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Senior citizen torture to near death in the LA County jail for selling raw milk

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posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 01:20 AM
reply to post by MrWendal

I believe the guy, but what he suffered was nothing (despite it being totally unacceptable) in comparrision to some in our largest prison system in the world, not just as a % of population but in outright numbers, loads of whom are in for smoking that which can not be named and used for labor which puts folks on the outside out of jobs, because you can not compete with an enterprise that has such a low cost funded by the tax payer. I'm not saying all our facilities are really bad, and I believe the vast majority of U.S. prison officers are decent individuals doing their best in difficult circumstances. But when horrific abuse by the few goes unreported and uninvestigated, it solidifies into a general climate of acceptance among the many.

I knew someone that lost 15 lbs in 4 weeks, and they were not overweight by any stretch when they went in, it took 5 days to get them out once proven not guilty because these "things take time". Heaven knows how long it would have been if family hadn't been calling every day. Prisons are their own little worlds.... and it seems a lot of them are failing to maintain reasonable standards. Also heaven forbid if you have a mental illness and your meds stop working (they can) and you say urinate in public, you are 3 times more likely to end up incarcerated that hospitalized on a 1013 (like Britiny Spear's family did to her .. but then she had loads of money !)

The ACLU National Prison Project and Prison Law Office have filed a class action suit against the state of Arizona for neglecting prisoners' medical and psychiatric treatment needs and inappropriately placing the mentally ill in solitary confinement for extended periods of time, causing further trauma and deterioration.

In one horrific scene, a naked man, passive and vacant, is seen being led out of his cell by prison guards. They strap him into a medieval-looking device called a ‘restraint chair’. His hands and feet are shackled, there’s a strap across his chest, his head lolls forward. He looks dead. He’s not. Not yet.
The chair is his punishment because guards saw him in his cell with a pillowcase on his head and he refused to take it off. The man has a long history of severe schizophrenia. Sixteen hours later, they release him from the chair. And two hours after that, he dies from a blood clot resulting from his barbaric treatment.
The tape comes from Utah – but there are others from Connecticut, Florida, Texas, Arizona and probably many more. We found more than 20 cases of prisoners who’ve died in the past few years after being held in a restraint chair.

Frank Valdes started writing to local Florida newspapers to expose the corruption and brutality of prison officers. So a gang of guards stormed into his cell to shut him up. They broke almost every one of his ribs, punctured his lung, smashed his spleen and left him to die.
Several of the guards were later charged with murder, but the trial was held in their own small hometown where almost everyone works for, or has connection with, the five prisons which ring the town. The foreman of the jury was former prison officer. The guards were all acquitted.
Meanwhile, the warden who was in charge of the prison at the time of the killing – the same man who changed the policy on videoing – has been promoted. He’s now the man in charge of all the Florida prisons.
Deborah Davies is a reporter for Channel 4 Dispatches (UK TV). Her investigation, Torture: America’s Brutal Prisons, was shown on Wednesday, March 2, at 11.05pm 2011.

posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 02:32 AM
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

Originally posted by MrWendal
Have you ever been to jail?

I have never been to prison or jail as an inmate, but I have been in prisons before as a guest of DOC LEO friends of mine. One of my best friends has been a lieutenant with them for close to 20 years, and is their PBA rep. Another friend was a DOC nurse. I know all about what goes on there, and I know that its someplace you want to stay out of. The officers there can, quite legally, make your life in there a living hell if you give them a hard time, and its all well within departmental policy. Jails, and prisons are not intended to be a nice stay at the local Hyatt.

Originally posted by MrWendal
The raw sewage, chances are it was done by another inmate. Eventually people do snap and do stupid things in jail as a way to draw attention or get moved.

He admits to being listed as being combative, so he was isolated. I believe that he even mentions that in his story. If his toilet backed up, he must have done it himself. That is why they didn't clean it up, or move him to a new cell, and told him to clean up his own mess. He most likely did it to get their attention.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 04:23 AM

Originally posted by defcon5
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

Originally posted by MrWendal
Have you ever been to jail?

I have never been to prison or jail as an inmate, but I have been in prisons before as a guest of DOC LEO friends of mine. One of my best friends has been a lieutenant with them for close to 20 years, and is their PBA rep. Another friend was a DOC nurse. I know all about what goes on there, and I know that its someplace you want to stay out of. The officers there can, quite legally, make your life in there a living hell if you give them a hard time, and its all well within departmental policy. Jails, and prisons are not intended to be a nice stay at the local Hyatt.

