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Steriods. A Possible Explanation For Cop Brutality?

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posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 03:22 PM
quite an interesting article.

just sharing this for discussion purposes.

to see what you think of this.

lets commence.

The Prevalence of Steroid Use Among Law Enforcement

While athletes frequ ently come up in the news for using illegal steroids to improve their performance, they aren't the only ones guilty of trying to bulk up illegally. A number of recent investigations have found that steroid use is prevalent among many law enforcement agencies as well. For example, an investigation by The Star-Ledger of Newark, NJ, found that 248 police officers and 53 firefighters received steroids from an area physician.

Why has this issue only become relevant in recent years? Part of the problem may be an increased emphasis on strength and fitness within the profession. In addition, drug testing is not common among law enforcement agencies due to union protection. While some departments may have random testing for street drugs such as coc aine and marijuana, very few test for steroids. This makes it relatively easy for an officer to start using steroids, especially in response to increased pressures to use them.

the writer of the article, Jesse Harwell who owns this site goes on to state this causes several problems.

Steroids can cause sudden mood changes and aggression, often called "roid rage,' due to excessive testosterone in the body. When used by police officers, this aggression can be taken out on others while on duty. A number of police brutality cases across the country and the lawsuits that follow have been connected with officers who have used steroids.

Drug Dealing
In addition to many cases of officers using steroids, there have been cases of officers dealing them as well. In March 2010, Tony Macik, a 39-year-old police officer from South Bend, IN, was caught dealing illegal steroids and faced a jail sentence as a result. Interestingly, Macik had already pleaded guilty to assault charges a few years earlier, which again points to a possible connection between steroid use and brutality.

Another negative consequence of steroid use among law officials is the burden it puts on taxpayers. Many officers fill pay for steroids with their government health benefits, which are supported by taxpayers. Two new reforms in New Jersey seek to lessen the burden on taxpayers. The first require sthat law enforcement departments include steroids in the substances they randomly test for. In addition, officers who fill prescriptions for steroids must undergo evaluations to ensure that they are fit for duty.

so what do you think ATS.

does this account for some of the cases that involve police brutality?

and what should happen to an officer that is found to have used steriods?

source for article
edit on 16-2-2012 by kn0wh0w because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 03:29 PM
It's a bad idea to start thinking that the majority of law enforcement officers are on steroids. It can't be the drugs causing rampant misjudgment and brutality, rather I would guess that there is something to do with the 'us vs them' mentality instilled before and during training.

Of course, there are many cops that are just kind of slow in the brain which may be another factor.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 03:35 PM
Hi op

i could believe this being true
wen i used to go down the gym years ago
you come across steroids
good effects, bad side effects
it was said that many of hitlers fighting men were given steroids
even today steroids are used in poor parts of russia (and many others)
as a cheap effective medicine for quite a few ailments
not forgetting our own forces have at times been given it, by our own govs

edit on 10/25/2011 by davesmart because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 03:51 PM
None of this surprises me a bit. Testosterone therapy is huge money now. Some cops, being the egomaniacs they are, will stop at nothing to make themselves look more and feel more intimidating, yet they are clueless or in denial as to how it affects their mental mood and the physiology of their brain.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 03:54 PM
There is a simple way of figuring this out, get a picture of all the cops who do police brutality and look at their face, if it is puffed up that could be a good sign of steroids.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:00 PM
I wouldn't be surprised. I don't think humans are capable of such acts without drugs.
But then again, having power over someone is almost like a drug.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:01 PM
Artificial supplementation to your body to increase levels of fitness and strength is not a bad thing, I do not see any moral or ethical problems associated with this other than knee jerk reactions from un educated people.

However the retards who abuse these substances, thats a totaly different matter. What the police departments need to do is recruit professional nutritionists and trainers who can effectively administer these drugs in a lab environment to ensure they are being used with maximum efficiency ensuring no side affects through use.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:01 PM
It is, or at least I thought it was, a well known fact that steroids are rampant within most police forces. Honestly, the ones on it are easy to spot.

That being said, I dont think it plays much of a role in the brutality.

I believe that comes from the ideological shift that has taken place-cops have gone from "to serve and protect" to "law enforcement". That is a HUGE shift.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:08 PM
Simply put, no, especially not from testosterone or testosterone replacement therapy. TRT only replaces what you don't have--it gives you the same levels that you "might" have had when you were in your late teens or early 20s.

In fact there is a study floating around out there that suggested supraphysiological levels of testosterone makes one more empathetic and less aggressive, not more aggressive.

Steroids don't do what you think they do--they do not/cannot change a person who is reasonably calm and empathetic towards others, who is not quick to anger, who makes good decisions, into someone who is the complete opposite.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by lowkey9

Steroids don't do what you think they do--they do not/cannot change a person who is reasonably calm and empathetic towards others, who is not quick to anger, who makes good decisions, into someone who is the complete opposite.

They cant if used properly. It is a proven fact that abusing them causes psychoses.

That said, I believe that within my lifetime it will be totally acceptable to use HGH.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:12 PM
The problem is power. Look at the people in the world who have obtained or been given power/authority over others. I do not feel we as humans as developed enough to accept responsibilities and are ultimately after a sense of being. Police especially as I am sure most probably felt like the outsiders growing up. To be fair I doubt much UK police do steroids so it might be a factor in the US but that biggest problem is the perceived authority in my opinion.

