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Are Whites More Discriminated Against Than Blacks?

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posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by Chewingonmushrooms

i must have, i appologize for the confusion. i suppose i'll just leave alone then seeing as i dont feel like searching around to try and correct my mistake.

posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by Under Water

agreed. i think that any questioning of race on any form should be abolished unless it can have no implications of favoritism outside of the qualities possed for whatevers applied for etc. quick story: i worked with a black guy (who i was friends with until a point) who would fall asleep at his machine and never get so much as a write up. he told me they keep him there bacause he's a tax write off, then go's on about not getting anywhere in the company because he's black while another black guy came in, started at the lowest job and WORKED his way up to something better. needless to say i stopped buying pot from his dumbas* (this was years ago and dont smoke anymore) and then he asked me if i was getting it up here (my small town out of the city) from a white guy! ( and no he was black too)!

posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by robbyraw
reply to post by technical difficulties

understand that for people like me who didnt/ doesn't have a problem with anyone for skin color or personal preference but watchs them be able to be loud and proud anywhere they go but i am made to feel like i cant claim pride in being a white man without being VERY carefull. thier past of pain should not affect my present this way.
Black Power was chanted by people who at the time were discriminated against, whereas White Power was chanted by those very people discriminating against them, hence why white power isn't execptable. Same goes for gay pride.

In fact, both are still are being discriminated against to this day (ie War On Drugs with Blacks, and Gay Marriage for Gays), but on a far lesser scale in comparison to back then.

i never owned a slave or gay bashed and respect everyone for thier opinions as long as it's not shoved down my throat.
How are they shoving their opinions down your throat?
edit on 12-3-2012 by technical difficulties because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 05:00 PM
Looking at the current times not the past, if everyone with black hair was called "Blackie" would that be racist? Or would that be okay?

And yet we call all gingered hair people "Ginner" or something equivalent. So what is the difference?

posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by technical difficulties
Black Power was chanted by people who at the time were discriminated against, whereas White Power was chanted by those very people discriminating against them, hence why white power isn't execptable. Same goes for gay pride.

In fact, both are still are being discriminated against to this day (ie War On Drugs with Blacks, and Gay Marriage for Gays), but on a far lesser scale in comparison to back then.

Gay marriage doesn't apply here, since we are discussing race issues in this thread, not sexual orientation.
However, I am curious as to why you see the failed War On Drugs as specifically racist towards black people?

posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 06:39 PM
I dont know about the whole black white thing, but I do believe AMERICANS are being discriminated against

posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by technical difficulties

very good points i'll admit and they deserve to celebrate thier freedoms from oppression but i still see the tables tipping because while they've gained thier freedoms, alot of the bitterness and anger remains to those who have no right use it the way they are because they are blessed aftermath with bountifull oppurtunities and a pride for who they are that is so strong from the rise above all the mistreatment. that pride should be manifested into something greater than a different form of cocky ignorance. in my opinion (note: i am not racist and do not put these views onto everyone but a large majority of what I'VE experienced and i can say i've been around the block and let people show thier true colors before i fully engage them)
edit on 12-3-2012 by robbyraw because: add

posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by Storm88Trooper

WOW!! this gut has a list of some very good points! BRAVO, he nailed it... #2 stuck out for me because it is 1000% true, happened to me when itold a friend that most blacks i've met in jail were racist and a black guy heard it and almost started a fight because i talked about his 'people' negaitvely and all the white 'kids' around me were to scared to look racist to jump in and help me explain the context it was in and 1 or 2 white b*tchs even tried to go around and say how i was such a racist! oddly enough i flipped it and aided in turning everyone to a pridefull white state of mind once the black dudes left and that dipsh*t shut down quick. what a joke we've become. i also know a former member of the Arian Nation that sat in Green Bay prison and got out to help his so called leader move until he saw he was married to a black woman, ignorance, surebut we as white people are just clowning ourselves and it's time we stop being such sissys and stand up for OUR equal rights like we did for blacks in the 60's. be proud and confident WE did nothing wrong and it's time we take back our manhood by showing strength AND equality. i'm all for the people who are truly ignorant of whats really happening's ideals but i cant fight the fact that i am a realist and remembering how i felt when i couldnt even express how i felt at a time when i heard 'kill that cracker' honky bitch, etc. without being regarded as a racist by both sides really brings me back to reality.
edit on 12-3-2012 by robbyraw because: added

posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by robbyraw

after a brief reflection, i realize that this is how blacks must have felt at times and i guess that kind of proves myself right!

posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by NuminousCosmos

You apparently have never lived in areas that i have, watts Ca Compton around 120th and western, you need to experience the hatred toward you when you venture out at any time day or night, and your only crime is that you are white, i have walked into clubs in those areas and the band actually stops playing,I have witnessed shootings, bodies laying in the street, and when i questioned the Police, why is there no reports in the media of these events? i was informed that THEY whoever THEY are did not want the population to be aware of the extent of the crime in those areas, I was also instructed by local police in the event of a gunfight with any one, to "make sure you fill them up"as they will be out in a year looking for you,so do your self a favour and visit a Hood with the mrs for a lovely dinner one evening and then talk about white sheets

posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 11:22 PM
I am still waiting for my white pride week...


Everyone else has a day / month to celebrate....

Where is mine.

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 12:04 AM

Originally posted by nightstalker78

Originally posted by 1ncegreat
reply to post by ollncasino

Europeans don't get blamed for the same genocide they committed upon the native population of north america when some of them came to north america and invaded it just because they are white. I think this thread, the whole issue is reaking with racist sentiments. shame on you who are crying about finally giving the minorities equal work opportunities. those turn out to be the most dedicated and excellent, loyal to a company because they know this job is like one in a million the chance to get it. Grow up you whiners. white man still runs $#!t
the sad truth is most of you guys are ignorant and are stuck in the old racist mentality. the world is ever changing.

Finally giving minorities equal work opportunities?Where the hell have you been?That's like saying it's about time we allowed women to vote

The only post in this thread that's whiney as you put it is yours.I'm going to guess you're either black or hispanic.And if you claim you're're a liar.
edit on 9-3-2012 by nightstalker78 because: (no reason given)

keyword being "equal work opporttunities. meaning may the best man or woman be hired for the job regardlless of their race,color or sex. and last time i checked discrimination at work place is still rampant, it is getting better due to the fact that the boomers were raised in a racist/ignorant atmospheres or a time period. now as they are retiring and handing over control to the generation after them who were mostly hippies and all this spread the love stuff. so as they are taking over top jobs, positive changes are coming to the work place. Get real and don't be ignorant wake up things are not as rosy as you might think or lead to believe.

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 03:22 AM
reply to post by robbyraw

It's the context he puts it that makes it more understandable and I butchered the crap out of it. Why don't we stop and help people, that are in need. I have an idea for creating equality through public works and services, by revamping the entire infrastructure of our country but that would require trillions in capital. We could create equal housing in high rise complexes in cities and their outskirts Then sell and rent to own the apartments to people, with only a five percent profit after construction costs and wages. The five percent income would be put into the U.S. Treasury, to attempt to pay of the national debt.

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 07:39 AM
reply to post by KwisatzHaderach

sounds great but i think that might be what they tried to do with the 'projects' like 'cabrini green' in chicago for example and you can google how that turned out. equal oppurtunity housing turns into slums for the lazy and criminal minded opertunists.

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 07:40 AM
Whites, specifically white guilt libtards, have destroyed civilization

period. the turds of civilization, the multiculturalists.

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by ollncasino

All people get discriminated on. The reasons can be because you are too fat , short , tall , pale, dark, lankey, sitnky, to ugly, to pretty, single, married, divorced, people just don't like you, creepy, too loud, too quiet, the list can go on and on.

I have been discriminated because of my race, because i was too mean, because I dated someone daughter and I dumped her so i didn't get the job.