Agreed, it is not intended to be a nice place. That being said, this man's crime is selling Milk. He is not some menace to society. He does not force anyone to buy his product. It's Milk, not crack. Now if there is something wrong with the Milk and people get sick, guess what? That is where personal responsibility comes into play. Again, no one is being forced to buy his product, he is not selling it as something else. It you are buying his milk, you know full well what the potential risk are. Throwing him in jail to await bail is really quite silly.

Originally posted by MrWendal
The raw sewage, chances are it was done by another inmate. Eventually people do snap and do stupid things in jail as a way to draw attention or get moved.

He admits to being listed as being combative, so he was isolated. I believe that he even mentions that in his story. If his toilet backed up, he must have done it himself. That is why they didn't clean it up, or move him to a new cell, and told him to clean up his own mess. He most likely did it to get their attention.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

It was not his toilet that backed up. It was from a few cells down. He has suggested that it was possible that guards did it on purpose while he was sleeping cause other inmates were able to use towels to keep the sewage out of their cells. Personally, this part of his story is nothing but speculation. Knowing how jails work, I tend to think it was another inmate. That being said, you are incorrect in saying that it was his toilet that backed up. Also the mess was cleaned up, but cleaned up very very poorly. His story is that Trustees gave the inmates a squeegee to push the sewage out of the cell.

posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 05:21 AM
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

Originally posted by MrWendal
That being said, this man's crime is selling Milk. He is not some menace to society. He does not force anyone to buy his product. It's Milk, not crack. Now if there is something wrong with the Milk and people get sick, guess what? That is where personal responsibility comes into play. Again, no one is being forced to buy his product, he is not selling it as something else.

I disagree here.
What he did is a felony, its not some misdemeanor.
Its basically the same as fraud, and food tampering.
He is misrepresenting what he is selling, because folks expect that if they buy raw milk that the vendor is complying with the states criteria for that product, and he's not doing that.
As the PDF file I linked above stated, milk can actually be considered a hazardous foodstuff if not properly handled.

Originally posted by Glendale
It was not his toilet that backed up. It was from a few cells down. He has suggested that it was possible that guards did it on purpose while he was sleeping cause other inmates were able to use towels to keep the sewage out of their cells. Personally, this part of his story is nothing but speculation. Knowing how jails work, I tend to think it was another inmate. That being said, you are incorrect in saying that it was his toilet that backed up. Also the mess was cleaned up, but cleaned up very very poorly. His story is that Trustees gave the inmates a squeegee to push the sewage out of the cell.

Okay, apparently you have more info then me on what happened.
Either way though, prison guards are not plumbers or janitors. They are not responsible for conditions created by any of the inmates improper behavior if its not an immediate threat to the safety of other inmates. You lose your rights when you are put in jail or prison. You are only granted very limited rights of not being treated in a inhumane fashion. You'd have a hard time proving improper treatment on either the state or guards part due to the actions of another inmate.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 05:34 AM
hmm. Seems NDAA is making USA like North Korea.

posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 08:45 AM
reply to post by LeSigh

I found this article that may help you with the issue of lactose intolerance, I imagine that you have already research on the subject been one of those that milk products can affect you in a negative way.

Now remember that regular processed and pasteurized milk is nothing at all like raw milk is a by product, after all the good enzymes that you actually need for digestion of milk are taken out and killed

Can You Drink Raw Milk if You are Lactose Intolerant?

Chances are very good that --- yes! --even if you are one of the many people who are lactose intolerant, you very likely can still drink raw milk if you can find a good reliable source from a grass-fed cow.


Raw milk contains the enzymes and friendly bacteria which our bodies need to break down the milk sugar, lactose. The pasteurization process of the milk found in stores kills these healthy enzymes and friendly bacteria, leaving that milk basically "dead" and with nothing to help break down the lactose.

This is why many people find themselves unable to consume pasteurized dairy products.

The problem is most people never go onto the Internet or into the library to research the subject and simply assume that they can no longer consume dairy products

The same goes for folks who have a milk allergy, but proceed carefully in testing any kind of milk if you have an allergy since this can be a very serious and life-threatening condition. It is quite possible you may be able to drink raw milk.

Perhaps the reason so many people are becoming intolerant to milk is due to the same reason process milk is less healthier than raw milk, and they can sell you lactose intolerance version of it.

posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 08:56 AM
reply to post by defcon5

If you have read the history of how pasteurized milk became the big mulitmillion dollar is today then you know why raw milk has been denigrated, and make illegal, while we are inundated by manufactured poisons that have prove to be dangerous to human consumption and approved by the FDA the same agency that has ties and sleep in bed with big corporate America, that have the money to buy congress whores to pass laws against citizens and in their corporate corrupted favors.

