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Australian Children To Be Sterilized Without Parental Consent Under New Eugenics Laws

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posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 07:16 PM

Originally posted by Golf66
And they most certainly don't let the genetically inferior reproduce...

We can not afford to do so either...

If I think optimal, I agree with you 100%. One the other hand, since inbreeding affects humans the most, if we don't let some reproduce, we might arrive faster to a point where we could more easily affected by pandemic since we would be too much alike.

I also agree that some parts of eugenics makes sense, I don't think we should demonize the whole concept just because Nazis used it. The truth is the truth even if it comes from the devil's mouth.

I don't think that killing the weak is a great idea...but making sterile the REALLY weak, I am not against. I'm talking like, the 0.005% that is obviously genetically deprived. We shouldn't act too carelessly, we might not stay on top of the food chain forever.

I am very sorry if I sound in-human but I'm no hypocrite and I am what I am.

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by Golf66

Well if the matter is all about controlling population, then learn from the Chinese and implement the 1 child only rule to every family. I mean if the matter was simply about culling populations, it would stop there. But this is much more narrow minded than that. The line won't stop there, the culling will continue to the old, and the weakly and those of us who are sick. And then what difference will there be between us and the animals? NONE whatsoever. Talk about losing your humanity.

edit on 8-3-2012 by nusnus because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by Golf66

Originally posted by nusnus
reply to post by Golf66

It is indeed a scary and precarious line to walk but I see our choices dwindling as the population rises and continues to do so.

Sustainable Development, Agenda 21, Over population is all rubbish!

Every person on this planet could fit with an acre of land, grow their own food, and have free energy, in an area the size of Texas. The over population propaganda is just that.. PROPAGANDA! It does not exist.. Cow and Pig Farts too.. All LIES!

Why not ask Ted Tuner how much land he has.. Or, Al Gore how much his heating bill runs every month.. Those psychopaths and the one's above them are the real problem.. They either have no idea and fall for the Malarkey themselves or, are complicit to this genocidal idea of the Georgia Guide stones..

Tesla was run-over by JP Morgan and Edison as soon as he did not agree to hide his inventions and play ball. He died a poor broke lonely man..

The people doing this are ruthless maniacal killers that have no qualms at off'ing a million people before breakfast and the sooner more realize what we are against the better..

It has already been Scientifically proven that in Rats, by third generation of consuming GMO foods they have become sterile .

And that babies by the time they have reached 6yrs, after vaccines, GMO, rBGH pasteurized Milk, Fluoridated water, and Aspartme products being consumed on a daily basis have LITERALLY lost 20% of their potential IQ.

They are in fact poisoning and sterilizing us slowly right now.. They've proven Morgellon's is a genetically created mutating fibre that is being sprayed with human plasma, Aluminum and Barium Oxides, in Chemtrails. WTF for.. is your guess..

Is there anyone online these days that is unaware of these truths? Not many.. And those that do ridicule should do some research. Do not take my word for it.. You check! Just do not use WIkileaks.. It's total crap..

edit on 8-3-2012 by LedaOhio because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-3-2012 by LedaOhio because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-3-2012 by LedaOhio because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 08:41 PM
What strikes me is the audacity. We have finally reached the point where Govt doesn't feel the need to hide their crimes. What's next? Live human sacrifice?

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 08:50 PM

Originally posted by zarp3333
What strikes me is the audacity. We have finally reached the point where Govt doesn't feel the need to hide their crimes. What's next? Live human sacrifice?

Too late.. They do that already.. Canada under a school ran by the Vatican they recently found around 40,000 mutilated tortured Mohawk children's skeletons..

LA's FBI Gunderson ran a long investigation pointing out 100's of school in the USA with underground tunnels and ritual sacrifices and sexual enslavement of children that has been going on for decades.

100's of witnesses and interviews.. Kids being taken to the Bush family even.. GOV officials Priests CEO etc.. In one report.. Some even dressed as Santa Claus while raping them so that if they were ever asked who done it the little kid would say Santa.. Therefore calling it fiction.

The minds of these people are beyond sick..

