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HC's Ancient Aliens last episode "The Mystery of Puma Punku" DEVASTATED the show haters.

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posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 07:09 AM
Its quite funny to watch people go into such a frenzy over debating the presentation of the information in the show, because the skeptics are correct the show doesn't actually present much scientific precedents for many of the things stated. However much of the problems in the theory are produced by the shows presentation. It is almost like it was set up that way. It seems that they chose the people they did specifically to demean the theory and destroy its credibility, also by jumping to such bold and conflicting conclusions. I find it hilarious that its always some wierdo with funny hair who makes it on to TV. You know that common tool of deception, use the truth to gain your trust and then destroy the credibility with simple reverse psychology. Every once in a while, when things get confused and overwhelming, you have to step back and look at the main points made. The Sumerians knowledge of the planets in the solar system: FACT. The presence of the same reptilian creature in many ancient religions: FACT. The presence of technology not possible for that era:FACT. Should I jump to the bold conclusion that the pyramids were built by alien gravitrons, no because there is no reason to, other than the reasons that we created. No Person should be a skeptic, however all people must be skeptical. You must approach everything with scientific analytical thought, However, you must also remain open to possibilities that don't exist in known science or that are present in Academia. You must understand that Academia does the same thing that religion does: They will fight to protect their way of thinking if it took a considerable time for them to achieve it. Just remember that before massive organized religion got a hold of the "bible" it was an entire library of books, today it is only like 27 books(cant remember the exact number). Why wouldn't the same be for your science and history books? ( Sorry for my unorganized typing and improper punctuation

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 07:12 AM

Originally posted by waagon
If the ancient artefacts of flying aircraft are stylized birds, please show me a bird with a rudder (vertical stabilizer) in present time.

edit on 20-3-2012 by waagon because: (no reason given)

If you mean "Pharoah's glider" (aka the Saqqara Bird) then it's thought that it might be a weathervane or ship's masthead.

Like these:


Most Egyptologists think that the artifact is a bird with outstretched wings, though the tail is quite dissimilar to any known bird's tail. Though it is not apparent in the accompanying photographs, painted details of the eyes and beak are still observable on the model. There also remains a bit of paint on the upper edge of the tail, and it is possible that more detail was originally provided but has worn away over time. There is also a graceful curve on the bottom of the model delineating the anatomical transition of the body to the head and the tail, very much in the manner of a bird in flight. But there is still the matter of the peculiar shape of the tail.

Below are details of the tops of the masts from three reliefs depicting boats, all used in the Opet festivals. The first is the masthead of a boat of Ramesses III, the second is the mast of a boat in the reign of Herihor, and the third is the masthead of the ship of state Mery Amun. All of these reliefs are found in the Temple of Khonsu at Karnak and date to the late New Kingdom.

Source: Larry Orcutt's great "Catchpenny Mysteries of Ancient Egypt" website

If you mean the South American gold trinkets, some are birds. The ones that have the vertical tails appear to be stylized flying fish.

Please note that, along with these figurines that people claim are "mysterious," other figurines were found that are obviously frogs, insects, etc.


posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 07:18 AM
I felt this was one of their best episodes.I cant belive that those stones werent machined.In fact the site looked like a megalith factory.

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 07:35 AM
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

thats all well and good but one the "birds" they showed had wings on the underside not the topside does that happen anywhere else in nature? i have not seen it but if you can show me such a creature i will be prepared to believe they are not planes

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 07:59 AM

Originally posted by coldlikecustard
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

thats all well and good but one the "birds" they showed had wings on the underside not the topside does that happen anywhere else in nature? i have not seen it but if you can show me such a creature i will be prepared to believe they are not planes

Hey, the call was put out there....I merely provided.

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 08:58 AM

Originally posted by Renegade2283
No Person should be a skeptic, however all people must be skeptical.
A sceptic is just one person that is sceptical about everything, including him/herself.

At least that's my interpretation.

