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Steriods. A Possible Explanation For Cop Brutality?

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posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:34 PM

Originally posted by kn0wh0w
reply to post by lowkey9

TextSteroids don't do what you think they do--they do not/cannot change a person who is reasonably calm and empathetic towards others, who is not quick to anger, who makes good decisions, into someone who is the complete opposite.

Oh hell yes they can. I've personally sern it happen to a, now ex, friend of mine.

Believe me when i say they surely can.

It's easy to post personal anecdotes, I suppose.

"A friend of mine took steroids and did x. It was the steroids that made him do x because steroids are known to make people do x."

It's an extreme cognitive bias towards anabolic androgenic steroids formed from decades of propaganda about "roid rage". And don't think this doesn't effect people taking the steroids, either.

Do you know what he was taking? How much? Whether it was even real or not? If he didn't get it from a pharmacy, you honestly have no idea what he was taking or what dosages he was on. Steroids are routinely faked, underdosed, overdosed, or often you get a completely different hormone than you thought you were getting.

I read a nice little study a few weeks ago about weightlifters being given what was perceived to be dianabol (but was placebo), and they made substantial gains over those receiving nothing because they thought they were being given steroids. Did they train harder? Was it something else? No one knows for sure, really, but it was definitely quite interesting.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:38 PM
I concur, 100%. Im in Australia, i know first hand alot of cops are on roids. I can not discuss on ATS how i know.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:39 PM

Originally posted by lowkey9

Originally posted by captaintyinknots

Originally posted by lowkey9

Originally posted by captaintyinknots

Originally posted by lowkey9

Steroids don't do what you think they do--they do not/cannot change a person who is reasonably calm and empathetic towards others, who is not quick to anger, who makes good decisions, into someone who is the complete opposite.

They cant if used properly. It is a proven fact that abusing them causes psychoses.

That said, I believe that within my lifetime it will be totally acceptable to use HGH.

No, steroids cannot cause psychosis in any amount. Do you have any idea what "psychosis" means?

People believing that steroids can cause anything close to a state of psychosis is akin to reefer madness in the early 20th century. It's completely false, complete misinformation, and completely absurd.

1)Yes, i know what it means, or I wouldnt have used the plural term for it. Why the condescending tone?
2)You are simply wrong. There is an incredible amount of research available on the topic. Now, windstrol, dianabol, and sustanon have a different effect on the human brain than, say, the types used for medical purposes, but they ABSOLUTELY can cause psychoses when abused.
3)All of this is not even mentioning the PHYSICAL toll that steroid abuse has on the body.

Cool story, but again, completely false. It's easy to make stuff up, you know?

How little do you know about steroids, though? Stanozolol, Methandrostanolone, and Sustanon (which is simply a blend of different esters of Testosterone) are all prescribed for medical use in various countries. Testosterone, Nandrolone, Oxandrolone, and Oxymetholone are all prescribed in the United States--they give Oxymetholone (Anadrol) to AIDS patients to prevent anemia and wasting.

In fact, in many countries, these so-called dangerous, mania-inducing anabolic steroids can simply be bought over the counter at any pharmacy without a prescription. I wonder if they have the "problems" with steroids that we seem to have in the United States in those countries?

Anyway, here's some actual science for ya.

The presence of subjectively perceived, anabolic-androgenic steroid-associated be havioral and somatic changes in the absence of signif icant differences in standard psychological inventory responses illustrates the complexity of these relation ships. Our data suggest that while perceived or actual psychological changes may occur in anabolic-andro genic steroid users, either the effects are too subtle or the inventories used were insensitive for detecting them."

edit on 16-2-2012 by lowkey9 because: (no reason given)

1)Hmmmm, funny how you dont link to a thread with the SCIENCE of steroid abuse, which, again, is what I am speaking of. As I already stated, within the normal dosage, they do not cause psychosis.
2)I already stated that they are used for medical purposes, so im not sure what you are getting at there.
3)In many countries, vicadin is available over the counter. Again, this proves nothing.
4)I know plenty about steroids. Again, why the condescending tone?
5)For every 1 link you can provide saying steroids are harmless, I can provide a dozen proving they are not.

