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What is your philopsophy/religion?

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posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by sinohptik

The opposing viewpoints and different perspectives give context and "texture" to something which is happening objectively, and they are still part of that very system (the universe). It is amazing to see that the majority of differences between belief systems are separated more by semantics than they are in core philosophy. All of us speaking on something we do not know in its entirety.

This planet, at this time, is a very interesting intersection of sorts. Even then, I would guess that those who have chosen to come here all have as differing reasons as there are galaxies in the universe.

Though, I suspect that such decisions do not occur in the way we "think" of them, as our understanding of such things is limited by our brain.

I look forward to your future posts
Yes, I completely agree with you.

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 08:53 PM
reply to post by GreenEyedVixen

as we are all connected in the end. We are all one, and once others begin to see this - the illusion of division shall fall and we will all become much closer.

Beautifully spoken, my dear.

The rest of your post as well.
I applaud you for seeing the Truth through all of the propaganda.

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 09:08 PM

Originally posted by sinohptik
reply to post by GreenEyedVixen

Never say never! Except when saying that, I suppose
Life has a funny way of working with things like that.

I say never not in the context that I dislike Christians by any means, as I believe some of them have really positive messages which we could all learn something from. It's just the fact that organized religion makes me squeamish anymore, as most of them judge others for leading a certain lifestyle. Which highly upsets me.

If the Christian God exists in the way the Bible portrays him, I'd most likely be the first in line for the gates of Hell, along with 99% of the people on Earth, believe it or not. Many people interpret the Bible in different ways though, as there are indeed many ways to interpret it. I am a generally good person I believe, and I try to be kind to everyone I encounter but I still have many flaws and addictions and would not be considered pure enough to reach Heaven most likely. But again, this is my speculation and I am unsure.

I just believe that you should live life doing what you love and what makes you happy, as long as it doesn't negatively affect others. Simple as that.
Silly to make it even more complicated than that and put other laws and restrictions upon man. Especially for his natural curiosities and desires such as in the fields of sexuality.

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 09:10 PM
reply to post by wildtimes

Thank you, I am glad you are enlightened to these Truths aswell.

There is a lot of propaganda that must be seen through, and usually only a few simple Truths to be told.

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 09:44 PM
reply to post by GreenEyedVixen

Its understandable it makes you squeamish. Though, I would say, its still not the "message" necessarily, but the peoples actions. While I personally have had terrible luck with competent doctors in my life, I still think the idea of medicine is sound. I choose Christianity in the way that it allows me to most effectively communicate what I believe is important, and that is, as you say "The Golden Rule." I also believe in God, or whatever you want to call "x."

Either way, someone else will have to speak with you about the "christian god," I dont know much about him. I dont believe in heaven or hell, at least not after death. Nor do I have much to say about the bible. Well, other than the fact that many who use it to condemn others are doing so against the bible itself. Irony runs rampant with these things

If you are true to your words in the way you live your life, you are a Christian in the exact same way I am. By virtue of action instead of words. See? I just converted you!

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by sinohptik


I'd never thought I'd see the day someone said I was Christian. That's nice to hear though.
I never thought I'd be good enough for that title. Even though a lot of Christians do some crazy things. Then again people from other religions do crazy things too. Then AGAIN people from no religion at all do crazy things.

So saying that, I've concluded:
PEOPLE do crazy things, haha.

But yeah, I have a lot of questions regarding the Christian God. I always have, but I have feared offending those who would actually be able to answer my questions. I have read the bible again and again in search of my own answers, and sure, I have my own thoughts but I would just love to hear from someone who practices the Bible themselves. That would be the only way I'd feel I had true answers to my questions.

Sometimes, I think I'm too curious for my own good. I come up with far too many questions about everything and think about how everything is created and how everything works on a daily basis. Actually, I obsess over it in ways no one around me does. I'm always told "Who cares?" or "Just don't think about it"

But I care. A lot actually, and stop thinking about it? Impossible. hehe.

