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WTC 7 was IMPLODED : irrefutable seismic evidence from LDEO and NIST itself.

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posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by dayve

I think i had it right the first time around, i could care less.. I'd rather know where carmen sandiego went with my wallet.... It was 11 years ago and people are done mourning, i think the "truth" should be left alone. We got the hijackers leave it at that.

I'm sure the families of the 3000 people murdered that day agree with you, just move on, who cares right? I'm sure the millions of dead Iraqis and Afghans also echo your sentiment, 11 years, old news who cares....

Yet, we're still teaching the holocaust in schools.... It's been over 50 years, old news, move on right?

The entire fate of the world shifted on 911 and 911 is the root of all of the issues we're dealing with now, economy, endless wars, you name it, it all changed.

So sorry, it's not old news, it DOES still matter, if we don't understand out history, we can never hope for a future. If we allow this to be swept under the rug, and a false narrative to be taught for the rest of time, we might as well just suck on the business end of a 12 gauge right now.

Sorry friend, but your attitude makes me sick, even if this event went EXACTLY as they say, we deserve a honest inquiry,

Or are you ok with the fact that they spent more time and money investigating Clinton and his penis than they did 911?

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 02:28 PM
I watched the video you provided. I saw the top sag, then the collapse.

I did not hear any major sounds until the collapse had started. Nor did the people in the video react as if they heard a loud explosion.

Yes, 911 happened ten years ago. I still want to know the truth of what happened. If that truth is the official story, so be it. If that truth is something else, then so be it.

There is no statute of limitations on murder. And I for one will never forget that day.

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by phishyblankwaters

Sorry friend, but your attitude makes me sick, even if this event went EXACTLY as they say, we deserve a honest inquiry

Let me guess - an "honest" inquiry would be one wherein the results confirm your particluar bias.

Or are you ok with the fact that they spent more time and money investigating Clinton and his penis than they did 911?

Really? You realize the investigation is still ongoing, correct? Also, no criminal investigation in the history of the US has consumed more manhours than 9/11. You, of course, also realize that the 9/11 Commission Report was not the sum total of all the investigation, correct?

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by LaBTop
Thanks Lab, for an excellent post. Watching 'the boys' attempts to discredit you is laughable, at best. Of all the events of that day, the free fall of tower 7 is by far the most incriminating, and since my belief is that flight 93 was originally headed for New York. When it became known that it was shot down, they had no choice but to destroy tower 7 right before our eyes. And then, act as though it never happened. Sounds crazy, don't it?

Some day, because of the efforts of patriots like you, we will expose these creeps. The smoking gun is tower 7, and this is where we need to shine the light. I honestly wonder how many Americans have actually seen the video of that 47 story building, fall unimpeded straight down, into it's own footprint? I wonder how many knew who the tenants were? The cover-up of this crime is so big it scares the bejeezus out of me, but I still want you to keep pushing.

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 02:42 PM
For all intents and purposes, it is known, that, any demolitions or explosions go like this: First there is a massive blast that can be heard, seen, and felt and very obvious to anyone standing nearby. Then the building begins to move and collapse. Yet, even when reading that one police officer's account of being right next to it when it started to fall, even he mentions hearing nothing right up until the radio started screaming for everyone to run cause the building was collapsing. How could he have missed the explosion(s) prior to collapse?

"I walked around it (Building 7). I saw a hole. I didn't see a hole bad enough to knock a building down, though. Yeah there was definitely fire in the building, but I didn't hear any... I didn't hear any creaking, or... I didn't hear any indication that it was going to come down. And all of a sudden the radios exploded and everyone started screaming 'get away, get away, get away from it!'... It was at that moment... I looked up, and it was nothing I would ever imagine seeing in my life. The thing started pealing in on itself... Somebody grabbed my shoulder and I started running, and the #'s hitting the ground behind me, and the whole time you're hearing "boom, boom, boom, boom, boom." I think I know an explosion when I hear it... Yeah it had some damage to it, but nothing like what they're saying... Nothing to account for what we saw... I am shocked at the story we've heard about it to be quite honest.""

