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Ron Paul: No Federal Financial Aid for Tornado Victims

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posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 06:22 AM
As long as the federal government takes taxes from your paycheck, they should provide a safety net for people in case of natural disasters.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 06:49 AM
This thread shows the limitations of human psychology; It's inability to think more than one step ahead. It's the reason the world is rife with rotting socialism. Look at the bigger picture, and you'll find that what Ron Paul wants to do is in fact, more beneficial to society than anything.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 06:56 AM

Originally posted by indigo21
This thread shows the limitations of human psychology; It's inability to think more than one step ahead. It's the reason the world is rife with rotting socialism. Look at the bigger picture, and you'll find that what Ron Paul wants to do is in fact, more beneficial to society than anything.

sending spare food (we throw it away all the time from stores) spare clothing and spare supplies which is not hard to come by, hell do you know how many hotels throw away shampoos and soap...and letting these people stay in empty locations not being owned right now or rented, using some volunteer time with willing doctors and overlooking some room rates in hospitals is not going to cause the collapse of society.

shameful excuse for such an tightwad answer as the one he gave. shameful.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 07:00 AM
Yeah.... Ron Paul is for the people.

Except he wants to make things worse and crap all over people... to then come along and offer them a square of toilet tissue to clean off with.

The guy's a lunatic and I think it's a great thing that he has zero chance of getting anywhere in American politics.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 07:12 AM
reply to post by liejunkie01

I understand your sentiment in regards to the distribution of your tax dollars, BUT there is no constitutional provision for federal aid to states. If the states and the people of said states could actually keep their money there would be no need for federal aid. Another aspect is that the federal government cannot do a thing until a state Governor actually requests help from them. This was the problem with Katrina. Bush could not do anything until the Governor of LA asked him to, and the Governor did not for several days, and yet Bush was blamed for that. For the record, I do not support Bush in any way, shape or form, but the truth is the truth.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 07:14 AM
gee - Dr. Paul - you are so hars.the feds steal from the states and the people.

this is eggzackery right.

when was the socalled fed (now the unfed b.s bank of the u.s) formed -uhh geee 1913 - 9the treasonous and sorrowful W. Wilson gave it to them.
(read 'Creature of Jekyll Island - Griffin)

when did 'theIRS' start - uhh 1914 (the + irs = theirs)
gee how did America keep a military w/out income tax - uhh some import tax and mostly CAPITAL GAINS tax.

so they/them that you are referencing - they the fed should aid and assist - w/ stolen money - yours, mine and ours- no - the State should assist which they would be able to do if the unfed b.s. bank was never given to private gold collar criminals.
'End the Fed' - Dr. Ron Paul

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 07:22 AM
i really dont get ppl, especially americans..... i wouldnt want my tax money going to people who are too stupid to move away from a place called tornado alley.
I think ron paul is right if u wanna live there get insurance or move away and stop being a moron and have ur trailer home swept up by a tornado.
u already live in a trailer might as well just drive it somewhere safer
The caliber of stupidity that society portrays is just ridiculous
Especially from these 400 LBS.+ sheeple americans, theres ppl starving in africa and yet the americans are dying of obesity.... Problem, nooooo well just call it a epidemic

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 07:24 AM

Originally posted by RealSpoke
Especially health insurance. How is an 18 year old supposed to afford to go to the doctor when their chances of getting a job that provides insurance is incredibly slim?

Life is full of tough choices - join the military, boom health care...and a slew of other things a young person needs to succeed.

Oh, I forgot the younger generation doesn't want to think though their own problems and find a solution - they want one shat out for them by Uncle Sugar that is free from commitment on their part, financial investment on their part and finally it must be easy.

I mean there is only so much time in the day to watch Jersey Shore reruns right...

Originally posted by The Sword
reply to post by Golf66

You must hate people so much that you'd say a thing.

No, you misunderstand I love people and life in general - so much so that I take active precautions to ensure my survival in all kinds of situations. That is one of the very reasons I joined the Army (besides killer benefits BTW) even went Special Forces so I could learn unique survival and tactical skills so that in almost any situation I will never be the victim.

Again, I don't hate people - I hate victims especially pathetic ones who do nothing to help themselves then cry - help and my tax dollars go into this enterprise. Sad.

edit on 5/3/2012 by Golf66 because: Fixed quotes and replied to another poster so rather than make new post.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 07:37 AM
reply to post by ThirdRock69

I said he is ignoring it. Not caring about the reality of the poor.

Go ahead and "crush me" tough guy. Take your best shot before I dispose of you and your ignorance.

He isn't ignoring anything get that through your hollow head.

