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Why Lucifer/Satan? Musicians now openly performing to or about the Evil One!!

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posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by harryhaller
reply to post by GakunGak

I'm sorry, i fail to see a point to your post?

He was making a ref to the All Seeing Eye ---- Which is Sehkmet ( a very angry pussy cat)

Pretty clever, yet Miss-Guided

I wouldn't be surprised if they knew Mr. Apol personally, or owned an Apple computer, or even opened the AppleGate to ride the Rainbow like Silver Surfer.

Lol why do they call it the silver screen? Marvelous!

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by Oxygenation
reply to post by dillinger1983

I never said there wasnt other music that in the past has covered satanism, i know about the beatles and the covers of some micheal jackson albums are linked to the occult amongst many other genres, the fact is that it has never been as open and accepting as it is in the media today. We have never had songs referencing satan on during day time hours.. only now are we starting to see it infiltrate into day time viewing too.

You may try to understand but i prefer to inner and overstand

No, just because some people find satanic references in MJ songs, or play Zeppelin backwards to hear reverse messages, don't mean they're satanic. I'm saying there are actual satanic bands out there, and have been for awhile. They aren't in the limelight because Satan isn't. All that stuff you find or interpret in popular music is nonsense. Leave the real satanic music to the satanists...we don't need help from a made up gangster like Jay Z
And why does it bother you if its in the open? Do you talk about Jewish music, or other religious music? You should really be happy its in the open if your Christian....isn't that a sign of end times? Isn't your Savior coming back before then? You should embrace Satanism in popular music, not talk smack. Just my 2 cents.

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by YellowRoseTx51
It was known, that the family of SET had recreated the 'All' from Above, by creating their own 'heaven' and also a 'hell' which doesn't exist above. The term 'cording' is when they attached, literally, an aetheric cord to the person. When they left their body, they would go up the cord, never knowing they were not 'getting free' but being redirected..that 'bright light' at the end of the tunnel is Liliths domain. You simply see what ever they want you to see, or what ever they want you to remember.

As above so below indeed!

I guess, it's a good thing I'm not baptized then. I am certainly not falling for that light, at least, I will do everything to not go there. The truth isn't in that heaven, although I need to know how to not get stuck on earth.
I want to be with, learn and meet the true god.

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by dillinger1983
No, just because some people find satanic references in MJ songs, or play Zeppelin backwards to hear reverse messages, don't mean they're satanic...You should embrace Satanism in popular music, not talk smack.

Just so you know, MJ, led zep and beatles we're pop music back then.

Usually, it's not the artists that are satanic, it's the producers and record companies. They fool the artists in using satanic signs and meaning because they praise satan. They know this is how to get to the top of this material world.

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by YellowRoseTx51

John 14:6
Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.

2 John 1:7
For many deceivers have gone out into the world, those who do not confess the coming of Jesus Christ in the flesh. Such a one is the deceiver and the antichrist.

People, read the Bible: both the New Testament and the Old Testament.
Next read them in Hebrew and Koine Greek, as they were originally written.
Learn the Christian and Jewish Apocrypha. Read the Quran.
Most of all, know and experience the Holy Spirit. It is your unwavering compass, your beacon of Truth.

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 03:43 PM
These musicians had an article more recent about the 'sound waves' they are producing. Many do not remember of Pythagoras or what he found, nor the works of Keely who used what Pythagoras wrote to create mechanical devices.

Sound is the literal KEY that Unlocks all Matter.

What does this mean? Sound creates VIBRATION, and it is that Vibratory rate and its increase, that alters Matter. That is what the Platonic solids are, the representation of the succession of the atomic structure as it is altered by Vibratory Rate increases. We see the same thing in a piezio electric crystal that is used in watches today. An electric charge is applied to the crystal and this causes an increase in Vibratory rate..and it instantly morphs. It is so instant, regular, and precisely to the Atomic Second that we altered all our clocks to use a quartz crystal for that reason. "Hertz" is directly translatable into Vibratory level and Sound level.
In alchemy, that increase is done by application of heat. This speeds up the vibratory rate of the material being heated.
In today's Televisions, it is transmitted to the brain as a 'flicker rate', and it is found, scientifically..that the current flicker rate used is a known harmful rate to the Human Brain and it is unnecessarily used. Meaning there are better rates available to them-no cost involved, they deliberately choose not to use them. Which means it is deliberate harm done to the population, and they are aware and informed of it.

