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Alien Disclosure Think Tank.

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posted on Sep, 22 2004 @ 05:41 AM

Originally posted by Durden

Originally posted by taibunsuu
The truth behind UFO phenomena, in my view, is far deeper and more profound than ETs visiting our planet, and if the MIC has concrete proof of what I suspect, it's in their interest to keep us fixated on absolute fairy tales about Roswell, 70 types of alien species, underground bases, and abduction.

Every view on this issue is obviously interesting, so what is your view of what's behind the UFO phenomena?

[edit on 22-9-2004 by Durden]

I'm still formulating it to make a conclusive thesis. But basically here are the essentials, minus footnotes and bibliography and longer exposition:

Mysterious modern phenomena such as UFOs, ETs, MIBs, Alien Big Cats, Chupacabra, Loch Ness, and Big Foot (in his many manifestations worldwide) have similiar traits in common:

All can be witnessed by credible people, objectively witnessed by multiple people, photographed and videotapes, create audible sounds and smells, and leave physical evidence or affect the environment. These things are real.

They are real, physical products created by the human subconscious that exist in our plane for a limited amount of time and only under certain conditions. They cannot be captured physically and are not permanent manifestations. Awareness of this phenomena will always remain on the societal fringe since the majority of human interests outside of biological necessity lie in three areas: sex, violence, and society.

Mind over matter is more than a catchphrase. To an unknown extent, mind truly does determine reality. The most common application is in athletics, which spills over into individual and group motivation. Another application of mind over matter have shown that the human mind can control the autonomic nervous system to the point of causing the skin to blister merely by force of will. Exotic areas of the study of the human mind lead us into the ever tantalizing areas of remote viewing, telekinesis, and other psychic abilities. Truly, the power of the human mind has not been completely explored.

What also is not entirely understood is quantum nature, and how the human mind can affect the observable world.

Throughout recorded human history, we find tales of the mysterious. Even as we dwell in the most advanced civilization to date, we are still entranced by mythological stories of the exact same nature and substance that have fascinated people since the beginning of civilization. The further mankind has progressed in his abilities to understand the natural universe, the more complex the mythology has become. Once we hit the modern era, and humans fully understood that we live on a small world in a much larger universe, the UFO phenomena exploded. While UFO-like objects have been recorded throughout history, they were observed to be products of signs of gods. The modern UFO era didn't begin until the public consciousness had fully absorbed tribal stories in the form of science fiction, starting in the Victorian era.

Once the UFO concept had been absorbed into the public, UFO sightings increased, until we have a vast and extensive UFO mythology with more believers and prophets than Zeus ever had. However, UFOs, like elves, dwarves, centaurs, dragons, and other mythological creatures and subjects, are not a part of the natural universe (On Earth, anyway) but manifestations of the human mind that are not entirely understood at this time.

If the government, or ruling body that exists on traditional hiearchies of power, realize that reality to an undetermined extent is determined by the human mind, would they explore this possibility so that the public may benefit, or would they exploit this possibility for their own gain? Would they be conducting public research into the effects of the human mind on percieved reality, or keep the research private and allow the public to continue with the human tradition of building mythology from mysterious observable phenomena that never provides concrete proof of existing?

Forgive me for this quick write-up that contains the core of my theory on the UFO phenomena. To sum up:

Mythology has existed in all cultures throughout history, moreso in secular cultures than highly religious cultures.

Mythological phenomena are sometimes later proved to have basis in fact, or explanation of them coincides with fact. However the vast majority of mythology has no physical proof whatsoever - only witnesses.

Power of the human mind and its abilities to alter and shape reality is only now being explored and given a scientific treatment.

Quantum theory, now in its infancy, may provide insight into how the observer can alter the outcome of events through will alone.

UFOs and all related phenomena are the physical manifestation of the human mind, specifically through the unconscious.

If a traditional power structure realizes that the mind dictates human reality, they would not be interested in encouraging their populace to explore and accept this. Allowing the people to continue to build mythology from self-producing observable phenomena keeps their interests looped and continues to feed the mythology.

posted on Sep, 22 2004 @ 06:06 AM
taibunsuu, excellent post, we will discuss the possibilities that it is all in our minds too. I know the mind is very powerful, but I don't believe the information you presented explains all alien/ufo abductions, sightings, technology and everything else. It may explain away many things, but not all.

posted on Sep, 22 2004 @ 06:37 AM

Originally posted by Ycon
taibunsuu, excellent post, we will discuss the possibilities that it is all in our minds too. I know the mind is very powerful, but I don't believe the information you presented explains all alien/ufo abductions, sightings, technology and everything else. It may explain away many things, but not all.