You can take that article and make it about any of the reasons i just listed. It is not a big deal we ALL get discriminated on . even if we were all the same color.. we would find reason why to discriminate.

its just our nature. .learn to adapt

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by CodyOutlaw

Originally posted by technical difficulties
Black Power was chanted by people who at the time were discriminated against, whereas White Power was chanted by those very people discriminating against them, hence why white power isn't execptable. Same goes for gay pride.

In fact, both are still are being discriminated against to this day (ie War On Drugs with Blacks, and Gay Marriage for Gays), but on a far lesser scale in comparison to back then.

Gay marriage doesn't apply here, since we are discussing race issues in this thread, not sexual orientation.
However, I am curious as to why you see the failed War On Drugs as specifically racist towards black people?
It does in the context i'm using it. Anyways, the War On Drugs is racist because the majority of people jailed for drug crimes are black, despite the fact that the majority of drug users aren't black.

Originally posted by robbyraw
reply to post by technical difficulties

very good points i'll admit and they deserve to celebrate thier freedoms from oppression but i still see the tables tipping because while they've gained thier freedoms, alot of the bitterness and anger remains to those who have no right use it the way they are because they are blessed aftermath with bountifull oppurtunities and a pride for who they are that is so strong from the rise above all the mistreatment. that pride should be manifested into something greater than a different form of cocky ignorance. in my opinion (note: i am not racist and do not put these views onto everyone but a large majority of what I'VE experienced and i can say i've been around the block and let people show thier true colors before i fully engage them)
edit on 12-3-2012 by robbyraw because: add
Fair Enough.
edit on 13-3-2012 by technical difficulties because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by Zaanny

Please - you still don't get that there would be no common ground or intrinsic cultural identity for so-called "White" people to warrant a parade, day or month of celebration? There is no universal "White" for which to celebrate.

White-pride parade: What it would probably mean...

The men dance around in lederhosen and Greek togas while the women wear traditional saris and Portuguese Catholic head scarfs. We would all eat garbanzo beans with rice, pasta fagioli, bratwurst, stuffed cabbage, barsht, spanakopita, kielbasa, schnitzel, drinking Rheisling, Rioja wine, vodka, port wine, brandy, limoncello, scotch and more. Zywiec, Stella and Guinness beer will be served, and there will be masala chai, mango lassi and cortaditos for people who don't drink alcohol. For those interested, there will be hookahs to smoke and perhaps some absynthe to get real schnockered. For entertainment, we will listen to mandolins, sitars, violins and more, dancing to polka music, rumba catalana, Irish jigs and Portuguese fados. We'll debate Kant, Wittgenstein, Vygotsky and Vico, discuss Shakespeare, Cervantes, Dante, Hugo and Smith, while we play chess and contemplate the deeper meaning of the Rigvedas, Odyssey and the Magna Carta.

I mean, don't get me wrong, sounds like a good time, but stretching it just a

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by robbyraw

I don't mean equal opportunity housing, I mean A complete redo of the system for it. If you don't have a job you would not be eligible for such housing. The workers constructing it would automatically be assigned a room if they do not have shelter. Also a complete revamp of the road system, power grid, telephone lines, Internet infrastructure. Make so many jobs available at wages above the standard of living, that only those who wish not to be productive members of society are left homeless. Then round them all up and throw them in separate city, if they aren't willing to be productive members they can be non- productive and starve together, either they'll learn their lesson or die.

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 07:12 PM
reply to post by technical difficulties

I realize the context you are using it in, but still, there are gay white people, no? So we can include them in the list of white people who feel discriminated against? In this way, I don't think it applies here.

As to your point on the War on Drugs, I have to ask, as I'm much less interested in the users than I am in the dealers and distributors: are there statistics on race and gangs? And are there statistics that correlate the black people arrested on drug charges who are gang members?

Maybe I am dancing around the point a little too much?
Are these figures taking into account the rather large factor of gang control of production, distribution and street dealing, and if so, are there statistics that can tell us which gangs of which race are the ones most involved in the actual problem here - not the users, but the dealers.
edit on 13-3-2012 by CodyOutlaw because: (no reason given)

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