Even here, LaBTop. You have a person who says to have been right next to it when collapse initiated, and yet somehow, the only thing that got his attention to the collapse was the radio and people yelling get away get away, and only then did he turn around and look, and see the building crashing down towards him. How the hell can he miss the massive blast that would have been registered on the seismographs miles away, while standing right next to said building? Yeah he's hearing "boom boom boom" as the building comes down, but I want to know, where was that earth-shaking KABOOM!!!!!!!! prior to the building crashing down on him?

This is why the Truth Movement hasnt gotten anywhere. Its the same old crap on the same old broken merry-go-round.

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by dillweed

my belief is that flight 93 was originally headed for New York.

What leads you to believe that? The fact that it was on a course for Washington DC? Or have you just plucked the notion out of the air with no evidence whatsoever?

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by Alfie1

Get me your source link, to show the readers their exact words about those 1-2 secs..
And guess what, the huge seismic waves are still in front of the writing of the Cianca moment on my big graph, even when you take the "worst case" scenario, by taking the maximum relative error off from the Cianca time writing by the seismograph needle. The fat vertical red line with "LDEO time" in its top.
You also seem to have a reading problem when viewing my graph, you missed my 2x2 secs vertical thin blue lines connected with a thin horizontal blue line with the words RELATIVE ERROR in it. Spanning the 17 seconds gap.

As usual you guys come only up with hogwash, you will never address the meat of the matter :
Exactly appearing in the seismogram at the moment you hear in that NIST video, that low explosion sound, muffled by the ground and all the buildings between the camera and WTC 7. They had already for a few hours swept the whole 4 blocks around the WTC 7 clean from any curious bystanders. FDNY standard procedure.

This post by Iwinder at page 5 in the thread titled :
PBS broadcast of “Solving the Mystery of WTC7″ reaches 2.7 Million Americans

tells all the readers at ATS in a few well phrased answers what the basics of JREF fanatics their multi-thousands posting habits are, i.o.w. what guys like you, your real intentions seem to be, according to your own words and online behavior.
I can only see a massive work in progress to destabilize all the 9/11 efforts to get the real truth out.
You constantly invade good threads, to flood them with needless posts, hoping the casual, still not convinced readers will hook-off. And most of the time you succeed, since not one forum owner wants-to or has yet found a good solution for this behavior.

We had a good working alternative in the early nineties web days already. Let the OP click/roll-up annoying posts to a single tab, that can be clicked/opened again by everyone of his readers, if they want.
That way your cleaned-up thread looks as you want to show it to serious readers, however nothing is really lost, and very curious readers can click a green tab above the opening post, that rolls open all closed by the OP posts in one move.
That was simple programming, said our young ADMIN in those days. He could talk to you while he typed Machine language programming on his screen. He was half Chinese and now a world-famous nuclear physicist at (redacted).

Interesting to try that out in this 9/11 forum. It would instantly cure us from JREFers wrecking all threads the last years. And also show to the readers how good any thread in fact is.
The same type of characters used the same roll up technique of course back on us, but in the end they found out that they got no visitors anymore in their own started threads.
In the end we had only serious posting behavior. And of course the sequential passing lunatic. Who got banned after we had fun with him or her. One we kept. He was so extremely funny we all cried bitter tears when we heard he hung himself.

A hundred years of seismic research in that region, btw also backed up by these two men, have always resulted in that 2 km per second traveling time through the upper crust, for specific seismic waves.
Deducted from thousands of small and bigger seismic events where the original position was exactly known, and start time was known in thousands of a second exact. Measured by an atomic clock.

The specific waves that are depicted in that very early (Wednesday for the 1 and 2 towers and Friday for WTC 7) published seismogram, that NIST has tried to falsify with every trick in the book.
They have deleted all later than that first week's work by Dr Kim from their websites, they even payed him to work for them and then DELETED his second report from 2006.
Because he did not wanted to alter his first results. He knew that he would get all his colleagues over him, when he would alter the well known 2 km per second time.

And about your assumption that a photo by NIST can not be that precisely clocked : hogwash!

Read the NIST report again, and their meticulous work done on ALL video and photo material, to get cross checked atomic clock aided results for every video clip and photo of the day of 9/11.

I just wiped you off my suspect list, since obviously you do not even take the time to read the NIST report, so how on earth could you ever read the instructions on how to hack a huge bulletin board?

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by -PLB-

How stubborn can you be?

