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Ron Paul: No Federal Financial Aid for Tornado Victims

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posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 01:08 AM
reply to post by liejunkie01

This is why America is doomed. We are destined to experience a Russia or European type economic collapse.

People refuse to grasp the reality that government has no money of its own. They take it from us or they print it thereby further devaluing it.

Washington, D.C. borrows/prints 40% of the money it spends. If they were to tax us for this spending, the people would raise unholy hell. Instead they print it which allows all their pork barrel spending. But what this also does is it devalues the money already in circulation. Make no mistake about it, inflation is a tax. Inflation is what Ron Paul calls the "hidden tax on the Middle Class".

The federal government is charged with a handful of duties, thats it. EVERYTHING ELSE is left to the states. Imagine the communities we'd have if the states and people were actually allowed to keep and spend their own money as THEY saw fit.

Its 2012 and people still dont understand the situation. Washington, D.C. is a cesspool of waste and corruption. They are run by and work for lobbyists, special interest groups, political action committees and establishment insiders.

edit on 5-3-2012 by gladtobehere because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 01:08 AM
reply to post by boncho
This makes sense to few people which is the problem.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 01:08 AM
reply to post by liejunkie01

ron paul is all about following the rules and guidelines..

they should have insurance that pays for their damage. they shouldnt expect any other help or need it

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 01:14 AM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
All this talk about home owners insurance...I just have to ask some questions.

Does home owners insurance give you a place to sleep when your entire town has been flattend?

Yes. They will just have to put you in the next nearest town. That's a lot better then a FEMA camp.

Does home owners insurance feed your family after every store in town has been wiped out from the same tornado that destroyed your town?

Again, the nearest town will have food (where you will be staying).

Does home owners insurance bring in the medical care and rescue services that are needed after a large scale disaster?

Just as the last commenter said, you are describing a disaster that is blown way out of proportion for 'Tornadoes'.
You will be able to receive medical treatment at the next nearest town (again, where you will be staying). That's a lot better then getting it inside of a tent at a FEMA camp.

Oh...but you say the states should provide this once we get rid of the federal taxes.

But since a lot of states take in more federal dollars than they pay out...I don't think they are going to have the money to do so.

You should do some research on "comprehensive annual financial reports (CAFR)". The states have plenty of money.

And if 10-20 tornados streak across your state and take out 50-100 state is going to have the funds or capacity to deal with a disaster of that size.

Wow... are you trying to describe the end of the world? You can rest assured that there would never me a tornado that could take out "50-100" towns. Let us know when you decide to join the rest of us in the 'Real World'.

I say, it's a damn good thing we are a group of UNITED states, instead of INDIVIDUAL states. That way we have a federal government that UNITES us all so that when a huge disaster like this happens...that UNITED government can use funds collected from all the states to help the one in need.

What makes you think that if we gave the federal government money to 'protect' us in the event of a major disaster that they would actually do it? I think you are hooked on some 'Pipe Dreams' my friend. A government that also followed the 'Constitution' would be nice too but you won't find me holding my breath waiting for that to happen.

edit on 5-3-2012 by hero_25 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 01:23 AM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

Actually yes.
My friend's house burned down, and it put her parents into a new place, and paid for her to live in apartment for 6 months or a year and no they were far far from wealthy.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 01:31 AM
reply to post by liejunkie01

I don't agree with federal money being used to rebuild private property, but I see nothing wrong with federal money being used to rebuild schools, roads, infrastructure etc..

Hey, can't agree with the doctor all the time!

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 01:37 AM
These people live in tornado alley, isnt is common sense to think that you should be prepared for tornadoes? I live in a place that rains, should I get federal money when my home has water damage because I chose not to build a roof?

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 01:42 AM
reply to post by Tanulis

You brought up a point that I made a few pages back...If you are prone to these types of things shouldn't it be wise to buy the insurance? Hint Hint?

Tornadoes are predictable, Earthquakes are not..I don't see people from California crying...And we have to pay the most, for taxes, and gas...
edit on 5-3-2012 by KonquestAbySS because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 01:47 AM
reply to post by Bonkrh

they should have insurance that pays for their damage. they shouldnt expect any other help or need it

Who is "they"? Home owners?

What about renter's? What about all the families that rent homes? All their belongings are gone. Many people can barely afford to pay for rent, electric, food. So if you're poor and can't afford insurance, oh well, sorry no help for you.

Insurance is for people who can afford to buy a house. What about all the families that just lost their homes when the housing bubble burst? They should have bought tornado insurance while renting?

Open your eyes people. The reason these United States are great and the reason they are UNITED States is because we all come together as a whole and help each other when our fellow Americans are having a rough time. I can't understand all the selfish people who don't think these people need help and if the State can't provide it, too bad for them.

These disasters are the best reason for agencies like FEMA to exisit in the first place. The money has already been spent to create the agency and now not utilizing it is a waste of money not saving. If you don't use the programs in place what was the point in having them in the first place.

Another dumb statement and decision in policy by Ron Paul based on political ideology. He's ignoring the reality of the situation and the suffering of REAL PEOPLE in need of help and resources. Many States already have had to cut back on local everyday emergency services. Like hospitals, ambulances, fire dept, police. Oh but they should have plenty of money for emergency disasters?


posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 01:51 AM

Originally posted by KonquestAbySS
reply to post by Tanulis

You brought up a point that I made a few pages back...If you are prone to these types of things shouldn't it be wise to buy the insurance? Hint Hint?

