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Catch ABC World News tonight? 3/8/12 - Soveriegn Citizens and U.S Militias Segment

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posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by DavidWillts

You sir are the reason this trivial tripe story was put out.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 12:22 PM
So set up Soverign Citizens and those who talk about the Constitution as terrorists in the mind of the public.

Proceed to violate Constitution with regard to war.

Is Sovereign Citizen false flag attack the next step?
edit on 9-3-2012 by khimbar because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-3-2012 by khimbar because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by GhettoRice
reply to post by DavidWillts

You sir are the reason this trivial tripe story was put out.

Then please correct me if I am wrong, claiming to be a sovereign citizen carries no more weight than claiming the laws do not apply to you.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 12:41 PM
I dont know about the laws not applying but I have seen some good utube vidoes on this site
One guy in front of a judge in the states and she threw him out of court, after he proved that she was being paid by the victim ie.. The city.
He was being charged for running a red light.

So being a true patriot, is now a terrorist. Well Obama can kill anyone he wants now even an American. Im sure those empty camps will soon be filled with patriots.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by illuminnaughty
I dont know about the laws not applying
Self-described sovereign citizens take the position that they are answerable only to common law and are not subject to any statutes or proceedings at the federal, state or municipal levels, or that they do not recognize U.S. currency and that they are "free of any legal constraints".
The biggest mistakes are unusual documents Apostolou filed in court by himself in which he improperly tries to terminate the bankruptcy, alleging fraud and other misdeeds. The documents included an affidavit also signed by his wife, Eva, in which they claim they don't recognize U.S. currency and are free of any legal constraints.

Now you know

edit on 9-3-2012 by DavidWillts because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 01:03 PM
They can't stop us all if we become delegates. We legally have every right to out vote them on a grass roots level. Get out there folks, Be The Change You Wish To See in the World.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by DavidWillts

Originally posted by GhettoRice
reply to post by DavidWillts

You sir are the reason this trivial tripe story was put out.

Then please correct me if I am wrong, claiming to be a sovereign citizen carries no more weight than claiming the laws do not apply to you.

I understand what you are saying. I honestly do. The extremists are the only ones that ever get "air time". What is wrong with demanding adherence to the Constitution and getting a little pissy when your Representatives don't?

I am not an extremist...but I do read the Constitution. No...I do not have it memorized...but I DO know how to find applicable clauses when the need arises. The most wonderful and beautiful thing about our Constitution is that it is a "living" document. It transcends time and space (well, for the most part) and is applicable in any day or age. It is a simple premise that has been fogged up by "policy" and "intention". All I ask for is my fundamental right to "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness".

Am I a tax I have a complete understanding of the social safety net and I do not have a problem with it. We are human creatures....we are supposed to look out for our weak and infirm...that is what we do....or are supposed to do.

I have no problem paying taxes to keep the infrastructure up to date....or to keep our defenses ahead of the curve....the problem is...we over indulge one of those and ignore the other....why?...PROFIT!

I invite you to go back a page and at least watch the first two videos I posted. It speaks volumes of why we have arrived at where we are now. I would go one further and invite you to research a fellow named "Edward Bernays"...the nephew of Sigmund Freud. I will post a link to an amazing BBC documentary. As I said in my first do anything about where we are now...we must first come to terms with how we got here...and it is a spiderweb of trickery and

This is an EXTREMELY long video. 4 hours. I would recommend watching it on youtube direct and just re-bookmarking it where you need to and then re-start when you have the is an excellent view of where we are and how we got here.

edit on 3/9/2012 by Damrod because: spelling

edit on 3/9/2012 by Damrod because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by Damrod

I understand what you are saying. I honestly do. The extremists are the only ones that ever get "air time". What is wrong with demanding adherence to the Constitution and getting a little pissy when your Representatives don't?