My ignorance? You seem to have plenty of that since you just fall on the same idea that he is ignoring people, when in fact he is speaking the reality of it.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 07:39 AM

Originally posted by tegz_1
i really dont get ppl, especially americans..... i wouldnt want my tax money going to people who are too stupid to move away from a place called tornado alley.
I think ron paul is right if u wanna live there get insurance or move away and stop being a moron and have ur trailer home swept up by a tornado.
u already live in a trailer might as well just drive it somewhere safer
The caliber of stupidity that society portrays is just ridiculous
Especially from these 400 LBS.+ sheeple americans, theres ppl starving in africa and yet the americans are dying of obesity.... Problem, nooooo well just call it a epidemic

oh, yeah... everybody move out of the general location called tornado alley which happens to spread across multiple states. Pretty sure it goes all the way to north georgia. we're talking like a ten hour drive in a car this tornado alley is...just in LENGTH.


Everybody move away from Georgia, alabama, missippippi, tennesse, texas,, south Carolina, Ohio, Kentucky, Louisianna, Missouri, Kansas (you aint in kansas anymore, everybody OUT) Indiana, Utah, Illinois, Michigan... crap AM I DONE yet... I don't know, I'm tired of trying to spell all these states... just look at the damn map.

a good alternate place for you to live is.... the desert? Or perhaps just on the edge of tornado alley in the new madrid earthquake zone, or perhaps the even bigger west coast earthquake zone that goes up and down almost the entire west coast... or you could always move right beside a volcano in Hawaii.

edit on 5-3-2012 by BlackSatinDancer because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 07:41 AM
reply to post by NowIsThe

That's because you don't understand the position. The federal government works for Israel. The states work for the people. That is why foreign aid is dealt with more efficiently, where domestic aid takes forever (like Katrina and Joplin). If the states kept the money to bank role for these disasters, there would be little reliance on the ZOG (Zionist Occupied Government), who couldn't care less for the people from whom they take their money.

You are absolutely right! If that is your understanding of the "position", then I don't, and I won't.

If we are to solve our domestic problems, we need to do so with concrete understanding of our domestic issues, not some half baked bull based on fear and paranoia.
...And how in the world you jumped from giving assistance to tornado victims to Israel bashing I will never know.

Give it a rest.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 07:42 AM

Originally posted by BellaSabre
I saw and heard him on "Candy Crowlely, State of the Union" on CNN this morning.

This is *exactly* what he said. There should be no funds for states who have had a catastrophe. Even.. "They have their own National Guards".
I disagree strongly with that position. Good lord, what would have happened during Katrina if it hadn't been for federal intervention?

You guys go ahead, just don't move to California, Florida, Texas, Louisiana or anywhere else prone to disasters, and the way things have been going lately, good luck with that.
edit on 3/4/2012 by BellaSabre because: (no reason given)

Your just missing the point of what he is trying to say. The states should have all the resources they need to take care of the problem, not the FED! He should have started with the FED is a disaster itself and our tax dollars should not be supporting FEMA. Homeland Security has stolen our State officers and now makes them powerless to address these critical state issues. Unless FEMA does everything right then people are SCREWED!

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 07:49 AM
reply to post by Patriotsrevenge

Alrighty then! I have a sad feeling that you kids are going to be talking out of the other sides of your mouth when you experience a horrific disaster and the state tells you you are on your own, because they don't have any money or enough resources to take action.

............And please boys. Spare me of the lectures "but but but the states would have money if if if if"

Just mark my words young man.


posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 08:28 AM
From my understanding, dr. Paul wants to roll things back to something similar to pre civil war era where states had significant power and the fed govt was much smaller and exerted far less power, allowing most policy decisions on a state level.

I think that would be a great idea in theory. I am not too sure how it would work out in reality. The states that are in hurricane alley would have to sock away considerable tax dollars to provide a safety net for disaster relief within their states. I do not know many people who would be too keen on a chunk of their money going to fund such a net. Many of the people in those areas think like dr. Paul and would say,"why should I pay for people who do not budget their pay checks for proper insurance"

That leaves out thousands on people on minium wage that can only budget for food, gas and rent. And because their will always be a certain % of the population who work these jobs, they will be the ones suffering. What would these people do in a disaster? There is only one thing I can think of....they would have to rely on the charity of extended family, friends and charitable/church groups.

This might be a good thing because it would pull communities closer together or it would break a community down. I do not know. I guess it depends on how much faith we have in our fellow man to be there for us in a time of need.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by rwfresh

Ok we are going to clear this one up. ONCE AND FOR ALL.

The states are in charge of emergency management. PERIOD> FEMA is the backup, its a support agency, it is not THE emergency agency. T

he feds cannot do ANYTHING until the state says they can.

Which is why you hear on the news that the state declares a state of emergency and THEN the president signs off on it.

The feds pay for the disaster, but the state is still liable for 25% of the disaster costs.

The states are in control of emergencies, Governor's get insane powers under a declaration of emergency.
You want to see a state get insane rights, the governor declares a state of emergency.

Ron Paul has obviously shown he doesn't know squat about emergency management.

And so have half the people on this thread.

edit on 5-3-2012 by nixie_nox because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 08:37 AM
Ron Pauls logic is sound but he does not convery his message as well as he should.

Should the Tornado victims get assistance? Sure they should but it should be provided at the state level, not the federal. Additionally homeowners should be carrying insurance to help recover from these disasters.

