posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 10:08 AM
If that Jihadists were creations from the Mythical CIA or Mossad, they need not run to get away. Nothing like sit down to get caught, or if they were
'dummies' set up to fail, a phone call by the mythical agencies would be enough to get them arrested.
The mythical agencies are NOT Jihidists and have no wish to exterminate mankind the way terrorists do, if indeed it had been some alphabet soup letter
agency. Furthermore, the Thai anti Jihadists agencies are highly professional and well trained, sharing latest info regularly with security agenices
around the world.
Facts are facts. No point in hiding in denial. It's the 2nd case of Jihadists at work. The persian infidel apostate leader is hell bent on
extermination of mankind with its seized oil wealth funds from the suffering iranians to fund his own personal ambitions and delusional glory of at
least arab domination at ANY cost, to hell with human suffering anywhere in the world, including his own countrymen.
That persian infidel apostate leader is a thorn to world peace, ready to kill humanity by twisting religion, espacially to arabs whom held firm to the
true Islamic religion of peace.
Thailand is a fully tourist destination that welcomes all from the world, and is not as security stringent compared to the rest of the world,
including even arab states. Multi-racial, it cares not who you are, except for the dollars in your wallet. Corruption is rife, typical of 3rd world
nations where wages are low for the common people while the rich gtrabs all.
Even though a Buddhist nation, it is tolerant of others and as such, had their tolerance abused in the southern states in recent years, where muslims
from Islamic Malaysia tried to gain a foothold on the traditional Buddhist lands and resulted in religious strifes by both sides, fueled by the
unconcionable rich from both sides out to grab the fertile land there, yet again misusing religions for private agendas.
No one wishes for war. But right now as it is, only our awakened fellow brothers and sisters in Iran can help by getting rid of that mad senile old
apostate, or when enough is enough, as more humans get brutally murdered by Jihadism funded by him, the sabre rattling will end and swords of all
kinds by mankind will be unsheathed in defense.