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Originally posted by NOTurTypicalWow, if dewey reads that he'll go ballistic.
I don't go ballistic to support a cult.
Um, when does dewey NOT go ballistic?
Originally posted by sk0rpi0n
reply to post by POPUP2000
Did you read the quotes in green and orange in the OP? They demonstrate some of the many parallels between Jerusalem and Babylon.
the mystery religions all began in Nimrod's Babylon and deal with him, Tammuz and his mother.
I'd like to add something to ponder for those that believe in Biblical Authenticity, what city sits on 7 hills? If you answered Jerusalem you'd be correct. Think about it, Rev says the Beast Capital sits on 7 hills, the 2 witnesses are killed by the Beast and bodies laid in the Streets of spiritual Sodom and Egypt where Messiah was impaled. Well where was He impaled? Jerusalem. Where do the Zionists wish to make the Capital of the World? Jerusalem, Rome is just the deception along with the Papacy to think it's the Pope and Rome. The Zionists wish to set up a World order ruled by the Jew with the building of the 3rd Temple but in order to do that the Dome must be destroyed.
Do some study on Temple Priest Garments, they are adorned in the same manner, in fact Rome and the Vatican gets much of there stuff from Jerusalem. What has infected the most? Talmud, Talmud is the basis for why Non-Jews in any faith are barred from keeping the Saturday Sabbath the very same Sabbath all the Apostles held and were instructing ALL the new converts to do and those in the Pharisees and Saducees hated that and inquired Rome to help stop the movement. Hence Constantine adopting Christianity minus all the Torah instructions that ALL the Apostles even Paul were promoting Goyim to follow and instead all the Paganistic practices Christians have today. Wouldn't you say that has? So Rome is NOT the Harlot but have been set up to be the Harlot when the Talmudic Jews despised the movement of the Essenes/Natsarims.
In Scripture a woman ALWAYS represents a Spiritual institution, would not spreading the False teaching that Goyim are forbidden from adopting Torah an abomination considering the Messiah and Apostles proclaimed there was 1 Law for all Jew or Greek(Goyim)? That philosophy is what spawned the Christianity we see today and NONE of them follow the Messiah and His instructions. The Temple has all it's GOLD furnished to place in the Temple when it's built. Count the Cardinals, are there not 70? DO they not were Yamaka style hats on the heads like Jews? Do they not have a 'Temple' in the Vatican? The Vatican is merely the 'continuation' of the Order till Jerusalem is established World Capital.
Rev 17:4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: Rev 17:5 And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. Rev 17:6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.
Mat 23:37 “Yerushalayim, Yerushalayim, killing the prophets and stoning those who are sent to her!(Blood of the Saints and Martyrs, think also read Acts 6&7of Stephen, who ordered him stoned? The High Priests and Stephens Testimony before them gives clear indication of this verse here from Mathew meaning it's Jerusalem not Rome with the blood of the Saints and Martyrs and also why John would marvel at her.) How often I wished to gather your children together, the way a hen gathers her chickens under her wings, but you would not!
A little factoid: When the remaining Jews in exile from Babylon returned the 25% that left they in that time adopted Babylonian culture and ways of life, why do you think we get phrase 'Babylonian Talmud'. In essence this new order in Jerusalem was continuing on as 'Babylon' in the Spiritual sense and the Assyrians, Greeks, and Romans continued in the Beast form till 1 day reemerging as 1 unit which they are currently working on right now.
Rev 17:12 And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. Rev 17:13 These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.
10 Kings such as Rothschilds, Buffet, Rockefellar ect. who in fact control most of the Globe and through the US, EU, UN are using these entities THEY helped to create to create the New Order who also happen to be Zionists. Is that coincidence? You may think so I do not.
Rev 17:15 And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.
Do not the Zionists control many nations, many people with many tongues? These very Zionists are directly related to Jerusalem not Rome. Rome is but the Puppet of these people. The Illuminati are a Puppet creation of a hidden boogeyman when the real one hides in plain sight. These are my opinions, and I COULD be wrong as I'm just a man and there COULD be things I'm missing but based on what I know at this moment this is what I feel which is why my quest for knowledge is on going. Shalom :
Egypt=Babylon. Egypt has similar meaning in prophetic language as Babylon.
I'd like to make a correction so my facts are straight when I say 70 Jewish priests that's for Sanhedrin with a 'leader' called a Nasi(hmm) making it 71. The Vatican through Pope Sixtus V limited the number of cardinals to 70 cardinals with the Pope being the Vatican equivalent of a 'Nasi' figure as in Sanhedrin making it 71 but Popes began exceeding that limit with Pope John XXIII now they commonly use 120(maybe to avert suspicion of blatant similarities?) Sanhedrin is the court system in Judaism. Note the Dissolution of Sanhedrin in 358 and the Declaration of Christianity as the State religion of Rome in 380 and Constantine Legalizing Christianity in 313. Maybe a working together taking place? All 3 are very close in time of happening, maybe not by todays standards but Ancient times yes. Sanhedrin Cardinals
Originally posted by sk0rpi0n
reply to post by mosheh24
The idea that "Rome is Babylon" has no biblical validity.
Those who propagate this idea usually fail to notice that it is Jerusalem and NOT Rome that was accused of having the blood of the prophets.
Despite the numerous scriptural proofs in the bible connecting Jerusalem to Babylon, some christians have already made their conclusions....and re-interpret scripture to suit it.
In their view, Jerusalem has to be divinely protected.... Rome has to be the whore. Doesn't matter whats there in the bible...they decide to interpret it as "symbolic".
So you're implying that John was a false prophet?
Exactly! How can Jerusalem be Babylon it's the Holy City? That's the common question that is asked, they think it's unimaginable that Jerusalem could be it BUT Biblically it is and has been.
So the Whore of Babylon can only be the R.C.C
Going by the Bible, we see that its Jerusalem and not Rome, that is charged with the blood of the prophets. This is the biggest sin of the whore of Babylon. Compare Matthew 23:35 with Revelations 18:24.
Rome is only interpreted to be the whore of Babylon.... its only conjecture.
Since the 1960s, Israel has developed the region's most advanced missile manufacturing base and now deploys the region's most advanced ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, and missile defense systems. [17] Israel's early missile program developments benefited from French and later South African collaboration. [18] Israel also possesses a national space program that has previously shared technology with its missile program. The wide variety of aerial threats posed by numerous adversaries, both state and non-state, has motivated Israel to develop a layered and multi-faceted approach to both offensive and defensive missile technology acquisition. While Israel is not a member of the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), it abides by its guidelines.
You can’t get a consistent answer from news stories, that’s for sure. Recent articles, media reports and op-eds peg the number variously at 460, 507, 560, 662 and more than 1,000. Depending on whom you ask or what source you consult, writes Turse:
“there are more than 1,000 US military bases dotting the globe. To be specific, the most accurate count is 1,077. Unless it’s 1,088. Or, if you count differently, 1,169. Or even 1,180. Actually, the number might even be higher. Nobody knows for sure.”
Originally posted by sk0rpi0n
reply to post by autowrench
My source is the bible.
And it explicitly teaches that it Jerusalem.
Sure, it could be allied with other world powers, but if we are talking about the "whore of Babylon" in revelations.... then it is Jerusalem.
No it isn't and most people have corrected you in this thread.