He's not wrong is he? no.

If I live in a state where disasters are minimal, why should I foot the tax bill for those who choose to live in states that are in perpetual "do over" mode every Hurricane season? That goes the same for flood plaines, earthquake zones etc.

I always feel empathy for those hit with disaster and then I /boggle when they rebuild in the same spot.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 08:38 AM

Originally posted by BellaSabre

I have a sad feeling that you kids are going to be talking out of the other sides of your mouth when you experience a horrific disaster and the state tells you you are on your own, because they don't have any money or enough resources to take action.

For those of you reading along who don’t believe I practice what I preach here is a copy of the affidavit I have on file at the local court house regarding Emergency Services in a Disaster…. I live in NW Missouri; tornadoes, floods, etc.

I have a 40 acre dairy farm and have a lot of expensive cows and goats and other livestock in addition to my property, which I own free and clear the only thing I pay each year is my property tax – I have no mortgage. I’ve seen plenty of disasters and war…I’m staying where I am. I might indeed send my wife and daughter away to family elsewhere but I’m staying.

I will stay and look after the stock, round them back up, euthanize some if needed, feed, water, them etc. I will also work with my neighbors to help them do the same.

I _____________________ do hereby serve notice to the local state and federal authorities that I do not recognize your authority to direct compel or require me as a sovereign citizen to vacate my home or land; of which I am sole owner in title and deed in the event of any state of emergency or disaster for my own protection of for the supposed protection of others.

With regard to the protection of others; I do hereby serve notice that in the event of a natural disaster, war, terrorism or other “acts of god” that I do not require nor desire any attempt to rescue me or my assets by the government of the United States, State of Missouri or any of its agents or any other government or persons; this is without regard to the perceived lethality of the threat or duration of the “emergency”.

I take sole responsibility for my own life and property and without regard to any insurance coverage that may be in effect reserve the right to protect them both within the extent of the law.

I reserve the right to defend myself and my life sustaining items with force if necessary as a last resort under the Constitution of the United States and Missouri State law.

I will not infringe upon the rights or property of others and only wish to be left alone so that I may take care of my property.

I recognize the risk of possible death and have communicated my intent along with a copy of this affidavit to my next of kin so that they know this decision is mine alone for purpose of absolving the government of any liability.

Seal and witnesses and such….

I wrote it myself and am certainly no lawyer but I think it makes the point that I expect nothing from the government nor do I hold them liable for my decision or my death should it occur.

I have made my intent clear to the Sherriff with whom I turkey hunt and he has no problem with leavening me to be. In 1992 this county had some flooding many people stayed here to care for livestock as best they could - which will be my purpose. No victims here…

edit on 5/3/2012 by Golf66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 08:43 AM

Originally posted by TheLieWeLive

Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, stood by his libertarian beliefs on Sunday, saying that victims of the violent storms and tornadoes that have battered a band of states in the South and Midwest in recent days should not be given emergency financial aid from the federal government. "There is no such thing as federal money," Paul said, on CNN’s State of the Union. "Federal money is just what they steal from the states and steal from you and me." "The people who live in tornado alley, just as I live in hurricane alley, they should have insurance," Paul said. Paul said there was a role for the National Guard to restore order and provide care and shelter in major emergencies, but that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) led to nothing but "frustration and anger.".
reply to post by liejunkie01

Wise words Ron Paul speaks. Why should we use "Federal" help when it's actually our money anyways and just another avenue our money has to travel in order to come back and help us? It's an unnecessary step including the Federal Government in something the State Government should be in full control over in the first place.

States have the SBI (State Bureau of Investigation) who does the job of the FBI on a state level, so whats wrong with State emergency management systems having the money or authority FEMA does?

They do, *laughs*

Every state has a EMA. Look yours up sometimes.

Now wonder you people have no idea.

The Federal Government should be a back up plan, not the first thing we run to.

It is, they can't get involved until the state says they can.

You know who has the the most power in emergenices? The local governments.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 08:45 AM
The Republican way of thinking is idiotic no wonder why the poorest states in the country are red.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 08:45 AM
Why are people shocked and amazed? Ron Paul has always said this crap. Of course, many people seem to think if he gets in office they will suddenly have more money. This is true in that the Fed's won't take it-But the states will. Why? Because many states get more federal dollars than they put in. The richest states would be places like New York, which is riddled with rich people.

So you are simply setting up a situation in which the States themselves will raise taxes on their residents to make that money.

As for disasters, Do you know how many insurance companies actually have enough money on hand to pay out? Most of them don't. A widespread disaster would break these people and they wouldn't pay you. I live in Tennessee. If the New Madrid goes off then I am screwed. I can't get earthquake insurance because most of the insurance providers around here have canceled that coverage. So what? So I just live tent with my toddler? (thank god I've a tent in the shed!). Furthermore, the sheer scale of such a disaster would wipe out the insurance companies. They'd look for every way to keep from paying you.

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