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The Anti Christ

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posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by Azadok

Hi Azadok -

You wrote:


"Their [sic] are many other things people misread in Genesis that perfectly explains life on earth today - so the fact you think you know Genesis does not make sense scientifically is because you listen to the traditions of man and his churchs [sic] interpretation of the bible, instead of correctly dividing the word of TRUTH yourself..."


This is compleat garbage and the ravings of a deluded brain which has no paleoHebrew or Aramaic under its belt.

Seriously, do you REALLY believe that the mangled text of the paleoHebrew book of Bereshth ('Genesis') is of any scientific value whatsoever ?

Are you even aware that there exists TWO creation myths of the Jews in the 1st book of the Hebrew canonical scriptures? (e.g. Myth #1 'Genesis' 1:1 to 2:4a and Myth #2 'Genesis '2:4b - 4:26)?

Did you even bother to compare the two Creation Myths at all, i.e. word for word and line for line? If so you would have seen many differences between them, including the fact that in the 1st creation myth of the Jews, Adam is BOTH male and female, created in the image of the ELOHIM ('in the day when ELOHIM created Adam in his own image, male AND female created he them, and he called THEIR name ADAM = Gen 5:1) i.e. no Hav vah (or Hayyah) or Eve being 'formed' from Adam's 'side' in the first creation myth.

Did you even know that Myth #1 (continued at Genesis 5:1-2) the creator god's name is ELOHIM (lit. 'gods') mis translated in the King James Version as 'God' - and that in Mth #2 the creator god's name is YHWH-elohim ('the god YHWH') mistranslated in the King James Version as 'The LORD God' ?

Did you know that in the 1st Creation Myth of the Jews (Genesis 1:1 to 2:4a) the ORDER or CREATION is UTTERLY un-scientific?

I mean, seriously,do you REALLY believe that our Sun, and our Moon AND all the stars were created AFTER the creation of vegetation, grass and 'Trees bearing their Fruit in them'?

Have you not heard of Photo-Synthesis? You would need a star or a sun to produce trees bearing their fruit inside them...or maybe you did not know that !

Did you not know that in the 1st Creation Myth of the Jews, ADAM is 'created' (Heb. 'Bara') on the 6th Day of Creation by 'ELOHIM' (i.e. the very LAST in the series AFTER the 'creation' of animals etc. whereas in the 2nd Creation Myth of the Jews ADAM was 'formed (Heb. Yatzar) from mud' BEFORE all the other animals were 'formed' from 'mud' by YHWH Elohim?

It's clear you have no Aramaic or Hebrew under your belt but I really have to ask - sorry but -

Or maybe you just need to polish up your 'reading skills' a little !!

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 03:32 PM
I think the "antichrist" is just a mindset about life. Anyone that lives out the opposite of love, kindness, peace extc. could be an "anti christ". There have been millions of "anti christ" throughout history.

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by grayghost

I don't think that Muhhamad was the antichrist but that the modern rendition of Islam is probably not what Muhhamad came up with on his own. I think some individuals took what Muhhamad created and tweaked it and added on a bunch of made-up stuff to make Islam become top-dog religion over the Catholic Christianity that was the rival at the time. To do that they had to run with the familiar themes and figures of the Bible. If Islam was to climb over Catholicism they had to integrate the Archangels and Muhhamad as the last prophet.

Even if you look at Catholic Christianity, you can see that men are responsible for adding dross to this religion that has nothing to do with any of it's teachings but with the self-appointed power of some men to inject holidays and rituals of their own making.

case in point: Michaelmas

[color=palevioletred]Michaelmas, the feast of Saint Michael the Archangel (also the Feast of Saints Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, the Feast of the Archangels, or the Feast of Saint Michael and All Angels) is a[color=palevioletred] day in the Western Christian calendar which occurs on 29 September. Because it falls near the equinox, it is associated in the northern hemisphere with the beginning of autumn and the shortening of days. In medieval England, Michaelmas marked the ending and beginning of the husbandman's year, George C. Homans observes: "at that time harvest was over, and the bailiff or reeve of the manor would be making out the accounts for the year."[1]

If it happened to Catholic Christianity then it probably happened to Islam too, and they've been around for a very long time. So you should expect that both religions have been injected with a ton of dross and flab that is redundant to what was originally intended.

edit on 27-2-2012 by ProstheticWearingShills because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by Sigismundus

Evidently you did not read what I wrote , gen.1:1 and on the first day God created the heavens and the earth . There was no date given this took place million if not billions of years ago

Genesis 1:2 and the earth became void and without form or in other words it was destroyed , this has nothing to do with the heavens , just the earth was destroyed for The rebellion of Satan .

