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ABC Nightline Falsely Reports Zimmerman "a white man" who shot a black man

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posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by poet1b

Hispanics are white when they are shooing people, but Hispanic when claiming special interest funding.

They have a special white/not white status depending on which way the wind blows.

The media shouldn't have reported it as back on white crime, but that would mean that someone else besides whitey could be a racist.

But hey, take it from his own family.

Zimmerman has not been arrested. A police report describes him as white; his family says he is Hispanic and that he has wrongly been described as a racist.

So if he was White and did this he is a racist but if he is Hispanic then he isn't?

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by popsmayhem

You can't even get the kid's name right...
Zimmerman had no business pursuing Trayvon Martin and that's what needs to be investigated...thoroughly, not half- assed.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by thehoneycomb
reply to post by MrWendal

Yes, but this thread is not about what happened, it is about the media lying to the public.

This is one of those situations one can not separate. Yes the media is playing a big part in this matter but in order to talk about it's role you must be clear on the subject matter, the child's death and what lead to it.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by luccadeo

Originally posted by poet1b

Hispanics are white when they are shooing people, but Hispanic when claiming special interest funding.

They have a special white/not white status depending on which way the wind blows.

The media shouldn't have reported it as back on white crime, but that would mean that someone else besides whitey could be a racist.

But hey, take it from his own family.

Zimmerman has not been arrested. A police report describes him as white; his family says he is Hispanic and that he has wrongly been described as a racist.

So if he was White and did this he is a racist but if he is Hispanic then he isn't?

There are other groups of people who live in this society and are influenced by the accepted stereotyping. Yes those other groups of people can be racist as well which is part of the reason Trayvon is dead. The other reason he's dead in my opinion is because Zimmerman was laying dead to kill him somebody that night and Trayvon unfortunately was in the wrong place.
edit on 23-3-2012 by Chai_An because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher

Originally posted by satron
A lot of Hispanics do identify themselves as Caucasian. Just saying.

They don't "identify" themselves as Caucasian...they are Caucasian.

Hispanic is not a's an ethnicity.

I don't expect most people here to comprehend this.

First you claim they aren't a race by definition and then you define them by race. And you get stars for that logic? lol, funny stuff.
No, the guy is not white and caucasion. Just another red herring to avoid the other media red herring to blame white people, using the basic tendancies to align with those that look like you.
In this case though, it's all the black people banding together to blame a group that isn't a group at all, according to your own logic, or illogic as it becomes clearer.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 10:56 AM
a dirtbag self appointed vigilante shoots a kid armed with a deadly bag of skittles.
but you just see it from a racist point of view.

rather than show mutual disgust and unite around an obvious injustice; you have chosen to play tit for tat and revert to childish we do it but you do it too, games. a 17 yr old boy was murdered never mind what color he or his killer was.

All Major News Outlets Cover Trayvon Martin Tragedy, Except Fox News

Another day has passed and George Zimmerman is still free. *shaking head* Anyway, a grand jury will convene in early April and unless the people of Florida are as dumb as their local law enforcement officials, criminal charges are sure to follow. I also have to commend the Department of Justice for getting involved. It's amazing what a little pressure can do. All you people who helped to blow up this story should be proud of yourselves. Nancy Grace isn't going to pick up our stories, so we have to make it a story and hope that the main stream media will chase it.

Sadly, I continue to learn more about what happened on that night in Central Florida, and the more I learn the angrier I get. It's getting harder and harder for the enemies of justice to justify the actions of the racist vigilante masquerading as a protector of law abiding citizens. Florida's seven year old self- defense ("stand your ground") law was made for the victim in this case, not for the shooter. But the shooter hid behind the law and avoided being charged by inept local law enforcement officials.
“They always get away,” Zimmerman told dispatch in a 911 call released Friday, and he kept tracking Martin. Zimmerman had a gun. Martin was carrying only an ice tea and the Skittles he’d just bought at the store. The two had a struggle that no one saw. Hearing shots, neighbors called 911. In one call that’s hard to listen to, a woman anxiously says she can hear someone calling for help while in the background, a terrified, wailing voice pleads, "No! No!"

I heard that "wailing voice". And it didn't belong to George Zimmerman.

"SANFORD -- SANFORD The 911 tapes released by police Friday show neighborhood watch captain George Zimmerman called in with a problem: there had been a few break-ins lately, and now there was another suspicious guy in his Retreats at Twin Lakes neighborhood.

He looked like he might be on drugs and “up to no good.”

“It’s raining. He’s just walking around, looking about,” Zimmerman told the dispatcher. “He’s just staring looking at all the houses.”
Later, he lamented: “These a**holes always get away.”
Zimmerman is the neighborhood watch volunteer in the Central Florida town of Sanford who on Feb. 26 shot and killed Miami Gardens teenager Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman claimed the teen started an altercation, and then -- in fear for his life -- Zimmerman pulled a weapon from his waistband and fired. He has not been charged.

Family members and attorneys believe the Sanford Police has bent over backward to protect Zimmerman out of a sense of kinship for a man who had devoted his spare time to law enforcement.

In an interview this week with the Miami Herald, Police Chief Bill Lee said the 911 calls would prove the incident was not a case of racial profiling, because when asked whether the suspect was white or black, Zimmerman did not know. However the recording clearly shows that when asked, Zimmerman said, “He looks black.” And then a few moments later, “He’s a black male.”

His family filed a lawsuit to force the Sanford Police Department to release the 911 tapes to clarify the murky circumstances. A hearing had been scheduled for Monday, and in the face of mounting national pressure the Sanford Police decided to release the tapes late Friday. They first allowed the slain teen’s family and attorneys to listen.

