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Most will end up in Hell.

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posted on Feb, 24 2012 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by Starchild23

Originally posted by PharohGnosis
You'll see the reality of Hell when you wake up there after death. Satan has you all convinced he isn't real nor is Hell.

The greatest trick man ever pulled was convincing himself that all of his flaws were personified by a mythical figure existing outside of his body, thereby removing all responsibility for his stupidity.

Post of the day for this thread......


posted on Feb, 24 2012 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by Unrealised
What if a person can't read, because your God has placed them in some bad circumstances?

Will they go to Hell for not reading the Bible?

I should hope not, because it would be God's fault.

Yeah what about blind and deaf people with no fingers to read braille?

posted on Feb, 24 2012 @ 10:07 AM
with multipul religons and modern life, laws ect it pretty well known that IF any of it was true then theres going to be a very small amount of people going to heavens compared to hell.

And the only people who will make heaven is? ...... The ....... ? Well it would have to be the currupt because they must have had info and not shared it instead they was greedy and kept it to themsleves so is anybody going to heaven? I really would not like to bank on it even if you pray and go to church or any other sacred space.

Im more inclined to beleave if there is better places then you must learn from you present state in order to evolve, That to me makes sense. I see religon as nothing more than a way of controling mass which is a after shock from somebody writting a vary imagenitive novel. But i can only have that oppinion becuase any everyday person religos or not just does not know if its true of not.
edit on 24-2-2012 by intuitive because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2012 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by Maponos

Originally posted by Unrealised
What if a person can't read, because your God has placed them in some bad circumstances?

Will they go to Hell for not reading the Bible?

I should hope not, because it would be God's fault.

Yeah what about blind and deaf people with no fingers to read braille?

Theyre going to Hell, duh?

posted on Feb, 24 2012 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by AmericanPitBull

1st rule of theo dynamics;
"For every bible quote there is an equal or opposite quote"
Hell is a relatively new concept created once nature was not the "great fear" after large scale agronomy took hold.
Sounds like GOP jesus is swinging the fiery sword and wielding the shield again.
Jeez where have I heard such absolute condemnation.....mmmm? Oh yeah when radical Islam starts up about "the great Satan" Dominionist Xtianity is written from the same play book as radical Islam and is likely all stemming from the same source to provide the extreme opposition of religion which seems to be what fuels a lot of war/conflict.
Puppets and strings, puppets and strings

posted on Feb, 24 2012 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by theBigToe

Originally posted by Maponos

Originally posted by Unrealised
What if a person can't read, because your God has placed them in some bad circumstances?

Will they go to Hell for not reading the Bible?

I should hope not, because it would be God's fault.

Yeah what about blind and deaf people with no fingers to read braille?

Theyre going to Hell, duh?

Thats bit crap
Whos going to tell them? I guess then basically hell is full of disabled people and non Christians trying not to step on bits of suicide bombers?

posted on Feb, 24 2012 @ 10:18 AM

Originally posted by Maponos

Originally posted by theBigToe

Originally posted by Maponos

Originally posted by Unrealised
What if a person can't read, because your God has placed them in some bad circumstances?

Will they go to Hell for not reading the Bible?

I should hope not, because it would be God's fault.

Yeah what about blind and deaf people with no fingers to read braille?

Theyre going to Hell, duh?

Thats bit crap
Whos going to tell them? I guess then basically hell is full of disabled people and non Christians trying not to step on bits of suicide bombers?

Hells where the booze and drugs are at.

posted on Feb, 24 2012 @ 10:18 AM
And youll never be in need of a lighter!!!

posted on Feb, 24 2012 @ 10:21 AM

posted on Feb, 24 2012 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by theBigToe
And youll never be in need of a lighter!!!

Sounds like a fun place! I think id rather spent eternity with a bunch of criminals/dictators just cos lets face it the chats going to be soooo much better. Think of the stories someone like Hitler or Stalin could tell!

Do we know if hell has been outfitted with wheelchair ramps in order to comply with the disabilities act? If not I smell a lawsuit.

posted on Feb, 24 2012 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by Maponos

Originally posted by theBigToe
And youll never be in need of a lighter!!!

Sounds like a fun place! I think id rather spent eternity with a bunch of criminals/dictators just cos lets face it the chats going to be soooo much better. Think of the stories someone like Hitler or Stalin could tell!

Do we know if hell has been outfitted with wheelchair ramps in order to comply with the disabilities act? If not I smell a lawsuit.

I think Hitler would go to Heaven (I mean the 'real' Christian Heaven, you know the one filled with bigots and racists, not that bs strumming harps for all eternity crap)

posted on Feb, 24 2012 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by Lulzaroonie

you seem to look diffrent ?

You've gained a look of a potato? what happend? lol.

posted on Feb, 24 2012 @ 10:30 AM
Well...I see you have 3 flags on this thread....guess there will be 4 in *your* heaven.....

Heaven and Hell are words created by men, to control men....words, nothing more.


posted on Feb, 24 2012 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by theBigToe

Originally posted by Maponos

Originally posted by theBigToe
And youll never be in need of a lighter!!!

Sounds like a fun place! I think id rather spent eternity with a bunch of criminals/dictators just cos lets face it the chats going to be soooo much better. Think of the stories someone like Hitler or Stalin could tell!

Do we know if hell has been outfitted with wheelchair ramps in order to comply with the disabilities act? If not I smell a lawsuit.