The siixth day creation ( 6,000 year) was when all the races were created . God called them man in Hebrew that was Adam .

The 8th day creation in the Garden of Eden was Adam and Eve , this man in the original manuscripts was called ( not sure of exact spelling ) Ef Ha Adam or man to til the ground is its meaning , these are two different men .

You know what I just went over you rant again and you are fairly insulting , asking of I went to collage implying that it is some mark of intelligence. I am fairly sure I have forgotten mor e in life than most collage students have learned.

It is evident by your post you are not religious and more than like.y believe you came from some primordial ooze eventually becoming a monkeys uncle.

I am not very good with computers and even less so with this iPad , i would normally take the time to post the original verses in Hebrew and English to show a person that was serious about knowing the truth but for you I will do no such things because Jesus was clear that we should not cast our pearls before swine. Good day

You are correct that I do not have a good grip on paleo Hebrew but everything I said is true .
edit on 27-2-2012 by Azadok because: To add a missing reply.

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by Azadok

Hi Azadok -

You need to take a paleoHebrew course so you can read the texts which you purport to believe in, because as it stands now, you're walking around blind without a cane, pal.

So...from the jejune nonsense you posted back to me on this subject, it seems DO believe in talking snakes ? also DO believe in the existence of a Sky-Dome (Heb. 'Req'iak' - a hardened stone or metal firmament 'dome' which by definition spans hanging 'like a tent' over over a flat-earth) ?

(Do you REALLY believe in a FLAT earth? ugghhh!)

And....that you also believe that (somehow without PhotoSynthesis !!) Vegetation and Grasses and Trees 'bearing fruit inside them' could magically spring into existnece BEFORE the sun, the moon AND the stars?

Is that right?

Your gross and inept mishandling of the already-garbled paleoHebrew texts in Genesis show that you have ZERO understanding of the contents of the TWO Myths of Creation of the Jews - sort of begs the question....since you clearly do NOT have a grip on any of this mythical and pre-scientific material, why on earth do you insist on posting your nonsense on ATS ?

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by Sigismundus
reply to post by Azadok

Hi Azadok -

You need to take a paleoHebrew course so you can read the texts which you purport to believe in, because as it stands now, you're walking around blind without a cane, pal.

So...from the jejune nonsense you posted back to me on this subject, it seems DO believe in talking snakes ? also DO believe in the existence of a Sky-Dome (Heb. 'Req'iak' - a hardened stone or metal firmament 'dome' which by definition spans hanging 'like a tent' over over a flat-earth) ?

(Do you REALLY believe in a FLAT earth? ugghhh!)

And....that you also believe that (somehow without PhotoSynthesis !!) Vegetation and Grasses and Trees 'bearing fruit inside them' could magically spring into existnece BEFORE the sun, the moon AND the stars?

Is that right?

Your gross and inept mishandling of the already-garbled paleoHebrew texts in Genesis show that you have ZERO understanding of the contents of the TWO Myths of Creation of the Jews - sort of begs the question....since you clearly do NOT have a grip on any of this mythical and pre-scientific
material, why on earth do you insist on posting your nonsense on ATS ?

For some one that opines they have a grip. On this issue you seem to be at sea

The garden of Eden did not take place until at least two thousand years after the creation of the races Adam or man you keep going on about photo synthesis and trees growing .

You seem to be having a hard time with this so I will be clear in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. That was billions of years ago , verse two of genesis God destroys the earth but not the heavens . Then story goes on to describe recreation of the earth after its destruction.

What you have to understand is this is one story of recreation after destruction because of Satan ,the tree of knowledge of good and evil as you call him the talking snake, anyway he rose up against god in the first earth age and got 1/3 of gods creation us to follow him. This is why God destroyed the earth and all in it , this life xwe are living now is the second earth age .

Why do you think they have found human footprints in stone and sometimes along dinosaur tracks, these were from the first earth age. All these structures all around the world that people claim aliens built because we were to primitive , those were all part of the first earth age that did not get completely destroyed when God destroyed the earth.

I do not claim to know Palio Hebrew but I do know how to read and interpret info when need be. The book of genesis is one recreation story and the beginning of the controversy between Satan and God which is hard to follow with little information to decipher the whole issue between God and Satan . What the bible does say on the issue is that Satan was Gods most perfect creation who turned on him and caused one third of us to follow him.

