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Muslim Jihadists Vowing to “Eradicate Christianity”

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posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 01:26 AM
reply to post by ISeekTruth101

Then tell those who kill in the name of Islam not us.
We know all of that already

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 02:12 AM
If you want to see how much hatred is in Christianity just read this thread, you have more hatred for a group you all arm and fund and train and then have the audacity to say 'it is all muslims'

Whenever fact, and truth, is given it is ignored, period.

You all hardly comment in threads full of fact, ignore the fact you have entire nations of Muslims asking you not to fund terrorists why? because that is not fun, it is not full of hate and does not give you an excuse to blow something up!

You people really do make me sick. If you want to know why its because of that, you all just want someone to hate, you do not want to think and use your brain and rational thought at all

all I see you people say in this thread is kill kill kill... all you want is someone to kill

and you think Muslims are evil, you all are sick, there is no hope for any of you is there?

edit on 10-3-2012 by Jameela because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-3-2012 by Jameela because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 02:13 AM

Originally posted by seabag
reply to post by Jameela

The land of Israel DOES belong to the Jewish people and has for 3,700 years. There was never a nation of Palestine. There was never any Palestinian land to occupy or steal. You have been taught false history.

This is no logic , or Iranian people should take back the lands which belongs to Persian Empire which is more than 5000 years old ?

But we don't do it , because those people in those countries don't want us as their government.

This map is From Hakhamaneshian empire :

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 02:15 AM
reply to post by beezzer

The Tooth Fairy?

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 02:23 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

I haven't read anywhere where you [Or the other known apologists] have come out and condemned the actions of a few representing Islam but rather point fingers elsewhere and completely ignore their activities.

We condemn them.

But before condemning them we know where those Ideas come from

They all come from Wahhabism. And who established Al-Qaeda ? (the great Britain)

So , then again we condemn both Wahhabi and UK with it's old divide and conquer plans.

You know ? Taliban is following the same agenda as Wahhabism and here :

Qatar is opening foreign office for Taliban. Then why ally of US and SA is doing this ?

To spread the message of Al-Qaeda and Taliban.

Then Why US is not stopping his puppets doing it ?

Because those groups make the cause that help US stay in the region. (or invade new countries)

about Wahhabism
edit on 10/3/12 by hmdphantom because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 02:35 AM
This whole thread is such an obvious troll to get the whole Christians vs Muslims thing going yet again, that it really makes me wonder how long I wanna stick around here.

I mean seriously, who in their right mind is going to go on about extremists and blame it on Muslims when it's so clear that they're funded to cause this trouble to create division?

Why do these threads keep hitting the hottest topic again and again just for the same arguments to go around in circles with hundreds of posts each time? Once one goes another arrives within 72 hours and it's just repeated, and you can be sure it'll be hottest topic in no time so that more people just pile in and keep it going.

The biggest problem we have is that this fiction of a reality is so insane that we refuse to believe it. Even when we know for a fact that we're living in a rigged world our mind still tries it's best to force it into the background as if it's not even real.

The answers are in every one of these threads but they're just background noise amongst the same old arguments between people blaming eachother for things that people behind the scenes are doing. It's not even us doing it!

The only thing we're all guilty of is allowing it to carry on.

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 02:39 AM
reply to post by robhines

your right ,

Who is taking beneficiary of division between Muslims ?

Who is taking beneficiary of division between Muslims and Christians ?


All the roads end to Zionism.

I'm out.

Zionists :

Real Zionists please stand up !!!