I always thought it was just my peers(as I am rather young) with these answers regarding my questions, saying who cares and such, but I realise a lot of older folks tell me the same thing, to just forget about it. So I guess it's not just young people being naive, but just people in general being... something. I don't even really have a term for this one. I want to say close-minded, but I feel it is not quite the word I wish to describe this.

edit on 8-3-2012 by GreenEyedVixen because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-3-2012 by GreenEyedVixen because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 11:39 PM
reply to post by GreenEyedVixen

I want to say close-minded, but I feel it is not quite the word I wish to describe this.

Maybe a fear that by describing it (creation, and how things work), they would make it impossible for others to believe in it.
I think that if you can't describe it, then it is useless anyway, and might as well not believe in it, and make something you can believe in.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 06:07 AM
Nice thread.

I'm a Sikh. Sikhism is a relatively new religion - circa 500 years old - out with the old in with the new! LOL - just kidding, don't flame me!

I'm a new member and looking forward to meeting new and interesting friends on ATS.

My philosophy is live and let live.

"If I was educated, I'd be a damn fool." - Bob Marley.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 07:55 AM
I am what you would call a christian mystic who worships in spirit and truth. I do not like organized religion because when one chooses to follow a denomination, you are basically stating you believe they have interpreted the scriptures right. I think we all need to leave the teaching up to God, after all we are the clay and he's the potter.

I believe the vast majority of the world is in a spiritual slumber and Jesus came to awaken us by the power of the resurrection. Once we are truly awakened we can then live the quality of life that was intended for us. The quality of life is known as eternal life and it is the perpetual flowing of living water that indwells us by the Holy Spirit.

I believe the vast majority of proclaimed christians are in fact what Jesus describes as being dull. They herd into churches, line the pews and let others do their thinking for them. They teach the reality of God but they fail in adequately teaching the process of how he comes to live inside the believer.

I believe God loves us all and wants everyone to awaken to his truth - a place where true reality dwells, a place where the spiritual collides with the physical. A place where you know God and God knows you and you are left with a knowing just how special we each are. A feeling like you've just won the biggest lottery ever, yet you are dumbfounded by the truth and the highest truth is that Jesus is God.

Just wow.

edit on 9-3-2012 by Myrtales Instinct because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by GreenEyedVixen

I have read the bible again and again in search of my own answers, and sure, I have my own thoughts but I would just love to hear from someone who practices the Bible themselves. That would be the only way I'd feel I had true answers to my questions.

Oh dear! Oh deary dear.....
please be very discerning when inquiring of those who "practice" the Bible. There are a number of those on ATS, and they generally disagree with one another and argue the finer points.....some, instead, simply state their case as unquestionable.

But, in fact, everyone has their own thoughts about these matters...your thoughts are just as valid as anyone else's.

Might I suggest that instead of choosing a "practitioner", you read up on the many versions and look into some of the 40,000+ sects that use the Bible as their handbook first, also listen to those who are not affiliated (they generally are closer to correct, in my estimation). Then, make your own decisions.

You are perfectly adequate to be able to do so, and it's a personal journey anyway... you have had an experience that the majority of people have not in your NDE. I'd say you are more qualified to speak about it than anyone who just "practices" the Bible. It's far too subject to interpretation, poor translation, and manipulation.

You've had a taste of the Truth, yourself! Believe in yourself, believe you are perfectly in place for your soul's journey. You'll get there. You've already got it figured out, anyway.
(In my opinion and experience, anyway, and I'm not "young" anymore in bodily age)....I suspect I'm about a sophomore as a soul...I think my daughter, who is 23, is a junior or maybe a senior. I don't know anyone personally who is further than that, but I vote for the Dalai Lama, and possibly Thich Nhat Hanh. Both Buddhists; check them out. Jesus taught the same things they do (because he was an Essene gnostic from early childhood according to many writings discovered in the East).

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by RubberDuckGB
Nice thread.

I'm a Sikh. Sikhism is a relatively new religion - circa 500 years old - out with the old in with the new! LOL - just kidding, don't flame me!

I'm a new member and looking forward to meeting new and interesting friends on ATS.

My philosophy is live and let live.

"If I was educated, I'd be a damn fool." - Bob Marley.

Hi there, RubberDuck
I am a relatively new member myself, so welcome to you! hehe.

Anyways, Sikhism, eh? I have never heard of this. Would you be so kind as to enlighten me to your practices/beliefs? I could always look it up, and if you prefer I did let me know but I would like to hear it from someone personally.

