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Why do so many people have an issue with the TSA?

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posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by Konduit
reply to post by defcon5
You need to ask yourself who creates these laws and if they absolutely have "your" best interests at heart, not the lining of their own pockets. The pornographic body scanners is a great example.
edit on 21-3-2012 by Konduit because: (no reason given)

That is 100% false.. you have been reading too much ATS threads. I have a friend that works at the TSA and I have seen the brand new body scanners.. they show a blacked out silhouette of the person they are scanning, and then the scanner is triggered by whatever the machine is programmed to be sensitive of. Don't spread disinformation.. have your facts first before you write nonsense. I challenge you, next time you fly, to ask a TSA agent if you could see the body scanners I'm 100% positive they will show you (unless you are completely snarky, or beligerent).

ETA: I just want to point out that I think this thread, and many other like it, are the true colors of the "American" attitude of today. Too many "Burger King - Have it your way right away" mentalities out there. I don't want my rights taken away.. but I also don't want to be in a hostage crisis on a plane to my mothers house either. A lot of members on here need to do some serious critical thinking about this instead of listening to Alex Jones.

Molestation? Ok.. I watched the video of the TSA woman that gave the crying little girl a pat down awhile back. Honestly, I see nothing wrong with it, she explained EVERYTHING she was doing to the mother.. yet the mother still wanted to complain about it. Everyone focused on the little girl crying.. but seriously, when DOESN"T a little girl/boy cry when they are told to do something they don't want to do? Do we hate barber shops when we give our children haircuts and they start crying? No. Ridiculous.
edit on 21-3-2012 by 31Bravo because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 03:22 PM
Watching children getting patted down by strangers makes me sick. I witnessed it twice last year. It's grotesque. If you are ok with your child having strangers sticking their fingers in his/her pockets, I wonder about you. Why do you think that is acceptable? or necessary? or constitutional? really?

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by BIHOTZ

Originally posted by LastProphet527
reply to post by LastProphet527

There is no way a sane and intelligent person will argue safety issues despite what it is, and how it is done. You break my heart! You really are a human with no compassion for safety, and obliviously a Judas towards your country.

Now I see how Jesus felt.

Every time somebody whines and pouts about the great government of the United States it reminds me of the event when Jesus was betrayed.

Right now I am crying, because I just cant see a NewYorker out of all states, not loving tsa…especially a new Yorker.

so you feel like Jesus? ok....

Don't cry, I don't want to die. You don't have to worry, the nearest window to me is really far away...

I can't understand "loving" a government entity. Do they like call you at night and ask you how the kids are?
You can argue the necessity for them...maybe. But to like adore them, you seem a little off the wall.

oh and keeping our government in check is what real Americans do. We don't follow tyranny with blind faith. In fact we don't like mixing faith and government at all in the USA. We are not trying to repeat the errors that led to the American revolution.

I can't have compassion for safety. It is a state of being. I can have compassion for my fellow Americans that are being treated like criminals just because they don't own private jets.

It is a little extreme to label people not wanting to get groped by grumpy goons as un American.
We are no safer. Do you really think that by you having your balls cupped that people with almost infinite resources cant attack us if they really wanted to? If you feel safer then good. We don't and we don't like to be raped just because the rule book we didn't write (or get consulted when written) says it is "the way."

We should reform our foreign policy that creates more extremist abroad if you really want to get at the crux of the problem.

and New Yorkers don't buy into BS police state control over us.

edit on 21-3-2012 by BIHOTZ because: (no reason given)

i just have one thing to say.

How would you keep America’s sky’s safe? How?

What would you do differently?

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 03:34 PM
It's an extremist military thing to label the democratic process that voices public opinion as pansy ass baggage. Thankfully not all of our service men are that blind. I wonder if they understand who they are supposedly serving. Maybe they do it for like the hopes that Hollywood will make a film about their life story and subsequent blind service. or if they understand that as the military of a DEMOCRATIC society we the people have the right to voice our concerns about everything we take issue with.

Here is where some goon jumps in and says he will die for my right to say what I am thinking, but put me down for doing so just because he doesn't agree. Me, you, anyone.... his countrymen. Just because the security business is a good business we have to keep shoveling cash into it.

There is no increased security. That is crap. I know of someone that accidentally slipped in a razor blade that was wedged in his shoe. He couldn't honestly say when he stepped on it, but he made it home with it in wedged in his sneaker. He went through the scanner......

The whole thing is smoke and mirrors with a huge bill our taxes pay for. Yet they support bleeding their fellow American´s wallets because their superiors told them it was in their best interest.

edit on 21-3-2012 by BIHOTZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by ~Vixen~

Originally posted by LastProphet527

As President George bush jr said.
'Either your with us,or against us'

Which side do you choose?

