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Has Anyone Had More Than One Type of Paranormal Experience?

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posted on Feb, 2 2021 @ 11:38 PM
I don’t believe this is paranormal but I saw a YouTube video clip of ancient aliens hypothesizing a man had an alien encounter with a blond alien female and they said on the show clip that transparent hairs are not found in human hair.
I believe that is wrong. I remember looking at my hair in sunlight and noticed a few transparent hairs. They are very hard to see but in bright sunlight I was able to see the light reflecting or refracting off a few hairs that were clear.
Alien dna proven wrong I think. Either that or someone might want to examine my hair now.

All because I searched for alien blond females on YouTube.
Woke up during the night and now I am wondering if transparent or clear hair is very unusual or not.
It’s not exactly very sunny this time of year so it’s hard to check my hair to see if I can find some clear hairs.
I don’t know. I could be part alien but we all might be part alien as well.
I think it’s more likely the tv show was mistaken with the clear hair.

On the bright side if I disappear, I might have an encounter with some hot blondes with their own spaceship. I now have a big enough back yard for a tiny ship to land if they want to visit. I do remember a pleasant dream involving some hot blond alien females. It’s kind of cold outside so they wouldn’t be dressed as hot as my previous dream. Pleasant dreams everyone. Now I’m wanting to check my own hair in sunlight again and hear back from others to confirm the show ancient aliens was wrong about clear hair.
edit on 2/2/21 by orionthehunter because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 2 2021 @ 11:59 PM
You betcha.

The most prominent ones were a ball of energy (felt like a spirit or spirits) and another visit from a poltergeist. *getting chills thinking about it right this second TBH.

I think I've told the ball of energy before but not the evil spirit.

It's not a long story.

I was fairly young, about 18, and I was in the shower. In my home at the time my parents had only one bathroom and it was not an uncommon thing for the family of five to fight over time in it. So, people yelling through the door or pounding on it while you were using the bathroom was a common thing.

However, this time, while in the shower, the screams to "GET OUT" were coming from what seemed inside the bathroom. Please keep in mind the bathroom door was shut and the small, worn sliding lock was closed, securing the door.

I threw open the shower curtain and defensively raised my hands to put up a fight. Nothing there. Then the screams again, this time from the other side of the door, just beyond it, inches. I didn't recognize the voice. Then the door began to be pounded on. It was pounded on at least seven to eight times, each time much harder than the last, nearly breaking the old slide-lock right off the frame. Then it stopped.

I stepped out of the shower in my towel. Nothing.

*A side note here is my parents house at the time is the second oldest house in the small mid-western town, over 150yo. We've seen figures walk up the stairs and disappear and animals and children become frightened at the same time.

I don't miss living there.
edit on 3-2-2021 by Tempter because: *sp

posted on Feb, 6 2021 @ 09:40 AM
a reply to: orionthehunter

I hope so to as its 06Feb2021.

posted on Feb, 12 2021 @ 07:52 PM
a reply to: Tempter

Welcome to the thread Tempter, now that it's ending.

That sure would scare the hell out of anyone, I would imagine; the pounding on the bathroom door.

My parents' house was haunted too. Like you, I certainly don't miss it.

Thanks for sharing your experiences here.

posted on Feb, 12 2021 @ 10:21 PM

originally posted by: DAVID64
Ok. Like I said, this is a bit creepy. This doesn't happen often, maybe once a month. Sometimes when I'm asleep, I wake up cause I feel something walking across the foot of the bed. Not like a person, but, you know when a cat is not sure of it's footing, how they will carefully, step by step go across something? Like that. Very light, very slow. I usually fall asleep with the TV on and there is enough light to see that nothing is there. I never sit up suddenly, just open my eyes enough to see and watch. We have cats, but I have felt these foot steps going across the bed while being able to plainly see there's no cat in the room.. I saw a docu a while back of some woman having a similar problem and actually caught hers on video. A nasty, creepy looking little creature, about the size of a small monkey. But, so far,I haven't seen anything.

is something like this supposed to be bad? I haven't ever told anyone, but I do have an indoor cat. And he used to jump on the bed at night, walk around, then lay down and sleep on my "second" pillow behind my head. He quit doing that a long time ago, and now sleeps in the bathroom or runs crazy all over the house lol. Anyway, this has only happened about 15 times maybe, but about a year ago, I had just laid down to go to sleep and it felt like my cat jumped up on the bed and was walking around. I was happy he decided to finally sleep by me again so I sat up in bed to pat the bed and maybe get him to come over to the pillow and there was nothing on the bed! Our room is almost completely dark so it's hard to see but he wasn't there. It happened again the next time and nothing there, but just to make sure I hurried up and turned a lamp on and nothing was there! It has happened several times, so now I just hide under the covers or sleep with a light on. Our bedroom is creepy anyway. Feels like dark shadows moving around, and just feels creepy normally. I really don't like it.