You are not describing a sovereign citizen, you are just describing people that stick to the constitution. You are doing what many people do when they loosely agree with the idea of something. You change the definition what that group is to fit what you want it to be. The sovereign citizen movement is a movement of people that think most laws do not apply to them.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 01:26 PM
I dont think there is anyway on gids green earth that they are going to get enough people to go along with thier tyranny anymore. So when they want to fully introduce a one world order it will fail before it begins. The only other way for them to remain in power will be to kill everyone who resists which is going to be most of the population.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 01:33 PM

Originally posted by DavidWillts
reply to post by Damrod

I understand what you are saying. I honestly do. The extremists are the only ones that ever get "air time". What is wrong with demanding adherence to the Constitution and getting a little pissy when your Representatives don't?

You are not describing a sovereign citizen, you are just describing people that stick to the constitution. You are doing what many people do when they loosely agree with the idea of something. You change the definition what that group is to fit what you want it to be. The sovereign citizen movement is a movement of people that think most laws do not apply to them. are correct. Sadly, I must cave on this one. I was dodging your point as best I could. I hate extremism..I really is the rotten core of our society that is consuming us from the inside out.

I can only tolerate those on the "Sovereign" side (or their ilk) because they do "get it"...we ARE being manipulated and herded like sheep. It's really alarming when you start researching the advances in marketing...influence...and even subliminal messaging. Years ago, certain things were outlawed because they were 'too effective" and just like the commerce "monopoly" laws...they have been routed around. There is so much "indirect" marketing going on in this world it will blow your mind...clever ways to present things that any psychiatrist/psychologist will tell you is occurring/influencing at a subconscious level...and they get away with it!

I am not talking about pure product marketing...I am talking about news feeds, "live" television, election results and exit polls...etc...all carefully orchestrated to imprint an idea into YOUR sway the odds..."tilt the table" so to speak.

OK...on this topic...I AM a conspiracy theorist....because to me and the years I have read about these is not a is a FACT. We are and can so easily be manipulated by the "boob-tube" You may have noticed I have a certain disdain for television...because I see it as a poison...a is tearing us apart as a nation and no one seems to notice it....

It is everywhere. it permeates everything we do.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by DavidWillts

Here ya go

Another good person to get to the bottom of the rule over man would be Jordan Maxwell

What stance are you taking then by saying what you are, what right does another have to tell me what to do if I am not harming anyone else or their property/social image? Would your argument boil down to kingship over men?

This discussion is not I can kill and steal and you can't touch me, its about being able to live freely under common "law" and not consenting to acts,bylaws,statutes, and other forms of control which only hold the "power" of "law" to those consenting. Is this so hard to understand.
edit on 9-3-2012 by GhettoRice because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 01:57 PM

Originally posted by DavidWillts
Where do people come up with this stuff? Claiming to be a Sovereign citizen really means nothing, it is just something stupid people started saying that caught on. You might as well just claim that "laws do not apply to me" as a legal defense, you are going to get laughed at right before you are found guilty.

So from what standpoint does that come from? It may, and probably does mean "nothing to you," as it were, but to me, and a great many others, it means quite a lot, actually. How do you handle a traffic ticket for speeding via a Radar Transmitter? How many times have you just paid the ticket and went on? And actually, "the law," does in fact apply to me, and everyone else too. The ones I use Law against are those who think themselves above the Law. City Ordnances are not laws, they are corporation rules. Local Cops are corporate employees, or policy enforcers with no authority under law. To not be Sovereign is to be Subject to. To whom are you subject to, friend?

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by Damrod
I am not an extremist...but I do read the Constitution. No...I do not have it memorized...but I DO know how to find applicable clauses when the need arises. The most wonderful and beautiful thing about our Constitution is that it is a "living" document. It transcends time and space (well, for the most part) and is applicable in any day or age. It is a simple premise that has been fogged up by "policy" and "intention". All I ask for is my fundamental right to "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness".