Look, like I already said, in proper dosage, they do not cause anything. But to claim that abuse has no effect is downright naive.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:45 PM
Mind Control. Brainwashing. Indoctrination.

That's 3 bigger reasons than "steroids" , trust me!


posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:51 PM
15 yrs ago
i trained with a work mate
he showed his cv, he had a lot of experience working in a quite a lot of gyms
after a while he opend up to me, he was on anabols
he told me things about bouncers and police using it

he was off his 8 week cycle
he turned strange after a week
and then one day at work he turned on me for no reason
i was making windows at the time so i pulled my don carlos on him
he backed down, but i was scared he was a big bugger thats why i pulled the carlos out
long story short
another workmate also trained with him and knew him for yrs said
them steroids have efd his head up
and believe me they did
they have a very deep down long effect
much like ecstacy

edit on 10/25/2011 by davesmart because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:54 PM
This is more dis-info about steroids.

You guys should really look into it more, steroids are NOT what the mass media makes them out to be, and they are not unhealthy and roid-rage is a myth.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by lowkey9

Ehm sure it is easy.

But my story is real.

My friend got massive depressiond and is, now 2.5 years later, still on 4 different meds.

He completely lost it.

Do you know what he was taking? How much? Whether it was even real or not? If he didn't get it from a pharmacy, you honestly have no idea what he was taking or what dosages he was on. Steroids are routinely faked, underdosed, overdosed, or often you get a completely different hormone than you thought you were getting.

I don't know what he was taking or at what dosage.
He was very secretive about that stuff.

Even his girlfriend for 3 years didn't know.

But all i cann tell you is:

He went from being a 125 kg weighing fatty to a 80 kilograms of muscle within the course of a year.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by Rukas

As Ive already said, if you are going to make that statement, you better qualify it by saying "when used in proper dosage". Encouraging abuse of steroids is a VERY dangerous thing.

And, even in normal doses, it is important to note that they are VERY hard on one's liver.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by Rukas

i misrepresented myself
im neither for nor against the use of anabols
here is a bit of history on it

As surprising as it may sound, anabolic steroids were very much a part of ancient Greece. If you look back at history you will see that steroids were part of the lives of professional athletes. They used natural substances that acted as steroids to increase the anabolic and androgenic growth in their bodies.
Steroids between the 1930’s and the 1950’s

Post ancient Greece, the first traces of steroids in the 20th century dates back to the 1930s when a scientist from Germany accidentally discovered them in the form of modern medicine. However no pursuit was made of the same. After about 20 years in the 1950s anabolic steroids came into the limelight in a big way. It was in 1958 that Dianabol or Methandrostenolone proved to be promising at their trials in countries over the world and were approved for use by the FDA in the United States.

Read more:

sorry mods, i put the wrong quotes in
this is not another posters responce
the quote is offline source
edit on 10/25/2011 by davesmart because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 05:16 PM
In my experience ( I owned and managed a Golds Gym franchise in the early 90s ) is yes, Roid Rage was a definite
problem with most that I trained. I was regularly counciling members who just snapped while on them, who before using them were mild mannered. Many years later I owned a restaurant bar in which my head chef was using them who had the exact same issues of "going off" at the littlest things who admitted to himself this was the reason. He could not control it and employment was terminated because of it. IMO any person in a position of authority like the police who has committed an unprovoked violent assault should be drug tested.As it is in the case of most civil employment contracts when a mistake or accident occurs in NZ..."What is good for the goose is good for the gander"

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by captaintyinknots

Oral steroids are hard on the liver. Injectables not so much, especially not if you take supporting supplements.

Ive never taken steroids, Ive just done the research and know that all the anti-steroid stuff is propaganda.

With proper support supplements and post cycle therapy the only side effect from steroids is performance and size enhancement.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by Rukas
reply to post by captaintyinknots

Oral steroids are hard on the liver. Injectables not so much, especially not if you take supporting supplements.

Ive never taken steroids, Ive just done the research and know that all the anti-steroid stuff is propaganda.

With proper support supplements and post cycle therapy the only side effect from steroids is performance and size enhancement.

It is not ALL propaganda. I do agree, the media has made them out to be a demon-something that if taken once, you will turn into the hulk and rage on everyone and everything-which is simply not the case.