If you have a serious. Question I will answer the best I can. It it seems to me you are all about disproving the bible while boasting how smart you think you are. Peace

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 03:24 AM
How does one form a belief or just simply come to conclusion that ANY past or present religious/political figure is the antichrist WITHOUT ANY proof? How does one NOT self-slap themselves directly after realising how offensive their posts are? HOW?

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 03:28 AM

Originally posted by Keeper of Kheb
don't listen to yougetwhatyoudeserve he doesn't know what he's talking about. There is a possibility however unlikely that the Antichrist could be the Mahdi the Muslim Messiah prophesied in their hadith. Ahmidinejad & the supreme leader of Iran both believe they are to usher in this messiah. The Islamic world is looking for their messiah and they believe that Jesus was not the son of God, just a prophet and that he will return with the messiah and declare that he lied and that he was never the son of God. The anti christ according to the bible he's called "the Assyrian" could mean a lot of things but, one things for sure he does rise up out of the Revived Roman Empire. That could be either the European Union or a New World Order. However there is strong possibility that he will come from somewhere in the middle east. I know this, if you don't take the mark of the beast the bible says some will be beheaded. There's only one religion in the world that beheads people for rejecting their religion and thats Islam. It could be that Islam percieves him as their messiah when really he's the false Christ.

the only??

don't forget the synagogue of satan *pretending* to be Muslims

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 03:50 AM
God will warn everyone personally about the anti-Christ and His chip, you must not look in his eyes. Throw out all your electronics after the Great Warning....

..."Behold, he cometh with the clouds, and every eye shall see him, and they also that pierced him. And all the tribes of the earth shall bewail themselves because of him. Even so. Amen. (Apocalypse 1:7)

This verse describes the warning. All of humanity will see my cross and suffering in the sky. At that moment, every person will see their sins and the current state of their soul. Also, your eternal destination and judgment will be revealed to you, as if it occurred, at that moment. You will then know the truth of the Divine Will. You will be given an opportunity to repent. If you repent and accept my mercy, your sins will be forgiven. This event will take place because of my Divine Mercy and Divine love for each person who is alive on your earth.

If mankind refuses the Divine Mercy of the warning, a chastisement greater than the flood will occur. My Father will allow Satan to establish the kingdom of an antichrist to punish mankind for rejecting the Divine Will. Your nations will be subjugated, your freedoms lost, with persecution and death to all who oppose this satanic kingdom. The demons of hell will be unchained and then My Father will cause the earth to undergo three days of darkness whereby the world will be cleansed of sin and the powers of hell. All those rejecting the Divine Will, without repentance, will be cast into hell until the final judgment. After the three days of darkness, the era of peace and the kingdom of the Divine will, will reign on earth as it is in heaven....

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 05:51 AM
reply to post by colbe

Uhhh how about no. You don't actually know the truth. Nobody does. We don't have proof that Jesus was ever alive or the antichrist. They are most likely either made-up to show us the difference between bad and good or they are/were real people. My guess is they're made-up.

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 07:01 AM
reply to post by colbe

I have given you my Mother Mary as an intercessor for you. Pray to her, for her mission is to lead you to her son Jesus.

Why do I need Mary to intercede for me to Christ when I can just go straight to Christ?

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 07:01 AM
reply to post by localparkflasher

Uhhh how about no. You don't actually know the truth. Nobody does. We don't have proof that Jesus was ever alive or the antichrist. They are most likely either made-up to show us the difference between bad and good or they are/were real people. My guess is they're made-up.

Wow, what hatred. Not even Agnostic and Atheist historians deny Christ lived, died at the hand of Pilate on a Roman cross, was buried, and His apostles all believed He appeared to them post-resurrection.

edit on 29-2-2012 by NOTurTypical because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by NOTurTypical
reply to post by colbe

I have given you my Mother Mary as an intercessor for you. Pray to her, for her mission is to lead you to her son Jesus.

Why do I need Mary to intercede for me to Christ when I can just go straight to Christ?

rather than pray to her, people should probably be praying for her just as one would pray for the defeat of satan as she is a spirit that is on a close path to christ and therefore probably takes a lot of spiritual heat from the dark side. ultimately I think her soul would be protected of course but as a person, she is as vulnerable as anyone else in my opinion and subject to pain.

and the reason i would say such a thing about someone who has passed..well...

You know it is said the dead in christ shall rise.

i don't think we are talking about zombies here.

We are talking about reincarnation in my opinion.

I do believe Satan is also bring back servants of the past.