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 02:43 AM
reply to post by Jameela

Oh make no mistake you are poor enemies you are absolutely no good at fighting.At least the Wermacht was our equal.So I don't see killing sneaky assassins who can't shoot in any way classed as fun.In Viet Nam they would come right at you,good warriors, China,human wave assaults.Your aviation assets are worthless when ever we show up.And nobody has ever said any thing about had to hand,your guys are boring so no we aren't looking to fight your militaries for fun,you are boring.
More like Pancho Villa in the middle east.Wise on your part though seeing as we dominate like we play football.
There are no conventional assets required for a routine penetration strike on all of your nuke site just buttons to be pushed and a few AirForce officers get to play,but that is it.
If our Armies ever met I think you might try to fight a little harder than the Iraqis but you aren't gunfighters so the result would be the same but more dead.If you try to match us in the open that is.So as a result of inferior tech and warriors you must go guerilla,but the Imam still hangs.All this is mute if you open up and become a nation that anyone can visit without the beheading thing.All of your best 20th century higher learning is western and obviously we have a lot of Iranians here in schools.
Now lets talk about those pesky CENTRIFUGES.

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 03:20 AM
reply to post by Jameela

You say "we all" but you ignore the fact that is it not WE at all.. it is politicians. Agenda arranged ideas, put to work via political concepts and bereft of the PEOPLE they represent.

When we say "you all" we do not ignore that it is jeffrey jihad up the road with a bomb strapped to his chest.

Allahu akbar indeed.

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 03:45 AM
reply to post by seabag

Man, theocracies are always bad (religious influence in government, is NEVER a good thing).
I do not support the idea of being ruled by a religiously slated power, at all. If a majority of people in a state wish to do so, so be it. Only however, if the rights of the minority are also respected (even if they must abide by certain additional customs. If you don't like it, you don't have to live there).

All of that being said, I'm pretty sure (Islam I know, others I am sure) protect other religions to some extent.
If they're not doing that, then they're not following their own codes. They're not Muslims, they're extremists.

Side note: Islam is not the only religion in my opinion subject to extremism.
edit on 10-3-2012 by ToFarGone because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 03:50 AM
I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time learning about Islam. It came to me when I tried to classify Muslims and I realized Muslim's/Islam isn't like other human beings religions. Every religion and human being on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment, Muslims do not. Muslims move to an area and multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed and violence spewed, ( like muslims going to a country and stealing welfare ex. UK,sweden,London,etc..) the only way Muslims survive is to spread to another area/country. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is??? A VIRUS. Muslims are a DISEASE, a CANCER of this planet. Islam/Muslims are a plague and we the USA are the cure.

------They go to from one country to another, spreading their hate, opression and control. They say they will kill others if they do not convert. They strive to introduce sharia law and they feed/leech off of a countries welfare program until a country has nothing left. Then they move onto a different country and do the same. If Musslimes believe that westernized-free contries are so bad, why do they move their? Why not stay in your islamic countries? Maybe because all countries that become islamic are war torn landfills?

edit on 10-3-2012 by omegafire because: add

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 04:01 AM
The pen is mightier than the sword people!

Don't always believe what you read.

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 04:06 AM
Just in case people say that I don't know what im talking about, heres a post form another forum showing my experience with muslims. They are like this everywhere around the world. They want to control everything and everyone. In their Koran it sys to kill non believers. Islam is evil, I know this from the family members killed by this cult. I used to live in a country (IRAN) that was beautiful before it was turned into an islamic state in the late 70's, it had freedoms just like we have in america. Now it is opressive, violent,an armpit of a country. For those who say not all muslims are like this,or Islam doesn't condone this, YES IT DOES. Read the KORAN it is evil. Their profit is a pedophile who raped his 6 year old cousin, He says to molest little boys becuase their bodies are like pearls. This is what they are and what they do, do not try and convince me otherwise. While you apologist's sit on your comfy couches thousands of miles away from muslim countries and think that muslims are just painted with a bad light. THEY ARE NOT. I know from personal experience and rememering coming home to my cousins wife and seeing is mother raped and beaten by 5 muslim men (2 who were imam's from a near by mosque). This is what they are. You don't know them because you dont live with them and havn't fel their effects in your PERSONAL lives. They want your freedoms, and if you dont convert, they believe it is their right to kill you. Please, please dont say that most muslims wouldn't condone that, because they do. Every muslim will protect their "muslim" brothe no matter what evils they commit. Anywas on to my previous post about my life experince with ISLAM ------------------