I think Hitler would go to Heaven (I mean the 'real' Christian Heaven, you know the one filled with bigots and racists, not that bs strumming harps for all eternity crap)

Right, I think im beginning to understand, Basically disabled people go to hell and evil people who are Christians get to go to heaven? I guess heaven is a kind of culling system, maybe there is gas chambers at the gates and this is actually what is being confused with hell

God is a Eugenicist I guess and doesnt like the handicapped

posted on Feb, 24 2012 @ 10:37 AM

God is a Eugenicist I guess and doesnt like the handicapped

Let's not forget the little babies that die at birth, and never get to read the Bible.

They're doomed.

posted on Feb, 24 2012 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by intuitive

You know that phrase, "You are what you eat"?

That. That happened. I ate too many carbs and pulled faces at the wind

posted on Feb, 24 2012 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by Destinyone
Well...I see you have 3 flags on this thread....guess there will be 4 in *your* heaven.....

Heaven and Hell are words created by men, to control men....words, nothing more.


I disagree with this. I believe Heaven, Hell, God, Satan, Angels, and all of those other holy Biblical words are inaccurate attempts by man to describe that which is beyond his understanding.

That's not to say they don't exist...they just don't exist in NEARLY the way we believe. So our definitions and concepts regarding them are pretty much useless.

But how then, do we know they exist? have to completely erase your preconceptions and then read the Hebrew scripts might get somewhere after that.

All translation is imperfect, and all human processes are at least somewhat biased. You want the truth? Mankind, in its 'descended' state, cannot be trusted to define the being or concept known as God.

edit on CFridayam242443f43America/Chicago24 by Starchild23 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2012 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by Starchild23

Originally posted by Destinyone
Well...I see you have 3 flags on this thread....guess there will be 4 in *your* heaven.....

Heaven and Hell are words created by men, to control men....words, nothing more.


I disagree with this. I believe Heaven, Hell, God, Satan, Angels, and all of those other holy Biblical words are inaccurate attempts by man to describe that which is beyond his understanding.

That's not to say they don't exist...they just don't exist in NEARLY the way we believe. So our definitions and concepts regarding them are pretty much useless.

But how then, do we know they exist? have to completely erase your preconceptions and then read the Hebrew scripts might get somewhere after that.

All translation is imperfect, and all human processes are at least somewhat biased. You want the truth? Mankind, in its 'descended' state, cannot be trusted to define the being or concept known as God.

edit on CFridayam242443f43America/Chicago24 by Starchild23 because: (no reason given)

The best theory I read was that Jesus did in fact exist but was the son of Cleopatra and Ceasar, which would explain the education he was able to receive. He faked his death then resurrection in order to try and regain his control of his empire, now the holy roman empire with a new divine leader

Yes its about control but his teachings (according to the bible) id equate with your response eg closer to those of the mystery schools than anything in the bible itself. EG when he talks about his minds eye performs magik etc. Its kinda obvious when you look at it with an open mind so yes the concept is pretty alien unless you have been initiated.
edit on 24-2-2012 by Maponos because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2012 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by Maponos

The best theory I read was that Jesus did in fact exist but was the son of Cleopatra and Ceasar, which would explain the education he was able to receive. He faked his death then resurrection in order to try and regain his control of his empire, now the holy roman empire with a new divine leader

Yes its about control but his teachings (according to the bible) id equate with your response eg closer to those of the mystery schools than anything in the bible itself. EG when he talks about his minds eye performs magik etc. Its kinda obvious when you look at it with an open mind so yes the concept is pretty alien unless you have been initiated.

It is similar to Wicca...yes, the Devil's Art *snicker*. Unless you have the skill and ability to recognize the concepts and presence of certain things, you will forever remain ignorant to them.

Someone was talking about Dr. Seuss books explaining the moral quandaries of mankind, and how they would all eventually turn out (quite accurate and entertainingly, in fact). This was the art of simplifying a complex idea for the benefit of an intellectually undeveloped child. Therefore, the Bible is intellectually undeveloped and fairytale-ized for the benefit of a race that believed Thor made lightning and Apollo carried the sun across the sky. I was amused and intrigued by the Dr. Seuss theory...and I connected it with my own theory:

The Bible is like the See Spot Run book.

The actual truth of the universe and our world is like the See Spot Run movie...if it were about 200 hours long and so detailed that you need four Masters degrees to understand it, and even a few seconds of inattention will miss something important.

This is what I have been saying for over a year now. The Bible isn't a lie,'s just a highly fictionalized version of the truth. As it says in Corinthians, King James version (and you can Google this), "I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for till now you were not able to bear it, neither yet now are you able."

Even then they did not get the straight truth. I think it's time we realized that, and stop glorifying a book that has been taken literally for far too long.

The Bible is cryptic...but unlock its truth, and you unlock everything. And I believe this especially to be most true: Jesus tried to tell us that God is both within and without. We are god, as is everything around us. But we insist upon viewing YHWH as separate...

This was our mistake, and we have paid for it ever since. And we will continue paying for it, until we are once again united with the Christ Consciousness.

edit on CFridayam363615f15America/Chicago24 by Starchild23 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2012 @ 11:30 AM
By the OP's logic animals will go to hell [because they can't read] and x-tians will go to heaven [because they pretend to be nice]. If hell was real I'd consider it my heaven. Away from bible quoting morons and lots of animals [decent music and all sorts of other goodies] around. Hell it will be!

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