Normally I have to sleep in the near dark because the light keeps my bf awake. but if he is gone on a business trip...I ALWAYS sleep with the light on, and just on regular nights if I get too creeped out feeling...I just get up a while until I am so tired I can't see straight then go back to bed.

I think it's just this place? Since I have been here there have been some odd things. One example that happened many bf will go to bed and I am a night owl. An hour or so later maybe, it usually has sounded like he got up and opened the closet doors and is looking for something. Or that he is in there doing something. I have always walked in there to see what is wrong and as usual...he was sound asleep in the bed! Another thing that has happened is that I have had my things show up in places that they wouldn't normally be. I am a creature of habit and fairly organized. Whenever I need something I just go get it since I have certain places for things. I have had stuff like my car keys seem lost forever only to turn up in a bottom drawer with socks? I have had books that I was just reading the night before and left on my desk when I went to bed...turn up in the back of a desk drawer, underneath a stack of papers. Oh! that reminds me of something I hadn't thought of for quite a while! One last story then I will close, but this one was a doozy!

About 4 years ago, I had started making handmade jewelry and had went to a craft festival that weekend to sell stuff. Long story short, it was a lot of work and by the time it was over I hurt all over so bad I couldn't hardly move I was exhausted as if I had run 100 miles and got ran over by a semi. Found out later some medical issues is why I was so exhausted, but anyway...I also made $700 in two days!! Well, I came home and just got my stuff that hadn't sold and my money box out the car, brought it all inside, set the money box in my bedroom and went right to bed. When I got up the next day...I went to get the money box to start entering all my receipts into my excel spreadsheet and there was no $700 in it!! my receipts were all there and my ink pens, stickers, and other stuff but no money. I freaked out and my boyfriend (who I have often thought maybe it's him doing all this to gaslight me?) he said well you were so tired maybe you threw it in the trash, maybe you lost it at the show, etc. I said no, I counted it before I drove home I know it was there.

Anyway, I looked for 3 or 4 weeks in every nook and cranny of this house but then just had to give it up. I couldn't find the money and that sucked worse than anything you can imagine. I thought what on earth did I do? nothing!

Fast forward about 6-7 months later...he was getting ready to go on a business trip so I rummaged through some things and found my suitcase for him to use. When I opened it up...believe it or not...that envelope with ALL $700 was in there!!! I could not believe it! I still can't!! I still to this day cannot explain how on earth that money got from my box to that zipped up suitcase at night while we were sleeping!

I meant to just tell the cat story, but that made me remember some of the weird things that have happened since I have been in this place.
edit on 12-2-2021 by TruthJava because: typo

edit on 12-2-2021 by TruthJava because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2021 @ 03:18 PM
a reply to: TruthJava

That's some scary stuff, and I've had the same thing happen to me. There are some explanations to explain this disappearance/reappear phenomenon.

One: The military can use technology that makes them invisible. They could be performing an exercise to study the brain and the reaction when un-explainable things like this happen. I've read about this, but I'm not buying it. Could just be a cover story for what's REALLY going on.

Two: Our world crosses into a parallel dimension for a short time. During that time a different outcome takes place, like you put your money in a suitcase to hide it, but in this dimension you left it with the receipts. Somehow, the timelines get crossed and the outcome in the other dimension is the end result in this one too. I can't explain that one any better. I hope you understand what I'm trying to say.

Three: There are mischievous ghosts who like to play with us by hiding things and putting them in places we would never put them, only to find them months later when we just happen to be looking in that spot. Or, after days of searching, the item turns up right under our nose.

I don't know which one it is, but I vote it's probably a mischievous ghost.