Love the quote btw - very true a lot of times.

Thank you for your post!

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by Myrtales Instinct
I am what you would call a christian mystic who worships in spirit and truth. I do not like organized religion because when one chooses to follow a denomination, you are basically stating you believe they have interpreted the scriptures right. I think we all need to leave the teaching up to God, after all we are the clay and he's the potter.

I believe the vast majority of the world is in a spiritual slumber and Jesus came to awaken us by the power of the resurrection. Once we are truly awakened we can then live the quality of life that was intended for us. The quality of life is known as eternal life and it is the perpetual flowing of living water that indwells us by the Holy Spirit.

I believe the vast majority of proclaimed christians are in fact what Jesus describes as being dull. They herd into churches, line the pews and let others do their thinking for them. They teach the reality of God but they fail in adequately teaching the process of how he comes to live inside the believer.

I believe God loves us all and wants everyone to awaken to his truth - a place where true reality dwells, a place where the spiritual collides with the physical. A place where you know God and God knows you and you are left with a knowing just how special we each are. A feeling like you've just won the biggest lottery ever, yet you are dumbfounded by the truth and the highest truth is that Jesus is God.

Just wow.

edit on 9-3-2012 by Myrtales Instinct because: (no reason given)

Wow indeed!

I absolutely adore this. I love someone who can think for themselves and listen to the truths in their heart, instead of reading a book that has been interpreted by HUMANS again and again and again.

I don't believe the Bible is God's word, I believe God's word is in your heart, you just have to be open and find it.

Although myself, I do not name him as "God" but the Creator. That sits with me personally much better.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by GreenEyedVixen

I just want you to know how your testimony moved me back on page three. It is testimony such as yours and others that empower me to get up out of the bed each day, brush my teeth and forge on. Like yourself, I've lost someone who is near and dear to me - my only daughter and youngest of two children. She was only eighteen years old when the icy hands of death snatched her from us. She was perfect, loving and a truly good person - a tiny bit of heaven gracing the earth.

It feels just like yesterday to me. One moment we are driving down the road, get a phone call from my son who was at home, saying the state police are at the front door. The next minute my husband is fist pumping and cursing God Almighty, while I'm on my knees in the floorboard of the truck begging and pleading him to fix it. I didn't know it at the time, but she had already died twice, once at the scene, once at a hospital and was already in route to a bigger hospital. I had hope until I saw her. She barely had a cut or bruise on her. Her eyes were fixed open but rolling and tears from each eye would fall towards her ears. She was seizing and posturing and deep down I knew what that meant. I look back on it all now as God gave us three more days to be with her. There is never going to be a coming to terms with it but he gave us her warm hand for three more days.

I had Jesus in my life before all this happened. He showed me a few weeks before it happened in a dream everything that would happen. Whether good or bad, one of the promises for Jesus' true followers is to bring them into all truth. Did it lessen the blow? Hell no. There are days I feel like I'm dying of a broken heart. Real physical pain in my chest that hurts. About six months into it, I was desperate for answers and I think he felt pity on me and he showed me where she is at. I didn't get to see her, but he showed me from a distance a fleeting glimpse of the New Jerusalem. It's huge, shaped like a cube and the walls are made out of a substance that looks like Waterford crystal.

If you think about it, look what it took for you to gain knowledge about where your sister is in a knowing and satisfactory way - you had to die for eleven minutes. Now you know the truth. You went into a different dimension and interacted in ways some only dream of. It's as if some people forget that Jesus is capable of traversing to and fro, from the spiritual into the physical. Just as your sister is alive, so is Jesus. He stands in the shadows with his arms open wide saying, 'Come and learn. Everything is going to be okay.'

For myself, the most powerful part of your testimony is when you sister looked at you and said, 'I miss you.' I've read and studied thousands of near death experiences and those words are always absent from the stories. I believe you and it gives me comfort to know that on the other side, though they are spirit, they have their faculties about them. If she misses you, then she remembers and that is empowering for someone who is in the throws of grieving.

If you ever have any questions or just want to talk - just ask or you can message me.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by GreenEyedVixen

See, the world has a funny way of working with things like that!

