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'Israel Loves Iran' Initiative takes off......

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posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 04:16 AM
perhaps i got too discouraged to can trust anything anymore
even if this *was* a private movement - which is most applaudable - it will be hijacked by TPTB.

I dont trust however that this is a 'spontaneous invention from a couple' . Indeed as another poster said, why this never happened with 'palestine' ? Why is it, in the first place, news in haaretz ? Answer: because its hijacked - it is ment to spread the picture of ' peace loving israeli population ' .

Next thing to wait, is the ' first strike of big bad persia '

all controlled opposition and conditioning

im sick of it

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 04:20 AM
Nice idea, it shows the true colors of real everyday people. Unfortunately it will never work, because the governments don't feel the same way and they run everything including those who made these posters. The government couldn't care less how the people feel about bombing Iran. This WILL happen, I will lay money on it. Iran will get attacked by USA/Israel it's only a matter of when and the approach they will take to demonize Iran to give them an excuse to enter. It has to be politically acceptable (in their eyes) and sound good on the controlled media, so they can repeat it over and over to burn the demonization of Iran into your consciousness much like they do everything else in the MSM.
edit on 20-3-2012 by Phenomium because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 04:25 AM
thanks Phen

you worded it far better as me

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 04:37 AM
The energy from this thread is immense...

This is a great way to spread the idea that "the people" of nations do not thirst for war.

Brilliant people in this world. Seems like we really are coming to a new age in humanity.


posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 04:39 AM
Yeh I was thinking its like this

Only Israel instead of the US , however it still applies

Bill Hicks - Pick up the gun

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 04:54 AM
You know I wake up every morning with a resigned acceptance knowing that when I log onto my computer and check on here and in the news I will see umpteen examples of man's inhumanity to man, i will see hate and bile, anger and frustration, it is really quite soul destroying, but on a rare occasion like this you finally see something that starts to restore your faith in humanity, and this is one of them.

I just wish I could walk up to this Israeli couple and give them a huge hug each. Star and flag to the OP just for making my morning a little brighter. I doubt it will stop the war, but it is reassuring that even during all the rhetoric and malicious propaganda these people still see the light.

This is the difference between Judaism and Zionism, this is why I can put my hand on my heart and say I love the Jewish people but hate the fascist Zionist, there is a huge distinction between the two. I hope this really catches on

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 04:56 AM
reply to post by Phenomium

Unfortunately it will never work, because the governments don't feel the same way and they run everything including those who made these posters.

It will work the day the soldiers of our countries turn their weapons on our war-mongering governments and tell them to go to hell. We can voice opposition to needless wars all we want, but as we've found, that doesn't seem to matter anymore....even here in the U.S. They don't listen to us....they do as they please. Our governments view us as nothing but expendable--collateral damage in pursuit of their goals.

As long as governments have troops willing to fight, even if there is no just cause, they will continue to send them into battle regardless of how much we scream and yell about it. Our governments are filled with soulless bastards who believe themselves to be God. They seem to think they can manipulate around the laws of the universe, which dictate that truth always reveals itself and the wrongs that have been done will eventually be made right. They will self destruct and I hope I am alive to witness it.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 05:26 AM
This is very frightening if you would know the prophecies I know.
In these prophecies it is predicted that people are cheering about peace, right before WW3 breaks out.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 05:31 AM

Originally posted by Regenstorm
This is very frightening if you would know the prophecies I know.
In these prophecies it is predicted that people are cheering about peace, right before WW3 breaks out.

You going to enlighten us on these prophecies or just leave us to guess what you mean.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 05:37 AM
Not in my name - everyone should stand up and be counted - No not in may name - This is People Power!

S&F Let us be the New Pioneers of Peace in the World.

I hope this becomes a Never Ending Thread that Spreads Around The Whole World.

Please everyone make it so, even if you're tired just type the words - Not in my name.
edit on 20-3-2012 by quedup because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 05:45 AM
At a good guess i would say that both Jesus and Mahumaud were pacifists not war mongers. What a pity that evil people commit violence in their name. These same people always use very select passages out of the Bible or Koran to justify their actions. When is a church going to make up a bumper sticker saying that "Jesus is a pacifist"

Most of the people in Iran and Israel do not want war just as most of the people in other countries do not want war it is just the evil self centered Elites of this world that want war. One day their time will come and they will not be able to avoid their life review after they die and then how will they justify themselves and their actions.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 05:49 AM
reply to post by woodwardjnr

It's a pity that the book is in German.
It's an analysis of many, many prophecies. The original version was published in 1996 and many prophecies described in this book became reality. One example is 911, it made me go
when I read it.
But the tsunamis and the financial crisis were predicted as well, the crisis would occur at the eve of WW3 and the war against Iran would trigger it.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 05:50 AM

Originally posted by Ameliaair
So,,,,,,,shall we take a moment here and realize that maybe we could do the same ? With Syria,Iran? Uganda?

A simple idea has been shown to us how to defeat TPTB.

If I were computer savvy I would start it off but Im not. Any takers?

My brother and I sat only last night speaking on all these wars started by politicians, and how if we could only get rid of these politicians the people could live in peace because it is not us who starts these wars, it is not us oppressing people but its the politicians.

