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Types Of People in the UFO Forum.

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posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by BruceEFury

Greetings to you, BruceEFury, star and flag for an excellent post, on a much relevant subject matter. I have stood where you stand, and can see what you saw, and it is time someone said it.

I am an Experiencer, having had the UFO/Time Slip/Time Loss/ET Being experience happen to me, several times since childhood. One in West Texas burned my left arm, face, and side,, and caused me much medical damage, and I have no memories of it at all. Other times were in fact invitations, and I went willingly. I too have had a hard time in here with the D.R.N's, and the Religious People, most have made me their enemy, and foe. That doesn't change what happened to me.

I have seen my share of Avid Debunkers too, in here, and in other forums. These people will go out of their way, and spent a great deal of personal time to "debunk" anything you may have seen, heard, or felt. It pains me to see someone who has had a real experience, come in here looking for explanations, and get hit by the Debunkers, Religious Nuts, and Trolls. This gets out of hand in here sometimes.

Knowers are sick of trying to convince the public that intelligent life exists other then humans. Simply because in reality people are scared to accept such theorys.

Me too, friend. Once this information is known, there is no "un-knowing" of it, no "forgetting it happened."

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 10:22 AM
reply to post by luciddream

I fall more into the 2nd category. 1st is kinda long shot for me.

because, if aliens visited earth just because of the fact there are billions of stars and planets, then that means out of all the the billions of stars, and they only found earth?

Why do y'all find this so hard?!?

When a species first steps of its home world it is almost always into "near" space, moons, and close planets. As their technology improves that distance fro the home world slowly increases.

Drawing a 10 ly radius around Earth doesn't leave many star systems to explore, interestingly it does include the worlds that many ET are purportedly from. 10 light years is a good distance if One consideres that "early FTL" is going to be kind of primative and "slow".

So, IF you are from "Sirius", Earth is a good place to investigate, perhaps establish an outpost,

Etharzi od Oma.

edit on 7-3-2012 by AnthraAndromda because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-3-2012 by AnthraAndromda because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
There is something out there, I have seen it and I have communed with it.

Me too. And it is not just one. It is many.
It is not Demons, it is Extraterrestrial Life.
Everything is working as planned.

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by autowrench

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
There is something out there, I have seen it and I have communed with it.

Me too. And it is not just one. It is many.
It is not Demons, it is Extraterrestrial Life.
Everything is working as planned.

They have always been here.

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 10:37 AM
Should be a category for the Disillusioned - Those that may have, at one time or another, belonged to any of the other main categories, but due to various reasons during their time on ATS are now starting to doubt that there is even intelligent life on Earth, let alone anywhere else.

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

Awesome. I wish I had seen even a UFO.

I have always been into space and the thought of ET life. I'm glad I have the chance to hear the stories from the lucky few who have seen, been on board, and seen ET.


posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
reply to post by nineix

It is not an experience you chase or force, most likely

I am 62, My father spoke of his experience fishing late at night, he saw them, but he never spoke of it till years later. It will never happen to someone desiring the experience.

edit on 093131p://bWednesday2012 by Stormdancer777 because: (no reason given)

Not an experience to chase or force?
I find that interesting in regard to the many thousands of experiencer reports that claim abduction, and claim it to be a forced event where they were/are essentially raped, impregnated or forced to impregnate where with women who then conceive have the growing fetus forcibly removed from them after the first trimester.

Stories like these are unspeakably horrible.
If such things really are going on, then, regardless of how uncanny the technology at work that is used to perpetuated these abductions is, It's absolutely necessary to find the limitations of such technologies to bring those responsible for such atrocities and abuses forward to answer for their crimes.

The bonus side to setting up camera traps on abductees, should a methodology be worked out that can consistently capture aliens on video is that we get consistent, repeatable results, and we thus then have evidence of what this 'something' that's going on is.
If a consitent methodology to reliably video abduction events is worked out, then, the next step would be to expand on that methodology to not only capture the abductors on video, but physically where they can then be brought before authorities in answer for their crimes.

We then, of course, would have a live alien as 'proof' that is pretty hard to for even the most stubborn among us to deny.

edit on 7-3-2012 by nineix because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by BruceEFury

BEF... great thread... I qualify as an 'experiencer'... and a 'moderately balanced person'.

Flag and stars..

Thank you much

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by nineix

Well, the only experience I have that comes close to that is one where I woke up and was being dragged from my bed and the room was full of orbs, I fought, then curled up next to my husband terrified,

This is why I believe in angels of light and angles of darkness, and a war in the heavenlies, against the powers and principalities in high places.

But like I said, I take everything with a grain of salt.

edit on 113131p://bWednesday2012 by Stormdancer777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 11:22 AM
Where does "opinionated Believer" fit in.You know
the one that looks at any light in the sky or seven
and declares an alien ship has entered the Earths atmosphere.

Upon questioning this thoery he brands us "Troll" with nothing to
add positively to the debate.............

edit on 7-3-2012 by rigel4 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

All UFO's by definition ARE unidentified flying objects, and people see things in the sky every day and night of they week they don't know what they are. Most are definable and more then a few are OUR unusual air and aero- spacecraft. The CIA openly admitted as much, they ENCOURAGED the idea of alien craft ET joy riding, whatever to get people to believe in the ET hypothesis. Nice work guys but you didn't fool the Russians only the people you serve. OOPS.