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 09:00 AM

Originally posted by bottleslingguy
we're talking way earlier than Romans

Are we?

According to a dating made at the beginning of the 20th century (I think), based on the alignment of some star(s) chosen by the person that did the dating, Puma Punku is thousands of years old, but according to a Carbon dating it's 1500 years old.

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 09:27 AM
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

sir it was merely a question as by your answer you seemed in the know about birds lol but my question does remain to anyone capable of answering it is there a creature in nature wether it be now or an extinct breed from the past have wings on the underside of its body? like i said im prepared to believe they were birds or even insects of some sort but i know of 0 flying insects or birds with wings on the underside

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 09:29 AM

Originally posted by Harte
Please note that, along with these figurines that people claim are "mysterious," other figurines were found that are obviously frogs, insects, etc.

But taking the other figurines into consideration would mean putting the bird figurines into context. And the ancient alien proponents cannot allow that. It would damage their beliefs.

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by waagon
If the ancient artefacts of flying aircraft are stylized birds, please show me a bird with a rudder (vertical stabilizer) in present time.

Please show us ancient flying aircraft.

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by ArMaP
According to a dating made at the beginning of the 20th century (I think), based on the alignment of some star(s) chosen by the person that did the dating, Puma Punku is thousands of years old, but according to a Carbon dating it's 1500 years old.

It was Arturo Posnansky in his series Tihuanacu, the Cradle of American Man, published from 1945 and 1957, who proposed that Tiwanaku is 13,000 years old, which the ancient astronaut proponents still rely on today. According to the

Unfortunately, his theories of hyper-diffusion, exaggerated age for the site (10,000 B.C.), and radical ideas of race tainted an otherwise incredible career.

What is hyperdiffusion?

Hyperdiffusionists deny that parallel evolution or independent invention took place to any great extent throughout history, they claim that all major inventions and all cultures can be traced back to a single culture.[3]

Early theories of hyperdiffusionism can be traced back to ideas about South America being the origin of mankind. Antonio de Leon Pinelo, a Spaniard who settled in Bolivia, claimed in his book Paraiso en al Nuevo Mundo that the Garden of Eden and the creation of man had occurred in Bolivia and that the rest of the world was populated by migrations from there. Similar ideas were also held by Emeterio Villamil de Rada, in his book La Lengua de Adan he attempted to prove that Aymara was the original language of mankind and that humanity had originated in Sorata in the Bolivian Andes. The first scientific defence of humanity originating in South America came from the Argentine paleontologist Florentino Ameghino in 1880. Ameghino published his research in a book titled La antigüedad del hombre en el Plata.[4]

There was a revival of hyperdiffusionism in 1911 with the work of Grafton Elliot Smith who asserted that copper spread from Egypt to the rest of the world along with megalithic culture.[5] Smith had claimed that all major inventions had been made by the ancient Egpytians and were carried to the rest of the world by migrants and voyagers. His views became known as "Egyptocentric-Hyperdiffusionism".[6] William James Perry elaborated on the hyperdiffusionist ideas of Smith by using ethnographic data. Another hyperdiffusionist was Lord Raglan in his book How Came Civilization (1939) he wrote that instead of Egypt all culture and civilization had come from Mesopotamia.[7] Hyperdiffusionism after this did not entirely disappear, but it was generally abandoned by mainstream academia.

Posnansky's dating has been thoroughly discredited since he first proposed the age of Tiwanaku. Yet, the ancient astronaut proponents hold fast to it, ignoring all the evidence and work since. And these are the same people who tell us mainstream science is incapable of thinking outside of the box or accepting anything that challenges the beliefs of mainstream science.

It is no stretch to call the ancient alien proponents liars and hypocrites.

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by bastardo

They say log rollers where used but at 13,000 feet above sea level trees don't grow and continue to not grow up in that whole region.