LOL... thanks for the confirmation of your status, however my question remains: WHAT AM I IF I OPPOSE THE TSA?

Then i think homeland security needs a phone call.

Im so glad the goverment has the power to detain Americans now,i think that was a very good decision as well as tsa,i dont think a terrosist inside or out will do somthing bad to us again.

'God Bless America'

edit on 21-3-2012 by LastProphet527 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by LastProphet527

Air marshals.

prescreening, people who fly regularly for business purposes should get lighter security.

I think I would increase training and decrease expensive security systems that eventually will be circumvented.

I think what the poster that talked about Israeli tactics in airport security had it right. Intelligence and training, not big dumb toys and dumb asses patting down people in a manner they wouldn't find anything anyways.

They are in drone mode when they do it. It might work if you were to pat down someone that you identify as a potential threat. If you do it to everyone that one guy WILL slip through. That many pat downs are just not effective after number 250. They get jellow head. It's a routine like factory work. There is no real effort put in unless you are smoking hot blond in a dress or an idiot in a bad mood.

edit on 21-3-2012 by BIHOTZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by LastProphet527

You are so anti American you worry me. Switch your "I feel like Jesus" to "I feel like Mohamed" and you have the making of what MSM labels an extremist mentality.

You must hate the constitution then.

edit on 21-3-2012 by BIHOTZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by FoxMulder91

I like feeling safe too, but not at the expense of my liberty. The problem is, once government is given the authority or power to do something, that authority never stays within the original intent of it, and instead expands into other areas over time. Eventually you end up with tyranny... hence America in 2012. The best way to keep planes and airports safe is to allow people with concealed carry permits to carry on-board planes, "But that would lead to more violence and hijackings..." shut up... save your breath... because you are wrong. If terrorists or anyone else with malicious intent knew that there were people on board carrying concealed weapons, they would think twice before doing anything. That's why crime rates are so low in states, and more specifically cities, with lax gun laws. Look at NYC and Newark, D.C, and any other Progressive "Utopian" city with very strict gun laws, and the high crime rates associated with them. Guess what... Good people have concealed permits... criminals do not.

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by LastProphet527

Originally posted by ~Vixen~

Originally posted by LastProphet527

As President George bush jr said.
'Either your with us,or against us'

Which side do you choose?

LOL... thanks for the confirmation of your status, however my question remains: WHAT AM I IF I OPPOSE THE TSA?

Then i think homeland security needs a phone call.

Im so glad the goverment has the power to detain Americans now,i think that was a very good decision as well as tsa,i dont think a terrosist inside or out will do somthing bad to us again.

'God Bless America'

Don't worry, despite our differences and your willingness to surrender your civil liberties, there are still a few patriotic US military veterans like myself who will continue to protect those freedoms you take fore granted.

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by BIHOTZ

TextThey are in drone mode when they do it. It might work if you were to pat down someone that you identify as a potential threat.

I think you should join a thread called 'why do we racielly profile'.

Text pat down someone that you identify as a potential threat.

lol,and what in gods life is the identity of a potential threat, a muslim?

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by LastProphet527

you don't have to profile based on race. Ask questions. Look for nervous people. Look for things that are out of place. I didn't say do it like a xenophobe. I said be smart. You don't have to be a racist to figure out that the guy that said he was going on vacation doesn't even know what hotel he is going to stay in for 15 days. Or that his companion doesn't know what the names of their relatives are where they are staying. Things like that. It is cheaper and more effective.

maybe you would profile based on race. Then again you would have missed the 9/11 hijackers because you would be looking for Afganis or Libyans and would have missed the nervous Saudis.

edit on 21-3-2012 by BIHOTZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 04:06 PM

Originally posted by ComeFindMe
reply to post by VictorVonDoom

They don't need a warrant - you agree with their terms and conditions, that state that searches may / will take place. If you don't want to be searched, then you can go through the scanner - or not buy the ticket at all.

Which brings us back to my original point. If you can get people to sign away their 4th Amendment rights, why not convince them to sign away their 13th Amendment rights?

In any case, I guess the OP got what he was looking for; reasons why some people have an issue with the TSA. We should all bookmark this thread. In a few years, we can refer to it while we are discussing how you gave up your 4th Amendment rights when you signed your mortgage papers. If you didn't want random searches of your house, you shouldn't have bought it.

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 04:16 PM

Originally posted by BIHOTZ
reply to post by LastProphet527

You are so anti American you worry me. Switch your "I feel like Jesus" to "I feel like Mohamed" and you have the making of what MSM labels an extremist mentality.

You must hate the constitution then.

edit on 21-3-2012 by BIHOTZ because: (no reason given)

Words written down on pieces of paper hold no water in god’s real world. The only thing the constitution does is program the sheeple and bots with no vasoline, and works. I honestly feel sorry for people that would believe something written down and covet it, as if it’s important to god or heaven… as if it’s right, lmaf.