Like I said, it's not entirely complete. Besides that, there will always be people who want to believe, especially in a mythology as strong as the one surrounding UFO, which is not only self-perpetuating through the methods I described above, but through people who profit from the mythology itself.

Try telling your average Greek in the year 1500 BC that the gods don't exist. They'd think you're quite funny.

posted on Sep, 22 2004 @ 06:58 AM

Originally posted by taibunsuu

Like I said, it's not entirely complete. Besides that, there will always be people who want to believe, especially in a mythology as strong as the one surrounding UFO, which is not only self-perpetuating through the methods I described above, but through people who profit from the mythology itself.

Try telling your average Greek in the year 1500 BC that the gods don't exist. They'd think you're quite funny.

The objectives in this group are to figure out whats going on. Your topic will be discussed and I encourage you to be a part of the Think Tank.


posted on Sep, 22 2004 @ 07:11 AM

Originally posted by Ycon

The objectives in this group are to figure out whats going on. Your topic will be discussed and I encourage you to be a part of the Think Tank.


That's cool and all, but is the think tank about analyzing whether or not ETs and UFOs are real, or is it already taking that as fact?

posted on Sep, 22 2004 @ 07:37 AM
We will be discussing all possibilities. Until we come to conclusions all topics will be open. We will have many areas to cover so we cant do one area at a time. Multiple discussions


posted on Sep, 22 2004 @ 10:10 AM
Not to be rude, but what would be the difference in this thread from any other thread in this forum? Isn't the whole purpose of the Alien/UFO forum to discuss and disclose knowledge? I guess I just don't see what will be accomplished that hasn't or wouldn't be accomplished in any other thread in this forum.

posted on Sep, 22 2004 @ 10:14 AM
I'm in...

The purpose would be for an amalgamation of stuff, for one, hehe....

They already gave out Project Blue Book. They investigated UFO phenomena since the 40s and realized that there is nothing concrete there.

Oh wait, you're serious aren't you? .....

posted on Sep, 22 2004 @ 10:17 AM
It seems to me that the idea of this think tank is not a debate or exchange on the existence of EBE's but on disclosure itself. I have not seen to much on that alone save threads about the Disclosure Project. So I see why this is brought up as separate thingy. And sure I think it a worthwhile venture.
I'd be happy to join in.

[edit on 22-9-2004 by Der Kapitan]

posted on Sep, 22 2004 @ 10:21 AM


(thumbing through dictionary)

posted on Sep, 22 2004 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by Der Kapitan
It seems to me that the idea of this think tank is not a debate or exchange on the existence of EBE's but on disclosure itself. I have not seen to much on that alone save threads about the Disclosure Project. So I see why this is brought up as separate thingy. And sure I think it a worthwhile venture.
I'd be happy to join in.

[edit on 22-9-2004 by Der Kapitan]

Don't get me wrong...I'll be a part of it for sure...I guess once it gets going it'll come together a bit more clearly

posted on Sep, 22 2004 @ 10:26 AM
a�mal�ga�ma�tion ( P ) Pronunciation Key (-mlg-mshn)
The act of amalgamating or the condition resulting from this act.
A consolidation or merger, as of several corporations.
The production of a metal alloy of mercury.

Not one you hear everyday....I'll grant you...

[edit on 22-9-2004 by Gazrok]

posted on Sep, 22 2004 @ 10:28 AM
If I didn't say that already...I'm game as well

posted on Sep, 22 2004 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by taibunsuu

UFOs and all related phenomena are the physical manifestation of the human mind, specifically through the unconscious.

I really find this hard to believe. How do camera's take pictures and even movies of the UFOs. I can understand many cases were people want to see UFOs and if they see the slightest thing in the sky they would want to call it a UFO. However myself have never seen a UFO/Alien yet I try to keep an eye out and have been following the subject for the last few years...

By your theory should'nt have at least thought I saw one? I will agree that many UFO sightings could be this but I find it hard to believe that it makes up for all the sightings of UFOs and everything else we couldn't explain.

posted on Sep, 22 2004 @ 12:01 PM
Count me in. It would be interesting to cross-reference various theories and evidence and see what contradicts and what fits. But any body of work capable of encouraging disclosure would have to be factually and logically watertight, not only to the UFO enthusiast, but to the general public...

A tantilising challange

Originally posted by taibunsuu

Try telling your average Greek in the year 1500 BC that the gods don't exist. They'd think you're quite funny.

I'm not entirely sure that's acurate. From what I gather, the average Greek didn't believe their Gods to be real (after all, Mount Olympus can be climbed), rather, they regarded them as potent metaphors that could explain the various interacting mechanisms and forces of their universe. These ideas were encapsulated into tales and myths and given a figurehead to symbolise them so that they could be easily remembered and passed down through the genarations.

