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Originally posted by Furbs
Originally posted by nitro67
reply to post by Furbs
You sir, are a pretentious prick, by typing your post, proves that you do feel better about yourself by putting down "ignorant" people....i.e, people who believe something other than what you believe... people that research and look at ancient art and archaeology and say that some other beings may have been involved with the construction and or inspiration do not believe these things because it gives order or meaning to their lives. Their research has lead them to believe what they do. When discussing civilizations from thousands of years ago all we can do is speculate as to why they built what they did and interpret what they have left written. That ancient civilizations from the "pyramid" age were HEAVILY influenced by the stars, and by their own account, other beings, is undeniable.
I am an educated pretentious prick. I got my Masters in Art History at Michigan State University, my wife got one of her undergrad degrees in Anthropology and is now working on her PhD. at UO. So between the two of us, we have kicked around the idea of "Ancient Aliens" a few times, and you know what?
It's bull#.
The idiots that go around trying to sell their unsupportable theories are trying to win over the masses, because they know that their colleagues in any respectable devotion will ask for peer reviewable evidence. So they try to sell it to the public, where opinion trumps fact.
You people are being fed garbage by people that want nothing more than fame and money.
If you really want to learn 'the truth', read books by people that have been published in credible journals that are doing peer reviewed and defended research. Anything else is bad-science.
But the majority of you WANT it to be true, so it IS true.
Also, if you feel insulted by my ambiguous statement, it says more about YOU than it does about me.edit on 10-3-2012 by Furbs because: (no reason given)edit on 10-3-2012 by Furbs because: (no reason given)
Originally posted by miniatus
David introduced the theory after talks with a shaman ( if I remember correctly ) and now many people on here yell OMG reptile whenever they see a glitch on their tv that makes someone's eyes briefly distort..edit on 3/10/2012 by miniatus because: (no reason given)
Originally posted by 1AnunnakiBastard
Originally posted by Xcalibur254
Mitchell and Musgrave's claims have been around for years. The fact is though that neither saw any indication of intelligent life on their missions. Their claims are based entirely on belief. People have also been trying to put words into Aldrin's mouth for years. While he does say that he saw a UFO on Apollo 11 he has made it quite clear he was not referring to an alien spaceship. What he thinks they saw were the adapter panels from the S-IVB upper stage. As for Morrison, he has made his views clear in a number of articles on NASA's website.
While it would be foolish to discount the existence of extraterrestrials there is absolutely no proof they have visited Earth. Those people who work for NASA that claim aliens are visiting Earth have just as much evidence as the common man. In other words they don't have proof. Their beliefs are faith-based.
9 out of 10 ancient civilizations totally say THEY DID visit Earth. I tell you at least 2 compilation of Hindu scriptures that depict their crafts, fuel, technology, weapon and even war tactics: The Samarangana Sutradhara and the Vaimanika-shastra, these are technical books. The Mahabharata is more poetic-oriented but perfectly depicts nuclear blasts and radioactive fallout.
Who say that aliens don't exist and were never on Earth??
The same "scholars" who believe OR want people believing that they believe it, that the Giza pyramids as well as other megalithic structures, that modern cranes can't handle, were built by malnourished slaves using obsidian blades, bamboo scaffolding, wooden cranes and liana ropes...
Military personnel and secret agencies???
NASA says that has no knowledge of the existence of intelligent alien civilizations, but carries out a Freemason ritual on the Moon to invoke Osiris from Orion???
Seriously, give me a break!!! Don't insult peoples intelligence!edit on 3/10/2012 by 1AnunnakiBastard because: (no reason given)
Originally posted by Xcalibur254
reply to post by Swills
Seriously, give me a break!!! Don't insult peoples intelligence!
It's certainly implied in comments like that. Furthermore, why should I have to email them? If they were actually interested in spreading the truth they would actually include the proof when they make their claims. And the fact that you don't want to see the proof validates everything I just said. You're happy to blindly believe whatever an AAT proponent claims because it corresponds with your worldview. That's pretty much the definition of a sheeple.
