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Italian police seize record $6 trillion of fake US bonds

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posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 04:21 AM

Originally posted by jmdewey60
reply to post by dplum517

David Wilcox and Fulford are onto something!

It will become easier to see where the real alliances are between nations once full-on world war starts, which seems to be planned to happen soon, as in maybe three months or less.
You just can't have one single world entity, Stalin and Hitler tried it and it never works out. Too many people think they can jump in and be the big dog.

WOW.. i just had a 'vision' of sorts ..

I saw all the nations of the world like boxers in a boxing match, with their names of the nations across their chests.... arguing.............however...if you zoom out.........the entire world population us the actual audience watching the kiddies argue it out and pointing fingers...

LOL.. yep we're eating popcorn at ring side........
What i find interesting is, when they get done playing around, we'll be the ones making the changes

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 04:37 AM

Originally posted by grubblesnert

P.S. they are not fake. The US gave them to China in 1938 when they took their gold for "safe keeping" and never gave it back

BS - that is the story told by the Philipine hucksters to get people to invest in crackpot schemes to find and redeem them - they regularly turn up in there in amounts of 10's of Billions, and i$2 Trillion in 2001

They ARE fake - they are well known to be fake, and anyone who thinks otherwise is welcome to send me some dosh - I'll sell you some for only 50% of the face value!!

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 04:38 AM

Originally posted by Komodo

Originally posted by Equ1nox
people seem to have a bit of a misunderstanding about these. These bonds are real, they were given by the US to the east in exchange for their gold. The US had invaded Japan and installed a puppet government, they were trying to steal the gold from China so China turned to the US (BIG MISTAKE) to help them out by looking after the gold and to stop Japan invading them and stealing it.

The US knew they would never allow the bonds to be cashed so they didn't care what value they put onto them, they made such huge ridiculous numbers as to give China the sense of security. The bonds were deliberately made with tiny mistakes so that they would never be able to be cashed.

In the mid 1990's the bonds matured and that is when the SHTF, because China either wanted their gold back or to cash the bonds, neither of which was ever going to happen. The US just looked at the bonds and said "sorry dude, we have no record of these bonds ever being given and there are mistakes on them so they are fake and worthless KTHXBYE (slam the door in the face)

That's the scam, the banks and the US want to get rid of them and destroy them and forget about them, where as the east want their gold back.


WOW is right but is there any proof to this claim????????? It kind of reminds me of that game 6° of separation or better known as the Kevin Bacon game. Glenn Beck is a master of this where you can make anything fit by association if you go far enough.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 04:45 AM

Originally posted by graphuto
Where are you guys getting the idea that these aren't counterfeit?

my thoughts exactly.. !

but, they're 'saying' they are.. the black shirts are telling, of all people, THE SWISS, they're 'fake'.............hell, my dad stuff 250k back in 55' in a Swiss bank because he wanted to make sure it was secure, legal and away from the USA banks...the Swiss take pride in their watches and banks........all of the world knows this and have for decades!

Why haven't the Swiss found them and reported it .........the Swiss are being silent on this or told to be but, wouldn't that discredited their reputation .. though it's been comprised before with the diamond heist....(i think)

i smell a rat some in this cesspool ~!

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 04:45 AM
Well first of all everyone sees the sum 6 trillion and ignores that those trillions can be broken down into various billions of dollar blocks. You could theoretically barter for just about anything and it sounds like that's what they where up to. Even if they were able to unload any amount a few times for something tangible,more than enough right.
edit on 18-2-2012 by The Utopian Penguin because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 04:48 AM

Originally posted by Komodo

Originally posted by graphuto
Where are you guys getting the idea that these aren't counterfeit?

my thoughts exactly.. !