As for the cat on the bed. That happened to me too. I have my experience in the thread more than once, so I won't go over it again. I do think our "dead" pets come back to visit us sometimes. I don't know if you have had any pets that have passed away, but if so, I'd say that's what it was.

Thanks so much for sharing your experiences with us. Sorry it took so long for a reply. I don't come to ATS much anymore, now that my thread is about dead.

edit on 2/18/2021 by sled735 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2021 @ 07:09 PM
How's everyone doing? It's spring, and it's been my experience that this is a very active time for ghosts to get stirred up.

Anyone have any experiences to share?

I'm on page 389 right now. I can take this thread to page 400 before it has to be closed down, so if there are any newbies out there that hasn't shared here, please do so now.

posted on May, 8 2021 @ 11:27 PM
I’m doing ok. I keep having dreams involving my mother but she died last year. It’s like my dream is an a parallel universe with her still alive. In my last dream her health had gone downhill but not to the level in this reality where she died last year. It seems odd enough to me that I’m dreaming of someone I know died but she’s still alive in at least some of my dreams. It’s not the first time it seems like I’m in a parallel universe or elsewhere in my dreams. If I try hard enough to remember that someone is dead or in other dreams that in reality I do not have super powers or that I can not fly, I could make my dreams go lucid. Of course how many people dream they occasionally have super powers without the dream going lucid? At least I’m not dreaming of traveling into other dimensions lately.

Other things in my life seem to be going ok. I’ve had great stock trades lately so I’m happy about that.
As far as having dreams where my mother is still alive it seems strange after I wake up because I don’t remember dreaming my father or anyone else still alive in my dreams after they died. I believe she’s in a happier place now than where I dreamed she was in my dream. Her cognitive health had gone downhill and she was in some type of assisted living or home in the parallel universe dream.

I’ve been thinking about possible underground civilizations on this planet and who might be running the tic tok shaped ufos in the pacific and other aliens operating on this planet. Maybe I’ve been watching YouTube stories a bit too much.
Supposedly in one YouTube video, a female reptilian reveals secrets. In another video they say our moon is actually called Tiamat I think they called it and the inside was hollowed out and built around a former super planet where the asteroid belt used to be but it got moved to Earth orbit after a war destroyed the planet. Maybe the planet was called Tiamat. Anyway that was supposedly millions or billions of years ago. Most of the species inside the moon are dead I heard. Lots of YouTube stories out there. I did hear the moon is hollow and rings like a bell. I doubt NASA or anyone else who discovers any tech inside the moon would reveal anything if the story turned out to be true.

I like thinking we could be Martians that escaped millions of years ago after a Great War that ripped a massive scar on Mars with a Tesla type weapon.

posted on May, 13 2021 @ 06:16 PM
I haven’t had many experiences since we moved from an old rental. I think that place was haunted or I had brought my ‘demon’ with me.

I rededicated my life to Yeshua in 2018 and even got baptized again cause I felt I needed to. Seriously after that, not much happened(I did bless the house with oil). Then a few months later we moved.

At the new place not much as happened but I also blessed this house(and I know I’m not an ordained minister but I know Jesus’ name has power). I have had some strange dreams but I always attribute them to movies I watched.

BUT recently, a couple months ago, I was praying and as my eyes were closed I started seeing faces forming and it was like they were morphing into different people. The last face was my mom who had passed away 10years ago this month. It frightened me and my eyes popped open but it had my mind racing. Like was that really my mom? Was she trying to push through the veil to let me see her?

So it happened again this morning. As my eyes were closed and I was praying, faces started to morph into diff people. But as I tried to focus on them, I fell asleep.

Who knows what I’m seeing but I know sometimes things don’t have a logical explanations.

I hope you’re doing well. I’m an old member with a new name. I shed my old skin

posted on May, 15 2021 @ 01:04 AM
Replying to myself,. So every year at this time I can’t sleep. I keep a journal and look back sometimes to see why I’m feeling a certain way.

I told my son who is 16 about these face morphing and he says I was in a dream/awake state. That’s a totally logical explanation. Then in the back of my mind I think, well, what if.. that dream/awake state is when you’re the most susceptible to contact from the other side.