But some a few but some observed sightings by very qualified people some I've met describe things that IF THEY ARE ours then its among the greatest of crimes not to make this technology available. But defense issues trump all. Frankly I never saw anything I didn't know was one of ours (human), but I think its very possible some things are not. The evidence and demonstrated ability, like taking our nuclear missiles off line at a base in Montana for a while. Same has happened in Russia thanks to the opening of certain records for a while. God help us if any nation on Earth could do that. I don't remotely believe any can.

But the implications are none-the-less very disturbing whoever is pulling s*** like this...

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 11:35 AM
I'm a Knowing Experiencer, but there are some sightings that make me struggle to believe in intelligent life here let alone out there.

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by arbiture

All UFO's by definition ARE unidentified flying objects

They sure are,

I have told my story several times on the forum, sitting on my bed, an inner knowing calling me outside to see, "we are here."

If it weren't for the strange circumstances surrounding the sighting, yea, just another UFO.

Watching them, watching me.

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 11:56 AM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

The Watchers are mysterious and do tend to keep their distance , reasons being ? If they move in pairs or do it solo ? Are they the librarians to catalog each of those that have a higher degree of importance for something else ?

To much out of the box speculation ? Oh well , just saying .

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 12:04 PM
As long as we are categorizing personality profiles for those that post in the UFOs and Aliens forum and threads, I think a key component of the ATS experience was left out:

Scrambled Eggs

These well-intentioned posters are known to unintentionally derail a thread, not out of malice like a troll, but out of a genuine inability to stay focused. They typically truly believe that they are "thinking outside the box", but in fact are contributing disjoint fragments and crumbly tidbits of unrelated trivia. In the professional world, they label themselves as "visionaries", as in the sentence "I don't worry about details, I am a visionary."

Their posts often begin with a stream-of-consciousness approach as if they are picking up mid-sentence. Punctuation is superfluous as great ideas do not require organization. A post may start with "...and that remind of the MUFON where Rossi opens up to find invasion is real and everyone knows the Obama-alien/hybrid." Sentences usually contain obscure references and an unrelated Link, which also has a 75 percent chance of being a broken link.

Often times, the Scrambled Eggs in the thread begin having a completely separate conversation with each other as the real thread continues in the space around them. They are hip to each other's jive. They are utterly undaunted by any attempt to re-focus them on the matter at hand. They are the fisher-kings of the interwebs.

But in reality, sometimes they are the comic-color of the forum experience, because most people would never imagine connecting the words and wayward thoughts that they have and expect someone else to have any clue what they are talking about. They are enigmas, neither on foot nor horseback.

And, just perhaps, they are the real aliens. It would explain so much.

edit on 7-3-2012 by InTheFlesh1980 because: I am an alien with googly eyes

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 12:25 PM
I don't know if the category believer-debunker has been mentioned. This would be someone with inside knowledge of the existence of UFOs who still strives to debunk, sometimes honestly and sometimes dishonestly. Although true unknowns pretty much have to exist for this category to be viable, four historical figures in the area of UFOS lend some credence to this possiblity: two who were published debunkers that later admitted to having unmistakable personal sightings in the 1950s and had corroborating witnesses, and two high-profile Air Force debunker-investigators who later said they believed UFOs were real based on the evidence.

edit on 7-3-2012 by xpoq47 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 12:30 PM
I would add one more categories:

"Pics or it Didn't Happen" You can tell these people, because that's all they every say.

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 12:54 PM
Out of curiosity OP, in which group do you fit in.

I can't really see in which group i should be, as i want to believe and and have exsperienced UFO's but no ET's.
I am a skeptic and like to debunk with my knowledge i have gathered, using logic and common sense.

I hate to be fooled, and don't jump to conclusions.

As a sailor of the seven sea's for 20 years, with total pitch black and 360 degrees of view, i have seen my share of unexplaneble stuff, and the latest sighting some days ago.

I never tell about my sightings, but keep them to my self, as i usually don't have any evidence, to back me up.

I guess im a little of each, if that is posible.

You kept me entertaint with this thread, so S+F
edit on 7-3-2012 by Mianeye because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda
reply to post by luciddream

I fall more into the 2nd category. 1st is kinda long shot for me.

because, if aliens visited earth just because of the fact there are billions of stars and planets, then that means out of all the the billions of stars, and they only found earth?

Why do y'all find this so hard?!?

When a species first steps of its home world it is almost always into "near" space, moons, and close planets. As their technology improves that distance fro the home world slowly increases.

Drawing a 10 ly radius around Earth doesn't leave many star systems to explore, interestingly it does include the worlds that many ET are purportedly from. 10 light years is a good distance if One consideres that "early FTL" is going to be kind of primative and "slow".

So, IF you are from "Sirius", Earth is a good place to investigate, perhaps establish an outpost,

Etharzi od Oma.

edit on 7-3-2012 by AnthraAndromda because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-3-2012 by AnthraAndromda because: (no reason given)

Are you an Alien?

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 01:11 PM
Good OP

So are there any guys here that are A.A's & D.R.N's all in one, trying to get the religeous people and UFOlogists to understand that aliens are actually angels and alien/human hybrids are the nephilim ?

You know its going to be such a welcome relief when the 8ft tall pale face, blue-eyed blondes from Pleides/Tartarus do show themselves.
I wonder what the debunkers will say then, when a 8ft tall fallen watcher is standing right next to them.

ATS needs a voting gadget so that trolls can be voted for. The ones with most hits get banned.

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