Double face palm. Why is this argument still used? You think it would be a big problem to walk down to lower areas, cut trees, and transport them back up the mountain?

edit on 21-3-2012 by bastardo because: (no reason given)

Actually the guy in the video I linked to in a earlier post was moving a 20,000 lbs monolith by himself using only smooth rocks to drag it across. We are so stuck in these paradigms, such as logs must be used, that I start to think that the real OUT OF THE BOX THINKERS are those who do not believe aliens or ancient advance tech was involved.

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by bottleslingguy
reply to post by Xtrozero

well, we have ooparts, alien implants, a real gray alien skull and strange materials from crash sites. I think you're ignoring a lot.

We have nothing....We have an alien conspiracy that is interlaced with other conspiracies to explain why alien artifacts are found then disappear... What skull, what implants, what material? Show me a report that there is alien DNA...this would be easy since EVERYTHING living on earth is related, so show me that totally alien DNA. Show me implants that cannot be created by human science, show me the material that is well past our ability to make or understand.

Real physical alien evidence we just do not have, what we do have though are all these conspiracies that are conveniently created to fill in all the holes in these theories.

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by DocEmrick
Makes you wonder what we did to lose such contact.

Maybe we just do not taste good.....

What do you think that contact would be if we were at the evolutionary level of a cow to them...hehe

God help the universe if we are flying around it in a million years, for we will eat our way across it....

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by Shadow Herder

Something quite drastic must of happened to us to have so many ancient sites abandoned and or destroyed to the point we forgot who, why, when and how they were built.

Detroit in 50 years...need I say more...

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by Monger

Originally posted by AdamsMurmur
reply to post by gortex

Keep an open mind, people.

But not so open that your brain falls out.

How about you do some research for yourself beyond what charlatans like Tsoukalos and van Daniken do for you. Just because somebody who's famous for his goofy hairdo tells you its impossible for something to have been done by human hands doesn't make it so.

It's hilarious to me that people really, genuinely believe this crap. It's like I'm watching some strange new religion form.

So apparently you have done some research for yourself of which the results refute these claims? Perhaps you could post your findings that show how this could have been done by primitive humans?


posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by thesearchfortruth
Good episode.

Don't underestimate the power of the human mind and body though, it isn't IMPOSSIBLE that they built these structures simply because it would have been hard.

I agree with Gortex, most of the theories discussed in AA are just so unlikely. And then they point to rock carving or something for evidence...

Yeah. I watch it with my sons (7 and 10) cuz they're big into aliens and space stuff and have already decided they will be partners in their own aerospace research firm when they grow up...

Even they have said, "Why does the orange guy [or funny hair guy] always think EVERYTHING is 'ALIENS?!" I guess I'm glad they're critical thinkers but it worries me that so many "adults" fall for all of it. I mean, sure, I can't prove it ISN'T aliens, but their are a few less outlandish explanations...

Still good entertainment when looked at critically and not just accepted as fact.

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by Phage

So the Romans had lasers and levitation? How else could they have cut granite and lifted monoliths?

I agree....

We have solid proof that ancient man could cut, move and build massive rock structures all over the world across a very large span of time. Many of these places show evidence of different stages of the process, such as the monster monolith I posted that cracked in the cutting and was discarded, but it does show they were 80% done with cutting and it is obvious they were planning on moving it and upright it, or they would have never attempted to cut it in the first place.

Now we go to South America where there is great stone work too, but this must have been alien work....I would bet if the pesky Spaniards didn't destroy 1000s of giant plates that were used to record on we might have a step by step process in hand.

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by Xtrozero

I'm not gonna convince anyone of anything. Go find the truth for yourself. The only thing I can offer you is a lullaby to put you back to sleep.

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by Xtrozero
Many of these places show evidence of different stages of the process, such as the monster monolith I posted that cracked in the cutting and was discarded, but it does show they were 80% done with cutting and it is obvious they were planning on moving it and upright it, or they would have never attempted to cut it in the first place.

right and it's still attached at the bottom. How do you remove it from the trench? we wouldn't/couldn't even do it that way today

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