Or does my mind want to contact with my mom so bad that I’m creating my own reality.

a reply to: CrazyBlueCat

edit on 04/30/2021 by CrazyBlueCat because: Wouldn’t it be nice if we were older ..

posted on Jun, 2 2021 @ 06:15 AM
a reply to: sled735

Documented for the record on 02Jun2021

Well here's to you Sled735! Since the spring of 2019 I have been "Hoodie" and "Old Hag" free as it appeared Divine Intervention appeared to me in the form of a brilliant white shield. It took me a year of research but I found that the shield is the Shield of Faith or Armour of God. Its documented in your thread. "Hoodie" is that 7' tall faceless hooded evil presence. The "Old Hag" appeared to me in a black Victorian balloon dress hat and veil with little black balls during several Sleep Paralysis episodes. Last week I spoke about it and other things to a medical doctor. She felt that I am spiritually gifted and have been since birth. My local church also concurs with the above. All I did was to pray to god and yes I prayed like hell. I still do so daily. Actually more than ever before in my life and good things seem to be happening. However, this past year in 2021 they sent the JV in. I have had three to five SP episodes which another entity showed up. This one is a young female in her 20's wearing 1980s to 1990's clothing and hairstyle. She is around 5' 3" petite and basically pretty. I am leery of her but not freaked out. The last time which has been maybe 3 months ago she appeared at the edge of our bed. She then threw a rock at my wife’s head. As she released it I broke from the paralysis and actually blocked the rock in SP and when I woke I actually almost shoved my wife out of bed as both hands were on her side and legs to get her out from harm’s way.

I do live next door to what I, my wife and others perceive as evil neighbors and felt that I have been in a Spiritual war against them since July 2018. I feel that I have gained my energy back and am now on the attack against them and no longer on the defense.

I have not spoken to anyone about the above other than my wife. I know you don't come around much anymore but any thoughts when you do.

Thanks for all of you help on this matter. Too bad were 1000 miles away.

edit on 2-6-2021 by Waterglass because: typos

edit on 2-6-2021 by Waterglass because: add

posted on Jun, 3 2021 @ 04:40 AM
The answer is short is yes, I've seen a flying dinosaur, many shadow figures, some like people, others didn't have a shape, i've seen ufos many times, and physical things some big and some small, couldn't tell you what they were other than some form of creatures. I've been physically assaulted, thrown, and even had these things grab me with ice cold hands and not visible. i had visions of many events, 9-11 is the one that really made me believe i must have a gift. I was working in an aluminum plant, i wasn't around any radios or television, and I kept seeing airliners hitting tall steel buildings, and after it all happened my supervisor happen to come along and confirm what was in my head that day. I've had other visions since and before that day, i just blew it off whenever these things happened. If you are really curious about any sightings or encounters, i could recount many stories, even those who had witnessed the same things at the same time. I've actually writing a recount of many of these stories, although it is currently a work in progress. This blog isn't long enough to tell it all in a single post. a reply to: sled735

edit on 3-6-2021 by n176cm because: added more explanation

posted on Jun, 3 2021 @ 05:41 AM
Waterglass- that’s some strange occurrences. Sounds a lil scary. Have you every thought to bless your house or anything like that??

n176cm- sounds like you’ve had some pretty scary experiences as well!! Could you tell the story of the ice cold hands grabbing you?

posted on Jun, 27 2021 @ 06:18 AM
a reply to: CrazyBlueCat


My energy is being drained. I can really feel it this past week. My outlook on life is positive and always has been.

I am now in the fight of my Spiritual life which began in 2018. The evil is the next door neighbor. The entire family. I have lost two contractors who told me direct they will never return here because of the evil next door. I fought them off as best I could with prayer as you can read my posts in this thread.

I finally contacted the Pastor of a Catholic church whom since contacted The Diocese of Charleston. They assigned Reverend Robert Morey. He is the priest who denied President Joe Biden communion when Biden was in South Carolina.

This is what Father Dennis wrote to to after my visit this week:

I spoke with Fr. Bob Morey, one of the exorcists for the diocese and he is ready to assist you with the blessing of your home. May I provide him with your contact information?

Reverend Robert Morey

I have been fighting the evil off since 2018 as I now pray a lot. The most ever in my life. Father Morey will spread what they call Sacred Salts around the property lines and bless my home along with whatever he will tell me to do. My wife is of no help as she is freaked out but does acknowledge all. I have also contacted medical professionals.