I believe this is already WELL underway... we just can't see it with our human eyes. Anyone like this you would meet, would just be a new face in modern times.... but i have been noticing some really strange stuff and I'm not the only one.

I really think people are coming back.

Technically, she would be one of the dead in christ.

the population of the earth has grown to the point where many members of history could very well be present with us right now and we just don't know it.

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 02:39 AM
reply to post by NOTurTypical

Hatred? What are you talking about? I never denied anything. I only said there is no proof and that nobody knows whether Jesus was real or if the crucifixion actually happened. You were never there. If you want my attention, invent a time travel machine, grab an hd video camera, travel back in time get dna samples and travel back. Nobody knows anything yet. Not you or your doctor or your local pastor. I believe we're eventually going come across something worth talking about. I hope the proof we're all looking for comes after this "2012 end of the world" event.

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 02:43 AM

Originally posted by localparkflasher
reply to post by NOTurTypical

Hatred? What are you talking about? I never denied anything. I only said there is no proof and that nobody knows whether Jesus was real or if the crucifixion actually happened. You were never there. If you want my attention, invent a time travel machine, grab an hd video camera, travel back in time get dna samples and travel back. Nobody knows anything yet. Not you or your doctor or your local pastor. I believe we're eventually going come across something worth talking about. I hope the proof we're all looking for comes after this "2012 end of the world" event.

Well then historians know nothing from history if you want to take that route. Do you not think historians, even secular ones, can evaluate the historicity of the crucifixion or whether Jesus lived or not?

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 03:03 AM

Originally posted by localparkflasher
reply to post by NOTurTypical

Hatred? What are you talking about? I never denied anything. I only said there is no proof and that nobody knows whether Jesus was real or if the crucifixion actually happened. You were never there. If you want my attention, invent a time travel machine, grab an hd video camera, travel back in time get dna samples and travel back. Nobody knows anything yet. Not you or your doctor or your local pastor. I believe we're eventually going come across something worth talking about. I hope the proof we're all looking for comes after this "2012 end of the world" event.


what in the world would we compare the DNA to?

Should we grab his fingerprints and run them through the database as well?

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 03:21 AM

Originally posted by localparkflasher
reply to post by colbe

Uhhh how about no. You don't actually know the truth. Nobody does. We don't have proof that Jesus was ever alive or the antichrist. They are most likely either made-up to show us the difference between bad and good or they are/were real people. My guess is they're made-up.

local, hi, to help you with your doubt,

What is the benefit to lying? It's against God it's non-Christian.

If you don't believe the eyewitness testimony of the first Christians who
knew Our Lord what of all the famous major miracles in the last 2000 years? They point to Jesus Christ and His Sacrifice for mankind.

Here, studied, tested over and over by Science, who can't explain ~ I give three examples.

1. the Shroud of Turin
2. the Tilma of Guadalupe
3. the Stigmata, the wounds of Christ Padre Pio bore on his person for
fifty years

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 03:38 AM
Personally i think we are living exactly the way we are condemned to do. We are condemned not to live in peace. We are condemned to learn the knowledge of good and evil.

To be able to learn the knowledge of good and evil; We need evil to exist. If everyone was good, we would not learn the knowledge of evil.

God has not instructed us to create different religions, But God did make us speak different languages to confuse us. Because God saw what we were capable of if we worked together in unity.
edit on 27.06.08 by spy66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 04:30 AM
What was i lying about? I'm not on the Yes or No side. I'm in the middle because of the FACT that i personally haven't shook Jesus' hand or had a conversation with him. That's me, not you. Maybe you did. Maybe you're one of Jesus' apostles sent to the future to prepare the world for his arrival in 2012. You can go ahead and read scriptures and testimonies all day. There has to be something more than the 3 things you listed.

Originally posted by colbe

reply to post by colbe

local, hi, to help you with your doubt,

What is the benefit to lying? It's against God it's non-Christian.

If you don't believe the eyewitness testimony of the first Christians who
knew Our Lord what of all the famous major miracles in the last 2000 years? They point to Jesus Christ and His Sacrifice for mankind.

Here, studied, tested over and over by Science, who can't explain ~ I give three examples.

1. the Shroud of Turin
2. the Tilma of Guadalupe
3. the Stigmata, the wounds of Christ Padre Pio bore on his person for
fifty years

edit on 1-3-2012 by localparkflasher because: I suck at posting

posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 04:47 AM
reply to post by localparkflasher

I believe he is asking you why you think the gospel writers were "lying" about Jesus. Not you, lol.

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