It's quite clear that the people that run this show aren't actually interested in any form of truth. All they care about is making money. This is obvious from the fact that once again Aldrin's claims get edited to make it sound like he saw aliens when he was in space. Every time this subject comes up in an interview with Aldrin he explains that when he says UFO he doesn't mean alien. He has even gone on record saying that he is 99.9% certain of what he saw. Yet, every time someone is making a show about aliens and they interview Aldrin they edit out the facts of his statement. And do you know why? Because panels from a stage of the rocket doesn't make good TV. Aliens do. That's all there is to it. People on this site keep touting Ancient Aliens as some paragon of truth but it's clear from instances like this one that it is no different from any other show. It has an agenda and it will lie and alter the truth in order to move their agenda forward.
Originally posted by ProudBird
reply to post by AdamsMurmur
....except the part about the landing being in line with Orion's belt and the connections to ancient Egyptian/Masonic rituals. That was pretty interesting. is totally untrue.
Guess you missed my post above.
Oh and....if you want to verify the inaccuracy of the "Orion" your free copy of Stellarium:
Then, set the date to July 20, 1969 and your location and position to the proper place on the Moon. Then, do a search in the sky for the constellation Orion, and see for yourself.
Because, when you do, you will see that Orion wasn't even visible in the sky on that date and time, from that location on the Moon.edit on Sat 10 March 2012 by ProudBird because: (no reason given)
Originally posted by Xcalibur254
reply to post by Sly1one
It's not that everything on TV is a lie. It's that people need to do their own research. Regardless of the show the main goal for the network is to make money. In order for a show to stay on the air they need to show they can turn a large profit. This generally means the show has to bow to network pressure or get cancelled. Ancient Aliens has clearly bowed to the pressure. Just in this one episode a number of major mistakes have been pointed out. This illustrates that the show isn't being produced to spread the truth. It's being produced to appeal to their fanbase and as a result they keep making money. The problem is that this fanbase generally doesn't do any independent research. As a result they just take the claims at face value and keep believing them and regurgitating them even though they're wrong.
Even though more recent members may not realize it I have actually played the role of the believer and the skeptic. When I first came started posting on ATS I was a staunch believer in alien visitation and I even contributed a number of ideas to undo's Stargate thread. However, since that time I have realized that the alternative media and the fringe authors obfuscate the truth just as much as the MSM. So now whenever possible I do my own independent research. Even though many people on this site may disagree with my conclusions they are what my research has lead me to and they are what I genuinely believe the truth to be.
Originally posted by ProudBird
reply to post by 1AnunnakiBastard
I put in the wrong longitude, so that was my error.
HOWEVER......the other two points (that you didn't address) are still valid.
The Apollo 11 landing was NOT at 33° latitude, nor longitude.
And, there was no "masonic ritual" performed at 33 minutes after touchdown. My sources clearly show that, and both mine and yours show the former regarding the landing coordinates.
So, someone on the HC program simply MADE UP the "33" order to try and shoe-horn "Orion" into that load of BS that they presented.
The astronauts did perform a ritual on the moon. They opened masonic lodge. Such a ritual has its origins from the ancient egyptians. The interesting fact from this video is the fact that this was performed in alignment with Orion's belt. The ancient egyptians were careful to align their pyramids to Orion's belt.
"This is the (lunar module) pilot," Aldrin said on July 20, 1969. "I'd like to take this opportunity to ask every person listening in, whoever and wherever they may be, to pause for a moment and contemplate the events of the past few hours and to give thanks in his or her own way." Aldrin's way was to serve himself communion, using a kit provided by the pastor of Houston's Webster Presbyterian Church.
Originally posted by 1AnunnakiBastard
3,000 years before David Icke or any other reptilian-conspiracist have ever existed, ancient civilizations saw something that look like humanoid-reptile beings. It marked their lives so deeply and it was important enough to make them depict their images in carved reliefs, statues and even entire edifices... But waaait.....
They were all "hallucinating over fairy tales and anthropomorphizing elements of nature."