For the 1st time since age 8 I once again will wear a necklace with a crucifix 24 / 7.

Thank you for your comment.

edit on 27-6-2021 by Waterglass because: add

edit on 27-6-2021 by Waterglass because: add

posted on Jul, 6 2021 @ 02:49 PM
a reply to: sled735

Yes, there are others... yet can't describe how much "paranormal" these things are. After reading ATS for over a decade it seems that all this stuff is pretty normal and happens everyday
I thought I might amuse some of yous and finally put my 2 cents in as well.
Somehow most of these things were happening during childhood. I did see UFO. I think it was 1993. Half of my town saw it. It was on a local TV even. However, the pictures taken strangely gave no results and turned out without the object visible in them. Can describe it as a light going slowly in zigzags yet in a linear trajectory. It was a night time and the object was flashing all the possible colours. Military thingy maybe?
The other was, actually, recently, twice per night over Cairngorms in Scotland. Orange orbs, either vertical dropping down over forest or following the road leading up north. Lately, more and more people are taking pictures of these but everyone says it must be some drone being tested.

Regarding the supernatural, it gets a bit more tricky to make some reason. I grew up not far from a quite unsettling place: massacre sight of Nazis. Doors of kitchen cupboards use to open by themselves. My mom was so used to it, she would just come and close them all and go back to her business. Once my doll's leg moved 180 degrees while I was holding it. My dog use to go nuts barking while facing some random wall. We all were somehow reluctant to enter one room. The doors were always closed. Some unspoken feeling of panic would emerge when you would be about to turn the handle.

Once me, my mom, and 2 other strangers witnessed a white smoke coming from nowhere and disappearing into nothing during a midday summer in a forest while strolling on a path. We all exchanged looks of WTF and hurried towards the car park. My granddad, who use to take a shortcut home cross the cemetery after long shift in the factory, was telling stories about a strange thick mist over the fresh graves...

Though, I think, the most disturbing experience I had was related to self-hypnosis. At least I think that what it was. I got the cheap metal ring with a plastic red gem. I liked to stare at the gem in front of the sun. That deep red colour somehow was appealing and so I decided to look a bit closer, almost sticking into my eye
what i experienced later was red background images with intensifying resolution of white shapes emerging. I think I was trying to make some sense out of them (was maybe 8yo at the time). Started seeing a man in a medieval attire, a crooked house... and then the flashing red background changed into 2D black and white sunflower field by the road that was moving in high speed. It was like somebody was quickly pulling a paper with drawn sunflowers on it in front of my eyes. I got scared at this point (probably at the thought where it would lead me next), woke up from the trance and threw my ominous ring out the window. I think since then I am subconsciously avoiding red items

And I strongly believe that people in coma can hear you. I fainted once in a hospital while visiting my grandma that had bowel cancer. Everyone thought that her stoma bag freaked me out (once again was a small kid). Whatever the reason, that short moment when I was lying paralyzed on the floor and could see just white colour, I could hear in a distance people shouting for medical help and trying to wake me up. I could hear everything they said.

More tales next time

posted on Jul, 6 2021 @ 03:29 PM
a reply to: wordforword

I passed out once and could still hear people talking, “Is she ok, diabetic, pregnant. That was weird.

Recently though something unusual happened at work. I was putting something away when a customer approached me to ask a question. Out of nowhere, two pennies flew threw the air and landed on the floor between us. There was nobody else there. I double checked the second after it happened. That was new for me, and from the look on the guys face, him too.

People I work with all claim they’ve had experiences with the ghost!

edit on 6-7-2021 by KTemplar because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2021 @ 04:19 PM

originally posted by: sled735
How's everyone doing? It's spring, and it's been my experience that this is a very active time for ghosts to get stirred up.

Anyone have any experiences to share?

I'm on page 389 right now. I can take this thread to page 400 before it has to be closed down, so if there are any newbies out there that hasn't shared here, please do so now.

I've seen and had paranormal experiences from the time I was ~18 months old to present time, 42 years old. I have foretelling dreams as well, my grandmother was exactly the same. I've had many paranormal experiences but I don't have time to write them all out. I'll give you my most memorable ones. Whether or not those reading want to believe them is up to the reader, but what I'm about to say is 100% true and I'll put my life on it.

