posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 09:42 PM
It's what life brings to each and every one of us that shapes our opinions and understandings. The Illuminati know this is true and so they try to
shape our minds, at a very young age, into a shivering mass of jello, so that we have no thoughts of our own, so that we have just the stagnant
thoughts that they have instilled into us, that they have taught us all through our up-bringing. Teach enough dis-information to the people and their
thoughts are nothing more than a product born from an accumulation of this non-sense and disinformation.
There are basically three types of people on this web site, even on this topic. The first type are those who know the truth, but are slammed for
exposing this truth. The truth came to this type of people simply by "fate" having made these people walk through life, in many parts of the
country/world, and experiencing life and people, on several levels, levels that 70% of the population cannot understand. The truth gained from life's
experience's trumps, by far, the "truth" that is fed to you through brainwashing.
The second type of people on this web site are the Masons who slam this truth because they know it exposes their teachings as the "corruption" that
it is. Corruption of both the mind and the soul (not to mention the corruption to the fine people of the United States as well as the world). The "
truth" of the Masons/Illuminati is not a truth that will stand for much longer. Lies and manipulations have a short life. Granted, the
Masons/Illuminati were successful for hundreds of years in their attempts to keep themselves a secret society, but their "house of cards" is about
to collapse. And if I happen to be just one of the drivers of just one of the bulldozers that makes their house collapse................. then let it
be, Lord, let it be.
The third type of people on this web site are those who are sitting on the fence. They aren't quite sure which side of the fence to be on because
they believe everything that both sides are saying, so they just stay in the middle, sitting on the fence.
And, actually, there IS a fourth type, isn't there.................
The time has come folks. The Masonic/Illuminati house of cards is falling...slowly right now, but they ARE falling.
Don't be a part of this house when it totally then it will be too late!!!!