Here I found it for you... Listen to this..

edit on 8-3-2012 by LedaOhio because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 08:57 PM
reply to post by ChaoticOrder

Under 18 - so that means ALL CHILDREN in the Mental Health System - this surely is Hell on Earth.

And as we all know - apart from the disgust I feel at this - Who determines that the child is mentally ill? There have been so many wrong labels attached to children through incompetent so called experts or professionals who have been convinced and pressured by teachers/family members who mistake Behavioural Problems for Mental Health.

OK get ready folks - the Elderly will be next for euthanasia then after that they will decide on 'how old you have to be to be classed as elderly'.

Well if this ever comes - and I believe it will - I hope it begins when these Eugenic Morons are Elderly!

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 09:00 PM

Originally posted by Chadwickus
Ok, here's what I believe to be the section mentioned in naturalnews:

I'm unsure how the above can be taken as children being sterilized without consent, since doing such a thing carries 5 years imprisonment...

Come Chad, what part of “ if the person is a child who has sufficient maturity…” do you not understand? This is a child, that may have been misdiagnosed with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). SO the Gobernmt sterilizes the child. Children CANNOT make adult decisions, PERIOD!
This Hitlertarion concept is being practiced here in the USA as well! I can’t tell you how many Blackfeet Indians medical charts that I read, indicated sterilization. Additionally, in Kalifornia, parents don’t have to be informed if their children receive contraception nor the Plan B! This is a damnable crime against humanity!

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 09:16 PM

Originally posted by LedaOhio

Originally posted by zarp3333
What strikes me is the audacity. We have finally reached the point where Govt doesn't feel the need to hide their crimes. What's next? Live human sacrifice?

Too late.. They do that already.. Canada under a school ran by the Vatican they recently found around 40,000 mutilated tortured Mohawk children's skeletons..

LA's FBI Gunderson ran a long investigation pointing out 100's of school in the USA with underground tunnels and ritual sacrifices and sexual enslavement of children that has been going on for decades.

100's of witnesses and interviews.. Kids being taken to the Bush family even.. GOV officials Priests CEO etc.. In one report.. Some even dressed as Santa Claus while raping them so that if they were ever asked who done it the little kid would say Santa.. Therefore calling it fiction.

The minds of these people are beyond sick..

Here I found it for you... Listen to this..

edit on 8-3-2012 by LedaOhio because: (no reason given)

Agent Gunderson was an excellent detective and is sorely missed.
BTW: Does he look familiar?

Commander of KFOR Communication Zone Skopje, Major General Robert L. Ruth
edit on 8-3-2012 by Violater1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 09:30 PM
reply to post by Cataka

Wa has always been thirty years behind the rest of Aus.I lived there for 6 months-glad to get back home.Good on ya WA for having such forward thinking (not)

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 09:58 PM

Originally posted by LedaOhio

Sustainable Development, Agenda 21, Over population is all rubbish!

I don't think there is an overpopulation problem - I think there is a problem with the number of people we are expected to support with our taxation. I personally think we support too many helpless and certainly we support way too many of the clueless.

In some areas there are too many people for the local resources to support - I mean food doesn't grow in a dessert why should we encourage the population to grow by providing food aid to those places. We make the population over large and create entire generations of people dependant on aid for survival.

Originally posted by LedaOhio

Every person on this planet could fit with an acre of land, grow their own food, and have free energy, in an area the size of Texas. The over population propaganda is just that.. PROPAGANDA! It does not exist.. Cow and Pig Farts too.. All LIES!

Why not ask Ted Tuner how much land he has.. Or, Al Gore how much his heating bill runs every month.. Those psychopaths and the one's above them are the real problem..[/qoute]

I own 140 acres of land - am I a psychopath? I run a dairy operation and I hardly give away my product. I am in the business of making money to support my family. I have more land, cows, machinery etc., than I need for my 3 person family. That said -

It’s fairly clear that there indeed might be resources and land a plenty; however, getting people to set aside their lives work to just give their property to others who have not earned it for free or to have a third party take it by force to affect some master "Kumbahya moment" in which we all get along won't be easy considering its the antithesis to human nature – competition.

