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Donald trumps Sons hunting photos

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posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 07:40 PM

Originally posted by WillHal1000
I'll bet their d1cks feel real big now

Sport hunting should be outlawed, Who in the fcuk is man to decide the the fate of another form of life? Human arrogance at its highest.

What part of FUNDING to save these animals and their habitats do you not get.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 07:45 PM

Originally posted by WillHal1000
I'll bet their d1cks feel real big now

I'd shy away from trying to feel them to find out, was I you... I mean, them boys have GUNS, y'know?

Sport hunting should be outlawed, Who in the fcuk is man to decide the the fate of another form of life? Human arrogance at its highest.

You've not figured out yet what lions and leopards to to wildebeests have you? Here's a hint: who the hell are lions and leopards to decide the fate of another form of life? Answer: OTHER forms of life on old planet Earth - that's just how life goes.

edit on 2012/3/15 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by Annee

i want to raise funds to save pandas by charging people to shoot them
you in?

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 07:51 PM
reply to post by sirhumperdink

I'm in! When do we leave, how do you cook 'em, and did you have any trouble getting the permits from the PRC government?

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 08:05 PM
reply to post by nenothtu

dont need no permits from them im starting an organization called the dgaf and we can issue our own permits
if youre serious please put 25k in a manilla envelope and mail it to me as a deposit and then we can go any time you want
hellz yeah! gonna go shoot pandas like a jagermeister!!!

edit on 15-3-2012 by sirhumperdink because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 08:36 PM

Originally posted by sirhumperdink
reply to post by nenothtu

dont need no permits from them im starting an organization called the dgaf and we can issue our own permits

Is that anything like the ISAF? If it is, THEY usually pay ME for expeditions like that...

if youre serious please put 25k in a manilla envelope and mail it to me as a deposit and then we can go any time you want

I'm guessing you'll be needing that to be cash....

hellz yeah! gonna go shoot pandas like a jagermeister!!!


YEE HAW! My young-un has always wanted a teddy bear with a REAL panda hide covering!

And at only 25k that's a bargain! Does that include meals and porters?

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 10:02 PM

Originally posted by caf1550
reply to post by Visiting ESB

In what way at all does this effect you so much that you have to call people you don't know anything about "pansy cowards who you hate"

They went on a trophey hunt, donated the meat to locals so it wouldn't be wasted and were able to help boost the local economy. The only reason you and all the people who are bashing them is because of who they are.

If they werent the Trumps nothing would be said. Thousands of people go on Safaris every year and nothing is said, but the minute it is someone like this...bring out the skeptics and followers.
edit on 15-3-2012 by caf1550 because: (no reason given)

How does injustice affect anyone who is sensitive to it? How does something like this affect anyone who is aware and raw to the suffering of others -- whether they are animals or human? Some of us happen to have a bit more of a conscience than, say, "others," I don't really care how that sounds -- arrogant, condescending -- whatever. Fact is, it doesn't matter who they are -- and BTW, why are you so up their collective @**? Sounds like you want to defend them but why? Hunting for your own food is one thing, and I don't oppose that. However, thousands go on safari and I don't believe that should be. This made news because it shows the arrogance of people who have never worked a day in their life, have never been to the point where they even think about the pain or suffering or injustice others experience, and that includes animals. That's why many of us just can't stand the little chummps-- they haven't a clue about life. If they did, they could not conceive of taking life as they've done and then boast about it.

Again, if the locals want food, they should hunt it themselves.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 10:41 PM

Originally posted by KilrathiLG
reply to post by LErickson

watch swamp people very rarely are they just shot floating around or on the bank as its alot harder to get the meat and hide.they control the population and feed the locals and primarily hunt with .22's or smaller and usually only shoot the gators after they have either caught them on a line with bait or with a custom made trebble hook(no idea why its called that btw) and reel them in by hand alot more complicated then just popping them by the shore if ya ask me....and btw did any one see in season one of axe men when shelby shot and then promptly traded a squirrel for work some people only have access to what they can catch and it can become a form of currency for those in impoverished areas or to others a sign of independence and a way of not depending on stores to survive

So in order for me to feel that these Trump aholes are big brave hunters, I should watch OTHER PEOPLE, doing DIFFERENT THINGS?
Yeah how the hell does that make any sense?

