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The Greatest Conspiracy Ever Known - Tesla, The law of nature and modern existance.

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posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 10:58 AM
My father was born in 1911. He used to tell me about Tesla when I was a child. After that he was forgotten till the 80s when I came across a book about Tesla, and I started remembering what my father told me.

I think the same way Tesla's knowledge was treated, is similar to cold fusion today.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by kingllama

The most vital point is that, after Tesla's death, his works were gathered by intelligence operatives by the United States Cia and Fbi, said to be of vital importance and utmost concern. This was back in the 40's. Which means our government has been holding some of the greatest secrets ever known to free energy, FOR SEVENTY YEARS.

OP you may want to edit this bit of information since the CIA was formed in 1946 and Tesla died in 1943, but your correct about it being a huge conspiracy.

I was talking to some friends about this exact topic a few days ago, most of them their eyes just glazed over after the first 5 minutes.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 11:15 AM
I like the story OP, but it is just that a story filled with truths and CONspriacy, I have given up trying to figure out the why and just roll with it. Enjoy the story pass it on so that others know just how we operate. I think killing the Elephant with electricity might have been a point in when they figured out how to heard the sheep through mass fear. The truth is most of us wouldn't be here debating this if things hadn't gone just the way they went. So Edison gets credit and we circle the globe with wires, and we all went on with our lives. General cable, GE, Siemens, hell the list is long, how many people owe the lives they have led to those companies? How many really smart people worked for those companies, those companies wouldn't even have existed if power was free.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 11:30 AM
here's an alternate version of tesla history I found to be quite interesting.

edit on 17-2-2012 by LesMisanthrope because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-2-2012 by LesMisanthrope because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-2-2012 by LesMisanthrope because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 11:31 AM

Originally posted by kingllama
So the question remains. Why is it that Tesla has been lost in the obscurity of today's history books and general known history? Why is his name not normally taught in public schools (in favor of Edison for DC current and not the successor)?
I think we all know the answer, blatant disinformation. The legacy of Tesla has been distorted along with so many other great events, for what purpose?

Tesla was a brilliant inventor, but the one skill he lacked was business sense. He was taken advantage of powerful wealthy men such as Edison who promised to give him the necessary funding to continue his work, in exchange for the rights to his patents.

Tesla wanted to keep making astounding breakthroughs so for him it was not a hard choice, he wasn't in it for the money. However, Edison and his investors were. They robbed Tesla of his greatest work, and claimed it for their own, making exponential amounts of money up to this day.

When it was discovered Tesla was about to make leaps and bounds in the availability of free energy and the like, he was taken down. He is not taught or mentioned very often in school because knowledge is power and Tesla was about knowledge, not money. The powers that be are about both.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by kingllama

i personally would love to know the ideas that were in Mr. Tesla's head that weren't written down anywhere that would revolutionize the world we know today as his inventions and (i'm sure) the inventions in his STOLEN journals would have done.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 11:41 AM
welcome to the OP, thank you for a great first post.

What seems to be coming clearer is that the earth's electromagnetic field is much more involved in every one of us than we have ever really thought about. The other post about telepathy being proven here:
talks about something which i've found to be amazing, and that is that the earth's magnetic field resonates at the same frequency as our own brains, it's like every one of us is tuned in and linked together to this huge magnetic field that covers the earth. The more i learn about Tesla the more it pains me because as early as the 1900's we had an absolute genius, a man who knew how to harness,tweak and play with the most powerful thing around us. The fact that he wasn't celebrated, encouraged and worshipped is one of the biggest disgraces of the last 100 years, it's truly sickening to think that he would be halted by TPTB just because it didn't fit in with their plan. The electromagnetic field that is in every one of us has never really been harnessed and there are great secrets and powers there than we can use and understand if only we were allowed.

Global awakening, I HOPE, is really happening, a lot more people do seem to be waking up and realising that the feeling that nothing makes any sense (in terms of what is going on in the world) is too much now to dismiss, it's completely obvious that we are all being controlled and manipulated, being told what to think, what our history is,what we can do, what we can say. It has to stop and people have to wake up and stop it.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by kingllama

Thanks for the thread and the links.
Lot's to read.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by MajorKarma

Major Karma, thanks for putting up that video, I have not seen it yet, i will have a look at it.