I agree, it has nothing to do with religion that makes people do "the crazy." Its the fact that people are involved that introduces it. I think it is pretty naive when you hear someone say that by removing the worlds religions, you would stop war and conflict. Thats just silly!

I can answer some questions, if you have them, about the christian god. I am heavily involved with those who practice the bible, as you say. I can even answer them honestly, without my own personal judgment. Like you, I have much respect for these things (but it doesnt mean I choose them for myself). My family even used to run their own church
They stopped when they realized their ministry could be more effectively told through every day of their life. I like to think I had my part in that

Even then though, finding those who are not offended really is tricky. And once again, thats something that goes beyond religion. People find comfort in these things, and frequently, in not really questioning them. By us asking them "deep" questions that they might not have answered themselves, it puts them on the defensive. That is compounded by the fact that most who do ask such questions are solely doing so for discriminatory purposes. We also run into the "every-thing is relative" concept here, where most really are not interested in hearing your perspective because they feel it has no relevance to their own life. In this, many will doubt that you are actually curious about how someone else sees the world, because they are not. It is a completely foreign concept.

I understand your obsession, as I have the same.. "affliction." I ended up using science, and specifically math, to figure out how things balanced. I figured that if there wasnt a recognizable pattern (what allows us to use science and math with efficacy), then it was all pure chaos anyway. It turns out, there are definitely patterns, and consistent ones. Things like e=mc^2 are considered so basic, but their meaning and implications goes very deep if we approach it as we do religion. That is, that it is a human concept meant to explain something beyond us. It just happens to be based in what I view to be a superior method of discerning the material world.

Concerning the last part of your post there, I actually have a hypothesis that most humans really are not "self-aware." Meaning, that they are much like the trees growing in the forest. They interact with their environment based solely on predictable and set methods that are sourced in external stimuli. Many like to use something like awareness of what is in a mirror to describe self-awareness, but that doesnt seem all too accurate. Perhaps something more like "one who is aware of the self that is aware." Or some nonsense like that
So, when we ask self-awareness based questions (the "deep" stuff in life, I guess), it is much like asking a tree or rock. The human system just has a more complex structure, which means more complex response. Obviously, this might be considered quite offensive to some, but there is a reason I call it a hypothesis and not a theory.

Interestingly, I find that those who claim to be awake and aware, enlightened, without ego etc. tend to be in the deepest slumber of them all. They are trapped solely in the constructs of their mind, much like those they tend to ridicule. They are the yin to the yang, as it were. Both do not know anything beyond the dualistic/physical part of their being, despite thinking (key word) otherwise. There isnt anything "wrong" with it, but its fascinating to watch the dance.

Your gabbing got me gabbing

edit on 9-3-2012 by sinohptik because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by GreenEyedVixen

Originally posted by RubberDuckGB
Nice thread.

I'm a Sikh. Sikhism is a relatively new religion - circa 500 years old - out with the old in with the new! LOL - just kidding, don't flame me!

I'm a new member and looking forward to meeting new and interesting friends on ATS.

My philosophy is live and let live.

"If I was educated, I'd be a damn fool." - Bob Marley.

Hi there, RubberDuck
I am a relatively new member myself, so welcome to you! hehe.

Anyways, Sikhism, eh? I have never heard of this. Would you be so kind as to enlighten me to your practices/beliefs? I could always look it up, and if you prefer I did let me know but I would like to hear it from someone personally.

Love the quote btw - very true a lot of times.

Thank you for your post!

It's interesting to note that you havent heard of Sikhism. Apparently (contrary to popular belief that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the USA) it is the second fastest growing religion in America (From the ARIS polls 1990 and 2000).

Number 1 is Deity (Deist) +717% growth.
Number 2 is Sikhism +338% growth.
Number 9 is Islam +109% growth.
Number 15 is Christianity +5% growth.

Interestingly Agnostic shows a -16% growth.

Here is the link to page with the full table listing for ATS peeps Fastest Growing Religion

I do realise that Sikhs account for a tiny minority of the population compared with the larger main religions. But, surprisingly, it is the fifth largest in the number of followers considering its circa 500 years old.

Anywayz, very interesting thread. Thanks for posting.