~18 months (1981): My mom would lay me down in the crib in the sunroom of the cottage we lived in. When she'd lay me down, a little boy would appear in the top of the corner of the room and do things to make me laugh. He'd put his finger over his mouth in a "shh" type of motion and I'd close my eyes. Shortly after, every time, my mom would come down there to check on me. I asked her a few years ago if she remembered this and she said she remembers that I would be laughing and when she'd come check on me I would be asleep. She said she thought it was odd but never thought much more about it. I can remember this happening several times. When my mom asked me if I could remember what the boy looked like, I apparently described my grandpa's brother that had died at the age of 5 in the early 1930's (I also, at that age, looked just like my grandfather did at that age).

9 years old (1988): After riding with my mom to a family friend's house about half a mile away, we were on our way back with a bale of hay. Lived on the outskirts of a country town so small it was considered a village. When she pulled into the driveway, she turned the truck around and backed it up to the shed. As she backed it up, I noticed something ahead of us, just over the trees across the street. I can't explain the feeling really, but the best I can say is that it felt like I was in a dream. No barking dogs in the distance, no crickets chirping, just that thing floating over the trees. When I got out, I couldn't do anything but stare at it, my mom grabbed me by my arm and told me to get inside the house as fast as I could. She said it hovered just over the trees beside us until she turned into the driveway and it stopped. That's when I noticed it. Years later while talking about it, she said it felt like we were in some sort of vacuum that it's force created.

18 years old (1997): The girl I was dating looked pale and was quiet when I picked her up for school on a Friday morning in Dec. When I asked her what was wrong, she said she'd been having a recurring dream where some sort of goatman is chasing her, but just before he gets her, she wakes up. She'd had this dream several times over a 2 week period. She said that this time, the goatman got her. I tried making her feel better and said something like "Well you're still here so it's ok." She pulled her pant leg up and there I saw, with my very eyes, four nasty looking claw marks. Without hesitation I told her it had to be her kitten that scratched her while her leg was moving since she was running in her dream. I'd had a certain feeling all day in the pit of my stomach but it was Friday night and that was our night to go to a movie, watch half of it, and come back to the backroads to find a place to have our fun. We'd chose an old graveyard several times because nobody ever came there and it was off a very dark and quiet backroad. Nothing sinister, just a good spot for some fun in the truck. In fact, we'd went to see Titanic and it was the night it opened in theaters so that'll give you the exact date. Anyways, so when we leave, that feeling in my stomach grew worse and worse. I turned on the last road and as I came around the last curve, I noticed someone standing at the entrance of the graveyard. My immediate thought was that we'd been caught and someone knew we'd been going out there but when I'd gotten about 20 to 30 feet away from the person, it didn't look like a person, then I noticed horns with a human torso and head of a goat. Before I could say anything, she was screaming "OMG! OMG! GO GO GO!!! What the hell is that!" She ducked her head into her arms and pulled her legs to her as she screamed and cried, I drove as fast as I could down that dark and winding backroad trying to avoid potholes and not kill us both. I made it to her house and called my mom to tell her I wasn't coming home. I explained briefly what we'd seen and she didn't question me or hesitate to tell me I couldn't stay, so I slept on my GF's couch. I found out much later, while reading folklore, that the mythical goatman preys on young lovers in the woods.

19 years old (1998): It was prom night (yeah yeah, I had a bad set of friends and failed 10th grade) and I'd dropped off my buddy and my girlfriend (same as the girl above) so I, and they, could get ready so we could all go out and grab his GF along the way. After I'd changed out of my tux and into regular clothes, I told my parents that I'd see them later and my dad (toughest man I've ever known) was as white as a ghost and said nothing to me. My mom told me that it was the anniversary of his brother's death, who had died on his prom night after he picked everyone up (same exact scenario). She was normally the worry-wart, but told me to take the trash out before I left. Our can was way out at the road and as I walked out there, I saw a guy sitting in my truck wearing a white t-shirt with slicked back, black hair. As soon as I noticed him, he leaned over real fast like he was ducking out of sight. I immediately turned around and went back inside, leaving the trash bag right where I dropped it. I stayed home that night.

I have more ghost experiences than any other paranormal, but just one UFO (probably one most of the people in this world would die to experience), and one mythical experience. I'll give details on my other ghost experiences tomorrow when I have more time.