Hi Everyone, I have been a longtime observer on ATS and this is my first post. The reason why I made an account was because of this thread. After seeing the title of this thread I thought it would be a great place to share first-hand experience with living in an Islamic country and seeing what muslims are like firs hand. I moved to United States in 1986-1987. My family and I, including cousins/ friends all lived in Tehran, Iran. We lived there before the shaw (king) was overthrown. My family and I are of Assyrian nationality and that makes us inherently Christian. Anyways, everything was well until the Muslims became angry that Iran had westernized and wanted harsher Islamic law. At this time ayatollah Khomeini rose to power and the Shaw was exiled. This was when our lives became hell. Christian churches were burned down; muslims raped Christian women and children and killed the men. My family and I wanted nothing more but to escape the country, but to do so would mean we were traders and would be punished and or killed. I remember one day when my mom was wearing the Hajab (black outfit that covers body), and it was very hot so she had rolled upper her sleeves and her wrist’s were showing. That didn’t go over to well with muslim bystanders who immediately called the police and as soon as they came they cut her body with razors and beat my father in the streets. She still has the scars to this day, total of 15 2-4 inch scars on back, arms and wrist’s. Also, during this time if you were found to be Christian and didn’t convert they would take away your job, send you to prison, or worse put you to death. Also, you could forget ever going to church again, most were burned down. The only way we were able to practice our Christian faith was to do it in our home.

Anyways, in 1986 we dropped everything and fearfully fled as refugees to turkey, then to Italy, then to Greece and finally the united states. My family lost everything we had, we had to start over from scratch because of muslims and their take over and conquer the planet attitude. I wanted to share this experience because I know what muslims are like and how they think from first hand experience. I hate the fact that some people on this forum say that people are judging muslims without actually knowing them, and that they are no different than people of other faiths. Well, you are wrong! Their mentality is to inflict their views on others whether they like it or not and if they don’t follow or convert they conquer and kill. In their religious text it says to kill others who do not follow islam, and their profit rides around with a sword and beheads people, all the while married to his 8 year old cousin. This is not a peaceful religion; it is full of hate and control of others. So to those people who are nice and comfortable in their homes, sitting on the couch and who say things like “you don’t know what mulsims are going through”, or “the muslim threat is manufactured” or “they are peacefull people, just give them a chance” you my friends are ignorant of the truth. NO!, I lived with them, they ruined my family’s life. You have no idea the evil they are capable of unless you see first-hand. They are now trying to impose their will in Britain, the Uk, Australia and elsewhere.------more to come-----
edit on 10-3-2012 by omegafire because: spelling

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 04:10 AM
I find it hilarious that they can do whatever it is they want in their countries, force their religion and ideologies on others and then come to America and try to do the same.

Why is it that they can force others to do what they want in Iran and when they come here to the US and get any resistance from anyone they cry and say people are being racist and site how it’s against the constitution? For example I live in a northern suburb of Chicago and some muslims wanted to build a mosqee next to a Church. Well, people in my city protested and then the muslims threw a fit and took it to court and won. The nerve of these people is insane!!! They can do whatever they want to others but if anyone else does something to resist them, they act like crazy people. Just look at what happened recently in Iran, they wanted to kill a Christian man just because he was Christian and did not forsake Christ and the bible by converting to Islam. Imagine if we did something like that here to a muslim who wouldn’t convert to Christianity, can you imagine their uproar and the mass bloodshed that would insue? The hyprocracy of these people is beyond belief. And to those who would say that this was an isolated incident, it isn’t!! I still have family and friends in Iran who were unable to escape and many have perished at the hands of Islam for being Christian. If I have family and friends who have been killed for their beliefs, imagine the hundreds and or thousands that have had the same fate that you don’t know about…