Kinglama: Thanks for your thread, the subject of Tesla cannot be stressed enough. He was really one of the biggest thinker and inventor on this planet. As well I do not have a real answer on why he and his works are so massively supressed by schoolbooks, and mainstream media. It's sometimes shocking. I once talked to a guy who had an education (3years) in electrics and electronics, he NEVER heard the name Tesla. - Just shocking.

I guess the reasons have to be searched at the people and companies who profited (and still do) from the suppressing of the knowledge, such as JP.Morgan and Westinghouse (both still big in business).
And a couple of alphabet agencies.
Sad that for example serbia does not more to promote him. (But sometimes i speculate that the war against the serbs was related to Tesla. Wild speculation, but who knows.

For everybody interested in Nikola Tesla; here is another full length documentary on him, which I quite like:
The Genius who lit the world

The Genius who lit the world

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 12:28 PM
Energy is big business. They downplay solar and wind so much, we could have clean energy if we really wanted to but, instead they just want to drill because that's where there money is. Imagine if everyone had just one solar panel and the coasts were full of wind farms, combine all that with some nuclear plants and oil dependency is history .

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 12:40 PM
Great post and an inspiring read. You certainly have touched on some vital points here all in one post. I like how you said to spread knowledge like wildfire. I really think I'm on that mission right now. Its hard to not take into consideration that all wildfires eventually burn out by themselves, or someone is taking action to stop it from spreading. We certainly see this in the actions of our so called leaders. Sometimes I think its a fruitless effort. And sometimes I think that letting tptb drown its ownself would be best. Do we really stand a chance against them or does it seem more plausible to let them create their own inevitable demise? Then the good can rise up with clean hands.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by kingllama
Time is our true enemy my friends.
I believe that's what life all boils down to.

time heals everything, it is only a matter of time before our nation revolts.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by kingllama

Nice paper on one of the Greatest minds that ever grace the planet! I would of loved to have read his personal journal on electricity and chat with Mr.Tesla about his vision on man's future If, he had it his way !!!

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 12:48 PM
Tesla isn't being taught because his ideas and inventions would take money away from TPTB, period. Tesla, not edison was the 20th century's greatest inventor. But, the russians haven't forgotten. If we ever find ourselves at war with russia, methinks they have some surprises in store for the western powers ^^ I'm betting china does too.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by OldCurmudgeon
Hey Kingllama... don't want to rain on your parade, but although incredibly interesting, Tesla's wireless transmission failed. I've seen several experiments since then, one I believe on mythbusters, and sadly, it just doesn't work.

I love how you reply to a thread titled The Greatest Conspiracy Ever Known with "oh but haven't you heard? it doesn't work". And on top of that, why doesn't it work? "Well they tried it on Mythbusters "

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by svetlana84

thank you very much for that video, i really enjoyed watching it. What really stood out was, he basically had the system invented and ready to go that would provide wireless electricity around the world, and that JP Morgan basically removed the funding because they said that if everyone had access where would they put the meter! It's like saying if everyone can use it and benefit from it, then how will we make money or know how to charge them. That seems to be the biggest mistake TPTB made, we could have had free unlimited wireless electricity for decades already. Instead they hook us all up by wires so they can tell how much you use and so charge you for it.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by theshepherd2

The government seizing all of Nikola's work after the matter reeks of secrecy and I would bet my left toe that those seized books and blueprints are responsible for the majority of UFO sightings today.

IF you want a conspiracy, it's probably there in his confiscated research. Any wireless transmission of electricity would not make it free as you would always have the cost of infrastucture. If his research contained, as some say, Zero Point Field Extraction and Anti-Gravity tech, well there you'd have something. BTW I am a Tesla fan and I'm listening to "Modern Day Cowboy" right now.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by kingllama

haha great post brother! I LOVE your avatar haha made me laugh ^_^

As I posted in a ealier thread a couple minutes ago; its up too the people to take waht is truely theirs instead of being taxed and beaten by tyranny.. ITS FREE, so TAKE IT PEEPS!

Enough said in the OP, thanks for posting

~ Love is an art

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 01:40 PM
If any of you are interested in further reading , I found this book a while back on ATS
which links in with tesla in some way regarding his theories for flying machines using the "aether"

Occul ether physics - Tesla's Hidden propulsion

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 01:48 PM
They would lose trillions upon trillions of dollars if free energy was given to the public. What measures do you think they would take to keep it suppressed?.....

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