The Types of people in the UFO forum:
I realize I will get alot of heat for this thread, but i'm well prepared to take it.
EDIT: After many requests. I added the "Experiencer Category".
I forgot to realize how important and crucial that category is to the whole
topic of UFO investigation.
D.R.N's (Diehard Religious Nuts)
DRN's tend to take the thread (along with all of scienitific community and ufo believers)
And try to debunk any thing related to the two topics by using supposed "evidence" from there religions holy texts. Anything from the concording
religions "holy text" is true no matter how much the scienitific community proved it NOT to be true and if you say otherwise you should be shunned
and sentenced to an eternity of suffering and forever burn in flames according to DRN's.
DRN's should be ignored unless you yourself are a DRN due to the fact that they contribute anything to the topic let alone to the scientific community
in general.
Religious People
Religious people are sometimes open to E.T. and U.F.O. discussion but most of them stay true to there religious faith and spiritual values. (I
apologize to my original rather arrogant display of this category)
Believers tend to take the topic and "want" to believe that the
footage or topic shown is real because in there mind it is more exciting for them to believe that
the showing is real other then vice versa. Rather then using evidence to support its authenticity,
they are awed by the thread, some people believe in the fairy more then the tale. And
believers deffinitly fall into that statement.
The Government Projects People
People that believe that the government is the sole entity responsible for such crafts, mind control, and memory implants of experiencers.
Experiencer's are people who claim to have actually experienced a UFO, or E.T. activity. Without experience's and people sharing them, the study and
talk about UFO's or E.T. would have never came to light. Experiencer's are the most crucial part of a ufo investigation. This is where the original
evidence comes from. The birth of the UFO topic has came from the experiencers. And without them it would have never existed.
(Moderatly Balanced People Using Evidence To Decide Autheniticty.)
MBP's can be labeled as the only "real" truth seekers, considering both sides of the field and taking all of the thread's contributors opinions,
evidence, speculation, etc into consideration. MBP's tend to be well mannored people and will not take a side but rather stand on evidence, reliable
confirmations, witness reports, etc to support the authenticity of the occuring topic. MBP's aren't commonly found in the UFO section because they
have realized there is no hope left within the forum. Only pointless off topic arguments, bogus debunks, and rudeness which in turned caused the topic
to slowly get less and less appealing. But when they are found in the UFO forum, there replys and contributions are greatly appreciated. MBP's should
be listened to closeley, there information and add-in's are wise and uses all evidence, testimony's, etc. MBP's keep threads on topic and should be
highly looked up to. If the MBP's mindstate we're adopted by all of the community. ATS would be a much freindlier and better place.
Advid Debunkers: Fake until proven real.
With there advid researching skills and mindstate that leads them to a conclusion that can reasonably determine the topics legitimicy but ussauly
tends to lean more towards the "fake" side
of the topic, Rather then being balanced, A'D's have a mindstate of wanting to proove that its not real rather vice versa. Advid debunkers could be
looked up to if your personality suits there style of things, Like using evidence to prove that the object is identified as something else and not
extra-terrestrial prooves the authenticity but doesn't proove that the object is not in anyway extraterrestrial by using factual evidence and
reliable sources.
U.R.D's (Unreasonalbe Debunkers):
URD"S Commonly don't accept or consider any evidence supporting the authenticity of the topic.
Ussauly throws in bogus excuses or common debunks that we're earlier used in non-authentic UFO videos or threads without thoroughly researching the
topic and the evidence to support that its authenticity. Most U.R.D's ussauly lack common sense and are not open to consider any open boxed opinions,
or factual evidence pertaining to the contribution. U.R.D.'s tend to flood topics in which cause ussauly derails the thread and turns it into an
aggravating unappealing (completly off topic) chat room full of what seems to be pissed off teenagers. U.R.D.s should be avoided and not replyed to
unless you want the thread to go off topic quickly.
Trolls have gotten there name for a reason, most people don't pay attention to a topic when there's an ugly troll lurking nearby. Troll's ussauly tend
to attack the OP by any means, even if the topic we're to be presented by the OP in which the OP disagree's that it's real. They would go as far as to
say it's real just to be noticed. Trolls have a self-centered mindset trying to drive the attention of a certain topic towards them using mean hearted
replys and attacks and also by adding false information delibertly trying to "derail a thread". If there we're no trolls in ATS, this forum would be a
much better place... The fact of the matter is, Trolls don't contribute anything, unless its a negative attitude. Trolls tend to have an overall
unreasonable personality, trying to attack anyone and anybody because of a pyschological issue of self importance and attention. Most trolls have
developed this attitude as a habit, and are so arrogant that they can't even notice how arrogant they are. I could go on for hours about how much
trolls hurt the community of ATS but you get my point.
Actual Aliens
AA's tend to be new members, sent here with a purpose. To spread a message across the world whether it be through divine beings or aliens sent from
another dimension or star system. AA's will always have a sense of a very high self importance and are common to the UFO forum. Most are ridiculed and
laughed at because anyone with common sense knows that no divine being would come out on ATS to prove there existence. Most AA's should take therapy
into consideration.. or in fact they are actual aliens they should show themselves to the world and not a conspiracy forum.
Knowers are people who realize that alien life exist's simply because the vast size and possibilities of the universe. Knowers will sometimes refer to
Drake Equation to give people a perspective on how there is almost definitively intelligent
life outside of earth
living on other planets suitable for life called Exo-Planets. Knowers are sick of trying to convince the public that intelligent life exists other
then humans. Simply because in reality people are scared to accept such theorys.
Thanks for reading. I will build onto this as I see fit later on.
edit on 6-3-2012 by BruceEFury because: Adding more info
on 6-3-2012 by BruceEFury because: add
edit on 6-3-2012 by BruceEFury because: (no reason given)