Sorry for the long post/rant I have been wanting to get this off my chest for close to 30 years. To all those people who are siding with muslims, just wait. They will impose their views/ ideologies on you and try to take over the planet, then we’ll see what you say when you HAVE to wear a ninja outfit everywhere you go and have someone’s behind in your face a few times a day all while praying to a moon god. Then maybe, just maybe you’ll regret your views. They are pure evil, hatred, malevolence, hypcrocy, and predators all rolled into one. Last, it is not the people who are inherently bad, it is the evil spewing out of their religious text (whose name is never to be mentioned in my house) that somehow corrupts them and makes them evil. They need to be stopped now, before our way of life is gone. God help us…………

If you dont believe me, go ahead and pick up the KORAN, it is all their, all the hate, all the "go ahead kill others who are not muslim", the pedophilia and so on. They dont want you to read it, because when you do, you will understand them. They are not who they say they are.

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 04:10 AM
you can kill, you can torture... but to really dismantle a belief system you must do so by mind control (media). If Christians would stop killing because they are being told to do so for their government then these people making these threats would have no leg to stand on... not to mention that you cannot eradicate a belief system by persecuting. You only give it more credence.

IMO, this is just another Zionists fueled ruse to get support for their ww3.

A religious war should only be fought within... it is a personal matter, not a political one.
edit on 10-3-2012 by BlackSatinDancer because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 04:18 AM

Originally posted by n00bUK
I think we should get all the people who hate Islam on one side of an island and the people who hate Christianity on the other side, then drop a bomb on the island. Problem solved

Sick of hearing this crap on ATS.

Just another thread to bash on religion, its not going to cause constructive debate - because their aint nothing to debate. The simple fact is you get assholes from all religions.

Yeeh would be nice to get rid of the unenligtened idiots who say they belive but show that they are anything else than devine in nature. They have failed the test totaly and is just caught up in duality and ego and will not recieve any devine spirit (since it can not be in the same place as ego corruption) on the road they are walking (at least I have a hard time seeing it). But it is not for me to decide how this lowevolved world should evolve. God will spring clean if they are need to be gone and I will try to just sit on the sidelines and try not to judge either side since I do not have enough information. Whatever is gonna happen I hop it is as soon as possible but unfortunatly belive it will be a long evolution. Sometimes I just wish for a harvets and reseed but that is also not my call.

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 04:21 AM
reply to post by seabag

what about jooz? lol.

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 04:31 AM
ALL of this is getting way out of hand.
There has to be a solution, somewhere, somehow, and soon. Otherwise, this will not end well !

I just want to live in peace!

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 04:51 AM
reply to post by CB6699

This is the thing, they will not let you live in peace. Everywhere they go muslims want to impose their religion on everyone. They want sharia law everywhere. They say that every country that does not have sharia law is HARAM, that means a sinful place to go until islam rules the country. It is their madate to turn every country into an islamic state. I really am not trying to stir things up. But until people wake up and realize what is happening, your way of life WILL CHANGE. You will not live in peace, they want to take away your peace and replace it with your wife wearing a ninja outfit and force you to pray to ALLAH. This is crazy to me that people just dont get it. SO im going to try and explain this in a scenario people can understand. Imagine when you were a child you lived in germany and lived in the same town as hitler. Now lets say that this is an alternate timeline where hitler keeps gaining power and eventually controls the world in the future becuase in this timeline people dont care what hitler does because "Not all hitlers are like that" line keeps coming up. So, lets move forward. So now while you are still young you see the nazi concentration camps and see all the evil hitler has done to people and everyone hes killed. Now lets say few years later you move to america because you dont want hitler killing anymore of your family. Now while your in america, Hitler is stilll killing millions in europe and america has an apathetic stance. And everyone you talk to says that "nothing is wrong with hitler, hes a good man" " the media is just making him look bad" "everyone should just leave him alone and let him do what he wants" " I just want to live in peace". Then youre like what the F**** why dont people understand hitler is evil and is killing everyone? Then finnaly 20 years go by and America is taken over by hitler and millions die.

