posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 04:11 PM
Oh you got that message!
A few people on 4chan said they got a response similar to that.
Interestingly there was a weird synchronicity surrounding the comment (Probably a set up by 'Frank' or the Frank copycat)
Story goes like this:
There is a popular meme on 4chan paranormal, some sort of female character called /x/tan:
The character was created by somebody on Deviant Art named Cosomo..
Some Anon on /x/ claimed (As is quite common on this board) that they were trying to create something called a 'tulpa', (Which is some sort of
spiritual yogi thing I don't know) But it is a popular practice on X especially for 'newfags' (Newbies)
Anyway this particular person claimed to have tried to make a tulpa of X-tan, and half imagined a ghostly figure of her when she whispered in his ear
'My name is Cos not tan' then apparently turned into a man.
This is most likely another prank by the Frankcopycat on 4chan who is trying to stir up hype around the urban legend. But you can see at least some
more depth in the comment. Very interesting.
You know i'm surprised so many people are claiming to get responses from this email? No one I know has got a response in two years.