Last line of the text of mine you quoted :

You would have found that wisdom, when you had followed my advice to first Search for my former, years old already, seismic and explosive threads and posts here at ATS.

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by hooper
reply to post by spav5

This is the problem with the world..without "credentials" your ideas are deemed meaningless.

No, it means without credentials you need to present a more complete argument.

When someone trots out their only tells me that they don't have a clue what they are talking about and need their "credentials" to convince me.

Really? So if someone presents their professional engineering license together with their argument it means less than someone presenting the same argument that has no professional education or training in engineering?

They need to make a better argument? You are proving my statement correct.

I guess I will have to trot out my PHD's to convince you.


posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by hooper
reply to post by LaBTop

The same goes for Alfie, however his answers are already offered on a plate in my first posts.
Seismic signals travel through the New York State bedrock, the 34 km from Manhattan to LDEO Palisades at a speed of 2 km per second, period.

Really? Prove it.

Solidly proved during hundred years of seismic research in that region.

Hundreds of years of seismic research? That would mean at least 200 years - so please show us where the seismic data for say, 1804.

You addressed a missing s, genius.
Btw, you are one of my prime hack-assist suspects, nastier than you they seldom present themselves.

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by LaBTop

the only problem with your logic is that one do you know how many bomb sniffing dogs woud have dectedted the bombs?

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by dayve

I think i had it right the first time around, i could care less.. I'd rather know where carmen sandiego went with my wallet.... It was 11 years ago and people are done mourning, i think the "truth" should be left alone. We got the hijackers leave it at that.

Ahhh yes let's leave the truth alone and stick our heads into our asses where we don't have to worry about such trivial things as truth.

You are not only NOT denying ignorance you are encouraging it, next time you have a thought keep your hands away from the keyboard.

I am not endorsing the OP's contention but he does have the right to state it, doesn't he?

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by dillweed

my belief is that flight 93 was originally headed for New York

So why then, according to Flight Data Recorder, dial in the VOR radio beacon at Reagan National in Washington
DC ?

Sorry - hard evidence trumps your opinions......

You lose again...,

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by LaBTop
reply to post by Xtrozero

Where did you come up with that wisdom?
Everybody here knows by now, that WTC 7 was a bottom up implosion.
While WTC 1 and 2 were top down implosions.

NOPE - not everyone.

And they were all bottom up implosions.

The weight of the floors above the plane impact zones collapsing triggered a harmonica effect so that the towers came down. But it was the floors above the impacts. Bottom up.

Same with the top floors of WTC7. The floor above the weak point collapsed and the weight carried it to the ground. Bottom up.

And all of you guys caiming the blast out from the windows being proof of a demolision need only take a paper bag, inflate it and clap your hands together with the bag between them. The air will escape through the weakest point(s). Do it with a dust bag from a vacuum cleaner and you can see the effect more clearly.

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by LaBTop
Btw, you are one of my prime hack-assist suspects, nastier than you they seldom present themselves.

Sorry to derail the thread a fraction, but could you elaborate on how a hacked ATS account can cause erased data on you HD and a memory stick?

I'd really like to know. I'd rather not get into the same problems with my data.

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 04:33 PM

Originally posted by LaBTop
As usual you guys come only up with hogwash, you will never address the meat of the matter :

Can't really work out if your timeline is connected to when WTC7 collapses into a heap or if you are counting from the moment when first of the three main trusses fail (the northeast corner not seen in the video you use as supporting evidence.)

Is it not also true that the northeast corner collapses about 7-8 seconds before the last two main trusses fail and the building collapses entirely?

edit on 27.2.2012 by HolgerTheDane because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 04:33 PM

Originally posted by smyleegrl
I watched the video you provided. I saw the top sag, then the collapse.

I did not hear any major sounds until the collapse had started. Nor did the people in the video react as if they heard a loud explosion.

Yes, 911 happened ten years ago. I still want to know the truth of what happened. If that truth is the official story, so be it. If that truth is something else, then so be it.

There is no statute of limitations on murder. And I for one will never forget that day.