It is known that a Lot of the 'Celebrities' and moguls of 'Entertainment' were involved in the Satanic Covens, and this goes beyond simple publicity stunts, and new age groupy behavior. It has been known, in the Occult circles all the way back to the Inception of "Hollywood", that the heads were a bona fide Satanic Coven that was under the 'freedom of religion', and that went back to Blavatsky circle in the early 1900's.

Recently in those circles, has been the mention of the 'use' of Music. That they had found a way to directly upload what they wanted via Sound. One of the Coven members is Lady Ga Ga...I've noticed others too. The Music is now openly telling that they are providing this Service to their 'god'. There are also new commercial clues that they are doing the same thing with the adds on Hulu and other sites as well as TV.

To do so would incorporate sound and flicker rate, and usually called a 'package' download.

It has always been medically noticed, that such an entrainment is always successful. It is also noticed, that the similarity to a 'pc virus' and someone entrained with a 'harmful package' are similar. And could in fact, in the same manner demonstrated by hypnosis, develop the physical symptoms of a 'virus' or develop pre-programed responses to other societal stimuli.

What it does to the DNA is a matter of "Matter". We are due to alter 'up' the scale, the music is designed to keep you from altering up, it is alter you 'down' the scale. We are no longer at 7.8Mhz, we are closer to 45Mhz now.

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by Oxygenation
Perhaps, But If you know The RocAfella establishment well, you will know that those involved are openly admitted Freemasons. From Jay-Z, Kanye, Nas and so on..

Not saying there is a link by my admission but by the admission of a well respected Freemason Albert Pike.. in the morals and dogma of freemasonry he writes that he in fact prays to the devil as do all masons.

My point here is simply.. is the music just musicians jumping on the band wagon or is there actually something more to it?

Is it a form of hypnosis that is premeditated to get us secretly wanting Lucifer's light or not?

Personally i think there is no smoking without fire and this here movement has been smoking for sometime!

nope. But thanks for playing. Be sure to pick up your "I have no idea what I am talking about " gift on your way out the door.

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by network dude

And your constructive input into this thread is what exactly?

Is that all you do all day long just watch and wait for someone you can beat down to make yourself feel superior.
Well it didn't work you just exposed your insecurities.

Next time think before you leave yourself open again.

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 04:01 PM
Oh look, another silly "OMG, Satan references I'm trying to find to back up my ridiculous ideas and frighten me" thread.

I hope you realise that while Jay-Z and other rappers like him use Lucifer and Satan in songs to talk about good and evil, they constantly give thanks to God and Jesus every opportunity they get for putting them on the planet to do what they do.

I'm seriously waiting for someone to make a fear-mongering thread about the many thousands of Christian Rock bands out there and "OMG LOOK! SINGING ABOUT JESUS, DIS IZNT RITE!!".

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by Oxygenation
reply to post by network dude

Is that all you do all day long just watch and wait for someone you can beat down to make yourself feel superior.

Yes, in between praying to Lucifer and eating babies, I do exactly that.

I am very sorry if Denying Ignorance got in the way of your little fantasy. I hate when people post things as fact when they haven't a friggin clue about that of which they speak. It would be a shame to have people actually believe you and base some opinion on what you have posted.

I invite you to look into things a bit and see if perhaps you can broaden your horizons a bit.

Give the public what they want. that is what the music industry has always been about. It's why you have such things in life as sellouts. Like Metalica. The public gets all giddy when talking about the //cue scary music// Illuminati! so you get all kinds of references to triangles and eyeballs. Does it give them any power? It sells more records, so I suppose it does.