Rather like movies and novels today. We don't believe they are real, but they resonate with our current interpretations of what it is like to be human - they offer up some kind of truth, which we can take and apply to our everyday lives.

Whilst UFOs etc certainly contain evokative elements which spread their popularity and utilise myth-making mechanisms, I firmly believe there is also something of substance to the UFO phenomenon, including a welath of official documentation (both publicly available and otherwise).

I watched that Disclosue Project video the other day. Whilst I have reservations about the way it hasn't progressed in five years, I did like the quote made by one of the witnesses:

"Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence".

So yes, count me in.

posted on Sep, 22 2004 @ 02:12 PM
The main difference between this alien and UFO forum and the ATSAD think tank is the think tank will organize and gather existing data while discussing all possibilities and the affect it will have on the public when disclosed and best ways to disclose it.

Welcome to all those who show interest in being a part of this group. I think we can start putting this in motion. There is about a half a dozen of us now. For now we can start discussions here. I will contact staff and see if we can get a forum.


posted on Sep, 22 2004 @ 02:27 PM
I think its a great idea i would love to take part. It is something that i have hoped would happen for quite a while.

posted on Sep, 22 2004 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by taibunsuu
They already gave out Project Blue Book. They investigated UFO phenomena since the 40s and realized that there is nothing concrete there.

Weren't nearly 17 lines blacked out with marker in that?

No matter, I believe I will join the discussion.

posted on Sep, 22 2004 @ 05:05 PM
I believe the best way to tackle this problem is not by discussion, but by compiling sets of data, which can later be scrutinized. This data should meet very strict criteria.

Here's my proposal (which is open to argument of course). If it's not used, well, maybe someone else researching this phenomena will find it useful.

  • The Hynek classification system should be used to describe the event types, including combinations of Hynek type encounters.
  • The following types of cases should be considered non-credible for the purpose of compiling information:

    • Any case that attempts to link UFO phenomena with ancient human history, modern religious beliefs (including ascension), or mythology.
    • Cases that are closely associated with cult groups.
    • Cases where a clear monetary motive is the behind claims, including revenue from book sales or films.
    • Cases involving witnesses that have repeatedly changed their views on the experience.
    • Cases involving "channeled" information.
    • Cases which have been used by witnesses to back up large conspiracy claims.
    • Hynek type 1 encounters with no evidence such as photographs or video.

Hynek type 4 and 5 encounter data should include:

  • Witness name
  • Witness current age (if not deceased)
  • Witness occupation
  • Witness email address (if available)
  • Hynek encounter types
  • Location of encounters including country and city.
  • Number of encounters
  • Dates of encounters
  • Circumstances leading up to encounters or abductions.
  • Description of beings involved in encounter
  • If the encounter was Hynek type 5, what was communicated?
  • What does the witness believe as to the purpose of the experience?
  • Any evidence to back up the claims, such as photographic evidence, other witnesses, physical marks or scars left by the encounter or radiation sickness.
  • If missing time was indicated, how much time was missing?
  • Has the witness retrieved information about the abduction experience through hypnotic regression?
  • Does the witness claim government involvement in their experience? If yes, what factors surround these claims?
  • Points which give credit to the encounter.
  • Points that go against the encounter.

Hynek type 1, 2 and 3 encounter data should include:

  • Witness name
  • Witness current age (if not deceased)
  • Witness occupation
  • Witness email address (if available)
  • Location of encounter(s) including country and city.
  • Hynek encounter types (1,2,3 or combinations of types)
  • Provided photographic or video evidence of anomalous craft or evidence of craft's effect on local environment.
  • Circumstances leading up to encounter.
  • Points which give credit to the encounter.
  • Points that go against the witness or the evidence.

Once you have access to this type of data you can push the most credible cases to the top. It's quite a big task, but I don't see how anyone can present an argument for disclosure without it.

Those witnesses that have worked with anomalous materials or have direct information about about a government's involvement with extraterrestrial beings should require a completely seperate sets of data.

posted on Sep, 22 2004 @ 05:08 PM
I have contacted a high level staff member about getting a forum setup for us. I will post again when I get a reply.

Before this group starts I want to say that we all need to be open minded. It doesn't matter if your a strong believer that aliens do exist and are from another world or if you totally disbelieve they exist. You need to be open to discuss all possibilities, not just present your own opinion. This is very important, I don't want it to turn into a debate. We will need to gather the information on aliens and list it so we can talk openly about the information. As soon as we get the go ahead for this think tank, start a favorites folder for ATSAD Think Tank and start categorizing different areas. Example inside that folder a section for different aliens, a section for technology, a section for sightings and so on. Also post any ideas for this group so we can start out right.


I'd like to see what you guys believe to be the truth about aliens, again it doesn't matter, I'm just curious.

My view, they are not extraterrestrials but they are real

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