posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 11:05 PM
reply to post by Tripple_Helix
Hi -- sorry to hear about your condition, but so glad to hear they are benign. Here is a web site where I get lots of great ideas about natural
Here is its page about cysts:
Also found this on the "doctor yourself" web site:
Robert Sarver writes:
“There is mounting evidence that a major cause of breast, ovarian, uterine and prostrate fibroids (cysts) and cancers is dietary iodine deficiency.
Iodine deficiency probably also contributes to obesity, arthritis and mental illness. Virtually every older person I know has symptoms of iodine
deficiency. Those symptoms may also include thyroid problems, dry eyes, compromised immune system functioning, reduced sex drive and a long list of
other symptoms. Some young people already show symptoms of iodine deficiency such as Attention Deficit Disorder and excessive weight gain.”
Mr. Sarver’s excellent article on the tremendous importance of correcting iodine deficiency is now posted in its entirely at
I have been using Lugol's Iodine regularly and am losing weight. It is also a cancer preventative, especially for breast cancer. See "Iodine: Why
You Need It, Why You Can't Live WIthout It" on
I have used castor oil packs on my stomach, and they are very healing. Castor oil is a remedy often prescribed by the great healer Edgar Cayce. It is
inexpensive. Soak a piece of flannel (just any flannel from your fabric store is fine) in castor oil, lay it on your abdomen, and then put a sheet of
plastic over it (I use a plastic grocery bag). On top of the plastic, lay a heating pad or a hot water bottle. Relax in bed with a good book with your
pack on. People have reported amazing results using castor oil.
There is so much to be learned about natural healing, and I believe completely that you can and will heal yourself if you research this and begin to
practice new dietary, herbal, and other natural remedies. Good luck to you! Wishing you peace and love.