According to the recordings posted on the city’s website, Zimmerman was perturbed because Trayvon looked a bit out of sorts. Other callers reported hearing someone calling for help and then a blast that silenced the wailing. One call, so close that the cries for help could be heard, contains two sounds, first a muted bang that family attorneys believe was a warning shot, then the louder crack of close-range gunfire. Sanford police said Sunday that a check of the weapon showed only one shot was fired.
The thing is, the media in A-merry-ca will jump all over a story where there is perceived injustice somewhere else in the world, but not so much here in A-merry-ca. They are especially afraid of stories that involve the uncomfortable subject of race. God forbid we mess up the beautiful kumbaya post-racial vibe that we have been enjoying of late. *sarcasm off*

At the end of the day it's bloggers and the social media that always drives these stories,because the producers who work in the main stream media and their puppet masters do not have the guts to do it. It's only after the public outcry becomes loud enough to embarrass them that they give in and feature these types of stories in their programming.
and by the way zimmerman is considered caucasian, probably because on the police report he's listed as such and mr z did not dispute this.
but hey keep getting your intel from the MSM with it's obvious biases agendas, etc.
and don't think for your selves and continue to play race baiting games.your masters are pleased

edit on 23-3-2012 by DerepentLEstranger because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-3-2012 by DerepentLEstranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by luccadeo

Apparently that is the logic the media plays out.

If it is white on non-white, in which case Hispanics are considered non-white, then it is a racist crime, the other way around, and the poor fool (white victim) just got himself in the wrong place at the wrong time.

That is the way they have been playing the game for several decades now.

And they wonder why people are pissed off.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

Nope. There are black hispanics, white hispanics, "native american" hispanics....there can even be asian hispanics. It's an ethnicity....not a race. Like I said...I don't expect people to comprehend.

i love your "holier than thou" talk. silly lowly peasants can't comprehend your superior brain, eh? very patronizing.

anyhow, "hispanic" refers to the person's origin. this includes genetic origin. someone who's family originated from mexico would be classified as "hispanic/latino americans". this DIFFERS from "non-hispanic white americans" both genetically and culturally.

so no, he is not "white", but i don't expect you to comprehend.

edit on 23-3-2012 by Bob Sholtz because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 12:52 PM
Hispanics can be caucasians.

I used to be a detox charge nurse and we had monthly federal paperwork called "Danes", don't ask what it stands for. Anyway, hispanics are most often classified as caucasian as far as the feds are concerned.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by DerepentLEstranger

Oh please like i would trust anything that comes out of a site called "field negro" on this matter.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 01:01 PM
What was the lie?

Granted, I am not a MSM supporter.. nor do I watch it.. or own a television.. or read newspapers.. but I watched the clip.. and I am not seeing anything wrong with what they said.

Zimmerman self identifies as a caucasian.
The United States identifies him as a caucasian.
The child he shot identified him as a caucasian.

What is the lie?

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 01:03 PM
On a recent ASVAB test I took for the Army (Feb of '12), when asked to describe race/ethnicity it had a box instructing hispanics/latinos to check the Caucasion box but also to check off that they were hispanic/latino.

All I can say is everywhere I turn, things are divided into race or ethnicity. So much for "All men are created equal"

**To clear things up, I think Zimmerman is fully guilty of murder, and Trayvon was an innocent victim of racial profiling coupled with an overzealous wannabe cop and negligent policing.**

edit on 23-3-2012 by FreedomLuva because: after thought

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by AGWskeptic

that's true, but zimmerman is being touted as strictly "white" not caucasian.

ethnicity differs between those who have ancestral origins in spain, and those who do not. zimmerman falls in the former catagory.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 01:04 PM
this story reminds of a Charles Perrault story. The story should have been reported as:

Big Bad Wolf shoots and kills Little Red Riding Hood.

Who'd have thunk it that the wolf was that clever...?

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by Southern Guardian
Why do they refer to illegal aliens as hispanic?

Why not white or caucasian illegals?

It's to push an agenda.

Peace, love, and harmony are bad for both sides of the aisle's agendas.

"You never want a serious crisis to go to waste." Rahm Emanuel

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by thehoneycomb

There is more media bias.As you have heard the national media keeps saying "now that Trayvon is dead only Zimmerman knows what happen"Well I just want to get a fact is my source in the artical dated March 2nd a witness to the assualt has been known for a while.Why isn't the media reporting it.A witness First name john reported that he saw Trayvon on top of Zimmerman beating him.He told Trayvon to stop he was calling 911.When trayvon didn't stop he went inside and called at the time he went in Zimmerman was yelling for help while he was on the phone he heard a shot came back out at that time Zimmerman was on top.Why is this being hidden from the public?

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by rockymcgilicutty

There is a lot more to this issue then you think, to the point where you can begin to compare and contrast this event with others.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by rockymcgilicutty
reply to post by thehoneycomb

Why is this being hidden from the public?

Because it does not fit the made up story that the media is promoting. Their story is that white George chased down and shot a black 10 year old for no reason at all, they are sticking to that one.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by DavidWillts

the little boy was only carrying Skittles and Iced Tea...

Zimmerman is clearly a monster.

Trayvon was also a starter on his football team.

Zimmerman wanted to be a Cop but his application was rejected.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 02:43 PM
We saw this and we were both like "that dude isn't white, he's hispanic"

I think he was a paranoid idiot or something - they say he called 911 a lot and he seemed like he wanted to be a regular wild west sheriff with his neighborhood watch duties.

But the whole race thing is overblown, IMO. To me it looks like they were both minorities.
I think it was more a case of a idiot that wouldn't listen to reason.

I don't understand it all really though. I just hate the kid is dead.

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