Thank you for reading.

posted on Jul, 12 2021 @ 06:06 PM

originally posted by: CrazyBlueCat
Replying to myself,. So every year at this time I can’t sleep. I keep a journal and look back sometimes to see why I’m feeling a certain way.

I told my son who is 16 about these face morphing and he says I was in a dream/awake state. That’s a totally logical explanation. Then in the back of my mind I think, well, what if.. that dream/awake state is when you’re the most susceptible to contact from the other side.

Or does my mind want to contact with my mom so bad that I’m creating my own reality.

a reply to: CrazyBlueCat

I'm sorry I've been away so long. I really didn't expect there to be more posts here. Last time I looked, the thread wasn't even showing up on my subscribed list at the side. That usually means it's sank to the bottom of nothingness.

I was very pleased to come back now and find all these new posts.

As for seeing your mother, your brother is correct. It's when our brain is in that state of not being fully awake, and still in the astral plane that we communicate best with our departed loved ones. A "professional" like James Van Praagh seems to be able to 'tap in' at any time, but for the normal person, this is the best time.

I can't say if you 'dreamed it up', or not, but I would take it as a sign that she was saying hello, and be happy with that.

Thanks for sharing our experience.

posted on Jul, 12 2021 @ 06:18 PM

originally posted by: Waterglass
a reply to: sled735

Documented for the record on 02Jun2021

Well here's to you Sled735! Since the spring of 2019 I have been "Hoodie" and "Old Hag" free as it appeared Divine Intervention appeared to me in the form of a brilliant white shield. It took me a year of research but I found that the shield is the Shield of Faith or Armour of God. Its documented in your thread. "Hoodie" is that 7' tall faceless hooded evil presence. The "Old Hag" appeared to me in a black Victorian balloon dress hat and veil with little black balls during several Sleep Paralysis episodes. Last week I spoke about it and other things to a medical doctor. She felt that I am spiritually gifted and have been since birth. My local church also concurs with the above. All I did was to pray to god and yes I prayed like hell. I still do so daily. Actually more than ever before in my life and good things seem to be happening. However, this past year in 2021 they sent the JV in. I have had three to five SP episodes which another entity showed up. This one is a young female in her 20's wearing 1980s to 1990's clothing and hairstyle. She is around 5' 3" petite and basically pretty. I am leery of her but not freaked out. The last time which has been maybe 3 months ago she appeared at the edge of our bed. She then threw a rock at my wife’s head. As she released it I broke from the paralysis and actually blocked the rock in SP and when I woke I actually almost shoved my wife out of bed as both hands were on her side and legs to get her out from harm’s way.

I do live next door to what I, my wife and others perceive as evil neighbors and felt that I have been in a Spiritual war against them since July 2018. I feel that I have gained my energy back and am now on the attack against them and no longer on the defense.

I have not spoken to anyone about the above other than my wife. I know you don't come around much anymore but any thoughts when you do.

Thanks for all of you help on this matter. Too bad were 1000 miles away.

You said, "However, this past year in 2021 they sent the JV in." I have no idea what "JV" stands for. Clue me in, please.

As for your new 'visitors', I think your just very psychic. You're one of those people who attract spirits. Some of them may not be so nice. It could be a spiritual attack from dark forces, or it could just be rowdy ghost that likes to play tricks.
No matter, the important thing is, the SP is starting again and you're seeing them again.

My suggestion is to keep the faith, and call on Jesus if things get too crazy for you. You already know this works. You could also get your house blessed and have these nasty spirits vanquished from your home.

I keep my smudge stick in my bookcase. When my ghost(s) start acting up, I just threaten to use it and everything calms right back down.

I don't know if that helps you any, but that's all I know to tell you.

Good to see you.

posted on Jul, 12 2021 @ 06:21 PM

originally posted by: CrazyBlueCat
Waterglass- that’s some strange occurrences. Sounds a lil scary. Have you every thought to bless your house or anything like that??

n176cm- sounds like you’ve had some pretty scary experiences as well!! Could you tell the story of the ice cold hands grabbing you?

Go to his post. Under his avatar is a little symbol that looks like a man. Click on that. There you'll find some links. Click on the one that says "posts in this thread". You can read all his stories here. I'm sure he's posted about this before.

Hope that helps.

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