Tornadoes are predictable, Earthquakes are not..I don't see people from California crying...And we have to pay the most, for taxes, and gas...
edit on 5-3-2012 by KonquestAbySS because: (no reason given)

I live in Seattle and I just renewed my 'earthquake insurance' last week. You never know if you'll ever need it, but I always like to think that it is always wiser to have it and not need it, then to need it and not have it.

I pay $324 a year... that's about a dollar a day. That's pretty cheap and I sleep a lot better knowing that I have it.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 01:53 AM

Originally posted by Bonkrh
reply to post by liejunkie01

ron paul is all about following the rules and guidelines..

they should have insurance that pays for their damage. they shouldnt expect any other help or need it

They shouldn't

they should go bankrupt, have their children become wards of the state and then start collecting

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 01:58 AM

He's ignoring the reality of the situation and the suffering of REAL PEOPLE in need of help and resources.

He is ignoring the reality? Whoa, back it up turbo. That is the reality, obviously someone who isn't from the North Americas wouldn't believe that...So you are blaming Paul why? I want to know your answer to that before I crush you literally...

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 01:59 AM
I agree with Paul on this.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 01:59 AM
reply to post by boncho

People supported it by funding FEMA and it was an utter failure. Paul is saying that states need be responsible, and that includes how they let insurance companies operate in their state.

First, what happened with Katrina was unique situation. Millions of people evacuated that area. But many were either too poor or refused to evacuate. They wanted to ride out the storm. That is what created the problem. People didn't heed the warning to evacuate New Orleans.

Once the storm passed and the flooding began. The people who stayed behind had no choice any more. They all gathered at the Super Dome and waited for help. Help, was definitely slow in getting there. But there is no way the State could have responded any better or quicker. It is not a very good example to hold up as the standard for FEMA.

You're using the worst case scenario and trying to portray that as the norm. I'm not usually in favor of Government policy but in this situation I think it's exactly what they need. To deny the poor people Federal emergency relief is just wrong.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 02:00 AM
reply to post by ThirdRock69

You have heard of 'Renters Insurance' before right? That's what you get if you do NOT own a house and are wanting to protect the assists/belongings that you have.

If you don't have enough assists/belongings to justify paying for Renters Insurance, then don't. Obviously you wouldn't stand to lose much anyways.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 02:11 AM
reply to post by KonquestAbySS

I want to know your answer to that before I crush you literally...

You couldn't crush me on your best day and me at my worst.

I never said I blame Ron Paul for the tornado or the suffering.

I said he is ignoring it. Not caring about the reality of the poor.

Go ahead and "crush me" tough guy. Take your best shot before I dispose of you and your ignorance.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 02:22 AM
reply to post by hero_25

You have heard of 'Renters Insurance' before right? That's what you get if you do NOT own a house and are wanting to protect the assists/belongings that you have.

If you don't have enough assists/belongings to justify paying for Renters Insurance, then don't. Obviously you wouldn't stand to lose much anyways.

Of course I have heard of renters insurance.

Have you ever run the numbers?

Do you know how much it costs and what it covers?

Do you know that, depending on your policy, not all items are covered by renters insurance?

What insurance do you have sir?

Be so kind as to let us use you as an example, how much money do you spend on insurance?

What different policies do you carry? Can you afford to insure yourself for your local "act of nature" or natural disaster?

Do you have flood insurance or tornado, hurricane, earthquake, fire and does that cover all goods and damages?

You do know insurance is not a very nice business right?

Insurance companies are the most stingy and reluctant when it comes to paying out claims. They will find any clause they can to deny a claim.

edit on 5-3-2012 by ThirdRock69 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 02:25 AM
OMG are you people even listening to yourselves? Money, money, money, cant even spend it for social programs without people whining about it. Paul and his supporters can be surprising selfish.

Listen, federal aid exist. If I ever need to I will be taking advantage of it. Sorry you don't feel the same, but fair enough.

Thats right, in the end federal aid does exist. I hope that fact pisses you off.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 02:40 AM

Originally posted by TsukiLunar
OMG are you people even listening to yourselves? Money, money, money, cant even spend it for social programs without people whining about it. Paul and his supporters can be surprising selfish.

Listen, federal aid exist. If I ever need to I will be taking advantage of it. Sorry you don't feel the same, but fair enough.

Thats right, in the end federal aid does exist. I hope that fact pisses you off.

Yes... it was so helpful after hurricane katrina. **Sarcasm**

edit on 5-3-2012 by hero_25 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 02:45 AM

"There is no such thing as federal money," Paul said, on CNN’s State of the Union. "Federal money is just what they steal from the states and steal from you and me."

This quote from the OP.

The most simplistic fundamental ideas of why the United States is a strong nation still is because of the great amount of diverse natural resources. From many one. E Plurbis Unum

The idea of each State having to bear the entire burden of financial responsibility for any natural disaster that happens is not a very neighborly or patriotic sort of idea. Why don't all the States just exist as their own nation? Screw everybody else? Why don't each State not share it's resources either?

Glad I live where I do. Should each State start charging admission to people from other States now? Where do you suggest a small State get it's funding from? What about farms hit in disasters? Schools, transportation? Electric grids? Highways, bridges, search and rescue.

What about when there's a huge forest fire? Should we not call for help from other States fire depts? Would Ron Paul say "Let em burn" ? Sounds to me like you're all saying "Let em burn".
edit on 5-3-2012 by ThirdRock69 because: (no reason given)

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