That would be from the US Treasury - -

Fraudulent "Federal Notes" or "Bonds"

These bogus securities are commonly known as "Morganthaus." Henry Morganthau, Jr. was Secretary of the Treasury in 1934. These "federal notes" are not currency, nor are they bearer bonds. They are crude forgeries that appear to have originated out of the Philippines. The story being told is that the United States shipped them to Philippine freedom fighters during World War II to help with the war effort. Some "investors" have brought them to us in so-called "Federal Reserve" metal boxes, along with other related certificates, such as:

Global Immunity (file size 277K, JPG file uploaded 12/12/02),
FDIC Insurance (file size 261K, JPG file uploaded 12/12/02),
Gold Bullion (file size 325K, JPG file uploaded 12/12/02),
Shipping manifests,
"Gold" coins.

These crude forgeries were likely made by inserting images of $100, $1,000, and even $1 bills into a computer program, then altering the amounts to read $100 million or $500 million, and adding coupons in both English and Chinese script. Most were printed on modern color printers or copiers, which did not exist in 1934 - when these bogus notes are alleged to have been issued. The U. S. Treasury did not issue securities (bonds) in $100 million or $500 million denominations during the period alleged in this fraud. Click to view a full-size image of the thumbnail image pictured.

The largest Federal Reserve note ever printed was $100,000 and was only used inside the banking system. For more information on this currency item, please review the FAQ at

Why haven't the Swiss found them and reported it

Um......what do you think just happened here??

For decades the Swiss have not given a rotund rodent's rectum about what you had in your safety deposit box - but with the various Nazi gold scandals & the like over the last 20 years they are abandoning that sort of secrecy and no longer want to be seen as a "ask no questions" banker.
edit on 18-2-2012 by Aloysius the Gaul because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 04:52 AM

Originally posted by cerebralassassins

Originally posted by graphuto
Also, if this website is really populated by intelligent people, why is THIS story not at the top of the list and flagged 500 times? I mean, this is HUGE if these things really aren't counterfeit...

Perhaps because deep down, everyone knows that regardless of what nation you live in, we all know that we are getting screwed over and sometimes people just say, what the hell, let me read up on another thread as ive had enough for today.

great post~! and you know what else, I sit here and have to think....'can i really do anything about this, as bad as it is'........seriously, No. Why? It's just not in my sphere of influence'... now a occupier can flame me if they want, but in reality, it's so far out of my ability to do anything about it.

Yes, i do have a voice, but how far is that going to go,? I guess I'll fly over to Switzerland and have a chat with the good old boys over there.. LOL..

Good thing is, we are able to talk about it and take note and see what's going on to be knowledgeable about it.. and hopefully learn.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 04:55 AM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
reply to post by cerebralassassins

Oh brother.. they should have just stood back and watched to let this one play out. The punch line would have been hilarious at the end. Your link there says that these scams are not at all uncommon. This was just a shocker for how wild someone got about the amounts they printed on them this time. I admit, they sure got a head full of stupid and just plain crazy greed for this.

The Nigerian angle is just the topper though. That IS rich. They don't say these people were looking to buy Uranium? Just Plutonium. Can someone explain where Nigerians came by Plutonium?? African nations MINE Uranium. That would have been no shock...but Plutonium is almost exclusively a man made thing and a highly refined and processed one at that.

Umm.. Okay.. So the Mob prints buckets of bogus bonds....and then seems to be in the process of falling for a whole new version of a Nigerian scam. Yeah..they should have gone right ahead and let it run it's course while they watched it all real close. When they stopped laughing, they could have arrested both ends of the bogus deal and closed the whole thing in a nice, neat package.

I laughed till i cried.. thx I needed that .. !!!
and to add.. i also was like.. " wait .. wha...Plutonium..........? wtf?" Since that's being track and micro-managed by the USA like a great white shark to a seal LOL

edit on 18-2-2012 by Komodo because:

edit on 18-2-2012 by Komodo because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 05:02 AM

Originally posted by Aloysius the Gaul
Fake 1934 treasury bonds have been turning up for decades - $135 billion were found in 2009, and they are noted on the Treasury's web page - see "Fraudulent "Federal Notes" or "Bonds""

wow.. from the link posted in quote above!

