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$2.50 gas and other idiocy

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posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by The Sword

When are people going to start using their brains on here eh?

Oil is a global commodity that is traded from NY to London to Tokyo and everywhere in between BUT when it comes to the price at the pump in every country everyone pays a different price at the pump.

Which is regulated by their Government's via regulation and taxation.

That is on Obama in this country.
edit on 26-2-2012 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 02:45 PM
USE the free Market!

Ya Obama, use the free market, by interfering with the free market and saving us
from high gas prices.

It is all just off the charts stupid, you don't need sense. you need words
that only SOUND sensible.

If Newt is going to give you lower gas prices, then he is going to interfere,
which is not free market, which apparently makes him a communist or
a secret muslim.

I think the right wing shoots out so much stupidity simple to confuse the hell
out of people so much that nothing makes any sense. Then they can inflict
the pain in a the mass confusion.

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by neo96

I don't know. You tell me.

There's enough partisan flotsam on this site to fill up Lake Baikal.

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by neo96
reply to post by The Sword

When are people going to start using their brains on here eh?

Oil is a global commodity that is traded from NY to London to Tokyo and everywhere in between BUT when it comes to the price at the pump in every country everyone pays a different price at the pump.

Which is regulated by their Government's via regulation and taxation.

That is on Obama in this country.
edit on 26-2-2012 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

You realize that the gas companies charge and earn the money at the pump Neo.

Do you realize if Obama gets involved, he will not be using free market ideas, he will
be interfering.


posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by mastahunta

You realize that those oil companies have to go to the government to get leases comply with epa rules and regulations as well as other regulations including financial.

Then spend the billions of dollars in finding that oil then refining that oil and then bringing it to market so you can drive up to that pump and push that button and put gas in your car.

They are spending all the capital taking all the risk playing by all the rules so you can sit here and cry that it's just not free

Because that really is the main beef about gas prices IT SHOULD BE FREE.
edit on 26-2-2012 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by neo96

That is on Obama in this country.

So wait, Obama has the power to dictate prices at the pump now? LOL when did he nationalize the oil industry and set price controls? Must have missed that one.

Meanwhile, supply is the highest it's ever been, demand is lower, yet speculators have driven prices up.

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by Blackmarketeer

Obama banned offshore drilling and kicked the keystone pipleline and has the power to issue oil leases.


posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 02:55 PM
Compared to our European counterparts, we still pay far less at the pump.

Gas prices are something that I am not too concerned with at this point. Drive less, walk more.

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by The Sword
I think you need to read up on other country's price's here is what china pays for a metric ton yes ton from the link

Retail gasoline and diesel cost 300 yuan ($47.58) a metric ton more starting today, the National Development and Reform Commission said on its website yesterday. The increase is equivalent to 0.22 yuan a liter on average nationwide for gasoline and 0.26 yuan a liter for diesel, China’s top economic planning agency said.
nice too see the biggest consumer next to the US paying so little and yet we pay the second highest why because we A) have fallen for the biggest game of all time B) for we are in oil producing country's and must pay the price C) We can no longer think for our selves and must pay to have what we need. The only way i can see Newt putting fuel at 2.50$ a gal is have gas rationing X per week per month per person /household.
As for what people pay in south America this is from 2008 and take notice of what the price of a 55 gal drum is

Global oil prices zoomed up to $135 a barrel this past week. But that doesn't worry Roberto Morales, a 33-year-old Venezuelan businessman. Morales, who drives a compact Volkswagen Gol, still pays only $1.32 to fill up his car with 11 gallons of high-octane gasoline, thanks to Venezuela's subsidized fuel price.
now why do we pay 3. 67$ per gal? because we can and will to drive our SUV's

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by bekod

You do realize that I was speaking of European countries and not China and/or Venezuela?

I do wonder if more people drove fuel efficient vehicles, the price of gas would not be much of a concern?

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by The Sword
That you would have to ask the cars makers why they can not make one that gets 60 miles a gal if not more!!! Could it be the oil/ fuel industry has a say??

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 07:51 PM
reply to post by neo96

Obama did NOT ban offshore drilling. Even the moratorium on gulf oil drilling has been lifted.

the "Obama banned offshore drilling" is right-wing attack BULL-CRAP.

