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Originally posted by chr0naut
reply to post by pianopraze
Schumann resonances are strongest in the ionosphere and upper atmosphere.
Our heads are here on earth.
Although there is some overlap of frequency range, the spatial separation would tend to indicate that these are separate phenomena.
1.1 Schumann Resonance Electromagnetic Fields in the Evolution of Life
A continuous extremely low frequency (ELF) process is present in the geomagnetic field. Resonant oscillations in the ionosphere of the Earth and oscillations in the plasmasphere and the magnetosphere are caused by the solar wind. The peaks of the resonant characteristic of the system are called the Schumann resonances, and reside approximately on 100, 21, 14.1, 7.8, 5.7, 4, 1, 0.1 and 0.001 Hz [1]. The most common geomagnetic frequency is 7.8 Hz and plants, animals and humans living in such environment are known to benefit from it [1,2].
4.1 Effects of ELF Magnetic Field Exposures on Human EEG Activity
Preliminary study by Cvetković et al. was conducted to investigate whether the ELF magnetic field of 8.33 Hz could effect the EEG activity in 8 subjects [35- 41]. The preliminary results indicated substantial changes in specific bands, which encouraged further experiments with multiple sinusoidal extremely low frequency (ELF) (50, 16.66, 13, 10, 8.33 and 4 Hz). Linearly polarised magnetic flux density of 20±0.57 μT (rms) was applied to the human head over a non- continuous period of 12 minute, to determine possible alterations in the EEG rhythms on 33 human volunteers [16]...
The fundamental Schumann resonance frequency has been claimed to be extremely benificial to existence of the biological cycle phenomenon of plants, animals and humans living. However, the results from our acupuncture meridians and EEG activity studies, have shown that frequencies between 8.8 and 13.2Hz, between the Schumann resonance maximums, confirm that the human body absorbs, detects and responds to ELF environmental EMF signals. This is a classical physics phenomenon, utilised in telecommunication systems, which definitelly needs to be further investigated for a possible biological cell-to-cell communication implications.
You have presented no such proof. To the contrary, your sources reiterate that HAARP can only affect the ionosphere above the antenna array.
piano - here is proof it can be aimed anywhere they want and produce the waves
I said the HAARP transmitter can only produce high frequency radio waves. This is true.
phage - only poorly, and it only goes strait up, it can't produce any of the waves you say...
You are mistaken. HAARP works wonderfully well for what it was designed for; ionospheric research. Specifically the ionosphere above Gakona.
piano- glad our government spends billions on systems that don't work and they can't really aim systems they say they can aim...
This story is historically incorrect. Tesla’s papers did not disappear. From all accounts, the actions taken following Dr. Tesla's death on January 7, 1943 were conducted in an orderly and respectful fashion. According to those present at the time, Tesla's papers and other personal possessions were placed under the charge of the Office of Alien Property. His supposedly 'lost' papers, even the ones on advanced weapons, along with his personal belongings, were brought to the Manhattan Warehouse and Storage Co., locked up, and a certificate of ownership was issued to his nephew Sava Kosanovic. It being wartime and considering Tesla's involvement in remote detection and advanced weapons development the papers were quickly inspected for items possibly important to national defense and then microfilmed. FBI documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) show that these United States Government microfilms were made available for use by the U.S. Army, Navy, and Air Force. In 1952 the consolidated estate was shipped to Yugoslavia.
Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by pianopraze
You have presented no such proof. To the contrary, your sources make it clear that HAARP can only affect the ionosphere above the antenna array.
piano - here is proof it can be aimed anywhere they want and produce the waves
I said the HAARP transmitter can only produce high frequency radio waves. I also said that it can be used to induce ELF/VLF in the ionosphere...low powered ELF/VLF, when conditions are favorable.
phage - only poorly, and it only goes strait up, it can't produce any of the waves you say...
HAARP works wonderfully well for what it was designed for; ionospheric research. Specifically the ionosphere above Gakona.
piano- glad our government spends billions on systems that don't work and they can't really aim systems they say they can aim...
The presence of electric fields and currents in the auroral oval provides HAARP with unique capabili- ties. It can be used as a low-frequency transmitter or radio system that is tunable continuously over the range from 0.001 Hz to 40 kHz. This function is achieved by amplitude or frequency modulation of the transmitter signal at the desired low frequency. The ionosphere, acting as a high-frequency filter, demodu- lates the HF signal and returns an electromagnetic sig- nal with frequency equal to the low modulation fre- quency. This wave can propagate with low attenuation over thousands of kilometers, guided by the waveguide
Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) waves: ELF waves up to 100 Hz are once more naturally occurring, but they can also be produced artificially (such as for the Navy’s Project Sanguine for submarine communication). ELF-waves are not normally noticed by the unaided senses, yet their resonant effect upon the human body has been connected to both physiological disorders and emotional distortion. Infrasound vibration (up to 20 Hz) can subliminally influence brain activity to align itself to delta, theta, alpha, or beta wave patterns, inclining an audience toward everything from alertness to passivity. Infrasound could be used tactically, as ELF-waves endure for great distances; and it could be used in conjunction with media broadcasts as well.