These bogus securities are commonly known as "Morganthaus." Henry Morganthau, Jr. was Secretary of the Treasury in 1934. These "federal notes" are not currency, nor are they bearer bonds. They are crude forgeries that appear to have originated out of the Philippines. The story being told is that the United States shipped them to Philippine freedom fighters during World War II to help with the war effort. Some "investors" have brought them to us in so-called "Federal Reserve" metal boxes, along with other related certificates, such as:

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 05:11 AM

Originally posted by grubblesnert

Originally posted by cerebralassassins

The fake bonds gave the impression they had been issued by the US Federal Reserve in 1934, and were worth an amount equivalent to almost half of the US’s public debt.

So suddenly 6 trillion fake U.S. bonds have been found in a nation that has financial problems. Anyone here getting a weird feeling of something that is to erupt across the world.
(visit the link for the full news article)
sounds like june 2009 all over again...

P.S. they are not fake. The US gave them to China in 1938 when they took their gold for "safe keeping" and never gave it back

my heart just sank within me on this post... ugh...........great.......USA has handed out ~'gift certificates'~ to the nations of the world to be our 'Allies' during WWII and told them because Germany and Japan would be sacked... repayment wouldn't be an issue...................till Japan had nothing left and neither did Germany......(just a theory but could be quite real)
edit on 18-2-2012 by Komodo because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 05:29 AM

Originally posted by Aloysius the Gaul

BS - that is the story told by the Philipine hucksters to get people to invest in crackpot schemes to find and redeem them - they regularly turn up in there in amounts of 10's of Billions, and i$2 Trillion in 2001

They ARE fake - they are well known to be fake, and anyone who thinks otherwise is welcome to send me some dosh - I'll sell you some for only 50% of the face value!!

Good catch on that article, but still I'm not buying bonds from a chicken

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 05:48 AM
i wonder how several media outlets feel today knowing that ats got the jump on them, what i do know from a particular buddy over in a network is that this ats thread was seen via rss and they kinda held back on going forward until others adopted the news.

Nice to see conspiracy nut jobs leaving million dollar news outlets trailing behind....

#newsnetworks #money #talks #andimallears


posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 05:54 AM

Originally posted by mattdel
Wow. Does anyone else feel like we're witnessing a complete goddamn meltdown of the entire US government? Every day there's some huge new story. This one right here... I can't even begin to express the mess of thoughts I'm having on this. I'm honestly scared of what direction the chain of lies will take with this news.

The less you hear or read about this story via the major outlets the greater the ripple effect will be. But i guess contingency damage control plans have by now been put into overdrive as to restrict and miss inform and play down the impact.

Lets face it, its only 6 Trillion....if you cant earn at least 1Trillion in your natural working life then your obviously /sarcasm off.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 06:42 AM

Originally posted by cerebralassassins

The fake bonds gave the impression they had been issued by the US Federal Reserve in 1934, and were worth an amount equivalent to almost half of the US’s public debt.

So suddenly 6 trillion fake U.S. bonds have been found in a nation that has financial problems. Anyone here getting a weird feeling of something that is to erupt across the world.
(visit the link for the full news article)

I never heard that Switzerland has any financial problems

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 06:50 AM
Of course, the elephant in the room here is: if these Treasury Notes are real, why are we even hearing about this? Aren't the media controlled by the global elite that is supposedly running the "occult economy?" If Ben Fulford is right, there were armies of ninjas scouring the globe for these securities. How was it that a couple of provincial cops from Italy were able to find them first? And why are they still alive? No-one would raise an eyebrow if a couple of Italian policeman on the Mafia beat were to disappear. Fulford has done nothing but embellish a con he read about in the newspaper years ago. Now someone else is trying to run the scam and his believers think he's vindicated.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 07:03 AM
Farrrrk thats a fair bit of money eh...

is it that inflated in the real world that 6 trillion is being traded and faked by the elite as if it were a minimal payment..

