Cancer, the rare tumor growths you have, and all desease and sickness can be cured easily. First off let me tell you I haven't been sick in over two
years, after discovering the principles below, only two times since then I've had and onset of a cold, when that happened I used the principles
below, and any sign of sickness went away.
First you need to change your bodys PH from acidic to alkaline, several ways you can do this, drink a couple teaspoons of baking soda in a glass of
water two times a day, after three or four days lower the dose to just half a teaspoon in a glass of water per day, to maintain alkalinity, dont take
it within an hour of eating a meal, and since baking soda can deplete your body of certain vitamins like potassium and chromium, dont take it
regularly for more than a couple of weeks, but it is the fastest way to get your body to become alkaline.
Number two, is do the same thing with apple cider vinegar, take two to four teaspoons in a glass of water, you can take it with meals, and after
digestion the by-products of the vinegar will be alkaline, and since it doesn't deplete your body and any vitamins you can take it regularly as long
as you want. Also apple cider vinegar when taken with a meal slows the digestion of carbohydrates, which lowers the impact on your blood sugar after a
meal, so it can be good for losing weight and blood sugar control.
The next way is cut open a lemon and squeeze out the juice, and put that in a glass of water, do this once or twice per day. Do any one of these but
not all three as you dont want your body over alkalized. Don't buy store bought lemonade it won't work.
But in general to maintain a balanced body, stay away from processed foods, which are acidic, and which have all types of cancer causing chemicals,
and eat alkaline fruits and vegetables instead, most fruits and vegetables are alkaline, meats and carbohydrates and processed foods are acidic.
Once your body is alkaline you need your body to be sufficient in the nutrients that it needs. Cancer can be caused by a lack of vitamins and
minerals, that your body must have. Once again in general eating just two or three servings of fruits and/or veggies each day can do this for you. But
there are certain vitamins when you have them in suffient amounts can cure the cancer. You should take Vitamin-C, Vitamin-D3, and Vitamin B-17. Don't
take store bought vitamins or multi-Vitamins since most are synthetic, they actually hurt the body more than it helps. Research online for
non-synthetic Vitamins, such as here
Take Vitamin-C, and take as much of it as you want, there was a study in which a patient recieved up to 200,000 mgs IV of Vitamin-C per day, the only
side effects were slight nausea, dizziness, and headace. Its also excellent for cardiovascular health and immune system.
Take Vitamin-D3, and make sure its D-3 not D-2 or D-1, high amounts of D-3 can be also obtained from egg yokes, or 15 minutes in the sun, each day
will help your body produce enough to prevent deficiency. Its also a strong anti-bacterial agent, which helps your immune system. Through 15 to 20
minutes of sun exposure daily, the body creates 10,000 to 20,000 IUs of Vitamin D3. So it would be healthy for you to take much more than the
recommended amount a bottle of D-3 would recommend.
The last Vitamin is Vitamin B-17, and very well may be the most effective, research online it is known as the cancer cure. But it is almost impossible
to find, and the reason is because it actually works, and so then isn't profitable for the FDA. But there are natural food sources, the highest
source of Vitamin-B17 are apricot seeds. The usual recommendation for prevention is around 5 to 7 over the course of a day. For actual cancer cases
use 2 to 3 times that. Some say one kernel for every 10 lbs of body weight. Go to this link for many other sources of Vitamin-B17,
Do these each day and you will be cured, it should take less than a month, you should write down notes so you can remember, and apply these principles
each day until you are healthy again, copy what I have writtten and save in on a computer file, get your body alkaline, get your nutrients in, stay
away from processed chemical laden foods, eat your fruits/veggies. Also each day I drink 6 to 8 green tea bags, two servings each day of 3 to 4 each.
One last bit of info for you is, all plant material such as Green tea, fruits/veggies, spices and herbs, all produce their own phytonutrients and
different ones each have their own unique benefits, which balance your body as a whole, which is why you should get your servings in. Reasearch
phytonutrients in plants, they benefit your body as a whole such as anti-cancer, anti-microbial, helping maintain blood sugar and cholesterol, kidney
fuction, maintaining blood pressure, and pretty much all body functions, tumeric is a good anti-cancer plant material also. Sorry for the rambling I
hope you get well soon by applying these principles, and hope your reproductive organs can be fully healed also, so you can live the life your deserve
to live.