posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 09:18 PM
You hit the nail right on the head with what will bring around the eventual total collapse of the world economy, and it's been done before.
In ancient Rome, the money lenders controlled the entire gold supply. At one point, they massively increased the amount of money (gold) available to
the Roman Senate, who underwent a massive expansion project of public and military spending.
Quite quickly, the money lenders then retracted the amount of gold available (they simply didn't extend new loans when existing ones ran out - sound
familiar) and the Empire found that it couldn't meet the payments on their obligations (sound familiar).
As the collapse came, the Roman Senate argued that they couldn't reduce military spending, and distracted the general public with more gory and more
elaborate public events as things got worse (sound familiar)?. As the empire collapsed, so did the morality level of the people living within it
(sound familiar)?
The collapse of ancient Rome was swift, dramatic, and contributed to 800 years of the Dark Ages.
I'm guessing that the collapse of the American Empire will be even quicker and more dramatic when the time comes.