posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 11:56 PM
This thread is extremely relevant to ATS...may I also suggest the following software title:
Now, I must warn you this program does takes some time to train, I am still having my issues with it. I find myself simultaneously in 2-3
conversations at a time and I try my best to keep errors down when I am in a hurry(and that is all of the time). I have rather large hands and a
rather sensitive keyboard. I never figured ATS of all forums to demand 100% accuracy in spelling and I only take my time typing when I am programming
code for redundancy is important when you are avoiding syntax errors.
I will make fun of someone who comes on ATS without the basic knowledge of correct spelling and correct English grammar. I have done this in the past
in hopes that the person(s) would learn to recognize their mistakes, but I have never thought to discredit them due to functional illiteracy.
As for my personal credibility?
I.Q.= 206 (State tested & MENSA confirmed)
Education: Masters of Science Electronic & Computer Engineering earned from CWRU *(not typing)
Business Owner
So you better get it right!
btw... I have noticed that sometimes(actually a lot as of late) here on ATS I would have proofread my post before submission only later on to find out
that there was spelling error(s). Now, I am not inferring that ATS's script editor is at fault but something is screwing around with the submissions.
The ATS staff can also make alterations to your post and if you are not favored by them like I am not(shrugs shoulders) then attempting to chop at
one's credibility via submissions revision is the perfect # with you weapon. I am still here ATS 13 years and going strong!
So, if I make a mistake so be it. At my age and station in life I can literally afford to make the occasional mistake or two. My resume and
professional references speaks for it is not like ATS is paying anyone for perfect submissions....actually it is the other way
around... I have found out that struggling mind blocked Hollywood & TV producers, authors steal content from ATS...but that is another story for
another day.
edit on 26-3-2012 by maestromason because: *addition