Do you admire any women? Dat woman in America...Angela Davis. A woman like that who defends something; me can appreciate that.
- Bob Marley.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by GreenEyedVixen

LOL your welcome

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 12:30 AM
reply to post by Myrtales Instinct

Thank you, I am glad my experiences are considered moving. I suppose that is why it happened, so I can spread my story onto those who will be inspired by it.

I am so sorry to hear about your daughter though. That is frightening for me, because I am 18 currently myself. But, she is with my sister as well and we both know they are smiling down upon the both of us as I speak.

As for the details of my NDE, most of them actually vanished in my memory upon awakening. There was so much more to it, as I remember it vaguely, but the details are lost. I will never forget the "I miss you" though.

Another thing, it wasn't like we were communicating with verbal speech, it was telepathic. I heard her thoughts in my consciousness, and I know she heard mine as she replied to my thoughts.

So truly amazing.

Thank you so much for sharing your own experience here.

Warm regards, friend.

posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 01:07 AM
I enjoy reading your "gabbing", m'dear. So I shall keep gabbing myself, hehe.

Originally posted by sinohptik
reply to post by GreenEyedVixen

They stopped when they realized their ministry could be more effectively told through every day of their life. I like to think I had my part in that

This sticks out to me for some reason.

I suppose I spread my own "ministry" with kindness, and honesty even if it hurts sometimes. My friends always come to me when they need a true honest opinion, and I always start it like

"Well, I say this with your benefit in mind...."

People may not always like, or agree with what I say but I justify it by being true to myself and what I believe in, being honest about what I believe in, and relaying my message in the kindest way possible.

To me, touching people's lives, giving them that kind word, that helping hand is what life is all about. This is pretty much my religion regardless of what deity I choose to worship. Without this, life becomes dull and loses it's meaning. This is the gift of the human spirit, to touch other's lives when they are in their darkest out, to be the light.

I wish to sing the song that saves your soul, that heals you and gives you courage to face the day and to shine the brightest you can shine. I wish to wipe away the sludge that propaganda and superficial things cake on, and make you feel brand new. Even if I can do this for one person, I am more than satisfied.

I do this, because no one ever did it for me. No one was ever honest and true to me, no one ever stood up for what they believed in when it came time to. They shrunk, and conformed to the majority. So many people feel certain ways behind closed doors, but out in the open they put on this facade just to look better and then feel bad about their habits or beliefs at the end of day. Why do so many do that when the reality is so many people feel that way behind closed doors? But I digress...

I just feel as if someone were to do the same for me, I wouldn't have gone through as many dark times as I have. I wouldn't have felt as alone as I'd felt in the past.

Don't get me wrong, it's not like I've ever been friend-less or anything of the sort. It's just I'd sometimes FEEL friendless, as they'd have nothing deeper to talk about, and if I wished to talk about something a little deeper than so and so's new music video I would get shut down and ridiculed. I'm clearly not any type of religious nut either, I just like to know what other's think about things, and when I ask they don't want to tell. Why is that?

My favorite way people start a question is with "So what do you think of...."

But I suppose that's just me, eh.


Interestingly Agnostic shows a -16% growth.

That is interesting, as I've speculated myself that people are growing to be a lot more spiritual. Apparently we are about to enter a new Golden age of spirituality and love and I can see that in one point.

On the other hand though, a lot of clowncrap crazy stuff still continues to go on...

But maybe we just haven't reached that exact time of true enlightenment yet though. Slow transition?

Who knows

edit on 10-3-2012 by GreenEyedVixen because: Just because

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 03:54 AM
I have a relationship with Our Creator, you can have one too:

Use your Wisdom to establish your relationship with Our Creator.

You are created by Our Creator;
You are not created by a religion.

You are born with Wisdom;
You are not born with a religion's "holy" book.

Peace be with You

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 07:51 AM
reply to post by GreenEyedVixen

I believe we are created. I believe we are created in our Creators image and likeness by our Creators Grace through our Creators Spirit. I believe our Creator loves us. Deep, passionate, purposeful, sublime, tender, faithful and true is our Creators love to us.
edit on 11-3-2012 by apsalmist because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-3-2012 by apsalmist because: misspelling

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