posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 10:38 AM
We all know the story behind the expansion of America, at least we know the story that the Illuminati/Masons have us taught in school. As with EVERY
event in American History, even World History, we are only told a story that has been"sanitized" and scrubbed clean of any secret society
involvement. For example, we are taught about The Boston Tea Party, where "Americans" rebelled over higher taxes on tea and, after overtaking a
merchant ship loaded with tea, these "Americans" proceeded to throw the tea overboard. Sounds really patriotic doesn't it? Well folks, the truth
is this, it was members of a secret society that boarded this ship and threw the tea overboard. And guess what? These members were dressed as Indians
(this should remind you of that great "massacre by the Masons" which occured at Mountain Meadows in Utah, where Masonic Mormons, with the blessing
of Brigham Young, also a Mason, dressed up as Indians and massacred the people of a wagon train from Alabama).
In this topic we will move from the wagon trains to the trains that ride on steel tracks. There can be no doubt that the "Iron Horse" was very
pivotal in the settling of the West. It not only provided transportation for people, but it also allowed for the hauling of tons of goods at a lower
rate than the wagon Masters charged. There was another benefit to these trains, and that was the benefit of moving treasure West, treasure that would
be used by the Masons to control the people and the towns that were springing up everywhere. The only problem was, it takes a lot of treasure to
control everyone...everywhere.
The Civil War was, in my opinion, created for two major reasons: first, it allowed for depopulation...second, and most importantly, it allowed the
government to literally steal everything it could from the people. This treasure stolen from the people was going to ensure that the Masons in each
town had what they needed to accomplish their goal of control of each and every town across a growing America, and it would be the trains that would
move these treasures from the treasure rooms in the East to the newly created treasure rooms in the West.
I'm sure we have all seen western movies on T.V. There always seems to one thing that is common to all these movie plots and that is that one man
always seems to control the entire town. This one man keeps control of the town through some hired killers that keeps the people afraid (this still
goes on today). Well, the fact that one man always controlled a town is true. The only thing missing in this story is that this man who controls the
town is a Mason, no doubt a 33rd degree Mason, and he has access to a treasure room so that he can build the bank (having a Masonic brother run it)
that will rip off the people through usery. And in many, many cases, the Masons would "stage" a bank robbery on their own bank for the purpose of
"repaying" the treasure room. Stores supplying goods and services to the growing population were also owned by a Mason who used the treasure room
to get started, then of course payed the treasure room back. It is this "paying back" to the treasure room that keeps all these treasure rooms
"active" to this very day.
Ever watched the movie at Christmas time called: "It's a Wonderful Life?" Remember good ol' Mr. Potter? He was the man who owned the bank who
was trying to take over the Savings and Loan. Mr. Potter controlled the entire town....EXCEPT for the Savings and Loan, and it bothered Potter that
he had no control over it. Good ol' Mr. Potter even kept some money from the Savings and Loan that was misplace by Uncle Billy. Potter even decided
which kids went to war. Well folks, good ol' Potter is the perfect example of how the Masons operate, except the Masons of today smile to your face
while they plunge the knife deep into your back. In other words, the Masonic controllers of today have learned that to gain the trust of the
population they have to "appear" to be good for the community. They won't treat you like good ol' Potter, at least on the outside. On the
inside, they're worse than Potter.
There is another interesting "side story" to these "treasure trains" that moved massive amounts of wealth from the east to the west. It's called
the "train robbery." When trains were hauling treasure, they would stop within a short distance of the treasure room that was being filled. These
treasure rooms, for the most part, are located outside the town, or in the country, and ALWAYS within a short distance of the railroad tracks.
Anyway, when these treasure trains would stop to off-load a treasure (in the middle of nowhere), the passengers in the passenger cars would, naturally
want to get off the train and stretch their legs, or just check out the country. This "departing the train" could not be allowed because these
passengers would see the off-loading of the treasure taking place. And these passengers could not be made to stay in the seats by the railroad
because that, too, would seem rude and "controlling." So guess what the "plan" was? Keep the passengers under control and their minds occupied
by robbing them. In fact, the train robbers would stop the train within a short distance of the treasure room (Yes, it is a well known fact that many
American outlaws were members of secret societies...Masons, KGC, etc,.) As you can see, this mode of operation was only needed with trains pulling
passenger cars. Some treasure trains were nothing but freight trains. These freight trains could stop anywhere at any time. The only problem was
the occasional bum that might have jumped on the train for a free ride and, of course, this bum would have to be eliminated.
I always found it interesting that The Pinkerton Agency (uses the all-seeing eye in its logo) could never catch Jesse James (a member of the KGC).
And remember, Jesse robbed banks, by some accounts he stole over three million dollars, yet very little was recovered. Jesse is well known for his
"job" as a "supervisor" over many mid-west treasure rooms. He would come in unannounced and tell the Mason that was in charge of a particular
treasure room to "open 'er up." These Masonic treasure rooms, all of them, had detailed inventory lists of everything inside each and every
treasure room. If Jesse came into your treasure room and something was were killed. This is, even to this day, one of the major
problems with these treasure rooms, and that is that the person in charge tends to get a little greedy and starts to dip into the treasures and use
them for his own purposes. Knowing Jesse was a "regional supervisor" of these treasure rooms, then it isn't that big of a step into seeing that
Jesse was used by the Masons to rob their banks, and that Jesse would then take these monies and have them placed in the treasure room as
"repayment" of a loan, this is why very little money was ever recovered from these robberies committed byJesse and his gang.
Adair, Iowa, has the "honor" of being the location for the first train robbery (if I remember correctly). This train was robbed by Jesse James and
his gang. I'll see if it's ok to post an old map of Adair (someone is/was pursuing this treasure), a map that shows the location of a Masonic
treasure room just outside of Adair. The location of this treasure room is just a short distance of where the train was stopped and robbed.
Have a great day, Ladies and Gentlemen.