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Schumann Resonances, Electro Magnetism, and the Brain.

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posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 03:51 AM
reply to post by pianopraze

Despite Smirnov's death, Rusalkina predicts an "arms race" in psychotronic weapons. Such weapons, she asserts, are far more dangerous than nuclear weapons.
She pointed, for example, to a spate of Russian news reports about "zombies" -- innocent people whose memories had been allegedly wiped out by mind control weapons.


Mr Serdyukov said: ‘The development of weaponry based on new physics principles – direct-energy weapons, geophysical weapons, wave-energy weapons, genetic weapons, psychotronic weapons, and so on – is part of the state arms procurement programme for 2011-2020.’

Specific proposals on developing the weapons are due to be drawn up before December by a new Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency.


Well that's all the goodies in her thread for now...

Now I have to go spank her for holding out on me!

edit on 6-4-2012 by pianopraze because: ....

posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 09:54 AM

posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 10:25 AM
reply to post by pianopraze


Well comrade, just be thankful we are on the same side!

*just kidding*

Seriously, those things I found after I posted my OP on the Russian
Microwave Gun. The key was the search term "Russian".

What is so truly amazing is that Smirnov had this down in the 50's,
and the MIC came to him decades later for his technology.

So, we can imagine what they do now, I am sure its far beyond our imagination.


posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 10:37 AM
I am fairly certain that this document will clear things up,
I dont think its been posted to the thread yet.

Its said that DEW are the 'most feared and controversial weapon(s) of (the) modern age.'
A little reading here from about 5 years ago...well what was not classified.

Fantatic military document on Directed Energy Weapons.

Thats what is publically known, and not classified.
Just imagine what they have that remains classified!

posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by pianopraze

o.k. on the Siddhi point I was making -- this is really the heart of the matter in terms of quantum infinite potential.

So to develop these abilities -- actually you probably want to check out the new podcast interview with the CIA remote viewing paranormal spy -- Joe 6. Psychic Spy Joe McMoneagle Tells How His Near-Death Experience Led to Remote Viewing

O.K. he had a NDE and then a second NDE and in the first one he goes into the light and experiences the deepest love he's ever felt. But the second NDE he realizes that there's an "edge" to the light and the light is not the ultimate reality.

So what this means esoterically is that consciousness is not light but rather consciousness as the ultimate reality is the eternal process of creating light -- or in Western terms we could say that consciousness is the space-time vortex that creates light as mass is concentrated.

Anyway so in non-dualism of Vedanta the light is experienced but there is no individual experiencing it -- and actually the consciousness is not the light but rather the Emptiness that is experiencing the light.

This is what Joe McMoneagle realized in his second NDE experience -- and so this is specified in Vedanta philosophy -- it's discussed in Pantajali's Yoga Sutra for example as different kinds of samadhi. So again the Nirivikalpa Samadhi is like the Emptiness in Taoism where there is light but there is no "one" experiencing it.

Or for the modern materialist it is like deep dreamless sleep but instead of it being dark and in ignorance there is light -- but there is still no "one" experiencing it just like in deep dreamless sleep all sense of space and time are gone. So consciousness is beyond space and time.

This same paradox is discovered as the quantum infinite potential by de Broglie - he called it the Law of Phase Harmony. So as energy frequency goes to the speed of light then time slows down and expands but this violates the Law of Pythagoras that time as wavelength is the inverse of frequency. So then de Broglie realized that at zero frequency there is infinite time -- and this is the equivalent of consciousness but it can not be measured by technology. So this is before matter exists -- it is pure energy as consciousness as light but no individual measuring it.

Sri Aurobindo also recognized this paradox - so then any paranormal spiritual powers that develop do so while in the Emptiness but if the ego uses the powers then there is an imbalance again because the Emptiness harmonizes the energy but without any individual awareness. So then the measurement or use of the power is based on duality as an individual uses it with another individual receiving it.

O.K. the Bushmen culture also realized this paradox -- the book on NISA describes this -- she was a female who tried to train to be a healer but the pain is too intense for the training. Anyway so she says that the healer "trances" the person they are healing -- but then God watches and guides the healing. This is also saying that the Emptiness or impersonal consciousness guides the energy while the healer and the person being healed are in a trance.

So then Ramana Maharshi called this the "three in one" pure triad -- or it's also the three gunas, the oldest philosophy of India or the Pythagorean Tetrad. In Mahayana Buddhism it's called the "different levels of emptiness."

So this process of transformation is eternal because it's based on asymmetry as complementary opposites -- it's how sound works -- we can only listen to sound. The source of sound is eternal -- so we can not see consciousness but we can listen to it and this process creates the healing light energy.

Buddha called it the "inner ear method."

O.K. so in Western terms the real secret energy weapons are anti-matter weapons.

Following the same pattern as above, the quantum potential Q is now assumed to act as a dispersive refracting material. from the pdf The Matter-Antimatter Concept Revisited

We have tried here to provide a physical interpretation of the sub-quantum medium from which the particle-antiparticle symmetry originates within the double solution theory elaborated by Louis de Broglie. In the Riemannian approximation which we have presented above, the introduction of a term generalizing the quantum potential would appear as that having a somewhat degree of arbitrariness. However, if one refers to our extended general relativity theory (EGR theory), the introduction of this term is no longer arbitrary as it naturally arises from its main feature.