Originally posted by LedaOhio

They either have no idea and fall for the Malarkey themselves or, are complicit to this genocidal idea of the Georgia Guide stones..

Sensationalism about genocide aside - many people are not going to quietly sit by and watch their lifetime of hard work be redistributed to the third world so that we can live equitably.

Again I ask, who is the authority to whom people are going to submit to arbitrate the redistribution of all the land and resources?

What is too much land, wealth and or too much of anything for any one person to have and again who shall decide what "enough" is?

What body will then confiscate (a good deal of force likely required) the land and resources from those with too much and what organization will transport the goods and people all over the globe to reallocate the land?

I find it ironic and likely that most of the people who believe the "earth belongs to everyone" are usually those who have acquired little success or wealth for themselves. Likely their tunes will would change if they had something of worth or value to protect for themselves.

Are you of the position that people should not own things and that you are somehow entitled to food, shelter, health care and clothing from the fruits of someone else’s labor?

If so how's that working out for you?

Originally posted by LedaOhio

Is there anyone online these days that is unaware of these truths? Not many.. And those that do ridicule should do some research. Do not take my word for it.. You check! Just do not use WIkileaks.. It's total crap..

The bottom line is why should I have to give up the fruits of my labor to support anyone - especially those who have no business procreating further.

Help the helpless - sure, allow them to continue the cycle by creating more and more people who will draw from but not contribute to society is stupid.

I don't over breed my cattle, I cull weak and I sure as crap don't continue unsuccessful genetic lines.

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 11:58 PM
Seems like just a proposal. God Forbid.
Some will remember another time...

Dr. Viktor Brack
Brack formulated ideas for experiments with Himmler. Brack was very interested in assembly line sterilizations and castration. He wanted to be in charge of the x-ray experiments at Auschwitz, but Himmler choose Schumann to be in charge over Brack.

Careful, you are on thin ice here. Graphic material...

Dr. Carl Clauberg
Clauberg conducted sterilization and castration experiments along with Horst Schumann at Auschwitz. He tried to look for cheap and fast ways of sterilization and found that x-rays worked quite well. Clauberg tried to artificially inseminate women with numerous things. He injected caustic substances...

Hopefully the world has not forgotten where these kind of programs lead. Sterilization begins the process of eradication of a people or culture. It is the beginning or nice way to introduce the idea of "control" of "undesirables". Eventually the process may lead to places like Auschwitz.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 12:33 AM
reply to post by Cataka

I think there was another guy in history who thought this was a good idea. This and so much more.

However, I do recall it was the "retarded" and "defective" types who got it first. The most helpless are the most vulnerable. How we treat our most vulnerable defines a society, doesn't it?

Well, Australia, we can't do much to help ya from the U.S. and our own Government is certainly no better as an example, but maybe you can all do something to slow the return of this brand of horror to the light of day. This whole line of thinking should have died in 1945.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 12:51 AM
My peoples (Inidigenous Peoples of North America) have a greater respect for life than you do. One day you will find your self in a position where no one will help you if your dying, becuase you are not one of the elite special people. Your statement sicken me. reply to post by theubermensch

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 01:46 AM
reply to post by RunningWolfe

gee that red writting is annoying
Wish I could give you a cross.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 02:29 AM
As a mental health professional trained and working in Australia I can tell you this is all a load of rubbish.

Where is Eugenics mentioned in the bill?

As another mental health worker has already mentioned, this happens very rarely, and it is not a question of eugenics, in fact the mere mention of this goes against the ethics of the medical profession - to preserve life.

It would only ever be in the patient's best interest for this procedure to occur.

And as stated in the bill, it is not a decision made by anybody. It must be subject to legal protocols.

This thread is so ludicrous to an Aussie, as any other Aussie reading this would acknowledge, that this is the last you will hear from me on the subject.