This is the scenario I am living out in real life. I have seen the evils they commited everyday, and they way they innately want to take over EVERYTHING, EVERONE, AND EVERY COUNTRY over with their beliefs and idealogies while everyone sits ideally by. Just like how they took over Iran, which used to be a paradise that had freedoms.(just youtube "IRAN BEFORE REVOLUTION") I'm sitting in a place where people just dont get it. They dont get that these pople are different and want to change your way of life because that is their lifes goal, to change your way of thinking no matter what you believe. To make you muslim or else, death is madated. Do you get it?
edit on 10-3-2012 by omegafire because: spelling

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 05:05 AM

Originally posted by omegafire
reply to post by CB6699

This is the thing, they will not let you live in peace. Everywhere they go muslims want to impose their religion on everyone. They want sharia law everywhere. They say that every country that does not have sharia law is HARAM, that means a sinful place to go until islam rules the country. It is their madate to turn every country into an islamic state. I really am not trying to stir things up. But until people wake up and realize what is happening, your way of life WILL CHANGE. You will not live in peace, they want to take away your peace and replace it with your wife wearing a ninja outfit and force you to pray to ALLAH. This is crazy to me that people just dont get it. SO im going to try and explain this in a scenario people can understand. Imagine when you were a child you lived in germany and lived in the same town as hitler. Now lets say that this is an alternate timeline where hitler keeps gaining power and eventually controls the world in the future becuase in this timeline people dont care what hitler does because "Not all hitlers are like that" line keeps coming up. So, lets move forward. So now while you are still young you see the nazi concentration camps and see all the evil hitler has done to people and everyone hes killed. Now lets say few years later you move to america because you dont want hitler killing anymore of your family. Now while your in america, Hitler is stilll killing millions in europe and america has an apathetic stance. And everyone you talk to says that "nothing is wrong with hitler, hes a good man" " the media is just making him look bad" "everyone should just leave him alone and let him do what he wants" " I just want to live in peace". Then youre like what the F**** why dont people understand hitler is evil and is killing everyone? Then finnaly 20 years go by and merica is taken over by hitler and millions die.

This is the scenario I am living out in real life. I have seen the evils they commited everyday, and they way they innately want to take over EVERYTHING, EVERONE, AND EVERY COUNTRY over with their beliefs and idealogies while everyone sits ideally by. I'm sitting in a place where people just dont get it. They dont get that these pople are different and want to change your way of life because that is their lifes goal, to change your way of thinking no matter what you believe. To make you muslim or else, death is madated. Do you get it?

politics and religion should be kept separate. they are NOT but this is no excuse to keep recombining them.

no other religion can change your beliefs unless you let it, but that is personal, not political. On the political side, if there are groups of people doing terrible things for WHATEVER reason, it is a matter of security and politics to end it. Not religion. Don't worry about their beliefs. It's not your problem. furthermore, how do you know they do not have some other reason to wear the black material they use for these garbs and just don't want to come right out and talk about it. Or maybe they have tried and have been silenced by our MSM.

These garbs seem to be made with a material that I have worked with to make shrouds to cover electronic equipment. I still maintain that Israeli satellites should be removed because you have no idea what they can do with the use of scalar electronics. They can literally put women into erotic fits. Maybe these shrouds are not unlike our tin foil hats (not that I am wearing a tin foil hat but you get the point). I have been meaning to do research on this material that seems to be used in most of these garbs. If you have ever been attacked by scalar stuff, you would understand that some might exemplify some weird behavior that they don't want to come out and explain. There are plenty of very convincing "demon possession" videos showing women who in my opinion, are being electronically attacked. they are calling it demon possession to demonize women and religions and other things you cannot see when it is IN FACT... MEN DOING THIS!

edit on 10-3-2012 by BlackSatinDancer because: (no reason given)

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