAbySS

Well I think this is two fold. It may or may not lead to riots, personally I don't think it has potential like Rodney King did. But I do think a bogus civil rights movement is underway and it will lead to possibly the revocation of the stand your ground law in Florida, but many other states may follow.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 01:19 AM

Originally posted by Shadowalker

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher

Originally posted by satron
A lot of Hispanics do identify themselves as Caucasian. Just saying.

They don't "identify" themselves as Caucasian...they are Caucasian.

Hispanic is not a's an ethnicity.

I don't expect most people here to comprehend this.

So the La Raza folks dont even have a clue?

Is that correct or do we need to back up?

There is a surprising amount of confusion on this thread about race and different ethnic groups. The word "Hispanic" refers to things Spanish.

The original Spaniards from Spain were European Whites. Everywhere the Spaniards went in Latin America (Cental, South America, and the Caribbean) there was interbreeding with the various Native American peoples.

So as an example, in Mexico the people are:

1.) Mestizo -- mixed Spanish and Native American (the majority of Mexicans).
2.) Spanish -- pure White European usually forming the upper classes.
3.) Black -- any mix of the above with some Black African blood thrown in.

La Raza (literally "The Race" in Spanish) is a group in the US promoting the interests of Chicanos and Mexican Mestizo. It does not normally include pure White Spaniards or Blacks. As I recall, this is the group that believes California and the Southwest US belongs ot the Mexicans.

The terms "Hispanic" and "Latino" refer to ethnic groups connected to Spain or Latin America. It's not about race: a Hispanic or Latino could be White or Native American or Black or Mixed.

Does that make things clearer?

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 01:20 AM
reply to post by AuranVector

Liberals are very clever at covering their tracks.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 02:04 AM
So let me get this straight after reading through all of this... a light skinned Puerto Rican that speaks primarily Spanish but hates blacks is himself "white"... but that same Puerto Rican is "hispanic" if he loves blacks... is that what I'm to take from all of this...

It's all so confusing... how about we just start hating people based on ignorance... and if you're dumb enough to hate someone based on the color of their skin you get your eyes gouged out with a melon baller and then it doesn't really matter... whoever gives you a sandwich will be your best friend and you won't be able to tell what color they were...

Sound like a plan... cool... I'm going to go buy some stock in Kitchen Aide...

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 02:14 AM

Originally posted by Ameliaair

Originally posted by Sherlock Holmes

Originally posted by Ameliaair
the point of this topic is that he is not white and the media is constantly pushing the lie that he is

Yeah, but he's probably at least 75% white.

When a 50-75% ''black'' person is suspected of a racially-charged crime, then I don't see too many people questioning the definition of his ''blackness''.

Originally posted by Ameliaair
its time for the bs lies and racial division to stop

I agree entirely.

he is not white at all if he is ethnically jewish as his name suggests.

The name Zimmerman means "carpenter" in German. Not ALL Zimmermans are Jewish.

Also most Jews are Caucasian, whether Sephardic or Ashkenazian. Semitic people (both Jews & Arabs) are Caucasian. Khazars are also Caucasian.

There is a small group of Black Jews.

I suspect you have a very narrow definition of "Caucasian" or White. The Caucasian race is very broad and includes people who are quite dark.

What you mean is North European White (or to use the Nazi term "Aryan").

BTW, the Nazis misused the term "Aryan" to describe "Nordic" Whites.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 02:27 AM

Originally posted by wingsfan
it's all agenda just like the shooter in france. he was said to be some sort of "nazi", in spite of initial witnesses saying he was arabic.

Actually some Arabs (Semitic Caucasians) are Nazis ( followers of the Nazi political ideology).

There are interesting historical ties between Arabs & Nazis -- check out the origins of the Muslim Brotherhood.
But that's a topic for another thread.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 02:36 AM
PTB and the MSM have decided that he must be white in order to further their agenda against guns and permissive gun use laws ....remember all the hoo-hah when Fla passed its carry laws?All those predictions fell through so they have been biding their time waiting for some idiot to screw the pooch so they can get the laws changed back."Never let a good crisis go to waste"

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 02:40 AM

Originally posted by AuranVector

Originally posted by Ameliaair

Originally posted by Sherlock Holmes

Originally posted by Ameliaair
the point of this topic is that he is not white and the media is constantly pushing the lie that he is

Yeah, but he's probably at least 75% white.

When a 50-75% ''black'' person is suspected of a racially-charged crime, then I don't see too many people questioning the definition of his ''blackness''.

Originally posted by Ameliaair
its time for the bs lies and racial division to stop

I agree entirely.

he is not white at all if he is ethnically jewish as his name suggests.

The name Zimmerman means "carpenter" in German. Not ALL Zimmermans are Jewish.

Also most Jews are Caucasian, whether Sephardic or Ashkenazian. Semitic people (both Jews & Arabs) are Caucasian. Khazars are also Caucasian.

There is a small group of Black Jews.

I suspect you have a very narrow definition of "Caucasian" or White. The Caucasian race is very broad and includes people who are quite dark.

What you mean is North European White (or to use the Nazi term "Aryan").

BTW, the Nazis misused the term "Aryan" to describe "Nordic" Whites.

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