Pike didn't pray to Lucifer, masons don't pray to Lucifer, and Present day Metalica still sucks.

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by network dude

Originally posted by Oxygenation
reply to post by network dude

Is that all you do all day long just watch and wait for someone you can beat down to make yourself feel superior.

Yes, in between praying to Lucifer and eating babies, I do exactly that.

I am very sorry if Denying Ignorance got in the way of your little fantasy. I hate when people post things as fact when they haven't a friggin clue about that of which they speak. It would be a shame to have people actually believe you and base some opinion on what you have posted.

I invite you to look into things a bit and see if perhaps you can broaden your horizons a bit.

Give the public what they want. that is what the music industry has always been about. It's why you have such things in life as sellouts. Like Metalica. The public gets all giddy when talking about the //cue scary music// Illuminati! so you get all kinds of references to triangles and eyeballs. Does it give them any power? It sells more records, so I suppose it does.

Pike didn't pray to Lucifer, masons don't pray to Lucifer, and Present day Metalica still sucks.

I would've given you a star for making sense against an OP who has no idea what he/she is talking about but then you said Metallica are sellouts so no dice.

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 04:05 PM
Well, in the first video, I dispute the lyrics you offer. I think instead of saying "we can learn a lot from satan", the lyrics are "she done learned a lot from satan." That's what it sounded like to me, which if true, changes the meaning entirely.

In the next video, you have to remember that lucifer doesn't mean satan. I suppose it can, but it has other meanings, which in this context could also work. And as others have pointed out, how is chasing satan from the Earth in any way praising him?

In the last video, it is nothing more than "entertainment" in the modern sense. Creativity if you will. I do not think that the evidence supports your argument for some centralized trend or increase in the praising of the dark side in modern music.

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by network dude

Does that G on your left eye mean Grape?

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 05:32 PM
Probably because they sold their souls for fame and fortune.

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 05:33 PM
Singing about Satan now? Your joking right? They have been singing about him for decades. One of my favs from 82.

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by baalbuster
With religion being such a touchy subject its probably nothing more then just a marketing ploy.

Shock the public and they will always come back for more.

I think you're probably very right about this, and have often thought so. Like Manage (however you spell it) showing up in that crazy red riding hood outfit with the pope as her escort...c'mon. I've lived in Hollywood, it's just shock value.

Now, that being said, there could be and almost certainly is something more nefarious going on in halls unseen. Get on YouTube and look up a guy named John Todd...give him a listen. If you believe what he's saying, it's pretty shocking. Peace...

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 05:35 PM
You think musicians have just now started openly creating music about Satanic and Luciferian themes? Obviously you have never heard of black metal. We have been openly Satanic and pagan since 1982.

The black metal cult wants you!

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by FriedBabelBroccoli
reply to post by network dude

Does that G on your left eye mean Grape?

Nope, it has to do with Fred G Sanford. Good Goobely Goo. (Actually that was Grady, but same show)
You will probably have to look that up on the google.

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by network dude

Originally posted by FriedBabelBroccoli
reply to post by network dude

Does that G on your left eye mean Grape?

Nope, it has to do with Fred G Sanford. Good Goobely Goo. (Actually that was Grady, but same show)
You will probably have to look that up on the google.

I honestly did on that one.

I have yet to meet a Good Goobely Goo, most are very irritable and dianetic-ally challenged.

All are born in St. Luis as far as Ozzy knows, I hardly think He to be a saint, though he did die in the City of Angels (or at least somewhere around the dumps ).

Notice the 666 sign they have him making in the picture under Post-Sanford and Son career.

Radiant effort you made there.

You can check this page out for more of this blatant symbolism.
edit on 20-2-2012 by FriedBabelBroccoli because: 23-skidoo to you grape drink.

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 06:08 PM
Satan/The Devil - he aint want you think.

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