It is aall about PROPER use though. Most of the affects we hear about in the media are cause by abuse, not by use. It is a VERY important distinction to make.

That said, why anyone would to 'roids when HGH is available is beyond me....

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 06:16 PM
I think its an unfair portrayal of the police. How frequent is police brutality against the backdrop of the many interventions they conduct and the number of people on the force.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by lowkey9
Simply put, no, especially not from testosterone or testosterone replacement therapy. TRT only replaces what you don't have--it gives you the same levels that you "might" have had when you were in your late teens or early 20s.

In fact there is a study floating around out there that suggested supraphysiological levels of testosterone makes one more empathetic and less aggressive, not more aggressive.

Steroids don't do what you think they do--they do not/cannot change a person who is reasonably calm and empathetic towards others, who is not quick to anger, who makes good decisions, into someone who is the complete opposite.


This post is right on the money. Steroid's, like everything else, are demonized by the media. It's so funny you know, if your a pro athlete, you can do coc aine, marijuana, drunk, or whatever. Your caught, you give the public a good sob story, apologize and your loved more than ever. However, you do steroids, your demonized and hated for life. Funny thing is 90% of ALL athletes are on something and that's a fact. Baseball, football, boxing, wrestling, etc. Even Olympic athletes. The reason they don't get caught is because science has evolved. Most of this guys have the means and connections to hook up with drug "Chefs" who can cook up steroids using steroid powders and such. The thing they do that pharm companies can't is make the drugs undetecable, ala Barry Bonds. He's not the only one doing it, he just happen to get caught. Demonize him all you want, but how do you think he feels when he knows everyone else in every other sport is doing it as well and yet he still keeps his mouth shut. That's pretty awesome in my book.

So is using steroids cheating? NO, it's KEEPING up with the competition. When every one else is doing roids it levels the playing field. Hell, your cheating yourself by not doing them.

Okay, do most of these guys have roid rage? No. Do 25 million America's and many many other people around the world suffer from roid rage? I'm taking about your normal gym rat who is taking steroids for cosmetic purposes? If they were really as bad as the media makes them out to be, you would see people doing crazy crap all the time. You don't ever read about that, but you do read about drunks beating their wives and girlfriends all the time. Or alcohol causing bar fights or people to do other violent things, but not steroids.

I've done steroids many times and have never busted out into roid rage, EVER. I know many people in my area that are using and are not rude or lose their temper.

The reasons cops lose their temper is because they have the authority to do what other citizens can't. They have a license to kill. They have the ability to win an argument over you or "their word against yours". They have many powers that the average citizen don't, and this gives them the god like abilities they capitalize on. They have megalomania and this is why they do what they do. Nothing to do with steroids.

Do cops do steroids, heck yeah. I know 30-40 cops in my area alone that does them. They do it to look bigger and more intimating to citizens. See, their reasons for doing them go back to their underlying mental condition: Megalomania. But the aggressive behavior you see from them is not from roids. Even the ones that don't do roids still have this.

What was that guys name who use to be a big time narc in Texas? Know who i'm talking about? He was like the top cop for years. He said that cops go after you and bust you and act like that because of the adrenaline rush that follows. Then of course the recognition they get for their "good deeds", or media attention. He said he solely hunted these feelings for years. He said he would not pull someone over until they got a certain distance down the road just so he could get up to high speeds trying to pull them over. Then he said he would hope and pray they would get spooked and try to run.

He also said that when he wouldn't bust anyone or arrest anyone for the night, he would literally get depressed because he was looking for that recognition, pat on the back, and of course the adrenaline rush. This was his drug and he was addicted to it. He said this is what all cops go through and the reason they do what they do.

So, this has nothing to do with steroids. Cops just use them to supplement their megalomania.
edit on 16-2-2012 by J.Son79 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by captaintyinknots

Because HGH (Human Growth Hormone) is just one of your body's natural hormones. You have 4, growth hormone, testosterone, insulin, and estrogen. In order to get the best effect you have to use all 4 to get the greatest synergistic effect. You really don't have to use estrogen because testosterone will rebound and cause that hormone to rise, hence the use of anti-estrogen's to combat that. But balancing all 4 out gives the best results.

