I want to add some more thoughts on this antichrist and beast thing....
I am going to take some time soon to read my bible more because there are some things that are confusing me.
I have changed in a lot of my world views over the years and this experience however confusing, i think was of utmost importance to me personally. I
needed to see things from different angles. During the Bush administration when we were about to go to war, although i feared for the casualties of
war I kept seeing inconsistencies in alternate world opinions.
i still believe Saddam was a horrible leader who was starting a lot of trouble and i didn't agree with the exact military strategy of ousting him from
the beginning and my intolerance for putting civilians in harms way should have been much higher. I did not oppose the war as i should have... but i
DO think the UN was jacking around. I DO still think that other world players apart from the US had been fueling terrorism behind masks.
i was told by someone who i admit that i cannot gauge the credibility of but will still mention this because it has been food for thought. He said
that the Bush administration was attempting to usurp power from the current Rothschild in power, who i believe is connected to the UN. the UN put in
place the false nation of Israel and i believe are directly connected to nazis, the Rothschild and other European interests and interest abroad in
general of various sources. this explains why the UN wasn't going for the war but couldn't really do much to stop it because we have some SERIOUSLY
MESSED UP weaponry. even Bush said it would be psychological warfare but we all thought he meant something else. Our government can be pretty
sick..and even we have Nazi influence (which i will elaborate on in a minute) it also might explain why an important leader of Israel died in Bushes
second term. How convenient. anyway, we appeared to be in cahoots with Israel the whole times... wearing our smiley face while dealing with them and
all that nice stuff, but we got them off the west bank in that time frame. YEP... sure did.
I think we wanted to (in that time, in that administration) root out Israel very covertly and in a very seemingly peaceful manner... never letting on
to the fact that we were trying to dismantle it actually. knowing All along that Israel did 9/11... but knowing that if we tried to fight Israel
everyone would be greatly confused as THEY couldn't be the TERRORISTS... they were JEWS!!! and everyone would have been even more like WTF than when
we attacked iraq. not to mention that if the Zionist state of israel is backed by Rothschild influence and the UN, the vatican etc etc, we would have
quite the third world war on our hands. Face it... ANYONE who attacks ISRAEL is going to be called the one who STARTS THE THIRD WORLD WAR.
So, we tried to pull a fast one and there is no telling how deep it went and how far we got... but here is an interesting tidbit.
Our government was bought by the same foreign influence LONG LONG ago...
We, although having fought Nazis) have Nazis in our government...we have a LOT of foreign influence, especially European and Roman catholic. If that
were not true, we would not be the same government we are today.
This just reminds me of the beast who rises that "GETS IT'S POWER FROM THE FIRST BEAST"
Anyone see where i am going with this?
Like I said, i need to read up on these things, but it clinks with a certain irony.
..and to quote a band that really REALLY irks me to quote for certain personal reasons
edit on 4-3-2012 by BlackSatinDancer because: (no reason given)