Schumann resonances occur because the space between the surface of the Earth and the conductive ionosphere acts as a closed waveguide. The limited dimensions of the Earth cause this waveguide to act as a resonant cavity for electromagnetic waves in the ELF band. The cavity is naturally excited by electric currents in lightning. Schumann resonances are the principal background in the electromagnetic spectrum[1] beginning at 3 Hz and extend to 60 Hz,[2] and appear as distinct peaks at extremely low frequencies (ELF) around 7.83 (fundamental)
Originally posted by TiM3LoRd
No offense but i think the banter between the OP and Phage has taken this topic slightly off center.
The threat title is pretty clear we are talking about the effects the Schumann resonance (which we can all agree is electromagnetic in nature and NOT sound based) has on the brain.
So What are the points we have to agree on in order to get this discussion into where it needs to be.
First, what is the range of the Schumann resonance, as in how far does it have to reach to effect a bioligical system i.e the human brain.
Now how much energy would be needed to actually effect the brain? Not much at all. Its all to do with frequency and not power. like matching the right harmonics will shatter a glass.
What we do know about the brain is that it has its own crystals "calcite crystals" to be exact in the Pineal gland. I authored a thread on the topic with much more info than I can include here. Suffice to say this is a fact and there are pictures to prove it
Calcite crystals in the Pineal Gland
So envision a crystal radio in your head with the pineal gland as the tuning fork and the Schumann resonance as the field in which these signals are transmitted through.
Disruption to the medium would hamper the way we send and receive these subtle energies and could go a long way to explain the disconnect we humans feels on a very subconscious level. Divide and concur indeed.
If one is conspiratorially inclined as I suspect a few on this site are one might even say altering the Schumann resonance could be a way of mass hypnosis. I have no idea if this can even be done or if they can somehow disrupt it with another signal where there is disharmony withing the field. Im just speculating.
But what we do know is that there are calcites in the brain and electromagnetic radiation and fields effect crystals.edit on 26-2-2012 by TiM3LoRd because: (no reason given)
In 1992, Kirchvink et al conducted experiments on human brain samples and the results from these studies indicated that human brains contain trace amounts of magnetite or ferromagnetic material, which were found distributed over all cerebral lobes, the cerebellum, basal ganglia and midbrain [4]. The main conclusion from these findings was that the magnetic senses or magnetoreception should share many attributes of other sensory systems, which include neural amplification and transmission pathways to direct signals to the brain [5]. Kirschvink et al (2001) reported that it was still unclear whether people have a magnetic sense. However, the magnetite (4ng of magnetite per 1g of brain tissue) found in human brains was very similar to those in bacteria, insects and animals [6]. This magnetite or ferromagnetic material is shaped in such a way as to be optimal for use as a magnet. Considering that ferromagnetic materials interact strongly with magnetic field, there is a possibility that the interaction with external magnetic field could influence the brain tissue characteristics and possibly brain functioning. The mechanism of magnetoreceptors has not been identified conclusively but there has been an agreement with biophysical models proposing that the geomagnetic field interacts with photoreceptors.
Since life on earth has always taken place in such environment of EM radiation of cosmic, atmospheric and geomagnetic origin, and given the previous outline of how biological systems use resonant electromagnetic pathways at the molecular level and possibly for more morphogenic system wide communications, one could reasonably assume that living system have developed natural defense mechanism to ensure the integrity of their internal electromagnetic communications [7]. However, man-made or artificial EM radiation is a very recent phenomenon and may pose a new source of possible interference that naturally evolved biological systems would most likely not be prepared. Man-made fileds feature frequency ranges, intensities and modulations hitherto never encountered in the natural world.
i.e. It broadcasts one signal strength, as it is bounced off the ionosphere it become a different wavelength, in the ELF frequency of the Schumann ELF waves. IT CLEARLY STATES IT IS GUIDED.
See Playfair, Guy L. and Hill, Scott, The Cycles of Heaven
Guy Lyon Playfair (born 5 April 1935) is a freelance writer and translator best known for his books about parapsychology
Now working on a book on alternative medicine, perfecting my time machine, teleportation cabinet, and bioenergy computer doctor
I didn't list any purposes other than ionospheric research. That research covers a wide amount of territory. Some of that research would absolutely be of interest militarily, in particular in the fields of communications and surveillance (radar). But it all involves affecting a small region of the ionosphere above Gakona. None of it involves sending a beam to a certain location. Here's a sample:
The Military says it has lots of other purposes than you list.
Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by pianopraze
You do not understand what is happening on several levels.
Col. Aquino. Did you see the source he used for that footnote?
See Playfair, Guy L. and Hill, Scott, The Cycles of Heaven
A book from 1978. Who is Guy Playfair? He's a writer.
Guy Lyon Playfair (born 5 April 1935) is a freelance writer and translator best known for his books about parapsychology
Who is Scott Hill? Well here's what he's up to nowadays.
Now working on a book on alternative medicine, perfecting my time machine, teleportation cabinet, and bioenergy computer doctor
Sorry, I don't accept psuedoscience no matter who uses it as a source.
WHOAMI? My name is Scott Hill, I was born 21.3.49 in the U.S.A. and have been living for over 33 years in Denmark.
Master's degree in biophysics/bioengineering from Rice University in Houston, Texas in 1972. Presently affiliated with the University of Copenhagen, and other institutes for higher learning in Scandinavia. Founding member, Scandinavian Herbal Institute, research director, Danish Society for Psychical, Frontier Sciences Group Research, member, Biofeedback Research Society, Society for Psychical Research (London), International Association for Psychotronic Research. Researcher, Writer, Teacher, Musician, Healer...
So envision a crystal radio in your head with the pineal gland as the tuning fork and the Schumann resonance as the field in which these signals are transmitted through.
Originally posted by Phage
The HF beam is somewhat steerable within a very narrow range above Gakona (that is how it is "wiggled"). The ELF/VLF radiation (produced in the ionosphere) is not aimable, there is no way to aim it.
We implement a new method of ELF/VLF wave generation, herein named ‘geometric modulation’, involving scanning the HF heating beam in a geometric pattern without modulating its power. Utilizing results from the upgraded 3.6 MW radiated HAARP HF antenna array, we show that geometric modulation can enhance ELF/VLF wave generation by up to ∼11 dB over the conventional AM method. Geometric modulation also allows directional launching of the signal into the Earth-ionosphere waveguide, forming an unprecedented steerable large-element ELF/VLF ionospheric phased array.
Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by TiM3LoRd
So envision a crystal radio in your head with the pineal gland as the tuning fork and the Schumann resonance as the field in which these signals are transmitted through.
I have a problem with this analogy. A crystal radio needs a bit more than a tuning circuit. Among other things it needs an antenna (composed of an electrical conducting material). An antenna, to be effective (especially to convert an extremely low powered signal) should have a length related to the desired wavelength. Schuman frequencies have very long wavelengths. For example the 20.8Hz frequency has a wavelength of 14,423 km. A quarter wave antenna (the minimal optimized length) would have to be 3,605 km long.
While a high impedance receiver can get away with shorter antennas than that I just don't see what part of the human body can act as an antenna for the pineal gland.
1 neuron = 10 microns wide 10 neurons = 100 microns wide 100 neurons = 1000 microns wide = 1 mm wide 1,000 neurons = 10 mm wide = 1 cm wide 100,000 neurons = 100 cm wide = 1 m wide 100,000,000 neurons = 1000 m = 1 km 10,000,000,000 neurons = 100 km 100,000,000,000 neurons = 1000 km (approximately 600 miles)
Originally posted by shadowland8
reply to post by pianopraze
So what happens to your brain when in space and well beyond the Earth's natural electro magnetism? Interesting subject nevertheless.
Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by TiM3LoRd
I just picked one of the resonant frequencies. 7.83Hz has a longer wavelength, 38,314 km.
The human nervous system is not really a very good electrical conductor, that's why electricity damages it. While the signals which pass through neurons are electrical in nature it isn't really electricity, it's the movement of potassium and sodium ions. Not only that, not all neurons are in physical contact with others, they are separated at the synapses. But even if they were, an antenna doesn't work when its all bunched up, it has to be extended linearly.
edit on 2/27/2012 by Phage because: (no reason given)
The invention of the fractal antenna is something of an unannounced miracle of technology and is capable of receiving (and transmitting) a wide range of frequencies in a compact space. They are at the heart of all modern cell phones
Originally posted by Rawzee
If you take notice of a cat when its damaged its self it will purr for hours at a time, i always thought they could heal them selves to some degree if you have any more info on this could you message me please.
Originally posted by tgidkp
reply to post by pianopraze
with all of your foot stomping in response to phage's messages, you consistently fail to address a one certain topic that he has brought up to you in this thread and others:
*** EM waves are not the same as SOUND waves. ***