At YouTube, read the comment by the poster. At 0:01 second in, when you ref up your speakers, you hear a clear low rumble. Then count the seconds in the time bar under the video, till the total roof line of WTC 7 starts to sink down. 12 Seconds.
Btw, in those first 2.3 seconds that that roof line sinks, it was measured first by David Chandler, member now of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, that real free fall occurred, which NIST resistantly had to admit, after many months of resisting the idea. Because it effectively wrecked their whole NIST report, which they had already offered to the press.
Free fall means no resistance under the falling mass. Equals foul play. Explosives.
Quod erat demonstrandum. Which I gave evidence of, already years before.

Free-fall, Nist its own video with the low frequency sound in it, surprisingly at the exact moment that combines perfectly with my LDEO + NIST their combined seismic and timestamped data graph, what more do you need to see that WTC 7 was rigged? The prolonged sinking in its own footprint?, The outer walls nearly perfectly falling inward? The BBC announcing its fall, twenty minutes too early, when we see WTC 7 still standing behind the announcing female reporter? All the ENRON and other crime files that disappeared?

Because the spectators were standing 4 blocks away they did not hear that sound as significant, which was also meant to be like that, and that's why I am quite sure that the planners opted for thermobaric explosives, with their very low sound profile, while still massively powerful. The Russians first used them to level half of the capital of Czernya. Then every military started to use them offensively.

They were talking in the video so loud in the mike, you get the impression that that 0:01 secs sound is not really important. However, when you take the distance, 4 blocks, in account, and all the obstacles in the way, it should be clear that when you count the 12 seconds after the rumbling sound up till the moment that the roof line starts sinking in its totality, that period which is in fact of course 13 seconds (speed of sound in air is 333 meter/sec so you add 1 sec) is exactly what can be seen as happening in my big seismogram with my additions.

Thus also giving added evidence that the Cianca-photo time stamp of the sagging of the eastern penthouse roof line, is very accurate.

But I did not need such confirmation, NIST has done quite a job to connect certain known events at 9/11 to an hours long CBS video where they knew that an atomic clock was running in the background to provide video time stamps to their footages. Then they picked out all the outstanding events, and connected all the other networks their videos to this specific CBS video that covered nearly the whole day of 9/11.
And after that, they did the same with all the donated photographs in their possession.
Also with the Cianca photo, and they added this atomic clock verified time stamp in their own published Cianca photo.
Which they can never retract anymore, or all their work fall apart.

BINGO, there was my anchor point for all my seismic research.
Now I had an atomic clocked NIST photo of a very significant event at the WTC 7 collapse, and the LDEO seismogram, also atomic clocked, of the WTC 7 collapse.

And ignore all the JREFers shouting in your ears, an atomic clock is about the best possible time measurement equipment available to humanity. There is no better evidence than that.
And at LDEO and at CBS these things were perfectly synchronized at installation, to the atomic clock at the server. I believe it gets its data from the US vice-presidents official home in Washington, which is an old astronomical observatory.

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by LaBTop
At YouTube, read the comment by the poster. At 0:01 second in, when you ref up your speakers, you hear a clear low rumble. Then count the seconds in the time bar under the video, till the total roof line of WTC 7 starts to sink down. 12 Seconds.
They were talking in the video so loud in the mike, you get the impression that that 0:01 secs sound is not really important. However, when you take the distance, 4 blocks, in account, and all the obstacles in the way, it should be clear that when you count the 12 seconds after the rumbling sound up till the moment that the roof line starts sinking in its totality,***snip***

You answered it already. You count from the roofline sinking in it's totality.

NOT from when the northeast corner starts falling.

Ah well.

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 04:49 PM
I would be happy to contact Djarums for you LaBTop.

Thanks for addressing some of the questions NIST failed to (IMO).

edit on 27-2-2012 by Asktheanimals because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by samkent
reply to post by LaBTop

Hacking your ATS account or any account will not change/delete 1 byte of data on your computer.
You should know this already.

But it gives the ill-intended a means to install a Trojan horse in a member's media account, by flipping an original file for seemingly the same file, but now with added malware. Especially photos are easy to change with added viruses and other malware.
More ways to infect your box are easily imaginable, since when you give your browser the order to enter a trusted site like ATS, it will accept any connection, since you gave the OK. Thus also a link-through command.
Which I awfully often see the last days. Luckily my browser warns me that a page wants to lead me to another page, every time again.

See some of these links inside this site :
I have left most of the paranoia behind, it does not pay to keep up with all the spy efforts online, so be it.

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