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Cymatic Experiments - Harmonics - Atomic Alignment - Sacred Geometry - Nature's Art

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posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 03:10 PM
I'm glad this took off, thanks for all of you who have shared your knowledge, from the scientific pole to the spiritual, and everything inbetween!

Loving the tones, anyone know of some good downloads or albums that are simple tones (a legal torrent possibly) would be much appreciated, I can find lots of chakra and guided meditations, but nothing based on pure tones like the youtube videos.

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by Phage

Now you figured out how to make me smile and feel good about us both...

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by 1littlewolf

I think the point is that when you observe, or measure some event there is exchange of energy, and perhaps this causes the waveform to collapse. I don't think it has to do with consciousness.

How about this, though. If observing a particle in a double slit experiment causes the waveform to collapse, how did we know the waveform existed in the first place....?

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 08:44 PM
reply to post by VekTorVik

Because of the interference pattern on the detector.

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 08:57 PM
what i love is how our brain frequency changes and isn't always set at one level, and how people lucid dream and "connect" when falling asleep. It's like when we are awake we are tuned into one frequency, but we have the power to actually change it and just like tuning a radio, we can use meditation, deep relaxation and sleep to scan the airwaves. The hard part seems to be trying to hold the correct frequency in place and explore it, (just like how certain exact frequencies will make the perfect pattern) when it is slipping down the scale as you fall asleep. That's the part i'm trying to explore and master, how to hold onto the dream state and explore it while still being awake enough to know it, but not awake enough to raise the frequency back up to normal. Very tricky indeed but great to explore.

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 09:56 PM

So Above and So Below.

It's fractal and similar, with each "generation" or "repetition" an image of a higher or lower shape, sound, or light.

It's all relative. Now, how's that for a "Theory of Everything?"

I read once that a cat heals itself by purring at 5 or so frequencies, that resonate differently for each of the cavity's shape and / or volume. This sound resembles a "stacked" layering of frequencies, starting around 25 Hz, 50 Hz, 75 Hz, 100 Hz, and then 125 Hz. Oddly enough, when ran-through a audio frequency generator, it does sound like a generic "purr." Why 5? Could there be more? Perhaps an animal would have five chakra? Perhaps Human Beings have seven? Perhaps they heal at a different resonant frequency than Human Beings, of 528 Hz?


Just imagine, the original Holy Word, and we've all seen how sound moves silica (sand) particles at different frequencies and we have all seen the geometric designs created, so now then how is it so hard to accept that the original Holy Word, perhaps spoken by God, which created everything, created it? When we stop thinking of sound, matter, and light as being separate, then perhaps, we'll all know.

Now why do I say this? Light and Sound are two different things, or are they? Not really, When sound transitions from the domain of light, into lower wavelengths, which can be heard and not seen, it vibrates at a lower frequency, appearing more "dense," so it can be heard or felt. Hertz, Kilo-Hertz, Mega-Hertz, Giga-Hertz, and Tera-Hertz, and probably more. Suffice it to say, that Human Beings "hear" in the 20 to 20,000 Hertz range and "see" in the 400 to 780 Tera-Hertz, according to Wikipedia.

Since light or photons travel in a spiral, which matches the motion of our solar system, and would it not be a stretch to assume that sound travels in the same fashion? I saw a video of sound vibrating in water which had two "radial" clock-wise "orbits," which rotated, could the photon share this attribute, as well? Perhaps.

Or Perhaps, The Veil Is Being Lifted, and a new era of discovery is at the door?

The one thing I am 100% sure of is this:

edit on 4-3-2012 by trekwebmaster because: Added YouTube Video.

edit on 4-3-2012 by trekwebmaster because: Clarified context of "vibrates at a lower frequency..."

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 12:22 AM
reply to post by trekwebmaster

Beautiful video + music it was pretty trippy actually.

just wanted to say thanks and I had never heard nor thought about the cat purr being able to heal.