No offense to the OP intended, I think your passion to spread the word of evil deeds is admirable, but just misdirected by your source in this case.
edit on 9/3/1212 by Krusty the Klown because: Kan't do grammar.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 03:52 AM
reply to post by theubermensch
I think 'mentally ill" needs to be defined here.In the new DSM-IV-TR (diagnostic and statistic manual of mental disorders) people such as 'free thinkers,non-conformers,those who question or disobey authority' shall be declared as having 'mental illness' .it is called 'oppositional defiant disorder'. People on here might want to know this,[conspiracy theorists are classified mentally ill!] especially those with children,(children say 'no' a lot) We are not talking about 'total retards',we are talking about our everyday pretty normal kids! sorry if this seems off topic,it's my first time on here and I feel it necessary to give the bigger picture, the full implications of just how many children this new bill will effect.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 09:49 AM

Originally posted by Violater1

Originally posted by LedaOhio

Originally posted by zarp3333
What strikes me is the audacity. We have finally reached the point where Govt doesn't feel the need to hide their crimes. What's next? Live human sacrifice?

Too late.. They do that already.. Canada under a school ran by the Vatican they recently found around 40,000 mutilated tortured Mohawk children's skeletons..

LA's FBI Gunderson ran a long investigation pointing out 100's of school in the USA with underground tunnels and ritual sacrifices and sexual enslavement of children that has been going on for decades.

100's of witnesses and interviews.. Kids being taken to the Bush family even.. GOV officials Priests CEO etc.. In one report.. Some even dressed as Santa Claus while raping them so that if they were ever asked who done it the little kid would say Santa.. Therefore calling it fiction.

The minds of these people are beyond sick..

Here I found it for you... Listen to this..

edit on 8-3-2012 by LedaOhio because: (no reason given)

Agent Gunderson was an excellent detective and is sorely missed.
BTW: Does he look familiar?

Commander of KFOR Communication Zone Skopje, Major General Robert L. Ruth
edit on 8-3-2012 by Violater1 because: (no reason given)

Yes, that is him.. He was a 2 Star as of 1998. I custom built his computer and spent 3 days at his home in Shenandoah, VA. There's some interesting information there... His Lt. Colonel Wife was so soft spoken and yet, here she is a Lt. Colonel.

Having lived most of my life in Dayton.. I've met many who work/worked at WPAFB.. My sister's husband does.. and a good friend of mine that works in Reverse engineering of what.. He what tell me..

Anyway.. How do you know Bob?

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 10:08 AM
reply to post by Golf66

Thanks for the critique and break down of my post. It shows your complete lack of concern of fellow human beings. Without the current oligarchy dictating "On a Global Sale" who is third world and worthless, this would not be an issue. Money, education, food, water, drugs, free energy, and yes.. technology to grow food in the desert on and on has all been HIDDEN by those who do not want their wealth and power to disappear..

I find it shocking you can defend this issue and keep a straight face..

You miss the point entirely.. There is "plenty" to go around, more than enough, for everyone and your attitude is lacking any emotional involvement in your part of even existing.. THEY CAN DIE is a prime example of what is wrong with people. Did you use to shoot puppies with a BB gun when little or something?

Imagine if the root of all evil did not exist "MONEY". And family, friends, loved ones, were all you knew..
There would be caring, respect, and love for all living things and the reward would be that of helping and giving. Is that so hard to grasp?

A prime example is the Polynesians..
I spent the day at the King Kamehameha Museum when I was in Kona and left with tears in my eyes after learning what has happened to Hawaii.
They had zero disease, shared the the land from mountain to ocean, all the island people got along and bartered.. Until white man showed up and brought rats, snakes, mosquitoes, and disease.. They were the most loving understanding culture that I have known.

Ted Turner's of the world like you, should be sterilized! That would solve the problem..


edit on 9-3-2012 by LedaOhio because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by theubermensch

What constitutes a mental illness these days also includes a lot of perfectly normal behavior, and diagnostic techniques are anything but rigorous.

Somehow, sterilizing people with ADHD or mild know, those who actually contribute to society and lead perfectly normal and happy lives with a touch of medicine or life skills assistance?...seems likely to be counteractive and a bit misguided.

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by Cataka

I cannot print what I'm thinking - it would all trigger the censors.

This makes no sense except as eugenics legislation. Please, please stay on top of it, keep the thread updated. Thanks.

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