But like you said, there is the use and abuse issue. Abuse is bad with hormones just like it is with any other drug. You have to know what your doing before fooling around with these drugs and your bodies hormones. If you don't your asking for trouble. I definitively agree with don't abuse them. However, using them properly can and will cause good health and a great body. You just have to be careful and know how to listen to your body

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by J.Son79

Originally posted by lowkey9
Simply put, no, especially not from testosterone or testosterone replacement therapy. TRT only replaces what you don't have--it gives you the same levels that you "might" have had when you were in your late teens or early 20s.

In fact there is a study floating around out there that suggested supraphysiological levels of testosterone makes one more empathetic and less aggressive, not more aggressive.

Steroids don't do what you think they do--they do not/cannot change a person who is reasonably calm and empathetic towards others, who is not quick to anger, who makes good decisions, into someone who is the complete opposite.


This post is right on the money. Steroid's, like everything else, are demonized by the media. It's so funny you know, if your a pro athlete, you can do coc aine, marijuana, drunk, or whatever. Your caught, you give the public a good sob story, apologize and your loved more than ever. However, you do steroids, your demonized and hated for life. Funny thing is 90% of ALL athletes are on something and that's a fact. Baseball, football, boxing, wrestling, etc. Even Olympic athletes. The reason they don't get caught is because science has evolved. Most of this guys have the means and connections to hook up with drug "Chefs" who can cook up steroids using steroid powders and such. The thing they do that pharm companies can't is make the drugs undetecable, ala Barry Bonds. He's not the only one doing it, he just happen to get caught. Demonize him all you want, but how do you think he feels when he knows everyone else in every other sport is doing it as well and yet he still keeps his mouth shut. That's pretty awesome in my book.

So is using steroids cheating? NO, it's KEEPING up with the competition. When every one else is doing roids it levels the playing field. Hell, your cheating yourself by not doing them.

Okay, do most of these guys have roid rage? No. Do 25 million America's and many many other people around the world suffer from roid rage? I'm taking about your normal gym rat who is taking steroids for cosmetic purposes? If they were really as bad as the media makes them out to be, you would see people doing crazy crap all the time. You don't ever read about that, but you do read about drunks beating their wives and girlfriends all the time. Or alcohol causing bar fights or people to do other violent things, but not steroids.

I've done steroids many times and have never busted out into roid rage, EVER. I know many people in my area that are using and are not rude or lose their temper.

The reasons cops lose their temper is because they have the authority to do what other citizens can't. They have a license to kill. They have the ability to win an argument over you or "their word against yours". They have many powers that the average citizen don't, and this gives them the god like abilities they capitalize on. They have megalomania and this is why they do what they do. Nothing to do with steroids.

Do cops do steroids, heck yeah. I know 30-40 cops in my area alone that does them. They do it to look bigger and more intimating to citizens. See, their reasons for doing them go back to their underlying mental condition: Megalomania. But the aggressive behavior you see from them is not from roids. Even the ones that don't do roids still have this.

What was that guys name who use to be a big time narc in Texas? Know who i'm talking about? He was like the top cop for years. He said that cops go after you and bust you and act like that because of the adrenaline rush that follows. Then of course the recognition they get for their "good deeds", or media attention. He said he solely hunted these feelings for years. He said he would not pull someone over until they got a certain distance down the road just so he could get up to high speeds trying to pull them over. Then he said he would hope and pray they would get spooked and try to run.

He also said that when he wouldn't bust anyone or arrest anyone for the night, he would literally get depressed because he was looking for that recognition, pat on the back, and of course the adrenaline rush. This was his drug and he was addicted to it. He said this is what all cops go through and the reason they do what they do.

So, this has nothing to do with steroids. Cops just use them to supplement their megalomania.
edit on 16-2-2012 by J.Son79 because: (no reason given)

Spot on.

This thread might as well be closed now, this is spot on.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 01:05 AM
Steroids should be made legal in every country in the world,too.There is so much junk being illicitly sold that it's possible to do oneself real harm.
It would also remove this blasted stigma with 'roids being something dark and dangerous.

Steroids aren't even particularly dangerous-compared with many headache tablets.