Cool stuff

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 02:57 AM
reply to post by Equ1nox

Not sure if you've seen it but he is a really nice vid that fits in with the one's you posted....

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 08:54 AM
what i love about the Solfeggio frequencies is that, from the very first time i listened to them, each tone seemed to effect a different part of my head. Listening to both the Solfeggio and the Chakra freq i just love feeling one specific part of my brain tingling and how it changes with different frequencies, for me it's such a fascinating thing, feeling like one section of your brain is reacting to the sound when the rest aren't. Never before have i ever felt different "areas" of the brain. The 3rd eye area of my forehead was extremely tingly for a good week or two and has only just calmed down. I also get a lot of activity at the very top of my head, last night it was very specific right in the center of the top of my head. Now i seem to have moved on from the 3rd eye region and the main activity i am experiencing now is a horizontal line just above both ears that curves slightly round to the front and back of my head. It's like i've clipped on two things that are pulsing just above my ears. They dont go all the way round and connect, so it's a strange and fascinating feeling having these two sides pulse away inside your head.

The 3rd eye area is still active at times, just not as constant as before and it seems to be slowly spreading down, last night i had a concentrated feeling at the top of my nose between my brows, much lower than the normal 3rd eye area, and it seems to be moving down my nose.

I don't know what it all means, but i just love feeling things that i never really knew i could or just haven't experienced before, like parts of your body are electrified, and by just relaxing and meditating and letting them be they seem to move around to different areas. One area is strongly effected for 5-10mins, then it dies down and then before you know it its started effecting a different area that you never felt before. It's weird to almost get to feel what all the seperate parts or areas of the brain are.

i find it really fascinating, not sure what it all means, but certainly a pleasurable experience for me, i do feel more relaxed,balanced and happy, some of my annoying autistic habits seem to not have the control that they used to, things seem to be a lot more normal and everything seems to be more in tune and alligned.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by Equ1nox

I don't know what it all means, but i just love feeling things that i never really knew i could or just haven't experienced before, like parts of your body are electrified, and by just relaxing and meditating and letting them be they seem to move around to different areas.

i find it really fascinating, not sure what it all means, but certainly a pleasurable experience for me, i do feel more relaxed,balanced and happy, some of my annoying autistic habits seem to not have the control that they used to, things seem to be a lot more normal and everything seems to be more in tune and alligned.

Good for you! What an awesome feeling to be more in tune and aware... naturally. And you don't have to know what it all means yet, just know that meditation and relaxation are about the healthiest things you can do for your whole self- everything else will fall into place. Keep it up! It only gets better from here...

posted on Mar, 6 2012 @ 03:23 AM
This should be stickied..This is huge if you think about it. The "Key"... The question we always asked ourselves..


posted on Mar, 6 2012 @ 04:52 AM

Originally posted by Aqualung2012
This is direct evidence of the universe being of a vibrational nature.

...And also the fact that it is HOLLOW?

I can't see how it would vibrate it were of solid construction!
edit on 6-3-2012 by bakup725 because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-3-2012 by bakup725 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2012 @ 08:29 PM
reply to post by Equ1nox

importand question: are these sand resonating tones of the same pitch as Solfeggio frequencies?
I don't think so. Solfeggio frequencies are just some new-age-occult numerology-mix and there is no way to find out their real pitch as it was in old times. Just playing with numbers, cloning it on new age esoterics etc.
Our artificial numbers have no real relationship to real frequencies. Our time measuring (in seconds) and thus frequency (hertz) is actually nonsense. Seeking patterns in numbers is therefore double nonsense.
These "sand frequencies" could be the way out as well as learning from colours...We may be fine with new units.
edit on 6/3/2012 by PapagiorgioCZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2012 @ 09:51 PM
this is a quite fascinating old video

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 07:01 AM
We are only aware of what we perceive be it through our senses or senses combined with technology
There is no such thing as nothing - What we do not perceive are the gaps between what we know.

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