  • Shallow water: To date, 112 new shallow water well permits have been issued since the implementation of new safety and environmental standards on June 8, 2010. Just 6 of these permits are currently pending; with 12 having been returned to the operator for more information.
  • Deepwater permits requiring subsea containment: Since an applicant first successfully demonstrated containment capabilities in mid-February 2011, we have approved 307 of these permits for 94 unique wells, with 30 permits pending, and 17 permits returned to the operator with requests for additional information, particularly information regarding containment.
  • Deepwater activities not requiring subsea containment: Since the implementation of new safety and environmental standards, 60 of these permits have been approved, with 2 permits pending, and 1 permits returned to the operator with requests for additional information. These activities include water injection wells and procedures using surface blowout preventers.

The rate is issuing permits outpaces the rate they (oil companies) can implement them. That's 479 permits approved just in the Gulf since 2010 alone.

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 08:26 PM
$2.50 gas can happen if the EPA would just ban landfills and require that trash be turned into syn-gasoline and syn-diesel fuel.

There is a old process that will do just that and likely there would be new processes shorty that would do it cheaper if the law went into effect.

The fischer tropsch process can turn trash into fuel at about $60 dollars a barrel and improvements in it would likely drive down the cost.
trash sewage and any organic can be turn into fuel even most hazardous waste

And most of the syn-fuel would be cleaner then the oil based fuel of today

Every city would have its own syn-oil field closely matching its trash output so there would be low cost for trucking fuel and no need for large pipelines.

There would be no need to separate trash as plastics and paper would go through the process and metals and glass could be removed right at the plant and sold to cut the plant cost.

Plus if the syn products were not allowed to be sold on the oil futures market or the plants owned by oil companies this would make the products a direct competition to oil based fuels and drive down oil prices.

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by neo96
Higher gas prices are part of OBamas plan to make it so no one can afford it to push "Green Technology". which is the core mission of his party and their Gestapo the Epa.

I'm sorry but are you nuts? I provided a link and somebody just presented a similar diagram showing wild ride and all times highs of gas prices when Bush was in the office. Is it your theory that Bush is a closet tree-hugger Gestapo?


posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 09:09 PM
reply to post by ANNED

I have read about such technologies that can transform waste into fuel.

That would be awesome if it could be done on a decent scale but perhaps we should be focused on reducing said waste in the first place?

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 09:16 PM

Originally posted by The Sword
Compared to our European counterparts, we still pay far less at the pump.

Gas prices are something that I am not too concerned with at this point. Drive less, walk more.

Guess what, I only drive to work and to shop for essentials, and there is no opportunity for me to walk these distances, period. So I'm sorry, but your proposal is not well thought-out.

In addition, a large item on my monthly bill is heating oil. Our house is modern and (supposedly) had good insulation. I made some improvements over that. When oil goes up, it hurts the family budget quite a bit.

I can put my whole family in -20F rated sleeping bags (I'm a former outdoorsman) but then again why should I do that.

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 04:31 AM
good morning from the uk

at the weekend i drove past a fuel station showing unleaded at £1.44 point 9 per litre.
i converted the litres into gallons (uk) which came out at £6.59 per uk gallon.
i then converted this to dollars to compare prices. conversion factor 1.586.
hence one uk gallon costs $10.45.


posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by ANNED
$2.50 gas can happen if the EPA would just ban landfills and require that trash be turned into syn-gasoline and syn-diesel fuel.

I'm not sure of how much usable organic content the trash that goes to landfills actually has... Also unclear is the amount of pollution that will come from gasifying trash before it goes into FT process.

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 11:10 AM
And back to the issues of "other idiocy" in addition to impossible promises of $2.50 gas --

Mitt Romney now contradicts himself regarding this plans for taxation.

CNN Link

So apparently in September, Mitt was advocating gradual approach to tax code while keeping Bush's cuts in place for the time being. Now, he wants a 20% tax cut across the board.

How can anybody trust these people?

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by The Sword
Compared to our European counterparts, we still pay far less at the pump.

Gas prices are something that I am not too concerned with at this point. Drive less, walk more.

Thanks Sword for the concern you have for yourself only. I will try to walk my 80 mile round-trip to work more often.

Oh yeah... and also maybe start walking the 10 miles it takes to get to the nearest grocery store

Not everyone lives somewhere that they can just decide.. *hey ill walk today*... unless its at the park.

Maybe I should move to the city with high crime and live un-comfortably just so I could appease someone like you?

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