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 10:48 PM
Big game hunting is something that high society has been doing for centuries (if not longer). Common practice for the men in the families to have a trophy room...haven't you seen Ace Ventura 2 ?!!!?!!

The fact that people are turning their noses up at it now only proves how political correctness is becoming a virus.

So long as there is money rolling in for safari companies, there will big game hunting. Good luck trying to stop it.

posted on Mar, 15 2012 @ 11:25 PM
reply to post by Tschusterbauer

historically "high society" is known for its morals and engaging in activities that are good for the planet and all that live on it
and these activities are usually well respected and endorsed more and more as time goes on and people become more intelligent and well informed


(i really cant see how this has anything to do with "political correctness")
edit on 15-3-2012 by sirhumperdink because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 01:53 AM
reply to post by LErickson

well you were saying it was not sporting and involved no skill and if you were to watch it you might just learn something,most of the people on that show feed their familys and communities with that and its the bulk of the money they get them through the year and i said nothing of the trumps being "brave hunters" but the people on swamp people sure are lets see you wrestle a gator in to the boat with nothing but a hook and line and then shooting it so it dosent eat you.
you saying this:

It does not take a genius to shoot an alligator resting by the water. What is the big challenge?
is why i posted that as it takes a good deal of skill and very few of them are "resting on the banks" so to speak and either way they are hunting 12 foot 600 pound+ creatures with a frigging varmint rifle or in some cases a pistol or derringer (.22's) seems far more sporting then using a high powered rifle(.700 nitro,308 or elephant guns) and if you have such a problem with the show take it up with the history channel or better yet the state that issues the tags to control the population

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 02:12 AM

Originally posted by KilrathiLG
reply to post by LErickson

well you were saying it was not sporting and involved no skill

No I never said any of that. I never said word one about your show. I specifically commented on the subject of this thread and that being the Trump boys, not your TV show. Defend that show all you want because I never even mentioned it.

and if you were to watch it you might just learn something,most of the people on that show feed their familys and communities with that and its the bulk of the money they get them through the year and i said nothing of the trumps being "brave hunters" but the people on swamp people sure are lets see you wrestle a gator in to the boat with nothing but a hook and line and then shooting it so it dosent eat you.

Who cares?
I never said a damn thing about this #ing show. I have never seen it and I have never COMMENTED ON IT EITHER!

you saying this:

It does not take a genius to shoot an alligator resting by the water. What is the big challenge?
is why i posted that as it takes a good deal of skill and very few of them are "resting on the banks" so to speak and either way they are hunting 12 foot 600 pound+ creatures with a frigging varmint rifle or in some cases a pistol or derringer (.22's) seems far more sporting then using a high powered rifle(.700 nitro,308 or elephant guns) and if you have such a problem with the show take it up with the history channel or better yet the state that issues the tags to control the population

You have no clue what you are talking about. You are defending some people that hunt gators? Good, I never attacked them. Do you know what the subject of this thread is? My stepdad hunted dear by waiting for them to come by him accidentally. That takes no skill. That is a comment on how my stepdad hunted, not hunting.

Please feel free to shout if you need your hand held through any more plain English posts.

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 02:54 AM
reply to post by nenothtu

Really, too much moving parts to maintain and keep track of. Screw that, I will take my longbow and recurve over a compound. Problem is, most people are too weak to use a longbow, no pulleys to make the draw easy

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 04:28 AM
reply to post by TKDRL

I couldn't hit the wide side of a barn, from the inside, using it as a club with one of those "training wheel" bows. They're a lot harder for me to draw, because they start out so damned stiff, then have that "break" point where the pull gets so light so suddenly that it feels like I just broke the damned thing - I guess that's why they call it a "break" point, but it throws my aim all off. my ex brother in law says he uses one because he can "hold it drawn all day long". As far as I'm concerned, if he's having to hold it that long, he's doing something wrong in the stalking department.

I mean, "holding it while it's drawn" is what crossbows are for isn't it? Training wheels are for bicycles, and then only for little kids jut learning to ride at that.