I enjoy not being programmed; I also enjoy free will, something that many humans on this earth have lost.

For some reason humans remind of the worker bee as well as the ant that goes hunting, A species that have no free will, and no say so in the matter ,a species that shares the same similarity when humans talk about the constitution or simple words that can easily be erased.

You can call me if you want. My number is ‘1-800 -deprogram’, that’s 1 -800 ‘I lost my free will’, I repeat,
1-800 where is my sheepherder?
edit on 21-3-2012 by LastProphet527 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by VictorVonDoom

Both your points add nothing to this discussion, as i've made clear.

Your precious Constitution allows no room for common sense - given there is a precendent for individuals trying to hijack planes, patdowns /scanners act as both a deterrent and an excellent way to identify such individuals.

Expecting a document thats over two hundred years old to still be just as applicable now is frankly, deluded.

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by BIHOTZ
reply to post by LastProphet527

you don't have to profile based on race. Ask questions. Look for nervous people. Look for things that are out of place. I didn't say do it like a xenophobe. I said be smart. You don't have to be a racist to figure out that the guy that said he was going on vacation doesn't even know what hotel he is going to stay in for 15 days. Or that his companion doesn't know what the names of their relatives are where they are staying. Things like that. It is cheaper and more effective.

maybe you would profile based on race. Then again you would have missed the 9/11 hijackers because you would be looking for Afganis or Libyans and would have missed the nervous Saudis.

edit on 21-3-2012 by BIHOTZ because: (no reason given)

THEREFORE, what you are saying is that, out of 4000 passengers that board under your supervision that day, that you would only take action if they look suspicious, or the other laughable ideas you presented.

The Cuban drug traffickers would love to have you at the time you come on the job.

Where are you going and what bussiness do you have in the united states, and what is that gasoline smell coming from your bag.

my sister ran out of gas in new york, and she called me from saudia arabia to bring her some gas ,so she can start her car.

OK,becuase i believe in the constittuituon, i will let you pass ,and you didnt seem nervous when i asked what you are doing,so...have a good day.
edit on 21-3-2012 by LastProphet527 because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-3-2012 by LastProphet527 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by LastProphet527

the bible is just words.

money is just paper.

the flag is just fibers sewn together.

I feel sorry for Americans that sold out what cost many lives trying to secure and keep. You dishonor everyone that worked hard to create this great country. You should move to Iran where reality is formed by a few fanatics and where secret police arrests people for voicing their concerns. You should really move there and look for a job with the regime that molds reality to their will and keeps worker bees working so they stay in power. You have no place in my free and great nation.

Please find a place where you would fit in. Stop trying to make my country a dictatorship.

OP, this is why I don't like the TSA. It is dangerous thinking when we allow this sort of crap. Is this the future of our country?
Extremist that in the name of safety destroy our nations principles. Is this better?

edit on 21-3-2012 by BIHOTZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 04:31 PM
The reason why the TSA receives so much criticism is that they are a very incompetent organization. They have so many security breeches that go unnoticed and they do not search everyone "equally." If there were an egalitarian security protocol, every person flying would be treated the same way; random people would not be profiled and searched due to race, name, and appearance. Furthermore, the scanners they use are not exactly harm free; they bombard the body of the victim with radiation, which is not exactly something that everyone wants to subject him or herself to.

Let's not forget the TSA agents who were caught stealing from the luggage of passengers. I personally have had items stolen or lost when my luggage was searched. Theft is theft, and a thief should not be trusted with a security position.

Aside from this, outside of 9/11, assuming the official story is true and the planes were indeed hijacked, there have been no other hijackings, and the plots that were foiled often stunk of propaganda and false flags. We can either credit this with tighter security, or perhaps with the idea that people seldom desire to blow up random people for no reason.

Think about it; do the supposed terrorists have a grudge against the American people, or the American government? I think the latter is the case, for they could care less about our faux freedom and mockery of a democracy.
edit on 21-3-2012 by DestroyDestroyDestroy because: typo

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by LastProphet527
i just have one thing to say.

How would you keep America’s sky’s safe? How?

What would you do differently?

Let everyone (pilots, passengers and crew) carry weapons on board. An armed society is a polite society.

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by LastProphet527

You know nothing of the security business and lack common sense.

that whole post is trolling.

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 04:34 PM
People are often nervous because of anxieties. That's not terrorism.

This is one of the things I'm incredibly frustrated with on the War On Terror. Turning anything that seems out of the ordinary into "you're guilty of being a terrorist so off with your head" kinds of attitude.

There really is no such thing as innocent until proven guilty.

But a fidgety kid?


People have lost all sorts of intelligence in this particular matter.

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