Am I a tax I have a complete understanding of the social safety net and I do not have a problem with it. We are human creatures....we are supposed to look out for our weak and infirm...that is what we do....or are supposed to do.

I have no problem paying taxes to keep the infrastructure up to date....or to keep our defenses ahead of the curve....the problem is...we over indulge one of those and ignore the other....why?...PROFIT!

I too do not consider myself a 'tax dodger'' even though I know that label is applied to the likes of myself and others who find that our system is so out of whack and disjointed that one of the few PEACEFUL and non extremist responses is to do so,,, not pay into this broken system. I also completely understand the need of social safety nets. But when the net is set up only to help those who feed off the system, or sell themselves out with votes for those who would keep them in servitude to the system, I rebel. I have no problem paying my property tax for my home, car. But the be DOUBLE taxed as we are today to keep a system in power that cares not if I keep my home or not, again I Rebel against this madness. Our elected officials seem only to care about themselves and large corporations and forget the little man/woman who work hard each day to get by, and ultimately are nickeled and dimed to death.
I believe the social net you speak of is LOCAl in my community and immediate family. I care for, without being able to claim, my sister and her two young children. Without the money I provide to her, she would be on the streets. I am sure there are ways to cheat the system as I see many do, which is another point.
I don't cheat, I just refuse to participate. When they do come for me,,, I will opt out,, and another productive person in America will be missing to help hold up this charade. Extreme, maybe, but sometimes one has to live by the ideas of freedom written in ones soul, not by the laws that so many claim are the ''best the world has to offer''.
I would prefer a different way out, but voting is a farce,,, even though I still will vote.
I do my part when called to jury duty, as I believe that is required of citizens.
Taxes. Well,,, I will return to pay when it is even among us all here, and today and for my lifetime, never has been. I will be damned to pay, when profitteers make off with millions or billions, and all I want is to have a bottom rung spot at middle class. The system is rigged, and if you think differently so be it. But the reality is the US is now a corporation owned by the elite. I AM NOT A FRIGGING SLAVE nor will I PRETEND the System is the route to address my grievances whe the SYSTEM IS OWNED BY THE 1%.

I Really like the fact you brought up BERNAYS as you are correct,,, he should be more well known than he is today.
Really,, I don't want to be labeled an extremist, as I feel I am rather rational about most all of this, but if one wished to label me so, I would understand.
I also have evolved in my beliefs and would gladly look at evidence to the contrary that I am wrong in thinking as I do. I want a way out,,,, but what the Federal Government offers is slavery and servitude to a system that in reality is very much FASCIST.
otherwise why would they say it is OK to kill Americans without due process of LAW..... If the LAW DOES NOT APPLY TO THEM,,, IT DOES NOT APPLY TO ME.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen23

Thank you.

I am not a radical...I am an educated American that can see with his own eyes that something has gone astray....

About Edward's a two edge sword isn't it.

here is a man that was brilliant...he took his uncles studies and made real world application about the motivations of the masses of people....on the other hand...he is the massive prick that basically mind f*cked us and taught the MSM how to lull us into sleep and then lead us like a herd of sheep....dirty bastard!

edit on 3/9/2012 by Damrod because: word changes

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by AaronWilson
Domestic Terrorism is exactly what the founding fathers wanted when the government was no longer the peoples. It is no longer the peoples government, but they seem rather keen to keep themselves in power. If they do not control their reckless regimes and handicapped approach at military budgeting, domestic terrorism is what they will get.

They can say all they want at controlling it but look at just how well they did in Vietnam, Irag, Afghanistan. They are scared and you can see it.

This spring and summer will be amazing for the Occupy movement and hopefully, other activist groups.

If we want it changed, its gonna take more than just the majority. It will take everyone of us.

If the Founding Fathers had of lost the war of independence, they would have been branded traitors and terrorists.

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by Damrod
reply to post by EarthCitizen23

Thank you.