I've made my own long bows and arrows since I was a teenager. It was a hobby back then, but a necessity now. When was the last time you saw a real long bow in a tackle shop? I can't find 'em around here any where. I saw one old long bow in a pawn shop last year, going dirt cheap because no one wanted it. I reckon lots of folks need those training wheels these days. It would probably be better for them to get their meat at a grocery store like the folks too squeamish to do their own killing - they can all imagine their steaks were killed with kindness then... instead of a sledgehammer.

Of course, at least the folks who want to stand there all day long with a drawn bow like a statue of cupid still do their own killing, unlike the folks who just walk down to the corner for their burgers, imagining that they are somehow better than the rest because they pay someone else to do it for them. Amazing how they'll stare down their noses at the guy who supplies that burger at the same time as they're biting it. How do they see him around the sesame seeds on the bun?

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 04:36 AM
reply to post by nenothtu

First time I tried a compound, I almost shot myself in the arm! I thought I broke it too and let go of the arrow to apologize for breaking the toy

Good thing I always my aim in a safe place, that coulda been ugly.

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 04:45 AM
reply to post by nenothtu

I believe you nailed the stereotypical hunter to a tee.......your ",my pee-pee is bigger than yours" attitude shines right through.

Look folks. We (at least I) am not knocking hunting. Kill all the animals you want to make you feel like your penis is growing ( reality it is not).

What I am knocking is the slaughter of endangered (or near endangered, near threatened, threatened etc. etc. ..... for those with semantic issues) animals under the guise to "protect" them or to "feed the locals" like the locals can't feed themselves without the help of Trump brats.

And yes....had it not been the Trump brats and them printing the pictures in some hunting magazine then people probably wouldn't have known and/or cared as much. It's the smuggness of it all that gets to people.

BTW, I won't be replying to any hunters out there who feel slated by my words. Like I said....kill until your heart is content.

Also, don't give me the crap line of doing it yourself. I come from farm country. I've seen it first hand. Nothing like a chicken running around for a few minutes without a head to brighten the day and cause your stomach to growl.

edit on 16-3-2012 by HandyDandy because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 04:51 AM
reply to post by HandyDandy

You seem to have a penis fixation there. You should probably get that checked out....

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 04:59 AM

Originally posted by TKDRL
reply to post by HandyDandy

You seem to have a penis fixation there. You should probably get that checked out....

Really? I don't think I'm the one with the problem.

hile the results of the research are preliminary, scientists at the Diminutive Male Genitalia Disorder Research Organization have discovered a genetic link between small penis size and the thrill of the hunt. The organization recently began to tabulate data from a two-year study of men with Diminutive Male Genitalia Disorder (DMGD) and has posted the results on its Web site,

The subjects of the study varied from men with a slight abnormality in penis size to men with pubis innius, a term for an inverted male pubic region. By tracing what has been identified as the "DMGD gene," an abnormality in the 21st chromosome was discovered. Researchers found that this abnormality appears to be consistently linked to two traits: abnormally small male reproductive organs and the ability to derive joy from killing, which starts with hunting small game and, in isolated instances, can manifest itself in homicidal acts. Research team leader Dr. Brian Upchurch and his colleagues in New Orleans, La., plan to investigate whether DMGD was a factor in the 2004 Sawyer County, Wis., incident in which a deer hunter went on a rampage and killed six other hunters.

I'm sure I can find some more studies and/or anectdotal information.

Any more hunters want to keep bragging?

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 05:04 AM
reply to post by HandyDandy

You are the one that keeps bringing up penises. Do you really think that is going to hurt people's feelings or something?

That kind of childish insults only bother boys, and insecure men(prettymuch boys mentally). Have fun talking about penises though

posted on Mar, 16 2012 @ 05:23 AM
reply to post by TKDRL

I'm not the one who was posting about how big his bow was.

But, let's not fight here. Like I said. Kill as many animals as you want. As long as they are not protected or encroaching on having to be protected.

Had the hunters of yesterday not hunted these animals to near extinction in the first place, the hunters of today wouldn't have to pay extravagant monies to kill them under the guise of protecting them.

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