So based on de Broglie's "double solution" or Law of Phase Harmony model there is a faster than the speed of light consciousness.

posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by Phage
You are mistaken.

Well NASA says ELF radiation produces audible sound waves

They call it electrophonics

Abstract. For more than 200 years large meteors entering the atmosphere have been observed to produce audible sounds simultaneously with the optical flash. Since sound waves travel much slower that visible light, the only explanation was that electromagnetic waves produced by the meteors induce a vibration in a transducer close to the observer, producing an audible sound, known as electrophonics.

NASA is also working with the NAVY (who operates HAARP) to seed LEO with chemicals and metals to use to direst HAARP transmissions

Got a whole thread on that here
NAVY and NASA - The REAL "Chemtrails"

Ghost Hunters also seem to have many studies showing ELF waves cross the line into audible sounds

So Padawan... it is YOU who are mistaken... about a great many things

posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 02:55 PM


posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 03:35 PM

So, we can imagine what they do now, I am sure its far beyond our imagination.
reply to post by burntheships

And what they do not with our consent. Thats what concerns me!

Im hearing the twilight zone theme in my head... lol

posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by zorgon

And what you have just sited is what others call "fireballs".

This is also in my opinion what people are hearing (booms) and seeing that "doesn't appear to be lighting".

There is a news anchor clip floating around whereas she is delivering the traffic news and the camera catches what appears to be a blown transformer but was confirmed not to be a transformer.

posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 03:51 PM


posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 03:52 PM


posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by pianopraze

Zorgon introduced some information on "The Mind Has No Firewall"
in the thread on The Russian Zombie Microwave Gun.

From that, I found two more fantastic resources!

Psychotronic Golgotha
by N.I. Anisimov, 1999

And found this too.

The Mind Has No Firewall
by Mr. Timothy L. Thomas
Foreign Military Studies Office, Fort Leavenworth, KS.


This article first appeared in the
Spring 1998 issue of Parameters


"It is completely clear that the state which is first to create such weapons will achieve incomparable superiority."
Major I. Chernishev, Russian Army 1

The human body, much like a computer, contains myriad data processors. They include, but are not limited to, the chemical-electrical activity of the brain, heart, and peripheral nervous system, the signals sent from the cortex region of the brain to other parts of our body, the tiny hair cells in the inner ear that process auditory signals, and the light-sensitive retina and cornea of the eye that process visual activity. 2 We are on the threshold of an era in which these data processors of the human body may be manipulated or debilitated.

posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by zorgon
NASA is also working with the NAVY (who operates HAARP)

Links? NAVY? RENSE says:

Operated by the Air Force Research Laboratory's Space Vehicles Directorate

Are your sources poor?

to seed LEO with chemicals and metals to use to direst HAARP transmissions

Links? References?

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 12:28 AM

Originally posted by buddhasystem
pecific post of Phage are you replying to?

The post where he is wrong, obviously. It need not concern you

reply to post by buddhasystem

links are in the post... I can see them... not sure why you can not?

carry on...

edit on 7-4-2012 by zorgon because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 12:36 AM

Originally posted by zorgon

Well NASA says ELF radiation produces audible sound waves

They call it electrophonics

One might ask "One, how come I don't hear 50 and 60Hz noise all the live long day" in such a case. Lacking that perception, one might call the conclusions of this paper into question. Just sayin'

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 12:37 AM

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 02:30 AM

Originally posted by burntheships
I am fairly certain that this document will clear things up,
I dont think its been posted to the thread yet.

Its said that DEW are the 'most feared and controversial weapon(s) of (the) modern age.'
A little reading here from about 5 years ago...well what was not classified.

Fantatic military document on Directed Energy Weapons.

Thats what is publically known, and not classified.
Just imagine what they have that remains classified!

We are probing the edges of what is classified... and maybe crossing it a little in this thread.

Certainly at the least bringing together puzzle pieces that are out there that are miscellaneous places and showing a section - a bit of the picture - they don't want us putting together.

I read the full report and it has a lot less than is in this thread. We are doing good work

You remain, as always, a treasure trove of primary sources


posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 02:36 AM

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by Phage
You are mistaken.

Well NASA says ELF radiation produces audible sound waves

They call it electrophonics

Abstract. For more than 200 years large meteors entering the atmosphere have been observed to produce audible sounds simultaneously with the optical flash. Since sound waves travel much slower that visible light, the only explanation was that electromagnetic waves produced by the meteors induce a vibration in a transducer close to the observer, producing an audible sound, known as electrophonics.

NASA is also working with the NAVY (who operates HAARP) to seed LEO with chemicals and metals to use to direst HAARP transmissions

Got a whole thread on that here
NAVY and NASA - The REAL "Chemtrails"

Ghost Hunters also seem to have many studies showing ELF waves cross the line into audible sounds

So Padawan... it is YOU who are mistaken... about a great many things

ELF can be both audible sound - infrasound and Inaudible EM.