We are in. We can do pictures (if you do not mind I do wear the hijab) and add our voice. Where are we signing up at for this?

Please do not forget our (my) brothers and sisters that are in Bahrain protesting too.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 05:53 AM

Originally posted by Lone12
perhaps i got too discouraged to can trust anything anymore
even if this *was* a private movement - which is most applaudable - it will be hijacked by TPTB.

I dont trust however that this is a 'spontaneous invention from a couple' . Indeed as another poster said, why this never happened with 'palestine' ? Why is it, in the first place, news in haaretz ? Answer: because its hijacked - it is ment to spread the picture of ' peace loving israeli population ' .

Next thing to wait, is the ' first strike of big bad persia '

all controlled opposition and conditioning

im sick of it

This is probably true, but does this mean we do not think it is a good thing for the people of the world to say enough warmongering? Maybe we should do a general saying, "We the peoples who inhabit the earth are fed up with all the warmongering at the expense of innocent lives, our lives."
edit on 20-3-2012 by Jameela because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 06:41 AM
reply to post by el1jah

We can only hope this movement gains more support. I'm interested to see how this gets painted as antisemitic.

but really, it's rather honest, no one WANTS war, it's all out of fear, and that fear is being used against us. Education and understanding can go a long way.

i don't want to see a single Israeli solider, mother, father, son or daughter killed.
I don't want to see a single Iranian solider, mother, father, son or daughter killed.

Do not be fooled into believing propaganda, not all of these people are fanatical. They are just like you and me, living their lives, loving their families, wishing for a better tomorrow.

If we really need to bomb them into oblivion, it is our DUTY to fully know the civilization we intend to destroy, if not to understand it, to preserve it's memory.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 06:51 AM
yeh we the people need to communicate , and let everyone in the world know that we dont want war .
We dont want death and destruction , the loss of life on a massive scale .

We need to send similar messages from our own nations to every other nation in the world .
Let everyone state that we dont want war

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 07:23 AM
This is great! We tend to look at countries as a single entity, instead of consisting of individual people. What makes me sad is the fact that the goverments most likely WILL start a war. We everyday people are just observers of a deadly chess match. The governments are hell bent for war......and I don't think it will be long . I have some online friends in Iran, and we are not as different as you may think. We care about the same things, listen to the same music, laugh at the same things,and worry about the same things. The people of Iran are good people.....the problem is the leadership (just as here).....I really worry about them and what may happen soon. I am soooo weary of hearing about war.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 07:43 AM
reply to post by el1jah

Ok, I am a little confused. If this is legit, then I say "GREAT JOB!!" on the part of the people trying to begin initiating contact and becoming representatives of their countries and hopefully setting the example for their leaders. BUT, here is where I am confused and a little weary of this "movement." Iranians and Israelies do not speak English. All of the "posters" I have seen are in English. I have been to the facebook page and the blog, there are some posts in Hebrew, but none of the these "I love Iranians" posters. And all of the posts and responses are in English. The Israelis speak Hebrew and the Iranians speak Persian (Farsi). These are the official languages of these two countries. Yes I know that most of our international brothers and sisters are much more savy when it comes to languages and speak English as well as it seems to be the universal language, BUT if this were me, I think I would create the posters in the native dialect of the country I was trying to initiate conversation with. It just makes better sense.

So here's my question: Why did these people create posters in English?

Here is where my logic has me at this very moment:

!) This is 100% legit and it has all been conveniently translated for us Americans OR

2) This is NOT legit and the American people are being manipulated by either our own country, another country, or a combination.

I teach about "Missions" locally, nationally, and internationally once a week. I am also a full time student and will be studying at a local University next semester pursuing a degree in Biblical and Related Languages with a focus in Hebrew. I do not tell any of you this to say "look at me," but rather to show that I am familiar with quite a few of the geographic languages associated with different regions which is part of the reason why I have taken an interest in this "movement."

I really hope my gut is wrong on this and it is 100% legitimate and not a mere manipulation tool of whoever to blindside not only Americans but also the rest of the world. But I can't discount the side of my logic that is sending up a red flag right now in regards to the promotion of this "movement" in the English language. Maybe I am just misinformed and it was originally in Farsi or Hebrew, but that it just caught on like wildfire and it's being translated into English for us. Just my two cents worth. If anyone has an explanation and is better familiar with this, please feel free to enlighten me. Knowing me, this will bug the snot out of me all day.
edit on 20-3-2012 by watchdog because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-3-2012 by watchdog because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-3-2012 by watchdog because: stupid gramatical and spelling's early

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 07:44 AM
The sentiment is beautiful but am I missing something here? Why are the captions in English? If they really loved Iran why wouldn't the message be sent in Iran's native language?

Is this a possible PR stunt so when a false flag takes place in Israel there will be sympathy and public support to invade Iran?

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 07:48 AM
reply to post by el1jah

Those from Israel who are doing this have my respects and appreciations for taking the initiative for the species and for that they have my LOVE as well. Powerful step taken within the collective it would be nice to see this type of thinking and behavior spread like dominos.


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