Stop letting them (
) get away with beating civilians and false arrests with little repercussion. Until Police start facing punishment they will be a problem steroids or not. Bear in mind the same problems are going on worldwide so I am not so sure it’s a drug or even cultural issue.

edit on 16-2-2012 by OwenGP185 because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-2-2012 by OwenGP185 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by captaintyinknots

Originally posted by lowkey9

Steroids don't do what you think they do--they do not/cannot change a person who is reasonably calm and empathetic towards others, who is not quick to anger, who makes good decisions, into someone who is the complete opposite.

They cant if used properly. It is a proven fact that abusing them causes psychoses.

That said, I believe that within my lifetime it will be totally acceptable to use HGH.

No, steroids cannot cause psychosis in any amount. Do you have any idea what "psychosis" means?

People believing that steroids can cause anything close to a state of psychosis is akin to reefer madness in the early 20th century. It's completely false, complete misinformation, and completely absurd.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by solarstorm

So let us educate our own police force not to quote silly laws...but Plato and Homer and Pythagoras, well the more literary, maths ain't my thing. You cannot reason with reason.

Looking at it from the other side, and all the old TV shows like The Untouchables, Starsky and Hutch, Hill Street Blues, they (the Police) aren't (rightfully I would guess) trained to help little old ladies across the road. Maybe we should only let qualified lawyers be Police Officers.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by LightSpeedDriver

18 months commando training, then 4 years getting a degree in law, then and only then should you be allowed to serve as a police officer.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by lowkey9

Originally posted by captaintyinknots

Originally posted by lowkey9

Steroids don't do what you think they do--they do not/cannot change a person who is reasonably calm and empathetic towards others, who is not quick to anger, who makes good decisions, into someone who is the complete opposite.

They cant if used properly. It is a proven fact that abusing them causes psychoses.

That said, I believe that within my lifetime it will be totally acceptable to use HGH.

No, steroids cannot cause psychosis in any amount. Do you have any idea what "psychosis" means?

People believing that steroids can cause anything close to a state of psychosis is akin to reefer madness in the early 20th century. It's completely false, complete misinformation, and completely absurd.

1)Yes, i know what it means, or I wouldnt have used the plural term for it. Why the condescending tone?
2)You are simply wrong. There is an incredible amount of research available on the topic. Now, windstrol, dianabol, and sustanon have a different effect on the human brain than, say, the types used for medical purposes, but they ABSOLUTELY can cause psychoses when abused.
3)All of this is not even mentioning the PHYSICAL toll that steroid abuse has on the body.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:18 PM
What are the requirements to become a cop in the USA?

seems to be quite easy to get in

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by captaintyinknots

Originally posted by lowkey9

Originally posted by captaintyinknots

Originally posted by lowkey9

Steroids don't do what you think they do--they do not/cannot change a person who is reasonably calm and empathetic towards others, who is not quick to anger, who makes good decisions, into someone who is the complete opposite.

They cant if used properly. It is a proven fact that abusing them causes psychoses.

That said, I believe that within my lifetime it will be totally acceptable to use HGH.

No, steroids cannot cause psychosis in any amount. Do you have any idea what "psychosis" means?

People believing that steroids can cause anything close to a state of psychosis is akin to reefer madness in the early 20th century. It's completely false, complete misinformation, and completely absurd.

1)Yes, i know what it means, or I wouldnt have used the plural term for it. Why the condescending tone?
2)You are simply wrong. There is an incredible amount of research available on the topic. Now, windstrol, dianabol, and sustanon have a different effect on the human brain than, say, the types used for medical purposes, but they ABSOLUTELY can cause psychoses when abused.
3)All of this is not even mentioning the PHYSICAL toll that steroid abuse has on the body.

Cool story, but again, completely false. It's easy to make stuff up, you know?

How little do you know about steroids, though? Stanozolol, Methandrostanolone, and Sustanon (which is simply a blend of different esters of Testosterone) are all prescribed for medical use in various countries. Testosterone, Nandrolone, Oxandrolone, and Oxymetholone are all prescribed in the United States--they give Oxymetholone (Anadrol) to AIDS patients to prevent anemia and wasting.

In fact, in many countries, these so-called dangerous, mania-inducing anabolic steroids can simply be bought over the counter at any pharmacy without a prescription. I wonder if they have the "problems" with steroids that we seem to have in the United States in those countries?

Anyway, here's some actual science for ya.

The presence of subjectively perceived, anabolic-androgenic steroid-associated be havioral and somatic changes in the absence of signif icant differences in standard psychological inventory responses illustrates the complexity of these relation ships. Our data suggest that while perceived or actual psychological changes may occur in anabolic-andro genic steroid users, either the effects are too subtle or the inventories used were insensitive for detecting them."

edit on 16-2-2012 by lowkey9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by Hellas
What are the requirements to become a cop in the USA?

seems to be quite easy to get in

Averageish to low IQ (they throw your test away if you score too high), an appeal to authority, being "one of the guys", and being able to protect one's own.

That's about it, really. If they like you and think you'll "fit in", you're hired. If they don't, and think you may subvert the authority of those above you in the name of the law, you can usually forget it.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by lowkey9

TextSteroids don't do what you think they do--they do not/cannot change a person who is reasonably calm and empathetic towards others, who is not quick to anger, who makes good decisions, into someone who is the complete opposite.

Oh hell yes they can. I've personally sern it happen to a, now ex, friend of mine.

Believe me when i say they surely can.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by Hellas
What are the requirements to become a cop in the USA?

seems to be quite easy to get in

Yes well...yanno it's quite ironic you bring that up but my native country I don't have enough "exams" to become a Police Officer. No really, I know it's hard to believe, a well-balanced and good-looking guy like me *cough cough* but er....I'm sub-standard.

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