Try watching "Bigger,Stronger,Faster"
edit on 17-2-2012 by Ericthedoubter because: to add"Try watching....etc.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 01:15 AM
Well having worked in 9 Departments, part time and full time, in 3 states over 27 years, I find less than 5% of cops workout

Steroids do nothing as you should all know, without the accompanying workouts

And yeah sure.. All cops are brutal..

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 01:41 AM
Steroids are getting the same royal treatment from the gov't media that every other drug gets, but the thing is every time their lies are exposed.

Alcohol during prohibition era: Makes you go blind.

Marijuana during the 40's: Will make white women sleep with black men. (yes, this was actually propagandized)

Steroids: Makes you go in uncontrollable rages.

I can see why the gov't calls marijuana a gateway drug. Because when people try these drugs and see that these drugs don't cause these side effects they wonder, "well, if none of the stuff they say is true about this drug, then they must be wrong about the others as well." So in a sense, their own lies can promote further drug use. Seriously, the 1st time I ever tried marijuana I was 15 years old. The first thing that crossed my mind was, "Dang, what's all the fuss about, this isn't that bad."

The only "rage", if you want to call it that, that i've gotten from steroids was sexual rage, lol. No, I don't mean they turned me into an uncontrollable rapist, but they did turn me into a well loved husband, lol. Seriously, viagra has nothing on testosterone. Why swallow a blue pill a few hours before sex, then wait for something to pop up when you can take a shot once a week, or even once every two weeks and be ready all the time, anytime?

Oh, and I almost forgot. The other HUGE HUGE HUGE myth about steroids is:

Steroids shrink your penis!

Wrong. They do shrink your testes, but they return right away after cessation of the drugs. But no penis shrinkage whatsoever. If anything, I noticed a size gain. About 1/2-3/4 in length. They say it's because of water retention in the area and because of the increased blood flow. The penis is smooth muscle, you cannot make it bigger. But you can force more blood into it. Steroids cause your blood to flow better so it makes sense. But as far as shrinking goes, nope, doesn't happen.

Steroids have been around since the 1930's. They were made illegal in the 90's. So just after 20 years I'm already seeing a "prohibition era" trend take place. Many people are ordering the raw ingredients to make steroids and are making them at home. A lot of steroids on the black market are from "homemade" or underground labs. Some are very good quality, most are not. Or that just don't contain what they claim. I've also notice other countries, like China capitalizing on the steroid pharm market. Just in the past 4 to 5 years they have tons of steroids and growth hormone entering the markets. Iran is another one. For years they had a pharm company making a very popular brand of testosterone. Now, they have several making all kinds of steroids. Other noteable contenders India, Pakistan, Thailand, and several more.

The U.S. use to have a huge range of hormones to choose from, not anymore. The world is profiting off our steroid laws when we clearly should be. Most steroid users live in the U.S. Health and fitness is thrown in our face everyday. I promise you putting a few bottles a year of testosterone in your body is far healthier than eating several Big Mac's with fries each month. Or drinking a few cokes a day, etc etc.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 01:53 AM

Originally posted by semperfortis
Steroids do nothing as you should all know, without the accompanying workouts

Yes, this is very true. Steroids are definitely not magic in a bottle. In order to look bigger and take full advantage of them, you do have to workout. You don't have to follow a bodybuilders workout or diet regimen. That get freaky huge due to other factors besides steroids. This is why football, baseball, basketball, etc players don't get freaky huge. They use steroids mainly for recovery and of course to keep them functioning 100%

Taking steroids alone, and not working out will only give you one positive result: Sex drive. That's it, they will do nothing more. Unless you abuse them or have the more is better attitude, then of course you will gain a whole list of health problems. So in that case, the negatives outweigh the positives.

The most important thing about steroids is research research research. You have to know what they do, know how to take them, and most importantly know why your taking them. If not respected they will bite you.

I do know of some instances of cops that would take them and not workout, but where I live our gyms are loaded with cops. We have 10 or so really popular gyms in my area and all of them have lots of cops as members. But I've had them tell me personally that they just wanted to look bigger and better in their uniform.

Now of course one thing I did forget to mention was not all cops are bad. I do know quite a bit of cops that are very cool down to earth guys. Even some of the ones that do "use". So of course this doesn't pertain to all police. But i've heard stories from them (cop friends) that there is cops out there or working on the same force that are like what I described earlier.


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