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Sign Tearing at Dem Rally Leads to Tears

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posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 10:45 PM
Until we find out for sure, I'm not going to say that this is staged. But it is very suspicious. In fact I found the actions of the baseball cap guy very disappointing and was resigned to the fact that it was all legit. But I did originally find the expressions of the faces of those involved to be a little phony, but I let it pass.

But after looking at the photos given this recent development, I now see what appears to be somewhat apparent acting. The father seems to maintain his expression of quiet contempt perhaps for the purpose of it getting it featured on as many photos as possible. The basball guy is also maintain a mocking face for an amount of time (its hard to tell how long this went on for though) and seems to hang around unecessarily while everyone else just gets on with their banner waving and general support. The blonde kid on the right also has that look of play acting to a degree.

The only one who seems to portray truly A grade acting ability is the little girl. But who knows, if it his her brother on the left tearing the poster, perhaps he has pissed her off on more than one occassion and she is quite used to bursting into tears
. Also the article on the DU thread does state that:

it appears that Phil Parlock has a near decade-long history of �victimhood,� which he incited by taking his children to Democratic rallies and creating skirmishes

The baseball cap guy also gives off this feeling to me in the photos that he does actually know the girl. It's hard to explain, just something in the demeanour.

Not that this means anything, it may not be staged but it is getting increasingly weird. Just thought I'd share.

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 10:56 PM

Originally posted by Seth Bullock
Sure! I would looovee to bring you some coffee! Don't mind that almond taste, um it's an almond roast, yeah that's the ticket...

See? We can all get along when we know it's just fun and games.

Though no, I wouldn't take that coffee on a bet.

BTW, Fake or not, the reactions I spoke of were telling.

I seriously didn't keep up with the reactions here other than my own which I admitted in post #2 of this thread was a sick form of Schadenfreude.

But as for the professional victim here (in the photo), it really is pretty indefensible.

And to the naysayers: Here's what's happening all over thanks to Internet archiving and those dastardly partisan blogs. People are getting busted left and right. If BlogsforBush can debunk CBS, it's to be expected that Democratic Underground would check this guy out and notify any media running this staged photo. That's all there is to it.

There's a new game in town. Up your game or get out of the way.

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 11:21 PM

Originally posted by Nerdling
Sexual Harassment! Sexual Harassment! You saw it! Look! He's Sexually Harassing me now.

Dude, if I had a dime for everytime someone has said that to me... Wait did I say that out loud??

Originally posted by RANT
See? We can all get along when we know it's just fun and games.

Though no, I wouldn't take that coffee on a bet.

How bout some beer then? It's cloudy because it's um a home brew! Yeah! Um.. Brewed at home!

And to the naysayers: Here's what's happening all over thanks to Internet archiving and those dastardly partisan blogs. People are getting busted left and right. If BlogsforBush can debunk CBS, it's to be expected that Democratic Underground would check this guy out and notify any media running this staged photo. That's all there is to it.

There's a new game in town. Up your game or get out of the way.

I for one have quite enjoyed the CBS vs. internet bloggers story these past few weeks (And, by the way Nerdling's current avatar is almost as ugly as ol' don g's was. Well, maybe not that bad, but it is ugly.). Whether this story turns out to be fake or not, people on both sides of the political spectrum have a new and fearsome beast watching everything they do. And I for one think it is a very good thing.

EDIT - Spelling as usual.

[edit on 9/17/04 by Seth Bullock]

posted on Sep, 18 2004 @ 12:28 AM

Originally posted by Nerdling
It's her daddies fault for taking her to that rally and making HER hold a sign up for his ideology.

She probably doesn't even know who bush is, 20% of your 18yr olds can't find Canada on a map.

She is being used as a pawn by her daddy and the republicans, if you want to talk sick then examine the family.

If the situation was reversed, what would be your opinion then? You know that this is a hypothetical question, because the situation could never be reversed!

The Republican Party cherishes childrens lives and well being. Unlike the Democrats! Case in point; Republicans want to outlaw abortions. The Democrats are hell-bent to keep it legal!

posted on Sep, 18 2004 @ 02:39 AM
I put as little into faith into most of the "Undies" as I do Freepers. It's not out of the realm of possibility that the guy was a plant, but the family resemblence isn't there so much as they claim. Like someone else said, why did the union apologize?

How is taking your daughter to a peaceful rally freakin child abuse?? So basically, it's okay that people pushed and shoved this girl because she shouldn't have been there. That's some seriously flawed logic.

If the little girl was "pushed and shoved" as the article stated, that's very much assault. It's also, in my opinion, worse then that "Hitler Youth's" phantom kick of the girl at the RNC, you couldn't even see his foot make contact with her in the video. Those people did much more to interrupt that event than this guy did. However, what they did was okay because one of them got kicked. Right.

It's great to watch both sides spin events like this to make their side look better and the other side bad. When are we going to just admit that isolated individuals on each side are capable of doing bad things? Election time is funny.