The brain seems to be affected by both and able to be entrained to both.

There is a lot of interesting science that is not being shown when it comes to sound and EM... the more I explore this subject the more tantalizing bits come up like what our qui master is showing us in this thread.

I am so happy to have everyone in here bringing together all this knowledge.

And, I'm sure you know, and I've previously quoted the military showing they can use HAARP to bounce ELF waves in a narrow band and use the ionosphere to change those into ELF EM waves up to visible and infrared light... very fascinating. It does not say so, but I think that sound would be possible also.... but I can't prove that. The air force does have a patent for producing sound from EM waves though...

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 02:55 AM

Originally posted by Bedlam

One might ask "One, how come I don't hear 50 and 60Hz noise all the live long day" in such a case. Lacking that perception, one might call the conclusions of this paper into question. Just sayin'

Actually people are reporting hearing and being affected by it... I am looking for an old discovery program on NAVY ELF used to commmunicate with submarines being thought as the source of this...

Here it is:

human hearing varies by person but generally is 20Hz to 20kHz. wiki

I don't find it surprising that some can hear/be affected by lower frequencies or higher... it's possible, dogs for instance have higher. Elephants use Lower for long distance communication. Many animals seem to go for higher ground when there are earthquakes/tsunamis. No we are not Elephants or Dogs, but many also reportedly feel earthquake ELF before the actual earthquake and feel sick. Can't find the interviews, but I know I've seen a program on that also.

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 03:23 AM

Originally posted by burntheships
reply to post by pianopraze

Zorgon introduced some information on "The Mind Has No Firewall"
in the thread on The Russian Zombie Microwave Gun.

From that, I found two more fantastic resources!

Psychotronic Golgotha
by N.I. Anisimov, 1999

And found this too.

Very interesting!

Here are some interesting quotes from reading your link above:

Psychotronic weapons are related to one of the types of the so-called "nonlethal" weapons. Their invisible components can kill at a distance, imitating or causing any chronic illness, they can make a person a criminal or irresponsible, create aviation, railroad or automobile accidents in a matter of seconds, destroy fundamental structures, destroy, create or provoke any climatic cataclysm, control the most complex instrument or mechanism, control the behavior of people and any biological object and change the world-view of the population.

We saw this in the first gulf war... they made them so miserable they just surrender en mass. Amazing.

The second type put out of a order only living powers, permitting the destruction of the psyches of the enemy, the coordination of body movement, muscular tone, the change in the functioning of various systems of the body, among them the cardio-vascular system and visual apparatus. Radio-sound is employed that is capable of lulling to sleep large contingents of enemy troops and of optical-generating capabilities for the projecting into the atmosphere holographic monstrous images to demoralize enemy soldiers. Holographic images of "the grim reaper" and armadas of "UFOs", an artificially created crimson-red setting sun and the appearance of images of the moon during the daytime, or artificially created unpleasant climatic conditions in specific places where military activities are underway, undo the psychological processing of the enemy and create panic. With over-doses of the given effects are caused trauma to organs that are not treatable, mental damage that is non-treatable,

I never learned farci (spelling?) but it would be fascinating to hear what they experienced. But that info is never released!

The God helmet shows how this works. People under these EM bombardments experience possessions, demons etc on some settings.. and rapture/god visitations on others, and on some they feel like they are going out of body:

Makes you wonder if a lot of the "alien abduction" experiences are government experiments on people... I mean if the people think it's aliens who are experimenting on them they 1. less likely to report it 2. not going to blame the government for it. Makes you wonder.

the aim of taking hold in the minds of uninformed citizens, and serves as a preventive defense for the criminals who are employing these types of weapons against the population on a mass scale. In connection with these and a host of other circumstances, today nonlethal weapons do not come under even one of the international conventions which would prohibit the development, accumulation and applications of such types of weapons.

sounds like the authors really belong on ATS. this directly confirms a lot of what people say on here.

There exist three types of psychotronic influencing on a person: secret, open and combined.

sounds familiar...

All national psychotronic programs carry a coded name:"zombie". But if earlier the term "zombie" meant a person bio-robot whose brain had been rigidly coded with the help of narcotics and special psychological influencing, then in contemporary interpretation "zombie" implies an abbreviation which is deciphered as: secret object of medical-biological research. Why secret? This is because of the costs of the person under testing speaking to those around him about what is going on with him, as in matters that appear in all the above described types of defenses. The person under testing, being under the control and command via the psyche, is outwardly little different from ordinary people. Psychotronic terrorists vigilantly track him in order to ensure that he remains secret up to his very death.

So the soviet union experimented on people without their knowledge. Controlled their psyche... the person looked little different from ordinary people. And they made sure the secret was kept until the death of the person... but certainly this was only the USSR, not the US, right??? Oh, yeah... MK ULTRA. We admitted doing this and apologized. They used Operation Paperclip NAZI's up to at least 1973. And I can't prove it but I know they did after this in the black beyond black which have no names that Ingo Swann talked about.

So this is not primary source, it is Russian people whistle-blowing. But still fascinating.

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