I am not a radical...I am an educated American that can see with his own eyes that something has gone astray....

About Edward's a two edge sword isn't it.

here is a man that was brilliant...he took his uncles studies and made real world application about the motivations of the masses of people....on the other hand...he is the bastard that basically mind f*cked us and taught the MSM how to lull us into sleep and then lead us like a herd of sheep....dirty bastard!

I hope, as I did not mean to imply I thought you a radical. I step up to the plate, as I well may be considered one myself.
Yes, Bernays was a dastardly brilliant bastard. But to overcome ''the enemy'' we must understand how they think and operate. Sadly we seem to be fodder for corporations in their journey to profit from our instinctual and base level Maslov Needs. Sad it is, but I hold onto the hope that Human will one day recognize that we are together in this journey,, not separate as we have been divided. So I cling to the one thing that does unite us.......OUR HUMANITY. the dark and the Light alike.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by autowrench

City Ordnances are not laws,

Yes they are just like zoning laws, they are enforced on a local level.

they are corporation rules.

Not at all, if that were true we would be seeing smoking being allowed everywhere instead of smoking being banned everywhere. Where do you come up with this? Did you make that on the spot or is there some manifesto i can read?

Local Cops are corporate employees, or policy enforcers with no authority under law.

Now you are clearly just making things up.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by GhettoRice

what right does another have to tell me what to do if I am not harming anyone else or their property/social image?

Freedom of speech... I can tell you to do whatever i want, you are not obligated to comply.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by EarthCitizen23

Originally posted by Damrod
reply to post by EarthCitizen23

Thank you.

I am not a radical...I am an educated American that can see with his own eyes that something has gone astray....

About Edward's a two edge sword isn't it.

here is a man that was brilliant...he took his uncles studies and made real world application about the motivations of the masses of people....on the other hand...he is the bastard that basically mind f*cked us and taught the MSM how to lull us into sleep and then lead us like a herd of sheep....dirty bastard!

I hope, as I did not mean to imply I thought you a radical. I step up to the plate, as I well may be considered one myself.
Yes, Bernays was a dastardly brilliant bastard. But to overcome ''the enemy'' we must understand how they think and operate. Sadly we seem to be fodder for corporations in their journey to profit from our instinctual and base level societal needs. Sad it is, but I hold onto the hope that Humans will one day recognize that we are together in this journey,, not separate as we have been divided. So I cling to the one thing that does unite us.......OUR HUMANITY. the dark and the Light alike. are absolutely correct. We have to remember something that is the subject of tons and tons of other threads....what if....

What if tomorrow a solar flare just smashed our power grids...for years....what if....the North Koreans set off a high atmospheric nuclear test and shatter half the worlds power grids?...

Well...we will need to count on each other....and thanks to folks like Bernays and his intellectual offspring...we are SO divided...sad really. The old saying about "divide and conquer" is not a myth or a bedtime actually has been proven to work. And it is working on us...right here, right now...and no one seems to notice.

I pray for a candidate that can reconcile us and bring us back together...but my better judgement says we are beyond that point....part of me expects this country to be split...the dems get half and the repubs get another....i know it sounds far out there....but I'm afraid this is where we are headed....hopefully they'll set aside a state or two for those that think both dems and repubs are lunatics....

But back on topic.

You can only push some people so far...I am kinda of the 'you cannot break me" mindset but am basically peaceful. "I will not whimper, I will not cry...but you cannot make me yield"....kinda thinking. I live with pain everyday so's something I am not afraid of.

I hope we learn what is going on but thanks to the massive engine of disinformation...half the country will never wake up...they will just bury themselves in their trenches and pretend it is the other parties fault....and they are two wings of the same bird of prey....chew on that for a day or so....
edit on 3/9/2012 by Damrod because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by DavidWillts

So.............. wait wat?

"you are not obligated to comply" Is this not the essence of the argument at hand? Did you just agree with the freeman stance?

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