6 trillion.......

who are these 8.. lets see them front and centre because every citizen on the planet is being risked deliberately by these people... I want names... associates names... companies involved and politicians involved!

Someones lying to us big time

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 07:16 AM
6 trillion bonds faked plus they also had faked Versailles Treaty for a nice cover story?

I am assuming if they planned to use these with banks, surely they had confidence in their fake bonds for the banks to accept them?

So how were they exactly gona pull the biggest scam? (Well not exactly the biggest as banks have been scamming the world for centuries now)

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 07:18 AM
reply to post by Agit8dChop

Here's one.

The eight people arrested are all Italian nationals and include 69-year-old Rocco Menzella, a former mayor of the town of Montescaglioso in southern Italy.

I found another Italian article that stated that Menzella had been arrested in 2010, but I couldn't make out what it was for.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 07:34 AM
reply to post by forklift

I am assuming if they planned to use these with banks, surely they had confidence in their fake bonds for the banks to accept them?

No, they were going to use them on corrupt African governments, rebel armies and drug cartels. They would make up some story about them being Chung Kai Shek's personal hoard, and they will take face value of the bonds in trade for oil, blood diamonds, heroin or what have you. It's a lovely little scam. That paper could circulate through the black market for years.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 07:45 AM
If somebody wants to see the confiscated bonds and the boxes containing them: (video is in Italian)


The investigation was started by Italian judges from the city of Potenza, in the south of the country.

From the financial daily news "Il Sole 24 ore":

"La procura di Potenza ha sequestrato in Svizzera falsi titoli di Stato Usa per un valore di 6mila miliardi di dollari. I bond erano custoditi in tre casse. I certificati sono datati 1934 e riportano il logo della Federal Reserve, ma i funzionari americani hanno accertato che si tratta di patacche. Le indagini, affidate ai sostituti procuratori Laura Triassi e Francesco Basentini, sono partite da una presunta associazione mafiosa lucana dedita anche all'usura e nelle intercettazioni è saltato fuori il giro legato ai falsi titoli Usa"

Quick translation: "attorneys from Potenza confiscated in Switzerland fake US bonds for a value of 6 trillion dollars. Bonds were contained in three boxes. Bonds are dated 1934 and bear the FED logo, but US officials declared them fake. The investigation of judges Laura Triassi and Francesco Basentini began by keeping under control a maffia organisation from the Potenza region (Lucania) and during intercepted phone calls the fake US bonds trafficking came out"

And more: "Il valore dei titoli è superiore al doppio del debito pubblico italiano. I certificati sono di ottima fattura e non è ancora chiaro dove l'organizzazione intendesse piazzarli. Un'operazione non facile, considerata l'enorme somma e la particolarità dei titoli. Materialmente il sequestro è avvenuto alcune settimane fa, a seguito della rogatoria dei magistrati lucani, mentre diversi giorni sono stati necessari ai funzionari della Federal reserve e dell'ambasciata per verificare l'autenticità dei bond. Nonostante l'accurata riproduzione i titoli sono risultati falsi dall'esame visivo e dal riscontro con l'archivio della Banca federale Usa"

Translation: "the value of the bonds is higher than the double of the Italian public debt". Bonds are very well made and it's still unclear to whom the criminal organization was trying to sell them. Not an easy operation, taking into account the enormous value and the peculiarity of the bonds. Confiscation of the bonds happened few weeks ago upon international request of the Italian judges and several days were necessary for US FED and US Embassy officials to verify the authenticity of the bonds. Despite their accuracy, bonds were declared fake after a visual exam and by cross-checking them with US FED archive"


This story is no longer in the italian fire-hose news, I had to use google to find some info. It seems the italian MSM didn't want to give much importance to it....they always do so when they want to hide something

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