[edit on (9/18/0404 by PistolPete]

posted on Sep, 18 2004 @ 06:12 AM

Originally posted by Bout Time
They get arrested and kicked while being held.

Someone gets into a Dem rally, where no oath of loyalty is required, and a sign gets ripped, no arrests.

Both where holding opposition signs, only one group got arrested, and beat to boot.


I think the guy was a pedophile!!!

You obviously believe everything you see on the news...and Imma guess youre a Liberal...because you probably werent in NYC during the convention...I was...on more then one occassion....dont let these people on the news BS you...the protestors where treated as well as they could have been possibly been treated...if people where kicked how come none went to the hospital? have made any CCRB's against individual cops?...I know more then 10 cops went to the severely im failing to see your point...

posted on Sep, 18 2004 @ 09:31 AM
This happened in my hometown of Huntington, and I know the Dad and the rest of the family (I went to school with their kids)

It's a very nice family. However, You know if you show up at a Democratic rally with Bush signs, you're going to get heckled. That's common sense. Why was he shoving the signs in his child's hands? It's one thing if he's holding it, but the kids shouldn't have. (this does sound like something he would do.) Again, you're going to get heckled, and at a political event, things can quickly get ugly. Why subject young children to that? It's great to get children involved, however, do it safely, please.

However, I am also upset to hear that people at this event were tearing the signs away. It's one thing to heckle an adult, but when he's with his just shouldn't.

posted on Sep, 22 2004 @ 12:06 PM
Someone sent the debunking sources to me today, and I wanted to read this thread to see if someone beat me to posting it!

I sure did enjoy all the Republican breast beating & martyrdom cries, though, y'all such victims!!!

This and the "terry Kerry" threads show a couple of things: 1) Bush supporters are so amoral & so issues phobic, they'll twist anything possible in anyway possible to continue the illusion that the Emperor really ain't naked. 2) When it comes to Fascists & their need for gutter level propaganda coupled with their perversities, nothing -- and I mean nothing -- will keep Parlock from **edited inappropriate content**

[edit on 26-9-2004 by Banshee]

posted on Sep, 23 2004 @ 07:48 PM

Originally posted by Bout Time

2) When it comes to Fascists & their need for gutter level propaganda coupled with their perversities, nothing -- and I mean nothing -- will keep Parlock from **edited inappropriate content**

Dude, that is one sick and twisted statement you just made.

I, for one, am personally insulted and offended that you would imply that because I support Bush I am a facist and a pedophile.

And. I am not saying this incident was real or not. That is beside the point of what you said. Facists and pedophiles. Amazing.

I also find it amazing that you did not get warned for this crap post. Actually, from other posts I have seen the libby's make here maybe this doesn't surprise me.

And before you say it was a joke or you were not saying all Republicans are pedophiles, you had better read your own post again. I thought you one of the more honest and thoughtful people on the liberal side here. I was mistaken.

Wow... nice post man.

[edit on 26-9-2004 by Banshee]

posted on Sep, 23 2004 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by Seth Bullock

Dude, that is one sick and twisted statement you just made.

I agree....

Where, pray tell, are our moderators when absolute TRASH like THIS is posted?

Everyone, REGARDLESS of political affiliation, should be DISGUSTED by this putrid post. BT, you have outdone even yourself with your disgusting, sickening remarks.....

Absoulute rot....

posted on Sep, 25 2004 @ 10:33 PM

Originally posted by Affirmative Reaction

Where, pray tell, are our moderators when absolute TRASH like THIS is posted?

Heh...there's a "vast Left-Wing conspiracy" alive and kicking at ATS.

posted on Sep, 27 2004 @ 02:00 PM
Though I need not explain that it was a joke ( Jayzus forbid that you two EVER participated in blue humor....
), take from it what you will. If you feel that I believe you both fascist, feel free to run with that thought. The caveat emperator to Republicans for Bush and whether they deserve that label is, of course, history.
I would never say that Republicans for Bush are fascists & pedophiles; fascist & obstinate yes, but not the pedophile part.

DEFINITIONS: (dictionary clarification provided to pre-empt the bunching of panties. Also, search "Bout Time & Mussolini style fascist" for more in depth )

Fas�cist supporter of fascism:
somebody who supports or advocates a system of government characterized by unchallenged leadership, centralized control of private enterprise, repression of all opposition, and extreme nationalism


refusing to change: unwilling to change or give up something such as an idea or attitude

Neither spoke to the lack of focus on policy, or on this Weimar style fascist's repeated attempts at his own little Reigstags at several Democratic events. Neither have you given up on, in the face of facts to the contrary, that what you got promised in 1999 and whats been delivered since are completely different things.

posted on Sep, 27 2004 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by Bout Time
Though I need not explain that it was a joke

I don't care if it was a joke.
Your comment was obscene and beyond inappropriate.
Stuff like that does not belong on ATS. Children visit this site daily.

posted on Sep, 27 2004 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by Banshee
Children visit this site daily.

Are we COPPA compliant?

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