It doesn't take much to understand that the only ones that wants milk illegal is the same that will lose the most in profits if is sell for what it is, wholesome and beneficial.

In America the land of capitalism the profiteers will even make illegal breathing air if they could patented and sell it in cans, whoops they already do, but still can not make it illegal.

Like statistics said raw milk is still safe.

posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 09:35 AM
On the radio

Joyce Riley is just saying
don't know if this is true yet
I just heard this on the radio

hmmm false alarm
the host is now apologzing
Now I am hearing an apology

now they are saying he is out on bail

man this is weird
more twists and turns then a hot wheels set

edit on 12-3-2012 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-3-2012 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by Danbones

What in the heck, please find more information on this, if is true then we may need another thread, lo and behold things are that bad?

posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by marg6043

looks like a false alarm Marg
I edited as I am listening

im trying to find where she got that news

I am wondering if there is not deliberate disinfo being fed out to confuse/discredit the alternaitive media

posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 09:47 AM
I can not find anything yet, but I found another article from Raw news about the results of the jail and how impacted Stewart.

Shocking photos show result of raw milk man's 10 days of torture and abuse, effects of government-approved food in LA County jail

Learn more:

The California press refuses to cover this true story of the torture of a senior citizen milk man
The Los Angeles Times is so corrupt and whored out to its corporate interests that it won't even cover this story! There is torture and abuse of farmers happening right in Los Angeles, and the LA Times absolutely refuses to cover the story! How's that for pathetic journalism? (If the LA Times actually starts to cover this story, I will retract this paragraph. But as of this writing, the LA Times has done nothing to cover this huge story of government abuse of innocent citizens.)

In fact, to date no newspaper in California has covered this story of torture and abuse of the California milk man. There is complete silence on it. A total cover-up. The lamestream media wants you to believe this never happens in California.

posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by marg6043

looks like Riley miss read a report

posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 09:55 AM
reply to post by marg6043

Oh please, is this a joke??

"A case for raw milk"

That Mike Adams is a moron.

posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 09:58 AM
reply to post by Chadwickus

Thanks for posting the pictures for me, yes this story is still developing, I will be the first one to call it a hoax, if it comes to that, but so far everything looks legit.

Let see what else we can find on the issue in the coming days, but with the media gag about it or no wanting to cover the story is not much resources we can get news from.

posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by AliceBlackman

Skrew that law. No one has the right to tell me what i can and cannot consume.

posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by Chadwickus
reply to post by marg6043

Oh please, is this a joke??

"A case for raw milk"

That Mike Adams is a moron.

Your a moron. You must have no idea who Mike Adams is. He is one of the few who stand up against a tyranny and does the best he can to inform everyone the dangers of living in this waste dump of a planet.

posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by Chadwickus

Mike adams is a moron

you have been proven wrong before
what does that make you?

posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 10:28 AM
reply to post by Danbones

I'm not a liar.

BIG difference.

posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by ugahm

I'm not the one failing to give all the facts here mate.

Your hero, Mike Adams is a liar and an idiot.

posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 10:34 AM
I thought people were innocent until proven guilty or at least until they give up a plea deal if they have a public defender.
There are very few illnesses attributed to any kind of dairy product each year. For the 14-year period that the CDC examined, there was an average of 315 illnesses a year from all dairy products for which the pasteurization status was known. Of those, there was an average of 112 illnesses each year attributed to raw dairy products.
To put those numbers in context, there are approximately 24,000 cases of food borne illness reported to the CDC each year, of which raw dairy products account for one-half of one percent (0.5%). When placed in the context of the number of people who drink raw milk (based on the CDC’s own data), the numbers are even more reassuring. Out of the approximately 9.4 million people in this country who drink raw milk, only 0.001% of them allegedly get ill from raw dairy each year.
Notice that the majority of the illnesses (203) were linked to pasteurized dairy products…..
Rawsome members invest their money in farms and request the RAW foods they want, it’s the same as drinking milk from your own goat, this is not for sale to the general Kroger / Publix public………….from everything I’ve read the members knew what they were getting and are not complaining. The State is though because they are primarily getting the farms for being unlicensed (lack of revenue to the state), whilst making a public song and dance over “dangerous” raw milk some misguided folks want to drink without paying the state for the privilege.

I guess States know how awful commercial farming is and are worried if “raw” catches on then we will have huge outbreaks of illness because it’s only pasteurization and irradiation that prevent a lot of “conventional” produce from killing us all.

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