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[color=palevioletred]Michaelmas, the feast of Saint Michael the Archangel (also the Feast of Saints Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, the Feast of the Archangels, or the Feast of Saint Michael and All Angels) is a[color=palevioletred] day in the Western Christian calendar which occurs on 29 September. Because it falls near the equinox, it is associated in the northern hemisphere with the beginning of autumn and the shortening of days. In medieval England, Michaelmas marked the ending and beginning of the husbandman's year, George C. Homans observes: "at that time harvest was over, and the bailiff or reeve of the manor would be making out the accounts for the year."[1]
Originally posted by Sigismundus
reply to post by Azadok
Hi Azadok -
You need to take a paleoHebrew course so you can read the texts which you purport to believe in, because as it stands now, you're walking around blind without a cane, pal.
So...from the jejune nonsense you posted back to me on this subject, it seems DO believe in talking snakes ? also DO believe in the existence of a Sky-Dome (Heb. 'Req'iak' - a hardened stone or metal firmament 'dome' which by definition spans hanging 'like a tent' over over a flat-earth) ?
(Do you REALLY believe in a FLAT earth? ugghhh!)
And....that you also believe that (somehow without PhotoSynthesis !!) Vegetation and Grasses and Trees 'bearing fruit inside them' could magically spring into existnece BEFORE the sun, the moon AND the stars?
Is that right?
Your gross and inept mishandling of the already-garbled paleoHebrew texts in Genesis show that you have ZERO understanding of the contents of the TWO Myths of Creation of the Jews - sort of begs the question....since you clearly do NOT have a grip on any of this mythical and pre-scientific
material, why on earth do you insist on posting your nonsense on ATS ?
Originally posted by Keeper of Kheb
don't listen to yougetwhatyoudeserve he doesn't know what he's talking about. There is a possibility however unlikely that the Antichrist could be the Mahdi the Muslim Messiah prophesied in their hadith. Ahmidinejad & the supreme leader of Iran both believe they are to usher in this messiah. The Islamic world is looking for their messiah and they believe that Jesus was not the son of God, just a prophet and that he will return with the messiah and declare that he lied and that he was never the son of God. The anti christ according to the bible he's called "the Assyrian" could mean a lot of things but, one things for sure he does rise up out of the Revived Roman Empire. That could be either the European Union or a New World Order. However there is strong possibility that he will come from somewhere in the middle east. I know this, if you don't take the mark of the beast the bible says some will be beheaded. There's only one religion in the world that beheads people for rejecting their religion and thats Islam. It could be that Islam percieves him as their messiah when really he's the false Christ.
I have given you my Mother Mary as an intercessor for you. Pray to her, for her mission is to lead you to her son Jesus.
Uhhh how about no. You don't actually know the truth. Nobody does. We don't have proof that Jesus was ever alive or the antichrist. They are most likely either made-up to show us the difference between bad and good or they are/were real people. My guess is they're made-up.
Originally posted by NOTurTypical
reply to post by colbe
I have given you my Mother Mary as an intercessor for you. Pray to her, for her mission is to lead you to her son Jesus.
Why do I need Mary to intercede for me to Christ when I can just go straight to Christ?
Originally posted by localparkflasher
reply to post by NOTurTypical
Hatred? What are you talking about? I never denied anything. I only said there is no proof and that nobody knows whether Jesus was real or if the crucifixion actually happened. You were never there. If you want my attention, invent a time travel machine, grab an hd video camera, travel back in time get dna samples and travel back. Nobody knows anything yet. Not you or your doctor or your local pastor. I believe we're eventually going come across something worth talking about. I hope the proof we're all looking for comes after this "2012 end of the world" event.
Originally posted by localparkflasher
reply to post by NOTurTypical
Hatred? What are you talking about? I never denied anything. I only said there is no proof and that nobody knows whether Jesus was real or if the crucifixion actually happened. You were never there. If you want my attention, invent a time travel machine, grab an hd video camera, travel back in time get dna samples and travel back. Nobody knows anything yet. Not you or your doctor or your local pastor. I believe we're eventually going come across something worth talking about. I hope the proof we're all looking for comes after this "2012 end of the world" event.
Originally posted by localparkflasher
reply to post by colbe
Uhhh how about no. You don't actually know the truth. Nobody does. We don't have proof that Jesus was ever alive or the antichrist. They are most likely either made-up to show us the difference between bad and good or they are/were real people. My guess is they're made-up.
Originally posted by colbe
reply to post by colbe
local, hi, to help you with your doubt,
What is the benefit to lying? It's against God it's non-Christian.
If you don't believe the eyewitness testimony of the first Christians who
knew Our Lord what of all the famous major miracles in the last 2000 years? They point to Jesus Christ and His Sacrifice for mankind.
Here, studied, tested over and over by Science, who can't explain ~ I give three examples.
1. the Shroud of Turin
2. the Tilma of Guadalupe
3. the Stigmata, the wounds of Christ Padre Pio bore on his person for
fifty years
edit on 1-3-2012 by localparkflasher because: I suck at posting