posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 12:33 PM
I think just looking at the timeline of events post 9/11 shows there is a great conspiracy or agenda by a group of very, very powerful people.
We have the year 2000 document 'Rebuilding America's Defences' which is highlting countries of interest for American foreign policy - Iraq, Libya,
Syria, Iran.
Our governments are ticking these countries off at alarming speed- Iraq, Afghan, Libya all done, Syria seemingly next on the agenda as it's on the
news along with Iran. It's literally non stop moving from one country to the next- all part of a machine that is helped along by the main stream
media's propaganda efforts.
We have a government that will bomb Libya back to the stone ages based on a very little (well no evidence) and yet we sit by whilst the worst violence
is being carried out in Egypt.
That alone shows the evil in power.
Evidence suggests Libya was a stable country (debt free, high literacy- Gaddafi had improved the country a lot over his 40 years)- over 1/3 of the
entire population of Libya marched in SUPPORT of Gaddaffi, there was no evidence at all of Police killing innocent civilians- the evidence, some of
which went mainstream shows there were foreign terrorists inside the country killing police and civiliand in order to create destability.
Yet we bombed Libya to protect the people on 'humanitarian' grounds.
All this, whilst there is 100% evidence the people of Egypt are victims of incredible police/army brutality. Yet the West sits back and leaves them
to it. Double standards of epic proportions. But when you realise USA funded the tyrant regime of Egypt for their advantage for 30 years- then we
see that the true powers that be do not really care for human life.
Once you can accept this, then seeing that 9/11 was an inside job becomes a lot easier.
Norad never responded to hijacked planes- not even after the first plane hit, they never responded.
Silverstein was at the doctors on the day of 9/11.
The hijackers passport was found in the rubble- despite everything else turning literally to dust.
Buildings fell at close to free fall speed. You don't need to be an engineer to know this was demolition- if it collapses half way up, the bottom
half is still solid- so it wouldn't collapse downward with no resistance.
Bin Laden was plugged as the perpetrator on Fox news within an hour of the planes hitting.
BBC reported building 7 had fell before it had. You can't make excuses for reporting the future- no angle of mistake can explain this other than an
early press release.
Bush's unbelievable lies post 9/11- he can't even remember which story he told half the time.
The profit groups have made since 9/11- contracts for weapons, oil contracts- we've already got contracts in Libya.
It's so obvious once you just step back and look at the overall picture.